“He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.” (Deut. 32:4)

“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If you, . . . will do this, . . . you will change the earth.” ―William Faulkner (Source of address to the graduating class of University High School, Oxford, Mississippi, 1951: http//flavorwire.com/)

“If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both.” HoraceMann (Source of “Horace Mann” quote: Wikiquote)


HACKING HAS AFFECTED THIS WEB SITE! Stealing passwords, and altering information has become a favorite hobby today for those with “no moral conscience,” and who don’t know the difference between right from wrong. By the “preponderance of the evidence,” someone connected with the Royal Family (British Crown) had a “motive” to discredit Yakovi’s Part 1 Open Letter to Queen Elizabeth, which was originally published on March 3, 2016. The published date has been altered to falsely show April 3, 2016 although Part 2 of this open letter is dated March 30, 2016. Yakovi’s 2nd Open letter to Queen Liz Re “Smoking Gun” Cover ups, which was published on May 29, 2016, has also been altered to falsely show June 1, 2016 instead.

Please send Ora Yakovi a message via the “CONTACT FORM” at the bottom right side of this page if you notice any incomplete or contradictory sentences/paragraphs, or irrelevant scripture references, etc. Thank you for visiting this Web Site – despite the hacking!



"No Jew has the right to yield the rights of the Jewish People in Israel. No Jew has the authority to do so. No Jewish body has the authority to do so. Not even the entire Jewish People alive today has the right to yield any part of Israel. It is the right of the Jewish People over the generations, a right that under no conditions can be cancelled. Even if Jews during a specific period proclaim they are relinquishing this right, they have neither the power nor the authority to deny it to future generations. No concession of this type is binding or obligates the Jewish People. Our right to the country – the entire country – exists as an eternal right, and we shall not yield this historic right until its full and complete redemption is realized." Quoted from David Ben Gurion’s World Zionist Speech in Basel, Switzerland (1937); http://www.freeman.org/

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


“For behold, the ‘Lord’ [יהוה] cometh out of his place
to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity:
the earth also shall disclose her blood,
and shall no more cover her slain.”
(Isaiah 26:21)

Your Majesty,

Never did I imagine after writing my previous two-part open letter to you regarding the many “evil’ deeds and actions your anti-Semitic Nazi-saluting Hitler-loving German “Machiavelli” House of Windsor perpetrated against the House of Jacob/Israel before, during, and after the Holocaust ended in 1945 . . . that I would discover a Nazi German SS Lager Sylt concentration camp for Jews that “crucified” European forced slave laborers on British soil!

This shocking revelation, I submit, is a “smoking gun” linking your British Crown with complicity and collaboration in Hitler’s Final Solution on British soil; and participation in his war crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and human/civil rights abuses on Channel Islands during the Holocaust from 1940 – 1945.

YOUR BRITISH CROWN is in the eye of the hurricane swirling around King George VI and Queen Elizabeth/Queen Mum (your father and mother) because they knowingly covered up Hitler’s Nazi German “horrific atrocities” on Channel Islands – and so have you! How? . . . thru an “Official” British Military Intelligence report hidden in Moscow archives for about 50 years; thru false/misleading history propaganda advanced by your Royal Family in a 1945 video film; and thru collusion with British Crown sympathizing “shills,” who have rewritten Channel Islands history with deceptive false/misleading propaganda – with your Royal Family’s blessings!  (More on this later.)

Wikipedia describes a “shill” as a “stooge” . . . “a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization.” “Shills can carry out their operations in the areas of media, journalism, marketing or other business areas.”

When King George VI voluntarily “gave up the oldest possession of the Crown without firing ‘a single shot’,” he gave Hitler carte blanche freedom to commit war crimes of genocide on British soil, thereby, giving Hitler’s Nazi Germans a green light for hundreds of graves to be dug (including two mass graves) with exterminated European forced slave laborers/prisoners on British soil.

Just as one of Hitler’s objectives in European concentration camps was to exterminate Jews (and other religions/nationalities) thru grueling physical work 12-14 hours per day, this was the same objective on Alderney Island. By horrific inhumane filthy bug-infested living conditions, skin and bones malnutrition, sickness, disease, and brutality of violent Nazi guards in SS Lager Sylt, the hundreds of graves/mass graves are a silent witness to such exterminations by being “worked to death.” In other words, these slave laborers were not “gassed to death.” They died from tortured exhaustion. So whether they were on Alderney or transported to Hitler’s other horrific camps in Europe such as Neuengamme or Auschwitz, either way Jews, in particular, were exterminated in Hitler’s Final Solution via Channel Islands – your “Crown Dependencies”!

By a preponderance of the evidence at the end of this open letter, it should be self-evident that my assertions of your Royal Family’s complicity, collaboration, participation, and cover up in facilitating Hitler’s crimes on Channel Islands from 1940 – 1945 are absolutely true.


The map with Channel Islands inside an orange heading shows the islands in the English Channel between England (UK), and near the coast of France. Briefly, these Crown Dependencies consist of the “Bailiwicks” (districts or jurisdictions) of Jersey Island and Guernsey Island, and the Isle of Man. “Within the Bailiwick of Guernsey there are three separate jurisdictions: Guernsey (which includes the islands of Herm and Jethou); Alderney; and Sark (which includes the island of Brecqhou).” (“Ministry of Justice: Fact Sheet on the UK’s relationship with the Crown Dependencies,” Retrieved from <https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/361537/crown-dependencies.pdf>

Channel Islands are British Crown possessions of His/Her Majesty’s Government. These Crown Dependencies “are not part of the UK but are self-governing dependencies of the Crown.” They have “never been colonies of the UK”; nor are they “represented in the UK Parliament.” “The constitutional relationship of the Islands with the UK is through the Crown and is not enshrined in a formal constitutional document.” “The Crown, acting through the Privy Council, is ultimately responsible for ensuring their good governance.” FROM 1940 – 1945, His/HER Majesties (KING GEORGE vi & queen elizabeth/queen mum) Were “responsible for the defenCe [sic] and international relations of the Islands.” (Ibid)

Today, Her Majesty (Queen Elizabeth II) is the “Head of State” of each island. During Hitler’s occupation of CI, King George VI and Queen Mum were the Heads of State of each island. Both of your Anglo-German parents were anti-Semitic pro-Nazi Hitler-lovers from 1933 – 1940 for 7 years. By refusing to defend their Crown Dependencies, I submit, they helped facilitate Hitler’s “horrific atrocities” against Jews (and other European forced slave laborers) on British soil from 1940 – 1945 for 5 years during the Holocaust.

As shown in more detail on two maps, the Channel Islands consist of Jersey; Guernsey; the small islands of Alderney and Sark; and smaller uninhabited islands. Fortified with an Atlantic Wall, Alderney Island was situated in an ideal location in the English Channel for Hitler’s 4 main concentration camps to help prevent prisoner/slave laborer escapes. The 4 main camps on Alderney were named after the German islands “Sylt,” “Borkum,” “Norderney,” and “Helgoland.” (3/10/15). “Only Nazi concentration camp on British soil may be protected.” <http://www.bbc.com/>)


YOUR MAJESTY, to understand why YOUR British Crown facilitated Hitler’s systematic destruction of the natural pristine beauty of your Crown Dependencies into a Nazi German military complex, e.g., with ugly fortified Nazi German military bunkers, tunnels, concentration camps, and an Atlantic Wall with steel/concrete remnant structures still standing today; one needs to first understand that Channel Islands had no “major strategic importance,” whatsoever, to King George VI and Queen Mum.

Except on June 7, 1945 (about one month after the islands were liberated on May 9, 1945), not once did the King and Queen ever visit their Crown Dependencies. That’s how unimportant these islands were to them. They had more affection for Hitler by sending him a “birthday greeting” in 1939, than for the best interests of the combined islander population of about 97,000 inhabitants! Consequently, the Channel Islands were the only British territory occupied by Hitler’s Nazi German regime during the Holocaust from 1940 – 1945.

1939 TOURISM/AGRICULTURE IN CHANNEL ISLANDS: In 1939, the “main employment on the islands was tourism and intensive agriculture, much of it in the form of greenhouses.” Flowers, grapes, melons, and tomatoes were grown for export. Potatoes (Jersey Royals) were grown in open fields, and there was dairy farming with “pedigree cattle.” The main employment on Alderney was “cattle farming.” (Badsey, P.H.). “Occupation and Humanitarian Aid – A Case Study: The Channel Islands 1944-1945.”

In effect, YOUR BRITISH CROWN facilitated Hitler's destruction not only of the natural beauty of Channel Islands, but of land productivity and “cattle farming” on Alderney. Had the islands remained free from Hitler’s military occupation from 1940 – 1945, e.g., there would have been no rationing of food; no substantial stealing of food and animals; no disruption of “cattle farming” on Alderney; and no near starvation in December of 1944 making it necessary for a Red Cross ship to bring “relief” to Channel Islands about 5 times. (More on this later.)

When all the facts and circumstances of Hitler’s occupation of Channel Islands are laid out on a table and thoroughly analyzed with a magnifying glass, essentially, King George VI handed the keys to Channel Islands over to Hitler’s Nazi Germans on a British Sterling silver platter. Why?  . . . to appease Hitler, and to accomplish His Majesty’s Government’s purposes.

Hitler was indebted to Great Britain for tons of British sterling funds since 1934 thru King George V, which his son (King George VI) wanted back in payments. King George VI was also seeking to appease Hitler’s future armed aggression against England. The United Kingdom and France had declared war on Germany on September 3, 1939. Subsequently, the Battle of Britain took place from July 10 – October 31, 1940. This battle has been described “as the first major campaign to be fought entirely by air forces.” (Wikipedia: Battle of Britain) (Wikipedia: Battle of France)

Obviously, Hitler was not appeased. Nevertheless, YOUR BRITISH CROWN gave him absolute freedom (i) to hunt down Jews on Channel Islands thru anti-Semitic Jewish laws; (ii) to exterminate Jews (and other forced slave laborers from Europe) on Alderney Island thru grueling physical work and inhumane conditions, and/or to send them to Neuengamme or Auschwitz for extermination; and (iii) to use Jews (and other forced slave laborers from Europe) for his military projects such as building the Atlantic Wall to fortify 4 concentration camps on Alderney Island.

Why did your Royal Family turn a blind eye to such Jewish persecution on Channel Islands? Just like Hitler’s Nazi Germans hated Jews, so has your anti-Semitic pro-Nazi Nazi-saluting German Royal Family hated Jews to this day. That’s why your UK Consulate-General in Jerusalem wore an anti-Semitic pro-Nazi-pro-Arab keffiyeh scarf with a “Palestinian” flag covering the entire map of Israel, West Bank, and Gaza with Free Palestine emblazoned on the scarf. Your anti-Semitic pro-Nazi/pro-Arab British monarchy wants to wipe Israel off the map also! (See Part 1 (3/8/16) open letter for a full discussion of UK Consulate-General’s office in Jerusalem and pictures of a keffiyeh scarf.)


To reiterate, your Royal Family’s support and love for Hitler’s Nazi ideology can be traced back to anti-Semitic Duke of Coburg (Carl Edward) of your German House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha – before your “German Crown” was Anglicized to the House of Windsor in 1917.

Dr. Karina Urbach (a “top Nazi expert”) has exposed Carl Edward’s “ties to Hitler,” and how he helped “create a  widespread culture of anti-Semitism among the British monarchy.” On October 15, 1922, Carl Edward and Hitler “celebrated together in a local pub in the town of Coburg, Germany, following a mass street brawl between communists and Nazis. Fighting continued throughout the night and a local Jewish businessman was attacked.”

As Ms. Urbach pointed out in a Times of Israel interview on 7/19/15, Carl Edward donated “generously to the Nazi party for years”; “bankrolled political murders”; and “knew about the death camps in Buchenwald.”

Moving ahead about 11 years later to 1933, there were many anti-Semitic pro-Nazi Nazi-saluting German relatives in your Royal Family that supported Hitler’s regime – including King George VI and Queen Mum (your parents), and the Duke of Windsor (your uncle). According to Urbach, the Duke of Coburg and Duke of Windsor “dreamt of an Anglo-German alliance.”

The history of your Anglo-German Royal Family’s intermarriages with Royal Germans goes back centuries. Because the bloodline of your Royal Famiy is of “Germanic” origins, that’s why there was an affinity for Hitler, whose bloodline was of “Germanic” origins also. This is a no brainer.

Your inherent affinity in your Germanic lineage for anti-Semitic Nazis is also self-evident by your marriage to Prince Philip of the German House of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg. Your husband was educated in a Nazi “Hitler Youth” curriculum. It is understandable, therefore, why you fell in love and married your “German soul mate,” with whom you have had so much in common for about 70 years. (See Part 1 (3/8/16) open letter for a full discussion of your Royal Family’s Nazi links.)


In his 2005 book titled: “Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America Made the Third Reich,” American economist Guido Giacomo Preparata revealed how Britain started “grooming” Nazi Germany after Hitler “seized power in Germany in 1933. (GPD, (7/23/15). “British Fascism: Why British Nobility Hailed Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.”

1934:  Britain (including the US) “made a number of highly lucrative arms deals with Nazi Germany” in 1934. When the Chairman of Vickers-Armstrong (a “prestigious British arms manufacturer”) provided Hitler with “heavy weaponry,” he was asked “to give assurance that the company was not used for secret rearmament of Germany.” Answering evasively, the Chairman replied: “I cannot give you assurance in definite terms, but I can tell you that nothing is done without the complete sanction and approval of our own government.” (Ibid)

In December of 1934, His Majesty’s Government continued collaborating with Hitler. Montagu Norman, the Governor of the Bank of England, “advanced the Nazis a loan of about $4 million in order to ‘facilitate the mobilization of German commercial credits’: that is new money to pay old debt – or better said, a gift.” (See “British Fascism” . . . in reference to $4 million Nazi loan, Supra)

NOTE: His Majesty at the time was King George V (your grandfather). He was the same “evil” anti-Semitic pro-Nazi German that declared “sympathy” for “Jewish Zionist aspirations” and a “national home” for the Jewish people in Palestine/Eretz Yisrael in the 1917 Balfour Declaration. In effect, however, he dangled a carrot to Jews with one hand, and gave a shovel to bury themselves in the other hand! (See Part 1 (3/8/16) open letter for a full discussion of your anti-Semitic pro-Nazi “Machiavelli” German Royal Family’s Nazi links.)

ANGLO-GERMAN FELLOWSHIP (AGF): British Banker Montagu Norman (including many other influential elite businessmen) were members of the Anglo-German Fellowship (AGF) from 1935 – 1939. This fellowship purportedly helped build a friendship between the UK and Germany. However, the members were “widely perceived as being allied to Nazism,” with a “pro-Nazi leaning.” In November of 1938, Chairman, Lord Mount Temple resigned from the AGF “because of the treatment of the German Jews by the National Socialists.” The National Socialist German Workers' Party was commonly known in English as the Nazi Party. (Wikipedia: Anglo-German Fellowship)

Grand dinners were hosted at the AGF.  Anglophile “leading German figures” with an unusual partiality for England, or with links to the United Kingdom were guests of honor. Such guests were Rudolf Hess, von Ribbentrop, General Werner von Blomberg, Ernest Augustus (Duke of Brunswick), and Charles Edward (Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha). Little did they know that their German pro-Nazi sympathizing camaraderie with the British was linked to their common “Germanic” ancestry. (Ibid)

Charles Edward (an anti-Semitic pro-Nazi Hitler-loving AGF “guest of honor”) was a Royal Family member. To reiterate, he had close ties to Hitler and donated “generously to the Nazi party for years”; “bankrolled political murders,” and “knew about the death camps in Buchenwald.”

1938: As shown in the picture, about four years later Hitler’s Nazi (Reich) entered into an ANGLO-GERMAN TRANSFER AGREEMENT with YOUR BRITISH CROWN. This “treaty” Agreement (in both English and German text) was made by His Majesty’s (King George VI’s) command; and came into “force” in London for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on July 1, 1938 under Article 6. This Agreement was made “without prejudice (i) to the German Credit Agreement of 1938 and the German Public Debtors Credit Agreement of 1938 and (ii) to the continuance of the full service of the Konversionskasse fur deutsche Auslandsschulden 4 per cent. Sterling Bonds” under Article 5. (Anglo-German Transfer Agreement retrieved from < http://treaties.fco.gov.uk/>)

This Anglo-German Transfer Agreement became one of the “pillars of British policy towards the Third Reich.” By the end of the decade Nazi Germany had become Britain’s “principal trading client.” (See “British Fascism,” Supra)

Apparently, the July 4, 1934 agreement signed between Great Britain-Northern Ireland and the German Reich “with regard to meeting certain German financial obligations” and “Payments” had been continued, modified, and prolonged by the July 1, 1938 Anglo-German Transfer Agreement. By this new “treaty,” His Majesty’s Government was removing “any financial and economic difficulties” regarding Hitler’s Nazi Germany’s obligations in paying back Great Britain.

Clearly, YOUR BRITISH CROWN (King George V (your grandfather), and King George VI (your father), had close “personal ties” with Hitler’s Nazi German regime long before Hitler’s occupation of Channel Islands from 1940 – 1945; and so did the Duke of Windsor (King George VI’s brother). In 1937, the Duke and Wallis Simpson visited Hitler’s Bavarian residence. Several weeks before Hitler’s invasion of Poland in 1939, King George VI and Queen Mum also “sent Hitler a birthday greeting.” Obviously, your Royal Family knew quite well how to contact Hitler prior to his official occupation of Channel Islands on July 1, 1940. (Nimmo, K. (5/23/14). Global Research. “The British Royal Family Supported Hitler and the Nazis.” A reference to Hitler’s birthday greeting.)

TONS OF BRITISH STERLING OWED BY HITLER:  So what happened to all such diplomatic financial treaty/agreements, etc., and close “personal ties” between Hitler’s Nazi regime and His Majesty’s Government since 1934? Obviously, Hitler turned out to be a liar – despite the King and Queen’s pacifying “birthday greeting” to him in 1939!

Having established YOUR BRITISH CROWN’S close “personal “ties” and collaboration with Hitler’s Nazi regime since 1934 via arms deals, and financial loans, etc., let’s analyze some notable events now prior to Hitler’s official occupation of Channel Islands on July 1, 1940.


MAY 23, 1940:

On May 23, 1940, a first-time Treachery Act was enacted by the United Kingdom Parliament making felony convictions easier to prove than treason. Why was it enacted? . . . To root out disloyalty against His Majesty (King George VI). “Sixteen people were shot by firing squad or hanged for treachery” from 1941 – 1946. (Wikipedia: Treachery Act 1940)

The intent of this Act could also be looked upon as a legal mechanism to stop any interference with His Majesty’s decision to allow Hitler total access to Channel Islands with “no resistance.” Resistance could be viewed as disloyalty to the King.

Because this Treachery Act was enacted about 5 weeks before Hitler’s official occupation of Channel Islands on July 1, 1940, I submit that it was not coincidental, but timed to become effective before Hitler’s occupation. Undoubtedly, the Bailiffs of Jersey and Guernsey were aware of this Act. That’s why they obeyed His Majesty’s Secretary of State’s orders “to work in a professional manner” with Hitler’s Nazi German occupiers so as not to commit, in effect, “treachery.” In other words, by this Act King George VI had preplanned Hitler’s occupation of Channel Islands to be without any disloyalty to him. It appears the King had a talent for organizing and lining up all his ducks in a row!

The first section of the Treachery Act 1940 states:

            “If, with intent to help the enemy, any person does, or attempts or conspires with any other person to do any act which is designed or likely to give assistance to the naval, military or air operations of the enemy, to impede such operations of His Majesty’s forces, or to endanger life, he shall be guilty of felony and shall on conviction suffer death.”
In an uncanny reverse interpretation of this Act, however, it could be argued that the words . . . “or to endanger life” . . . could have implicated His Majesty in committing felonies punishable by “death.” Certainly, King George VI endangered the “life” of Jews by giving Hitler’s Nazi Germans (the “enemy”) assistance in persecuting Jews via anti-Semitic Jewish laws; and facilitating the genocide of Jews (and other forced slave laborers) for 5 years on Alderney Island. Arguably, the King also induced Bailiffs in Jersey and Guernsey to do the same. Nevertheless, these intriguing issues can be debated outside of this open letter.

JUNE 11, 1940:

Although St. Peter Port in Guernsey was strategically located in the English Channel, e.g., only about 137 miles from South Hampton port in England, incredibly, His Majesty’s British Crown War Cabinet determined that the islands had no “major strategic importance either to ourselves or the enemy [Hitler]” . . . His Cabinet also recommended that “immediate consideration be given for the evacuation of all women and children on a voluntary and free basis.” (Mawson, G. (9/4/14). “The 1940 Evacuation of St. Peter Port, Guernsey, to England” retrieved from <http://porttowns.port.ac.uk/1940-evacuation-st-peter-port-guernsey-england/>)

From a logical point of view, by turning Channel Islands over to Hitler without a fight or battle, the islands could be a stepping stone for Nazi Germans to ultimately control England and all of Europe. As it turned out, Hitler launched “large-scale night attacks against England called ‘The Blitz’.” There were about 50,000 fatal civilian casualties during this Battle of Britain from July 10 – October 31, 1940. Clearly, the Channel Islands were extremely “strategically” important to His Majesty’s Government. (Wikipedia: Battle of Britain)

Great Britain was also one of the Big Four Allied Powers (along with the United States, Soviet Union, and France) during WWII from 1939 – 1945; and His Majesty’s Armed Forces were at his disposal to defend his Crown Dependencies. That’s what Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, apparently, advised the King to do. In Churchill’s first BBC radio broadcast on May 10, 1940, he also said:

Having received His Majesty's commission I have formed an administration of men and women of every party and of almost every point of view. We have differed and quarreled in the past, but now one bond unites us all: to wage war until victory is won, and never to surrender ourselves to servitude and shame, whatever the cost and the agony may be.” (Churchill’s speech retrieved from “National Churchill Museum,” https://www.nationalchurchillmuseum.org/churchills-first-radio-address-as-prime-minister.html)

Yet, King George VI refused to listen to Churchill’s advice “to wage war until victory is won,” . . . and refused to fulfill his duty and responsibility of defending his Crown Dependencies. Instead, he surrendered his British Crown to “servitude and shame” on bended knees to Hitler’s Nazi German official occupation of Channel Islands on July 1, 1940.  

JUNE 15, 1940:

Four days after His Majesty’s Cabinet decided that Channel Islands had no “major strategic importance” to England or to Hitler, His Majesty made the ultimate decision to demilitarize the islands. All “military personnel, weapons and equipment” were taken to England. The islands were left defenseless. (Wikipedia: Living with the enemy in the German-occupied Channel Islands)

JUNE 20, 1940:

Five days after the islands were demilitarized, Nazi German Admiral Karl-Georg Schuster in France received orders from the Führer’s Headquarters in Berlin that occupation of the Channel Islands was “urgent and important.” These Berlin orders confirm His Majesty’s complicity, participation, and collaboration with Hitler’s Nazi German regime behind the scenes. About 11 days after this Berlin order was issued, Hitler began his official occupation of Channel Islands on July 1, 1940. (Sanders, P. (2005). “The British Channel Islands under German Occupation 1940 – 1945.”)

JUNE 21, 1940:
Lieutenant-Governors withdrawn

One day after Berlin’s “urgent and important” order, His Majesty’s Lieutenant-Governors were withdrawn . . . “leaving the insular [limited] administrations to continue government as they could under impending [Nazi German] military occupation.” (Wikipedia: Channel Islands) (Wikipedia: Living with the enemy in the German-occupied Channel Islands)

June 24, 1940:

As shown in the picture, three days after King George VI withdrew his Lieutenant-Governors from Channel Islands, he sent a false propaganda “sob story” message to the “Bailiffs” (civil authorities) in Jersey and Guernsey. To arouse pity, the King deeply regretted the “necessity” of withdrawing British Armed Forces for “strategic reasons,” but His Majesty’s Government was not “unmindful of their position.” Firstly, the King’s withdrawal of the Armed Forces was not a “necessity.” Secondly, he intentionally left his Crown Dependencies defenseless from 1940 – 1945. Thirdly, the King couldn’t care less about their defenseless “position.”

In his message, the King also hypocritically called the islanders “My people,” and praised their “loyal service” “rendered” to his “ancestors.” Yes, he expected their continued “loyal service” just like for his “ancestors” – with lots of TAXES!

Regarding Jewish people (who also lived on the Channel Islands), King George VI never lifted a Royal Pinkie to stop war crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and human/civil rights abuses against them during Hitler’s occupation from 1940 – 1945. Yet, with hypocritical hollow words, he painted all the islanders (whether non-Jewish or Jewish) with the same pretentious brush stroke by calling them . . . “My people.”

After the Channel Islands were liberated 5 years later, puffed-up self-centered King George VI made “his peoplepay through the nose with taxes for Hitler’s occupation of Channel Islands from 1940 – 1945 – even though the King forced Hitler’s Nazi German occupation upon them with his “abuse of power.” Guernsey and Jersey “were required to pay the costs of the German soldiers that were stationed there, including wages, rent, food, drinks, transport and the salaries of those they employed.” “Objections to paying for an excessive number of troops were raised, and some of the sums charged from 1942 onwards were never paid; however, the income tax rose from 10d to 5/- in Guernsey and from 1/6 to 5/- in Jersey. Surtax and purchase taxes was introduced, and civil service pay reduced, but even so, the islands ended the war with a debt of £9,000,000, roughly the total value of every house in the islands.” (Wikipedia: Living with the enemy in the German-occupied Channel Islands)

Undoubtedly, the Bailiffs and islanders also had no clue that your BRITISH CROWN had made clandestine “back room” arms deals with the “enemy” Hitler since 1934 during King George V’s reign; and loaned Hitler money to finance his war crimes of genocide against Jews in Europe. Hence, your pro-Nazi Nazi-saluting Hitler-loving Anglo-German Royal Family betrayed all the islanders with treasonous double-dealing acts. Had any islanders been guilty of such high crimes, they would have been shot or hanged under His Majesty’s 1940 Treachery Act discussed earlier!


YOUR BRITISH CROWN’S complicity, collaboration, and participation in Hitler’s war crimes of genocide, etc., on Channel Islands has been cunningly covered up, however, by rewritten history, e.g.,  in a British Crown 1945 video film, and by British Crown sympathizing “shills/stooges.” Consequently, deceptive false/misleading propaganda stories have been planted in movie videos, books, encyclopedias, on the Internet, and in news media such as the BBC regarding Hitler’s occupation of Channel Islands.

A BRITISH CROWN 1945 PROPAGANDA VIDEO FILM: In a slick short false/misleading propaganda video film produced after King George VI and Queen Mum made a first-time visit to Jersey and Guernsey Islands on June 7, 1945, Channel Islands history was rewritten by deliberately suppressing the facts from the general public. The Channel Islands were so unimportant to your parents that they didn’t bother to visit the islands until after Hitler’s occupation ended on May 9, 1945 – about one month later. Obviously, YOUR BRITISH CROWN failed miserably to ensure the “good governance” of your Crown Dependencies.

With the whole shebang of royal ceremonies and trumpets, etc., this video film infers that Hitler’s Nazi “Germans were thrown out” by the self-aggrandizing King and Queen! Essentially, they took credit for liberating Channel Islands like “saviors.” Nazi Germans on Channel Islands were not “thrown out.” They peaceably formally surrendered on May 9, 1945 after World War II Allies (including Great Britain) accepted the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany’s armed forces on May 8, 1945 in Europe. (More on this British Crown 1945 false/misleading propaganda video film later.)

Little did the island population cheering the King and Queen in this 1945 video film know that YOUR BRITISH CROWN had financed Hitler’s war crimes of genocide on European soil with British sterling funds, and “blood money” arms deals since 1934; and that the King had facilitated Hitler’s genocide on British soil, in particular, on Alderney Island.

Further, at no time from 1940 – 1945 did the King ever make an effective British Armed Forces military endeavor to stop Hitler’s war crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and human/civil rights abuses on Alderney where Jews (and other European forced slave laborers) were “starved, beaten, and crucified” in the SS Lager Sylt concentration camp; nor was Vice Admiral Lord Mountbatten’s plans (Prince Philip’s uncle’s plans) for “Operation Constellation” of a military conquest of Channel Islands in 1943 carried out; nor were the Channel Islands liberated after D-Day in Normandy in 1944. (Wikipedia: German Occupation of the Channel Islands in reference to Lord Mountbatten’s military conquest plans.)

Let’s talk about the 1944 Battle of Normandy a bit now.

NORMANDY: BRITISH TROOPS FOUGHT ON D-DAY 1944: As shown in the picture, General Montgomery and his British troops fought in the Battle of Normandy on the north coast of France beginning on D-Day on June 6, 1944. Yet, the “strategic” Channel Islands close to England were not liberated from Hitler’s Nazi German occupation – even though Great Britain was one of the Big Three Allied Powers during WWII who “controlled Allied policy.” The Allies promoted their alliance as seeking to stop German (including Japanese/Italian) aggression; however, Great Britain’s Armed Forces did nothing to stop Hitler’s Nazi “German” aggression on Channel Islands across the waters from Normandy. (Wikipedia: Allies of World War II reference to Allies seeking to stop German, et. al., aggression.)

Allied forces (including Great Britain forces) quickly liberated France from Hitler’s control in about two months from June 1944 – August 1944. “By the end of June, the Allies had seized the vital port of Cherbourg, landed approximately 850,000 men and 150,000 vehicles in Normandy, and were poised to continue their march across France.” (History Channel reference to Battle of Normandy retrieved from <http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/d-day>

The Battle of Normandy included the following major British/Canadian units:

·        British 79th Armoured Division. (Ibid)

Therefore, it can be concluded that either (i) the Allied Powers bypassed and ignored Channel Islands after the Battle of Normandy because they were unaware of Hitler’s occupation (which is absurd); or (ii) the British Crown who “controlled Allied policy” stopped the Allied Powers from liberating the Channel Islands. Hence, King George VI knowingly allowed the extermination of Jews (and other European forced slave laborers) to continue on British soil, and/or by deportation/transportation to Hitler’s concentration camps on European soil for another year until the Holocaust ended on May 9, 1945 – up to the last minute!

Meanwhile, what did His Majesty’s Government do for Channel Islanders for 5 years under Hitler’s occupation? For “propaganda value,” the Royal Air Force intentionally missed their targets in bombing raids; and a few times newspapers and leaflets were dropped by British aircraft. There were also unsuccessful minor raids in 1943 such as “Operation Huckaback,” and “Operation Pussyfoot.” Yes, King George VI pussyfooted his way around the islands for 5 years in his pussy boots – doing nothing to effectively liberate the islander populations prior to May 9, 1945. (Wikipedia: German Occupation of the Channel Islands in reference to unsuccessful raids, and other propaganda)

 of FACTS from the general public

Why would the true facts of Channel Islands be suppressed and covered up from becoming known to the general public thru your Royal Family’s “obscurantism”? The answer to this question is simple . . . To mitigate “horrific atrocities” perpetrated on British soil from 1940 – 1945 by Hitler’s Nazi Germans from 1940 – 1945. This way your British Crown can wash its hands of any complicity, collaboration, or participation in Hitler’s war crimes of genocide, etc., against Jews (and other European forced slave laborers) in 4 concentration camps on Alderney Island, and come out smelling like a rose – instead of an anti-Semitic Nazi-saluting Hitler-loving Anglo-German putrid skunk!


Besides the King and Queen’s 1945 false/misleading propaganda video film deliberately suppressing the facts from the general public discussed earlier, another good case in point of “obscurantism” concerns one particular British-born British Crown sympathizer. This Cambridge educated author, I have concluded, is a British Crown “shill/stooge.” The Wikipedia description, e.g., of a person who carries “out their operations in the areas of media, journalism, marketing or other business areas” discussed earlier – fits him to a “T.”

The fact that this British Crown sympathizing “shill/stooge” is “Anglo-German” also links him to an anti-Semitic bloodline/genes lineage, which fits like a glove with your Royal Family’s anti-Semitic “Anglo-German” lineage. Because of his propensity to whitewash anti-Semitic Nazism inherent in his Germanic genetic characteristics, many red flags were raised for me regarding this author. (See Part 2 (3/30/16) open letter for discussion of Germanic Anglo-Saxons, and an ancient ring with a Swastika.)

REGARDING THE ANGLO-GERMAN FELLOWSHIP discussed earlier, it was “widely perceived as being allied to Nazism” with a “pro-Nazi leaning.” Because this author’s biography emphasizes that he is an “Anglo-German” historian, I perceive him to also be “allied to Nazism with a “pro-Nazi leaning,” and/or sympathetic to pro-Nazi ideology.  

For example, in his 1940 – 1945 timeline regarding Hitler’s occupation of Channel Islands (which can be obtained online), he calls 4 Nazi German concentration camps on Alderney where Jews (and other European forced slave laborers were “starved, beaten, and crucified” . . . “detention camps.” The words “concentration” or “lagers” are never mentioned in his timeline; neither is the word “Nazi” – even though Hitler’s German officials on Channel Islands were Nazi Party members, and Swastikas were seen everywhere.

“Nazi Germany” is a common reference for Germany from 1933 – 1945; yet, this reference is never mentioned in his timeline; nor does he identify Hitler’s officials/soldiers as “Nazis.” Instead, he calls them “Germans.” This is a false representation of who Hitler’s Nazi Germans were – especially since “ant-Semitism” is a central doctrine in Nazi German organizations and societies to this day.

The SS Lager Sylt concentration camp where “horrific atrocities” were committed is never mentioned in his timeline; nor are three additional camps on Alderney mentioned. The words “British Crown” and “Crown Dependencies” are also never mentioned. His timeline mentions “King George VI” once, but never mentions “His Majesty,” or “His Majesty’s Government.” This is how this British Crown sympathizing “shill/stooge” has deviously shielded the British Crown’s responsibility for Channel Islands from 1940 – 1945, and shifted it to the UK instead.

To muddy up the waters with deliberate confusion in his timeline, he also mentions a “Home Office” about three times. What is a “Home Office” supposed to mean? This can only mean the British Crown and/or His Majesty’s Government in England, which he shields by calling it a “Home Office” instead. He also incorporates many extraneous irrelevant events regarding Hitler’s occupation on Channel Islands from 1940 – 1945 in his timeline. To prevent people from learning the truth, he also whitewashes the facts with his author’s paint brush dipped in deceptive false/misleading propaganda.

To create deliberate confusion in his timeline, e.g., he throws in an irrelevant nonsensical entry regarding troops removed from Saint-Malo by Jersey ships on June 17, 1940. What does Saint-Malo on the coast of France have to do with Channel Islands, which isn’t even a British Crown Dependency? What troops does he purport were removed by Jersey ships – French troops? NOTE: The map with Channel Islands inside an orange heading shows Saint-Malo below on the coast of France.

Significantly, he also never mentions the words “resistance” or “no resistance” in his timeline. As will be fully discussed in this open letter, Hitler’s Nazi Germans occupied Channel Islands from 1940 – 1945 with “no armed resistance" from the island populations, whatsoever.

CHEWED UP, REGURGITATED, RECONFIGURED HISTORY: This is the tip of the iceberg of how this devious deceptive British Crown sympathizing “shill/stooge” has chewed up, regurgitated, and reconfigured the history of Channel Islands with false/misleading propaganda and “obscurantism.” Incredibly, his ambition is to provide an “authoritative reconfiguration of occupation history” (i.e., to provide rewritten history) – which he does quite well by conning the general public reading his book.

BLIND SPOTS?: In a magazine article discussing his book divided into seven chapters with “themes,” he talks about blind spots in the historiography of the Occupation” without a clue that the cause of Hitler’s occupation of the islands was not because of any “blind spots,” but the EFFECT of your anti-Semitic Nazi-saluting Royal Family’s Nazi links to Hitler!

Because your British Crown could (i) clearly see Hitler’s Final Solution intentions in Europe from 1933 – 1940 for 7 years thru your close “personal ties” discussed earlier; and (ii) clearly read front page headlines of Hitler’s “war on the entire Jewish race” in 1933; obviously, King George VI and Queen Mum had no “blind spots” in their eyes regarding Hitler’s intentions to also exterminate Jews on British soil from 1940 – 1945 for 5 years!

Deceptively, your British Crown sympathizing “shill/stooge” also calls Hitler’s “model occupation” of Channel Islands a “tenacious myth.” However, it will be self-evident in this open letter that Hitler’s occupation of Channel Islands was, indeed, a “model occupation” with “no armed resistance” for 5 years compared to Hitler’s occupation of European countries requiring war and battles.

SWISS WATCHES?: Deftly stirring in mumbo jumbo into his paint pot of whitewash, this author also discusses illogical unrelated issues such as “blind spots,” . . . “of the Swiss watch industry which slept through the digital revolution of the 1980s.” What the heck do Swiss watches have to do with Hitler’s Nazi German occupation of Channel Islands from 1940 - 1945 in which Jews were singled out for persecution, and Jews (and other European forced slave laborers) were “starved, beaten, and crucified” in SS Lager Sylt on Alderney Island during the Holocaust on British soil?

Because the key puzzle piece of Hitler’s occupation of Channel Islands from 1940 – 1945 linked to your Anglo-German Royal Family’s Nazi links is missing in this Anglo-German author’s book, his attempt to become an “authoritative” historian of Channel Islands is as they say in German: . . . KAPUT!  Those who praise his book of rewritten false/misleading propaganda history, I submit, are also British Crown sympathizers, and/or “shills/stooges.”

With no clue as to why Hitler’s Nazi German occupation of Channel Islands still remains “controversial” – despite Hitler’s concentration camps on Alderney Island perpetrating “horrific atrocities” on British soil, this Anglo-German author also infers that the “genuine” issues do not involve “collaboration,” but “narratives and memory” of islanders. In other words, he deviously diverts all attention away from YOUR British Crown’s responsibility for Channel Islands and your collaboration with Hitler, and discusses nonsense involving islanders instead.

Without the key puzzle piece of the Royal Family’s pro-Nazi links to Hitler making the whole picture of Hitler’s occupation of Channel Islands complete from 1940 – 1945, this author has not written a “genuine analytical history of the Occupation.” Instead, he has reconfigured history with deceptive false/misleading propaganda suppressing the true facts with diversionary tactics and illogical unrelated issues to shield YOUR BRITISH CROWN from any responsibility – with your Royal Family’s blessings! (This author's name will be revealed later.)

TELL ME, YOUR MAJESTY, is it “coincidence” that this author presented Her Majesty with a special copy of his rewritten history of Hitler’s Nazi German occupation published on May 5, 2005 – the same month you visited Channel Islands on May 9, 2005 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of their liberation on May 9, 1945? Is it “coincidence” that he is also a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society in London purportedly advancing scholarly studies of history in liaison with Her Majesty’s Government, the British Library, and National Archives? (Bates. S. (5/9/05). “Queen in Channel Islands to mark liberation from Nazis.” Reference to Queen’s May 9, 2005 visit to Channel Islands retrieved from <http://www.theguardian.com/>

To the two questions above, I respond: “Nay, these are not coincidences, but your Royal Family’s collusion with a British-born Anglo-German “shill/stooge” so that deceptive false/misleading propaganda about Hitler’s occupation of Channel Islands can be planted in the Royal Historical Society, British Library, and National Archives, and wherever Her Majesty travels around the globe – to “cover up” the fact that your anti-Semitic Nazi-saluting Royal Family supported Hitler’s Final Solution on British soil from 1940 - 1945!

Why has Her Majesty applauded such British Crown sympathizing “shills/stooges,” who have rewritten history with false/misleading propaganda and “obscurantism” by denying there was “no resistance” to Hitler’s “model occupation” on Channel Islands? The two reasons below may suffice:

1) To quash the truth that YOUR BRITISH CROWN gave Hitler the Channel Islands to occupy from 1940 – 1945 for no justified reasons, and without a battle or war; and

2) To quash Madeleine Bunting’s 1995 published book titled: “The Model Occupation,” which also discusses the issue of “no resistance” on Channel Islands regarding Hitler’s occupation. Although “passive resistance” existed, there was “no armed resistance” against Hitler’s occupation for 5 years. Considering Hitler’s occupation of European countries requiring war and battles, his occupation of Channel Islands was, indeed, a “model occupation.” (Wikipedia: Resistance in the German-occupied Channel Islands)

NOTE: Ms. Bunting uncovered Capt. (aka Major) Theodore Pantcheff’s “Official British government report about the atrocities on Alderney” hidden in Moscow State Archives for about 50 years since 1945. This report was declassified in 1993. Subsequently, her book was published in 1995. Pantcheff’s report is the only known surviving copy of an “Official British government report” . . . regarding Alderney atrocities. As an English writer, Ms. Bunting has worked for The Guardian newspaper as an Associate Editor and columnist.

NEW YORK TIMES ARTICLE: In reading The New York Times July 2, 1940 article in the picture, it is self-evident that Hitler’s occupation of Channel Islands did not require any battles. This headline reads, “Nazi Forces Take the Channel Islands,” i.e., in “undefended and evacuated territory.” The islands were “occupied by surprise by portions of the German air force.”

In other words, having determined that the Channel Islands were “not defended,” the Nazi German air force (Luftwaffe) took the deserted Guernsey airport, which could be viewed as a “surprise.” Subsequently, Hitler’s Nazi German officials and soldiers were cordially greeted by the Bailiff of Jersey (and other island civil authorities) at the airport on July 1, 1940. (More on this later.)

NAZI GERMANS SANG THE HORST WESSEL SONG: Subsequently, Nazi German soldiers marched into the capitals of St. Helier (Jersey), and St. Peter Port (Guernsey) wholeheartedly singing the Horst Wessel Song. This song was the Nazi Party’s anthem from 1930 – 1945. (Wikipedia: The Horst Wessel Song)

Although “the islanders watched silently and sadly,” the majority accepted Hitler’s occupation with restrictions and rules for 5 years. Clearly, Hitler’s occupation of Channel Islands began officially on July 1, 1940 with “no resistance” – with Nazi soldiers singing “heartily” in the streets! (“The Jews of the Channel Islands” retrieved from <http://www.holocaustresearchproject.org/nazioccupation/channelislands.html>)

MY CONCLUSION was reached that your British Crown “covered up” Hitler’s war crimes, etc., on Channel Islands from 1940 – 1945 after sifting through much information. Many books, writings, stories, etc., are available on this subject, but I found nothing discussing the British Crown’s complicity or collaboration regarding Hitler’s “horrific atrocities” against Jews.

Instead, condemnation has been directed against Bailiffs and some islanders concerning “collaboration” against Jews. Prior to Hitler’s occupation of Channel Islands, however, there were no anti-Semitic Jewish laws; Jews were not singled out for persecution; and neither were Jewish businesses persecuted on the islands. 

By putting 2 + 2 together, I realized that King George VI was 100% responsible for Hitler’s occupation of Channel Islands. No one put a gun to his head forcing him to let Nazi Germans commit war crimes of genocide against Jews (and other forced slave laborers) on British soil. It was your father’s voluntary choice not to defend his Crown Dependencies.

Categorically, no lame excuse of withdrawing British Armed Forces for “strategic reasons” (leaving Channel Islands defenseless) can justify the King’s facilitation of Hitler’s war crimes of genocide, etc., of Jews (and other European forced slave laborers) in Hitler’s Nazi German concentration camps on British soil from 1940 – 1945. King George VI refused to fulfill his responsibility to defend his Crown Dependencies – no one else. Why? . . . because they had no “major strategic importance” to His Majesty, whatsoever.

On June 20, 1940, a Berlin order was issued that occupation of Channel Islands was “urgent and important.” On June 21, 1940 the King withdrew his Lieutenant-Governors. On June 24, 1940, the King sent a “sob story” message to Bailiffs in Jersey and Guernsey that it was necessary to withdraw British Armed Forces for purported “strategic reasons.” None of these quick events within four days were “coincidental,” but timed to appease Hitler and his Nazi German officials in Berlin.

Ultimate condemnation, therefore, lays squarely upon the shoulders of YOUR BRITISH CROWN for complicity, collaboration, and participation in Hitler’s war crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and human/civil rights abuses on British soil from 1940 – 1945.

STORY OF channel islands . . . SERVING NO PURPOSE

An often repeated false propaganda story which, I submit, has been planted by YOUR British Crown, is that Channel Islands “served no purpose to the Germans other than the propaganda value of having occupied some British territory.” In fact, several purposes were served for Hitler, and also for King George VI as follows:

Hitler’S PURPOSE WAS SERVED by expanding his military projects on Channel Islands close to England. He built an Atlantic Wall fortifying 4 concentration camps on Alderney Island with Jewish (and other forced slave laborers from Europe); and exterminated Jews (and other religions/nationalities) on British soil, and/or by sending them to Neuengamme or Auschwitz, e.g., to be exterminated in the Final Solution – all with the British Crown’s Royal Stamp of approval!

KING GEORGE VI’S PURPOSE WAS SERVED by stopping Jews from immigrating to Britain. In effect, he helped to fulfill German King Edward VII’s anti-Semitic 1905 “Aliens Act” to exclude and control “undesirable [Jewish] aliens” from immigration. King Edward VII was his grandfather.

It should also never be forgotten how King George VI (your father) blocked Jewish refugees trapped in Europe from escaping to Eretz Yisrael/Palestine even though they were being exterminated in Hitler’s Final Solution in Europe; and how he authorized the famous Exodus 1947 ship carrying over 4500 immigrant Jewish Holocaust survivors to Palestine to be rammed by British destroyers two years after the Holocaust ended. LIKE HIS CONTEMPTIBLE ANTI-SEMITIC GRANDFATHER – SO WAS HIS ANTI-SEMITIC PRO-NAZI GRANDSON! (See Part 1 (3/8/16) open letter for full discussion of the “Aliens Act,” etc.)


Hitler’s Nazi Germans “never had to do any fighting” to occupy the islands. There was absolutely “no resistance” in Hitler’s official take-over of Channel Islands on July 1, 1940. (“Occupation of the Channel Islands by Nazi Germany” retrieved from <http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/>)

“Large white flags were hoisted on all public buildings, and white flags of various materials were flown from the majority of houses,” . . . “white crosses were painted in the Square [the Royal Square]” showing a voluntary surrender to Hitler’s Nazi German occupation. (“The Germans Arrive” retrieved from <http://www.theislandwiki.org/index.php/The_Germans_arrive>)

YOUR MAJESTY, all the phony “war” and “invasion” stories regarding Channel Islands, I submit, have been planted by your British Crown sympathizing “shills/stooges” – to justify turning the islands over to Hitler’s Nazi Germans. Hitler’s occupation of the islands was preplanned by King George VI so there would be no fight or battle, and “no resistance.”



"This plaque commemorates the evacuation of children and adults
ahead of the occupation of the island by German forces in June 1940.
Four fifths of the children and altogether almost half the population of
Guernsey were transported to England so scarcely a family was undivided.
À la perchoine."


            May 23, 1940:  As discussed earlier, a first-time British Treachery Act 1940 law was passed in the UK with a new offence of treachery (a felony) designed to make convictions easier to prove than treason. (Wikipedia: Treachery Act 1940)

                May-June 1940: Per Guernsey police reports, in May and June Guernsey inhabitants were “very busy growing and exporting tomatoes.”  . . . “life in the islands continued much as normal. By spring 1940 the islands were advertising themselves as holiday destinations.”  (Lamy, A.P. “Policing During the Occupation 1940 – 1945.” Retrieved from <http://www.guernsey.police.uk/CHttpHandler.ashx?id=5470>) (Wikipedia: Evacuation of civilians from the Channel Islands in 1940)

                June 11, 1940:  His Majesty’s Cabinet determined that Channel Islands had no “major strategic importance,” and recommended that “immediate consideration be given for the evacuation of all women and children on a voluntary and free basis.” (Mawson, G. (9/4/14). “The 1940 Evacuation of St. Peter Port, Guernsey, to England” retrieved from <http://porttowns.port.ac.uk/1940-evacuation-st-peter-port-guernsey-england/>)

                June 15, 1940:  His Majesty demilitarized Channel Islands. All “military personnel, weapons and equipment” were taken to England leaving the islands defenseless. (Wikipedia: Living with the enemy in the German-occupied Channel Islands)

                June 19, 1940:  By letters, the Secretary of State (His Majesty's Cabinet member) ordered bailiffs, parliament members, civil servants, and emergency services “to work in a professional manner with the [Nazi German] occupiers for the benefit of the civil population.” Bailiffs were ordered to “remain on their islands to maintain law and order and to do what they could for the civilians.” This put them “under a duty of care” with the same “powers and duties” as Lieutenant/Governors. (Ibid)

                June 19-23, 1940:  By now, islanders were aware that German forces were coming to occupy Channel Islands in June; however, many thousands decided to stay. On June 19th, a Guernsey local paper published “announcements that plans were well in hand to evacuate all the children from the island,” . . . As shown on the memorial plaque above, four fifths of the children and about one-half of the population in Guernsey were transported to England in June. In Guernsey, “17,000 out of 42,000” were evacuated. In Jersey, “6,600 out of 50,000” were evacuated. On June 21st, His Majesty’s Lieutenant/Governors departed by ship. On June 23rd, ships stopped evacuating islanders to England. The “majority of established Jews” residing in Jersey had already left before June. (Wikipedia: German Occupation of the Channel Islands) (Wikipedia: Evacuation of civilians from the Channel Islands in 1940) (The Jews of the Channel Islands” retrieved from <http://www.holocaustresearchproject.org/nazioccupation/channelislands.html>)

June 20, 1940: The Führer’s Headquarters in Berlin sent an order to Nazi German Admiral Karl-Georg Schuster in France that occupation of Channel Islands was “urgent and important.”

June 21, 1940: His Majesty withdrew his Lieutenant-Governors from Channel Islands.

June 24, 1940:  King George VI sent a message to Bailiffs of Jersey and Guernsey announcing the necessity for British Armed Forces to be withdrawn for “strategic reasons.” (See picture of King’s messages shown earlier.)

June 27, 1940:  The passport office in Jersey closed. (“The Jews of the Channel Islands.” Retrieved from <http://www.holocaustresearchproject.org/nazioccupation/channelislands.html)

June 28, 1940:  His Majesty’s Government did not inform Berlin that the islands were demilitarized on June 15th, and would not be defended prior to Hitler’s official occupation on July 1. Consequently, Hitler’s Nazi Germans launched air raids on Guernsey and Jersey. St. Helier Harbor in Jersey, St. Peter Port Harbor in Guernsey (loaded with tomatoes for export), La Rocque Harbor, and Weighbridge buildings are damaged by bombs. About 34 innocent people were killed. Subsequently, U.S. Ambassador in London (Joseph P. Kennedy) sent a message to Hitler’s Nazi German Government as follows: “The evacuation of all military personnel and equipment from the Channel Islands was completed some days ago. The Islands are therefore demilitarized and cannot be considered in any way as a legitimate target for bombardment.” “A public announcement to this effect was also made on the evening of June 28.” (“The Germans Arrive” retrieved from <http://www.theislandwiki.org/>) (Kennedy’s message retrieved from Hamon, S. (2015), “Voices from the Past: Channel Islands Invaded”)

NOTE: If His Majesty’s Government had not intentionally withheld information from Hitler’s Nazi German officials that Channel Islands had been demilitarized, and all military personnel and equipment had been evacuated on June 15th, undoubtedly, Hitler’s air raids on Guernsey and Jersey would not have taken place and innocent people would not have been killed. Conversely, the public could have considered this to be the British Crown’s “collaboration” with the “enemy” by allowing Hitler to occupy Channel Islands for no justified reason. By these damaging air raids, however, the British Crown was able to stage a phony war and invasion of the islands to shield the British Crown’s complicity, collaboration, and participation in Hitler’s occupation of Channel Islands.

June 30, 1940: Hauptmann Liebe-Pieteritz made a “test landing at Guernsey's deserted airfield” . . . Hitler’s Nazi Germans determined that the Channel Islands were “not defended.” The Luftwaffe (air force) took-over Guernsey airport. A letter signed by the Bailiff was carried by Inspector Sculpher of the Guernsey police to the airport. The letter read: "This Island has been declared an Open Island by His Majesty's Government of the United Kingdom. There are no armed forces of any description. The bearer has been instructed to hand this communication to you. He does not understand the German language." (Wikipedia: German Occupation of the Channel Islands)

July 1, 1940:  The larger islands, Jersey and Guernsey were officially occupied by Hitler’s Nazi German officials and soldiers with “no resistance.” The smaller islands, Alderney and Sark were occupied on July 2 and July 4, respectively. (Ibid)

As shown in The Evening Post picture, Hitler’s Nazi German occupation formalities included “Orders of the Commandant of the German Forces in Occupation of the Island of Jersey” dated July 2, 1940. The following restrictions were ordered, in part: curfew, prohibition of alcohol spirits, surrender of arms, restriction of boats and cars, restriction of listening to wireless transmitting stations except German controlled stations, prices of commodities were not to be raised, and all British sailors, Airmen, and soldiers on leave had to report to the Commandant at the Town Hall on July 3, 1940 at 10:00 am. (Picture of Commandant order retrieved from: <http://worldwartwo.filminspector.com>)

Another proclamation concerning Civil Government and Courts allowed their legal functions to continue as before, except that “all Laws, Ordinances, Regulations and Orders” had to be “submitted to the Commandant before being enacted.” Hitler’s Nazi Germans were “happy for the island’s civil administration to continue.” (“The Germans Arrive.” Retrieved from <http://www.theislandwiki.org/index.php/The_Germans_arrive>)

FROM THE FOREGOING TIMELINE, it is self-evident that Bailiffs (Victor Carey in Guernsey and Alexander Coutanche in Jersey), were “ORDERED” by His Majesty’s Government to “maintain law and order” “under a duty of care.” In other words, these Bailiffs were required to assist Hitler’s Nazi Germans before their arrival on Channel Islands, and required to enforce German laws (including anti-Semitic Jewish laws) after their arrival. (Wikipedia: Living with the enemy in the German-occupied Channel Islands)

The two B&W pictures show that Nazi German officials and soldiers were cordially greeted at Jersey Airport by Bailiff Alexander Coutanche and other island civil authorities on July 1, 1940. German soldiers have smiles on their faces. One soldier appears to be holding a lamb in his arms, which can be interpreted as a sign of submission to Hitler’s authority.

Clearly, when Hitler’s Nazi German officials and soldiers stepped with their marching iron heeled boots on King George VI’s Crown Dependencies to officially occupy Channel Islands on July 1, 1940, the King had already made sure that the island populations were defenseless, and that there would be “no resistance.”

THE KING’S “SERVITUDE AND SHAME” TO HITLER:  In effect, when King George VI declared the islands to be an “OPEN ISLAND” with unrestricted freedom for Hitler, he bowed on bended knees to Hitler’s authority to let him do as he pleased. By the King’s refusal to defend his Crown Dependencies, the end result was his “servitude and shame” to Hitler – just what Churchill essentially warned the King about in his first BBC radio broadcast on May 10, 1940 discussed earlier.

Nonetheless, the King made sure the islander populations bowed in submission to Hitler’s authority also. To recap, on June 19th, the Secretary of State orderED Bailiffs, parliament members, civil servants, and emergency services “to work in a professional manner with the [Nazi German] occupiers for the benefit of the civil population.” (Wikipedia: Living with the enemy in the German-occupied Channel Islands)

The States had also ordered islanders “to keep calm”; to comply with the requirements of a Nazi German Communication [proclamation]; and “to offer no resistance whatsoever to the occupation of the island.” Again, “white flags were hoisted on all public buildings,” . . . (“The Germans Arrive.” <http://www.theislandwiki.org/index.php/The_Germans_arrive>)

FOR ALL THE FOREGOING REASONS, it is self-evident there was “no resistance” to Hitler’s occupation of Channel Islands. Thereafter, full control of the islands was officially transferred to Hitler’s Nazi German control as smoothly as clockwork on July 1, 1940.

British policemen also bowed in submission to Hitler’s authority by assisting Nazi German officers and soldiers with services such as giving directions, and opening car doors for them like personal attendant valets!

“Men and older women, as well as young girls, became friends with Germans.” “Records released by the Public Records Office in 1996 suggest that as many as 900 babies of German fathers were born to Jersey women during the occupation.” Nazi German outdoor “band concerts were promoted.” “Off duty” Nazi soldiers were entertained by reading local newspapers, by going to the “cinema or one of the churches,” and by “live entertainment” and “sport.” “Soldatenheimes were established” – similar to British NAFFI or American PX officer clubs. “Freudenhaus or brothels were established in Guernsey and Jersey, importing women to work in them.” There were hobbies such as photography, and beaches in which to swim and soak up the sun. These non-Jewish islanders “settled down . . .  to a hard, dull but relatively peaceful five years of occupation, in which more than half the population was working for the Germans.” (Wikipedia: Living with the enemy in the German-occupied Channel Islands)

“LIMITED IMPACT” ON WAY OF LIFE: Hitler’s Nazi German occupation of Channel Islands had a “limited impact” on the island population’s way of life, generally speaking. “Theatres stayed open, sometimes operating in church halls, until summer 1944.” In 1943, about 75,000 islanders attended shows at Candie in Guernsey.. (Wikipedia: Civilian life under the German occupation of the Channel Islands)

From 1942, there were dance classes.  Nazi German “soldiers and local girls” also danced together until this was “banned in Jersey due to an outbreak of diphtheria” in 1943. Dance shows, boxing tournaments, card games, darts, football, cricket, baseball, rugby, and “Shove ha’penny” were popular entertainment. (Ibid)

There were even “recorded games against German teams,” with a “football game in July 1940” won by Guernsey. Considering that Hitler’s official occupation of Channel Islands began on July 1, 1940, the islander populations quickly adjusted to their new restricted way of life of rules and regulations – which  did not deter them from playing football games with German teams in July of 1940.  Obviously, Nazi Germans and non-Jewish islanders got along fairly well. A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS! (Ibid)

On August 8, 1940, Ambrose Sherwill (President of Guernsey’s Controlling Committee) affirmed in a German radio broadcast that “life” was going on just as it did before the occupation; and that the Guernsey government leaders “were being treated with courtesy” by the Nazi German military. (Wikipedia: Living with the enemy in the German-occupied Channel Islands)

Life for Jews on Channel Islands, however, was not going on as it did before the occupation. In the bottom B&W picture, notice the store with the angled Hakenkruez Swastika catering to Nazi Germans. This is the same Burton store in which Nazi German soldiers were window shopping in 1940. This pro-Nazi store on Halkett Place and King Street was located in Saint Helier’s main shopping area of Jersey – the largest island. (“Channel Island Occupation Society.” Nazi store picture retrieved from <http://www.theislandwiki.org/index.php/Photo_gallery_of_the_German_Occupation>

To claim a “reward” of 20-50 Reich marks, informers also sent anonymous letters to Nazi German officials. Subsequently, islanders were arrested and imprisoned for such things as having radios, which were restricted. Naturally, at the end of 5 years of many restrictions and rules, the islanders were overjoyed to have their normal freedoms back when Hitler’s occupation of Channel Islands ended on May 9, 1945. (Wikipedia: Living with the enemy in the German-occupied Channel Islands, a reference to a “reward”)

Nonetheless, the Occupation Tapestry panel speaks volumes of words by showing an overall contented daily life of non-Jewish islanders, which was “relatively peaceful” during the occupation. British policemen and Nazi German soldiers stood side-by-side with “few overt signs of resistance” by the islanders. Certainly, it was a “model occupation,” i.e., for non-Jews. (Ibid)

There were incidents of “passive resistance” such as sheltering and aiding escaped prisoners/slave laborers, and publishing “underground newspapers containing news from BBC radio.” Nonetheless, the majority of unarmed and defenseless islanders complied with rigid Nazi German restrictions and rules from 1940 – 1945. (“Occupation of the Channel Islands by Nazi Germany”: Retrieved from <http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/>) (Wikipedia: Resistance in the German-occupied Channel Islands)

Over 5 years time, a small percentage of islanders were also incarcerated in H.M. Prison on Gloucester Street, Jersey. According to scholar, Louise Willmot’s calculations, out of about 66,000 islanders “0.6 to 3 percent” participated in “acts of active resistance.” About 4,000 were sentenced for breaking laws; however, “many of these were for criminal acts rather than resistance.” About 22 islanders never returned from prison. A plaque memorializes these inhabitants imprisoned for their “acts of protest and defiance” in this prison. (Wikipedia: Resistance in the German-occupied Channel Islands)

“The Geheime Feldpolizei (Secret Field Police) were tasked with detecting sabotage and subversion and reported to the SS.” In July of 1941, Colonel Knackfuss “issued a notice warning that anyone caught undertaking espionage, sabotage or high treason, the penalty would be death.” Because of such tight security control of islander inhabitants by Nazi German police, there was “no armed resistance movement in the Channel Islands.” Further, no resistance of any nature succeeded in overthrowing Hitler’s dictatorship occupation of the islands from July 1, 1940 – May 9, 1945. (Ibid)

During the winter of 1944, however, both islanders and Nazi German soldiers nearly starved due to rationing, hoarding, and stealing of food. Germans liked to steal potatoes by pulling up stalks in fields. Fowls, rabbits, and pigs were also stolen. Food was also being sold on the Black Market at sky high prices. With water and fuel in short supply, many people used candles at night. (Lamy, A.P. “Policing During the Occupation 1940 – 1945” retrieved from <http://www.guernsey.police.uk/CHttpHandler.ashx?id=5470>)

One skilled French 20 year-old cat burglar climbed up the sides of buildings and through skylights (or tiles) to break into primarily German stores. After his arrest and imprisonment, he was interrogated with a 1/2" thick rubber hose beating him into a “crying wreck.” Apparently, interrogations by Feldgendarmerie (German Field Police) were done with rubber hoses. (Ibid) (Wikipedia: Living with the enemy in the German-occupied Channel Islands)

In December of 1944, the SS Vega Red Cross ship brought “relief” parcels for the nearly starved islanders by making about 5 trips to Channel Islands. 


While thousands of non-Jewish islanders “settled down . . .  “to a hard, dull but relatively peaceful five years of occupation” on Jersey and Guernsey, such was not the case for Jews, whose lives changed for the worse on Channel Islands. The passport office in Jersey closed on June 27, 1940, and there were about “twelve registered on Jersey, and four on Guernsey.” (“The Jews of the Channel Islands” retrieved from <http://www.holocaustresearchproject.org/nazioccupation/channelislands.html>)

Similar to what happened to Jews in Europe, a “registration process, was the beginning of a systemized persecution,” . . . of Jews. In cooperation with this Nazi German registration process, Bailiff Alexander Coutanche in Jersey “administered much of it.” (Ibid)

“All non Guernsey and British foreigners (Aliens) had already been required to register with the police, but the records did not mention their faith. An advertisement appeared in the newspaper in October 1941 calling on all Jews to identify themselves. The Germans issued identity cards to everyone, which listed their nationality and faith.” This is how Jews were singled out on Channel Islands for persecution. (Wikipedia: History of the Jews in Guernsey)

Additionally, “all Jewish businesses had to display a sign stating the shop was ‘Jewish owned’ or ‘Jewish Undertaking’.” Subsequently, the businesses were “Aryanised and turned over to non-Jews.” (“The Jews of the Channel Islands” retrieved from <http://www.holocaustresearchproject.org/nazioccupation/channelislands.html>)

“The ‘Third Order’, registered in the Royal Courts of Guernsey on 17 June 1941 and of Jersey on 31 May 1941 as Regulation and Order No 307, redefined those persons considered to be Jewish.” (Ibid)

However, the problem with this order is that there is no such thing as “Jewish” blood. Judaism consists of religious doctrines and beliefs just like in Christianity. In other words, there is no “Jewish” or “Christian” blood.  Abram/Abraham is identified as a “Hebrew” in the Bible. Accordingly, his “seed” (bloodline descendants) were “Hebrews” – not Jews. (Genesis 14:13)

Moreover, in the Book of Exodus, the Children of Jacob/Israel are identified as “Hebrews” about a dozen times (including by the Egyptians). The “Lord God of the Hebrews” is also identified about six times indicating a “Hebrew” nation of people with bloodlines originating with Abraham. Clearly, Hitler’s Nazi Germans were greatly misinformed regarding so-called non-existent “Jewish” bloodlines.

Nevertheless, this anti-Semitic discriminatory Third Order stated the following:

“Any person having at least three grandparents of pure Jewish blood shall be deemed to be a Jew.  A grandparent having belonged to the Jewish religious community shall be deemed to be of pure Jewish blood.  Any person having two grandparents of pure Jewish blood who:

        (A) ... belongs to the Jewish religious community or who subsequently joins it; or
        (B)… is married to a Jew or subsequently marries a Jew; shall be deemed to be a Jew.” (“The Jews of the Channel Islands” retrieved from <http://www.holocaustresearchproject.org/nazioccupation/channelislands.html>)

This order also stated that “any person who belongs or has belonged to the Jewish religious community shall be deemed to be a Jew.” (Ibid)

The “Third Order also “prohibited Jews and Jewish owned businesses, not in the hands of an administrator, from carrying out many economic activities including, wholesale and retail, hotel and catering, insurance, navigation, dispatch and storage, guides, banking and money exchange, and businesses not in the hands of an administrator, from carrying out many economic activities including, wholesale and retail, hotel and catering, insurance, navigation, dispatch and storage, guides, banking and money exchange, and businesses concerned with dealings in apartments, land and mortgages.” (Ibid)

Additionally, “no Jew was to be engaged as a ‘higher official or as an employee who comes into contact with customers’ and Jewish employees should ‘be dismissed and replaced by non-Jewish employees’.”  (Ibid)

Basically, The Third Order was a repeating “long-playing” (LP) record of what happened to European Jews in Hitler’s Nazi Germany resulting in the extermination of 6 million Jews during the Holocaust from 1933 – 1945. Now this same LP was playing a similar tune on Channel Islands from 1940 – 1945.


Three “foreign” European Jewish women residing in Guernsey were denied evacuation to England. Therese Steiner, Auguste Spitz, and Marianne Grünfeld were trapped on Channel Islands to suffer their ultimate fate of death. As the first islanders to be deported to France in 1942, they were “ordered to pack their bags,” and “forced onto a ship headed for the French mainland.From there, they were sent to Auschwitz (with gas chambers). (Wikipedia: German Occupation of the Channel Islands) (The Jews of the Channel Islands” retrieved from <http://www.holocaustresearchproject.org/nazioccupation/channelislands.html>)

Therese Steiner was arrested and detained as an “alien” in June 1940. Apparently, she had no UK visa required for German/Austrian immigrants. Subsequently, as a “qualified dental nurse, she was then employed as a nurse by the States of Guernsey, working at the Castel Hospital.” About 18 months later, she went to German authorities with a request to contact her parents. This alerted Nazi Germans “to the presence of Jews in the Island.” (Wikipedia: History of the Jews in Guernsey)

It should be noted that evacuations to Britain from Channel Islands took place about 10 days before Hitler’s Nazi German “official” occupation of the islands began on July 1, 1940. Apparently, Ms. Steiner was arrested in June 1940 by British police in collaboration with Bailiff civil authorities and His Majesty’s Government, who refused her entry to Britain because she had no UK visa. Subsequently, in effect, her case was sealed with a death warrant to Auschwitz ordered by Nazi German officials.

Had this happened under international law of human rights principles today, I believe His Majesty’s Government, the British police, and Bailiffs, etc., would have been held accountable for violating all three of these Jewish women’s inalienable right of freedom to evacuate in June of 1940 – resulting in their ultimate “wrongful deaths” in Auschwitz.  Regardless of their immigration status, these Jewish residents of Guernsey were seeking asylum/refuge in Britain from Hitler’s Final Solution.

Instead of helping to make sure their lives could be saved by evacuating them to England prior to Hitler’s occupation of Channel Islands on July 1, 1940, I submit, that YOUR BRITISH CROWN facilitated Hitler’s genocide of these three Jewish women, who were “wrongfully” deported to Auschwitz in 1942.

A plaque in St. Peter Port in memorial to the three European Jewish women residents of Guernsey, who were deported and died in Auschwitz, is shown below:



SS Lager Sylt “Horrific atrocities”: SS Lager Sylt “holds a position of uniqueness in the fact that it was the only SS concentration camp on British soil.” Jews were held in Sylt, which was a sub-camp of the Neuengamme concentration camp in Hamburg, Germany. In this camp of “horrific atrocities,” Jews (and other European forced slave laborers) were “starved, beaten, and crucified.” (Spillett, R. (12/29/15). The gates of hell: Inside Britain's only Nazi death camp where slave laborers were starved, beaten and crucified on the occupied Channel Islands” retrieved from <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/>)

WAFFEN SS:  The Waffen SS (Schutzstaffel) were an elite police force in the Nazi Party active from 1933 – 1945, whose allegiance was to Adolf Hitler. Known as the “Death’s Head,” they were in control of Lager Sylt. Their symbols on their helmets/clothes had the appearance of double lightning bolts. Their Chief Commander was Heinrich Himmler. Appallingly, there were even some recruited “British” Waffen SS loyal to Hitler to their death!  After the Holocaust ended in 1945, in “post-war Nuremberg trials, the Waffen-SS was condemned as a criminal organisation [sic] due to its connection to the Nazi Party and involvement in numerous war crimes.” (Wikipedia: Waffen-SS)

Organization Todt (OT): This Nazi German organization was named after its founder, Fritz Todt. He was responsible for the engineering of the Atlantic Wall, and to fortify Alderney with 4 concentration camps on the island. The OT provided “compulsory” laborers  for this project. Transported from Hitler’s occupied European territories to concentration camps on Alderney Island, Jews (and other religions/nationalities) were all “effectively treated as slaves and existed in the complete and arbitrary service of a ruthless totalitarian state.” “Many did not survive the work or the war.” (Wikipedia: Organisation [sic] Todt)

Because the “only camps on British soil operated by the OT were in the Channel Islands,” this further confirms YOUR BRITISH CROWN’S complicity and participation in Hitler’s Final Solution on British soil. Thru British Military Intelligence, His Majesty (King George VI) knew, or should have known that Organization Todt was building the Atlantic Wall with European forced slave laborers, and that “horrific atrocities” were being perpetrated on British soil by Hitler’s Nazi Waffen SS, e.g., and also by the Nazi OT. (Ibid)

Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service (SIS): Formed in 1909, the SIS (aka MI6 – Military Intelligence, Section 6), was not “officially acknowledged until 1994.” It’s motto: “Semper Occultus (Always Secret).” The SIS in the UK and overseas has provided the British Government with “foreign intelligence,” in particular, regarding “the activities of the Imperial German Government.” (Wikipedia: Secret Intelligence Service)

The SIS team also had “wartime control” of code breaking giving them “enormous insight into Adolf Hitler’s strategy,” which was “kept a closely held secret.” The MI6 even assisted the Gestapo with “exchange of information about Communism; as late as October 1937,” . . . (Ibid)

My point; thru such top secret British Military Intelligence to which His Majesty was privy, YOUR BRITISH CROWN cannot claim it had no knowledge that Jews (and other European forced slave laborers) were “starved, beaten, and crucified” on Alderney Island during Hitler’s occupation from 1940 – 1945.

Anton Yezhel was transported from Europe to Alderney as a forced slave laborer. His picture is one of the few to be taken, and his survival is unknown. His surname “Yezhel” may have been derived, e.g., from the Hebrew transliterated name of Ye’chezkel (Ezekiel). (See Spillett reference, Supra)

FREDERICK COHEN’s MOST RELIABLE information: A foremost reliable source of information quoted by many writers (including this writer) regarding SS Lager Sylt and other Nazi German concentration camps on Alderney was published in Frederick Cohen’s book in 2000 titled: The Jews in the Channel Islands During the German Occupation 1940-1945. He has been the President of the Jersey Jewish Congregation.

Mr. Cohen’s sources include many survivor testimonies and interviews, and documents at the Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine, Moscow State Archives, Yad Vashem archives, Jersey and Guernsey Archive Services, and Public Records Office. His book details “horrific atrocities” of crucifixions at SS Lager Sylt (many of whom were Russian Jews). Quoted extracts and information from his book follows:

“At Sylt horrific atrocities are recorded; a British Military Intelligence report stated:

“‘Any Russian defaulter was liable to transfer to this camp.
One such was crucified on the camp gate, naked and in midwinter.
The German guards threw buckets of cold water over him all night
until he was dead. Another was caught by bloodhounds
when attempting to stow away to the mainland. He was hanged
and crucified on the same gate. His body was left hanging on the
gate for 5 days as a warning’.”

“A number of those broadly classified
as ‘Russians’ were in fact Jews.”
 (PRO WO 199/3303 (a)D15/86 MI19 intelligence report,
(April 20, 1945).

As shown in two color pictures, three concrete posts with a memorial plaque are all that remain of Lager Sylt.

AS SHOWN IN THE B&W BOTTOM picture, the three posts and gates of Lager Sylt on Alderney can be seen in the top right corner of the picture upon which prisoners/slave laborers were “crucified.”

In 2008, a plaque was placed on one post by ex-prisoners and their families in memory of about 400 prisoners who died at S.S. Lager Sylt from March 1943 – June 1944. A close-up color picture of the square bluish memorial plaque states as follows:

“These gate posts mark
the entrance to the former
German concentration camp
 “S.S. Lager Sylt”
Some 400 prisoners died here
March 1943 and June 1944
This plaque was placed by
by ex prisoners and their families

The “exact number of Jews held at the Sylt camp is unknown” . . . “The conditions experienced by all forced laborers were extremely harsh, brutality was commonplace and many died from disease, starvation, overwork and beatings.”

“Transportations of labourers to Alderney [from Europe], including Jewish forced laborers, began in early 1942. Many of the Jews in the early transportations had been arrested in the Paris area.” . . . Subsequently, “worked out forced labourers were returned to mainland Europe,” where they “perished in other work camps, concentration camps and extermination centres in mainland Occupied Europe.” The forced laborers “were so starved and incapable of work,” that they “only lasted in Alderney for about nine months before their onward transportation.”

In July of 1943, 200 prisoners were transported from Alderney “suffering from ‘festering sores, TB and dysentery’.” Because they were “not working and . . . thus useless,’” SS Hauptsturmführer Maximilian List “ordered their transportation to Neuengamme concentration camp for ‘extermination’.”

FRENCH JEWS WITH YELLOW STARS: In the months of July, August, October and December 1943, “the main transportations of Jewish forced laborers from France to Alderney took place.” Two Guernsey former fishermen on Alderney, who had escaped to England in April 1944, stated the following in a MI 19 (Military Intelligence, section 19) interrogation report [PRO WO 199/2090A, interview 50157]:

“There are about 1,000 Jews working for the Germans.
These are mainly French and wear the yellow star
 with the word JUIF across it.”

These French Jews were “predominantly middle-class well educated professionals, including many doctors, lawyers, musicians and teachers.” Jews such as Poles, Czechs, and Russians originated from other Nazi German occupied countries.

David Trat was a twenty-six year old Jewish “industrial designer.” He was arrested in March of 1943 “in a round up of Jews.” From Drancy, France, he was “transported by cattle wagon to Alderney” . . . Upon his arrival, as a Jewish forced worker, he was sent to a “special section of Norderney camp.” Trat said:

‘I was part of the first batch of French internees to be sent to
Alderney. Our task there was to build the island's concrete
fortifications. We were put into a barracks where we slept on
flea-infested mattresses. There were fleas and lice everywhere,
in your hair even in your eyebrows. We tried to kill the insects
when we could, before we went to bed, but we were exhausted.’”

Albert Eblagon, a Jewish grandson of the former Chief Rabbi of Crete, was a publisher’s salesman. Prior to his arrest and transportation from France to Alderney, he said:

“We arrived at night and disembarked on 15 August 1943,
at three o’clock in the morning. In the darkness we were forced
 to run the two kilometres to Camp Norderney, while the German
 guards continually stabbed into our backs with their bayonets
while also kicking us all the time.”
(A reference to Steckoll. “The Alderney Death Camp,” p. 95)

Mr. Eblagon related “the appalling treatment” he received on Alderney as follows:

“There were many men among us over seventy years of age
but nobody was spared. Work, hard physical work for twelve and
fourteen hours a day, every day, building the fortifications.
Every day there were beatings, and people’s bones were broken,
their arms or their legs. People died from overwork.
We were starved and worked to death,
so many died from total exhaustion.”

After the Holocaust ended on May 9, 1945, Mr. Eblagon became the President of the Alderney Survivors Assn.

Jewish Reuven Freidman was arrested by the French police in November of 1943. At 17 years of age, he was transported with other Jews to Norderney camp on Alderney. His testimony follows:

“We arrived in the middle of the night, and didn’t know where we were . . .
The officer of the camp took out his machine gun, put it on the table
and began to read out the camp regulations. In addition to wearing the yellow patch,
we had a white stripe the full length of our trousers on both sides . . .
In the camp there were about 800 Jews.”

An Alderney Island survivor testified how both Jewish and non-Jewish prisoners were treated brutally:

“Every day the Camp Commander made a habit
of beating any man he found not standing properly
 to attention or who had not made his bed properly
or did not execute a drill movement properly.
The beatings were carried out on the head, face
or body with a stick about 2 1/2 centimetres in diameter.
The Camp Commander’s assistant also beat laborers daily
 with a stick of the same thickness on all parts of the body
 until their faces were covered with blood and they
could not rise from the ground, when he would call
on the prisoner’s mates to carry the prostrate body away.”
(A reference to Pantcheff. “Alderney Fortress Island,” p. 13)

 V.I. Rosslova testified:
. . . “many laborers were buried where thy fell,”
and “dead laborers were thrown into the sea.”

“A lorry loaded with corpses would go
to the end of the breakwater which stuck out
 500 meters into the bay, dumped its horrible load and came back.”

John Dalmau, diving near the breakwater, testified:

“among the rocks and seaweed
there were skeletons all over the place.”

Johann Burbach, a German engineer in Alderney, told British interrogators what he witnessed in 1945:

“corpses being transported across the Island;
‘they were completely emaciated consisting of skin and bones’.”

Otto Spehr, a worker in Alderney, “confirmed” that SS Hauptsturmfuhrer Maximilian List and Lagerfuhrer Puhr had “ordered the shooting of many laborers” from June 1943 – June 1944. Some of the laborers in Alderney “were thrown into mass graves.” A German by the name of Prekshatt (who worked under a Commandant named Zuske) stated:

“A truck collected the naked corpses which were
taken off the truck with pitchforks,
and thrown into a general grave.”

“Solomon Steckoll recounted that British forces uncovered two mass graves in Alderney in May 1945, containing 83 and 48 bodies.” On one mass grave, they erected a memorial for 48 “unknown Soviet Citizens” as follows:

“Here lie forty-eight unknown Soviet Citizens,
who died during the German occupation 1941 – 1945.”

With the consent of the State of Jersey, in 1998 the Jersey Jewish Congregation “added a plaque to the Westmount memorial dedicated to Jewish forced workers who suffered in all the Channel Islands.” Annually, a service is held at the Westmount memorial on Liberation day (May 9, 1945). This plaque reads as follows:

“To the Jews who suffered
during the Occupation 1940-1945


In 1945, YOUR BRITISH CROWN rewrote history with false/misleading propaganda regarding Channel Islands in a 2:28 minute video shown in the few film clips above, which can be viewed online at the “britishpathe” link herein. This film was produced after King George VI and Queen Elizabeth/Queen Mum (your parents) visited Jersey and Guernsey Islands for the first time on June 7, 1945. (Film clips retrieved from <http://www.britishpathe.com/video/royal-visit-to-channel-islands>)

To begin with, although the King and Queen made special appearances in London by stepping foot on the balcony of Buckingham Palace after Nazi Germany’s surrender on May 8, 1945 on V-E Day (Victory in Europe Day), they never bothered to step foot on their Crown Dependencies until about one month after the islands were liberated on May 9, 1945. Prior to their visit, King George V and Queen Mary (the King and Queen’s parents) had visited Channel Islands 24 years earlier in 1921.

If the truth be told, your parents didn’t give a hoot about Channel Islands or any of the island inhabitants – all of whom were of no “major strategic importance” to them. That’s why King George VI demilitarized the islands; the Armed Forces and Lieutenant-Governors were withdrawn; and “all military personnel, weapons and equipment” were taken to England – prior to Hitler’s occupation on July 1, 1940.

The King and Queen (your parents) could have saved many Jewish lives (and other European forced slave laborers) on Alderney either (i) after the United Kingdom (and the U.S.) drafted an “Atlantic Charter” policy statement on August 14, 1941 pledging to achieve “the final destruction of Nazi tyranny” (to be discussed later); or (ii) after Admiral Lord Mountbatten proposed a military conquest in 1943 discussed earlier; or (iii) after D-Day in Normandy in 1944 discussed earlier. Instead, your anti-Semitic pro-Nazi Hitler-loving Anglo-German Royal Family made sure as many Jews were exterminated as possible on British soil, and/or by deportations to concentration camps on European soil – up to the last minute until May 9, 1945!

This short video film reeks with false/misleading propaganda and “obscurantism” from the opening film clip titled: “ROYAL VISIT TO CHANNEL ISLANDS” . . . to the swiftly moving Jamaica Cruiser carrying the King and Queen onboard. This fast cruising ship makes it appear as though they couldn’t wait to get to the islands to support their British Crown’s “oldest possession” coming back to “freedom”! Little did the islanders know that your Royal Family was responsible for putting Channel Islands into Hitler’s “dictatorship yoke of bondage” from 1940 – 1945 in the first place.

Yet, with great pomp and circumstance of royal ceremonies, trumpet fanfare, band music, and loud cheers given to puffed-up King George VI and Queen Mum, this video film infers they had “thrown out” Hitler’s Nazi Germans from Channel Islands!  Essentially, they took credit in the limelight as being the liberating “saviors” of Channel Islands – even though they never lifted one Royal Pinky to effectively stop Hitler’s war crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and human/civil rights abuses on these islands for 5 years.

Although the King mentions the “long sufferings” of general islander (non-Jewish) populations in this narrated video film, no mention is made of the “long sufferings” of Jews (and other forced slave laborers), e.g., in Lager Sylt concentration camp on Alderney that suffered “horrific atrocities,” of which the King was aware thru British Military Intelligence.

By suppressing such important facts from the islanders and general public viewing this video film thru “obscurantism,” in effect, King George VI and Queen Mum covered up their British Crown’s complicity, collaboration, and participation in Hitler’s war crimes of genocide, etc., on British soil from 1940 - 1945. Had the truth about such issues been mentioned in this video film, there would have been no cover up by YOUR BRITISH CROWN.

AS TRANSCRIBED BELOW, IN PART, I have written the words spoken by a heavily accented English male broadcaster narrating this video film as follows:

“The Cruiser Jamaica sailed into Superior Harbor, Jersey, carrying the King and Queen on their first visit to the Channel Islands since the Germans were ‘thrown out’. It was 24 years since the last Royal Visit when King George V and Queen Mary visited the island. Welcoming their Majesties were the Bailiff of Jersey, and officials of the island. Channel Islanders turned out in force to celebrate their long-delayed liberation. There were not enough union jacks for everybody to wave, so those who had one already made the most of it. At Government House, the King and Queen met the deputies of the State Assembly, Jersey’s ancient Parliament. The King said: ‘After your long sufferings, I hope the island will soon regain its former glory.’ A fifteen minutes flight . . . carried their Majesties on to Guernsey.” . . . “Three little girls representing the islands of Guernsey, Alderney, and Sark gave the Queen bouquets tied with ribbons of their islands [cuttings]?  A royal? address was handed to the King by Mrs. Hathaway, the indomitable Dame of Sark, who said the islanders: ‘We welcome your Majesties within this small but ancient epinards of the Crown of England so recently freed from the hands of your Majesty’s enemies.’” (<http://www.britishpathe.com/video/royal-visit-to-channel-islands>)

Chauffeured in an expensive convertible motor vehicle moving slowly through crowded streets, self-glorifying King George VI and Queen Mum (dressed in a mink stole in the summer of June) made sure a Royal Coat of Arms plaque was placed on the States Building in St. Helier’s main shopping area in Jersey – to memorialize their “post-Liberation” visit of Channel Islands on June 7, 1945. Little did these cheering crowds know that YOUR BRITISH CROWN was responsible for permanently stripping the Channel Islands of their “former glory” – never to be regained! (Wikipedia: German Occupation of the Channel Islands reference to Royal Coat of Arms plaque.)

With no moral conscience, whatsoever, regarding Hitler’s war crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and human/civil rights abuses of “horrific atrocities” perpetrated on Channel Islands – your Crown Dependencies, your anti-Semitic pro-Nazi Hitler-loving Anglo-German pompous Royal Family took off by plane back to England – smelling like a rose!


By giving Hitler absolute freedom behind the scenes to occupy the “Open Island” of Channel Islands, your Royal Family abused its power against the island population, who depended upon King George VI to act in their best interest, and to ensure the “good governance” of Channel Islands.

Consequently, YOUR BRITISH CROWN is responsible (i) for Hitler’s permanent destruction of the pristine natural beauty of Channel Islands with ugly Atlantic Wall remnants of structures still standing today; (ii) for allowing thousands of Nazi German soldiers to deplete land productivity and cattle farming on Alderney – all of which contributed to near starvation of islanders during the winter of December of 1944; (iii) for facilitating Hitler’s 4 concentration camps on Alderney Island where Jews (and other European forced slave laborers) suffered “horrific atrocities” and genocide on British soil; and (iv) for causing the death of many non-Jewish islanders (imprisoned and otherwise) attributed to Hitler’s occupation of Channel Islands from 1940 – 1945.



YOUR MAJESTY, I’m sure you know the name of the devious Anglo-German British-born Cambridge educated British Crown sympathizing “shill/stooge,” who has rewritten history of Channel Islands with deceptive false/misleading propaganda with your Royal Family’s blessings! Paul Sanders’ book published on May 5, 2005 (which he gave you the same month you visited Channel Islands on May 9, 2005 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of their liberation on May 9, 1945), is titled: The Channel Islands Under German Occupation 1940 – 1945.” The magazine article of Sanders’ statements such as “blind spots” that I quoted earlier were obtained from “A New Chapter in Occupation History,” Heritage Magazine article, pp. 35-37.

Teaming up with another British Crown sympathizer and/or “shill/stooge” from Cambridge, Sanders has done everything possible to quash the “model occupation” of Hitler’s occupation of Channel Islands. Now the notion is being advanced that there were widespread “overt” protests, defiance, and resistance on the islands. From all the facts and pictures presented thus far in this open letter, it is self-evident that this is deceptive false/misleading propaganda – especially since your father (King George VI) preplanned that there would be “no resistance” to Hitler’s Nazi German occupation by leaving the islands defenseless. To all of this I say: “Enough of your British Crown’s deceptive rewritten history utilizing such “shills/stooges” to falsify Channel Islands history”!

Moreover, this Anglo-German author has planted many deceptive false/misleading propaganda entries in his “timeline,” which can be obtained online on a page from “the islandwiki.org” link herein. His timeline online is an “edited and abridged version” from his 2005 book, which shields YOUR BRITISH CROWN, and is duping the general public. Yet, his timeline and book are considered to be an “authoritative” history of Channel Islands, and are even being used as a “resource.” To this I also say: “Enough”! (<http://www.theislandwiki.org/index.php?title=Occupation_of_Channel_Islands_-_Timeline&action=edit>)

AN ALERT: Although I have used some historical photos and information from other pages of “the “theislandwiki.org” web site, apparently, Paul Sanders has set up his “timeline” on this web site. In looking up “Who Is,” the Registrant Contact of this web site is Stephen Foote, who is connected to the Guernsey Society. “The Guernsey Society was formed in 1943 to represent the interests of the island to the British Government during the German Occupation” . . . (Wikipedia: History of the Society)

This doesn’t bode well with me since Mr. Foote’s Guernsey Society represents the “interests” of your British Government. Whether he is also a British Crown sympathizing “shill/stooge” in collusion with Paul Sanders is unknown at this time. However, all the falsified rewritten history of Channel Islands in Sanders’ timeline being marketed and promoted on “theislandwiki.org” web site has alerted me to this possibility.

Naturally, by shielding your British Crown’s complicity, collaboration, and participation in Hitler’s war crimes of genocide, etc., against Jews (and other forced slave laborers) on Channel Islands from 1940 – 1945, Paul Sanders has your Royal Family’s blessings and support! He is touted as a historian and scholar despite (i) his “reconfiguration of occupation history” (i.e., rewritten history); (ii) his extraneous irrelevant issues and events to create confusion; and (iii) his author’s paint brush dipped in false/misleading propaganda to whitewash the truth with lies and “obscurantism.”

For example, from the onset of Sanders’ timeline, he deviously shifts the responsibility of Channel Islands to the UK and other people, and diverts all attention away from your British Crown’s responsibility for your Crown Dependencies.

In his timeline, he also sets up a subtle inference that war was brewing prior to Hitler’s occupation of the islands; and that there was hostility between His Majesty’s Government and Hitler’s Nazi Germans – all of which is false/misleading propaganda. Hence, he subtly advances the notion of a phony war and invasion in his timeline – even though tourism to Channel Islands was being advertised, the islanders were “very busy growing and exporting tomatoes”, and . . . “life in the islands continued much as normal” discussed earlier.

To reiterate, Hitler’s Nazi Germans “never had to do any fighting” to occupy the islands. There was absolutely “no resistance” in Hitler’s official take-over of Channel Islands on July 1, 1940. Why? King George VI preplanned it to be this way.

There’s more. Apparently, this unethical con artist, who has rewritten Channel Islands history with false/misleading propaganda and “obscurantism,” is also involved in a new book project regarding a “study of ethical leadership in historical perspective.” Wait a minute! This deceiving “Machiavelli” British-born British Crown sympathizing “shill/stooge,” who is adept in lying thru his teeth and doesn’t know the difference between right and wrong, is writing a book about “ethical leadership” concerning history? Surely, this is a joke! (Information regarding this author’s new book project obtained from the P&R Agency Limited, UK.)

Having sermonized PAUL SANDERS’ collusion with the Royal Family as a sympathizing “shill/stooge” to shield the British Crown from complicity, collaboration, and participation in Hitler’s war crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and human/civil rights abuses on Channel Islands, let’s take a close look now at some of his deceptive false and misleading propaganda, deliberate statements of confusion, and whitewashed truth with lies and “obscurantism” in his “Occupation of Channel Islands – Timeline,” which I strongly refute as follows:

Sanders’ Timeline: June 10, 1940
Lieut-Governor Major General J Harrison, suggests to Home Office
that evacuation is United Kingdom’s responsibility.”

My Response: Firstly, this timeline entry is false and misleading intended to deliberately confuse the general public. Not until June 11th did His Majesty’s Cabinet determine that Channel Islands were of no “major strategic importance.” This Cabinet issue, therefore, had to be determined first before any “evacuation” suggestion was purportedly made by Harrison on June 10th – if it was made at all.
            Secondly, it was the Cabinet’s recommendation that “immediate consideration be given for the evacuation of all women and children on a voluntary and free basis” on June 11th. Even if Harrison’s suggestion for evacuation on June 10th is true, it had no force or effect because it was not a Cabinet decision. Further, because His Majesty did not withdraw Lieutenant-Governors from Channel Islands until June 21st, Harrison was still on the islands. Harrison was formerly a British Army Officer whose role as Lieutenant-Governor ended in June 1940. (Wikipedia: James Harrison (British Army Officer)
            Thirdly, in his timeline from 1940 – 1945, Sanders makes no mention of “Crown Dependencies,” “British Crown,” or the words “Crown” or “Dependencies.” Thus, he attempts to shield the British Crown’s responsibility of Channel Islands’ evacuations, and shifts it to the UK via Harrison’s purported suggestion on June 10th. To reiterate, His Majesty’s Crown Dependencies were not part of the UK; nor were they “represented in the UK Parliament.” That’s why King George VI and Queen Mum made a Royal visit to Channel Islands on June 7, 1945, which was their responsibility – not the UK’s responsibility.
            Fourthly, what “Home Office” is Sanders talking about? This can only mean His Majesty’s Government in England, which Sanders shields by calling it a “Home Office” instead. From the onset of his timeline on June 10th, therefore, Sanders deviously sets up false/misleading information that the UK was responsible for evacuations of Channel Islands instead of the British Crown’s responsibility.

Sanders’ Timeline: June 11-12, 1940
“Army decides to send troops to Jersey to oversee evacuation of women,
children and men of military age, then reverses decision.”

My Response: Firstly, this timeline entry is false/misleading propaganda to create deliberate confusion. As discussed in Sanders’ June 10, 1940 timeline hereinabove, it was His Majesty’s Cabinet’s recommendation that “immediate consideration be given for the evacuation of all women and children on a voluntary and free basis” on June 11th – not an Army’s decision.
            Secondly, the Army had no authority to decide “to send troops to Jersey” regarding evacuations. British Armed Forces were under His Majesty’s control – not under the Army’s control. Sanders should never have incorporated this deceptive irrelevant timeline entry to create confusion – especially since this Army decision was purportedly reversed.

Sanders’ Timeline: June 17, 1940
“Jersey ships sent to St Malo to help troops evacuate

My Response: Sanders throws in this false/misleading propaganda timeline entry to create deliberate confusion. What does Saint-Malo on the coast of France have to do with Channel Islands, which isn’t even a British Crown Dependency? What troops does Sanders purport were removed by Jersey ships . . . French troops? By this irrelevant confusing timeline entry, Sanders also subtly infers that war was brewing on Channel Islands requiring British troop evacuations in France – all of which is nonsense!

Sanders’ Timeline: June 19, 1940
“Lieut-Governor informed of UK decision to demilitarise the islands
 and evacuation plan announced in Evening Post.”

My Response: Firstly, once again, Sanders intentionally states false/misleading propaganda of deliberate confusion in this timeline entry by saying the UK had the authority to demilitarize the Channel Islands instead of His Majesty. By shifting responsibility for defense of the islands to the UK, he shields His Majesty’s British Crown from this responsibility.
Secondly, His Majesty’s demilitarization of the islands when “all military personnel, weapons and equipment” were taken to England took place on June 15, 1940 – not on June 19th.


By letters on June 19th, His Majesty’s Secretary of State orderED Bailiffs, parliament members, civil servants, and emergency services “to work in a professional manner with the [Nazi German] occupiers for the benefit of the civil population.” This is why there was “no resistance” to Hitler’s occupation of Channel Islands officially on July 1, 1940. (Wikipedia: Living with the enemy in the German-occupied Channel Islands, in reference to Sec. of State orders to Bailiffs.)

Sanders’ Timeline: June 20, 1940 
“Last troops leave Jersey and Militia disbands.  
23,000 people register for evacuation in Jersey.  
Jurat Dorey tells the States of Jersey of his ‘disgust’ at prospect
 of local people (‘who should be rooted to the soil’) leaving. 
Bailiff Alexander Coutanche speaks to crowd in Royal Square
 urging people to keep calm.  German Admiral commanding
 France, Karl-Georg Schuster, receives orders from Berlin
 that the occupation of the Channel Islands is ‘urgent and important’.”

My Response: Firstly, this timeline entry is deceptive, misleading, and confusing. Sanders infers that about about one-half of Jersey’s population evacuates even though about “6,600 out of 50,000” actually evacuated from Jersey; and “17,000 out of 42,000” from Guernsey. He doesn’t mention that thousands of islanders decided to stay, and were still “rooted to the soil.” (Wikipedia: German Occupation of the Channel Islands)
                SECONDLY, if this is true regarding Dorey, he should have vented his “disgust” at King George VI for causing evacuations from Jersey – not against local people. Certainly, no one had the right to force them to live under Hitler’s Nazi German dictatorship occupation. Moreover, as discussed in Sanders’ June 10, 1940 timeline hereinabove, His Majesty’s Cabinet recommended that evacuations be on a “voluntary and free basis.”
                THIRDLY, Sanders infers that a crowd in Royal Square was out of control and had to be told by Bailiff Coutanche to “keep calm.” The States ordered islanders “to keep calm”; to comply with the requirements of a Nazi German Communication [proclamation]; and “to offer no resistance whatsoever to the occupation of the island.” That’s why there was absolutely “no resistance” to Hitler’s official occupation of Channel Islands on July 1, 1940. (“The Germans Arrive.” <http://www.theislandwiki.org/index.php/The_Germans_arrive>)

A NOTATION: Regarding Schuster’s “orders from Berlin” on June 20, 1940 that occupation of Channel Islands was “urgent and important” (which I also reference in this open letter), Paul Sanders surprisingly reveals the truth by this timeline entry. He confirms your British Crown’s complicity, collaboration, and participation in Hitler’s war crimes, etc., on British soil by the mere fact that pro-Nazi King George VI had direct contact links with Hitler’s Nazi German officials in Berlin. About 11 days after these Berlin orders were given, the King turned Channel Islands over to Hitler’s Nazi Germans with “no resistance” on July 1, 1940 – giving Hitler absolute freedom to build 4 concentration camps on Alderney Island where “horrific atrocities” were perpetrated against Jews (and other European forced slave laborers).

Sanders’ Timeline: June 21, 1940 
 “Lieut-Governors leave Jersey and Guernsey,
leaving Bailiffs to assume their civil responsibilities.”

My Response: Sanders misleads the general public in this timeline entry by inferring that the Lieutenant-Governors left Jersey and Guernsey at their discretion. They did not leave voluntarily. They were King George VI’s representatives on Channel Islands. The King made the ultimate decision for their withdrawal on June 21st, not his representatives.

Sanders’ Timeline: June 22, 1940
“Home Office press release announcing demilitarization
 is prepared but withheld.”

My Response: FIRSTLY, once again, Sanders deviously makes a false/misleading “Home Office” reference to create deliberate confusion. What “Home Office” is he talking about?
SECONDLY, he includes a purported “Home Office press release” announcement regarding “demilitarization” on June 22nd, which was “withheld.” His Majesty’s Government had already “demilitarized” Channel Islands on June 15th as noted hereinabove. Therefore, this entry of deception and deliberate confusion should never have been incorporated in Sanders’ timeline – especially since this purported “press release” was “withheld.”

Sanders’ Timeline: June 24, 1940
King George VI sends message to Bailiffs.
Coutanche chairs first meeting of emergency council.”

My Response: With devious intent to shield the British Crown thru “obscurantism,” Sanders misleads the general public by not disclosing King George VI’s “message” to Jersey and Guernsey Bailiffs (shown earlier in pictures). Again, the King announced the necessity of withdrawing Armed Forces from Channel Islands for “strategic reasons” as follows: “For strategic reasons it has been found necessary to withdraw the Armed Forces from the Channel Islands.” However, this was not “necessary” since he could have fulfilled his duty and obligation to defend the Channel Islands instead. Consequently, the King intentionally left his Crown Dependencies defenseless on June 24, 1940. Why?  . . . So Hitler’s Nazi Germans could occupy the islands with “no resistance” about one week later on July 1, 1940. Therefore, Sanders has suppressed the facts in the King’s significant message. Why? . . . To shield the British Crown from complicity, collaboration, and participation in Hitler’s war crimes, crimes against humanity, and human/civil rights abuses on British soil from 1940 – 1945.

Sanders’ Timeline: June 28, 1940
“German air raids on the islands (33 killed in Guernsey,
11 in Jersey). Demilitarisation [sic] announced on BBC 9 pm news.”

My Response: FIRSTLY, with devious deception, Sanders never mentions that Hitler’s Nazi German officials were not informed by His Majesty’s Government that Channel Islands had been demilitarized on June 15th. “Demilitarization” of the islands was publicly announced after the fact on June 28th by U.S. Ambassador, Joseph Kennedy, in London discussed earlier.
SECONDLY, although it was His Majesty’s wrongdoing that innocent islanders were killed, e.g., while loading tomatoes at the harbors for export, Sanders uses these Nazi German air raids to create a phony war on the islands, which is false/misleading propaganda.   

Sanders’ Timeline: June 30, 1940
“US Ambassador in London, Joseph Kennedy,
asked to inform Germans of demilitarisation.”

My Response: Kennedy sent a message (after the fact of the air raids) to Hitler’s Nazi German Government on June 28th – not June 30th.

timeline ENTRy ON JUNE 30, 1940 AS FOLLOWS:

On June 30, 1940, Hauptmann Liebe-Pieteritz made a “test landing at Guernsey's deserted airfield,” . . . It was determined that the islands were “not defended.” A letter signed by the Bailiff was carried by the Guernsey police to the airport, which states: "This Island has been declared an Open Island by His Majesty's Government of the United Kingdom. There are no armed forces of any description. The bearer has been instructed to hand this communication to you. He does not understand the German language." (Wikipedia: German Occupation of the Channel Islands)
                This hand delivered letter of submission to Hitler’s authority informed Nazi German officials that His Majesty’s Government had declared Channel Islands an “Open Island” for their occupation – with absolute freedom to, essentially, do as they pleased.

Sanders’ Timeline: July 1, 1940
“German ultimatum dropped on Jersey and first troops arrive,
commanded by Major Gussek. Major Albrecht Lanz,
first Military Commander of Channel Islands, arrives in Guernsey.
Orders issued in Jersey regarding curfew and other controls.”

My Response: FIRSTLY, Sanders’ timeline entry above deceptively infers that Hitler’s occupation started out on a “hostile” foot, which is false/misleading propaganda. As shown in earlier pictures, Hitler’s Nazi German officials and soldiers were cordially greeted at Jersey Airport by Bailiff Alexander Coutanche and other island civil authorities on July 1, 1940. German soldiers had smiles on their faces. One soldier appears to be holding a lamb in his arms, which can be interpreted as a sign of submission to Hitler’s authority.
            SECONDLY, as discussed earlier, the Commandant Order was an occupation formality informing the islander populations to comply with Nazi German restrictions and rules. Hence, when the entire picture of Hitler’s occupation of Channel Islands is assembled together in a correct true perspective, Madeleine Bunting’s assessment by calling Hitler’s occupation a “model occupation” is absolutely correct – i.e., for non-Jewish inhabitants.

 in Sanders’ Timeline

1)    Sanders omits the first-time British Treachery Act 1940 law enacted by the UK Parliament about 5 weeks prior to Hitler’s official occupation of Channel Islands on July 1, 1940. To reiterate, the intent of this Act could be looked upon as a legal mechanism to stop any interference with His Majesty’s decision to allow Hitler total access to Channel Islands with “no resistance.” Resistance could be viewed as disloyalty to the King.

2)    No mention is made in Sanders’ timeline (1940 – 1945) of 4 concentration camps built on Alderney Island that held Jewish (and other forced slave laborers). The word “concentration” is never mentioned in his timeline. Instead, he whitewashes these concentration camps by calling them “detention camps,” and makes the following single January 1941 entry regarding Alderney Island: “Building of detention camps in Alderney commences.”

3)    No mention is made in Sanders’ timeline of “Nazis,” who are only identified as “Germans.”

4)    No mention is made in Sanders’ timeline of “Waffen SS” “Death’s Head” in control of Alderney Island.

5)    No mention is made in Sanders’ timeline of British Military Intelligence reports documenting “horrific atrocities” at SS SS Lager Sylt concentration camp for Jews, or crucifixions of European forced slave laborers.

6)    No mention is made in Sanders’ timeline of forced slave laborers transported from Europe to concentration camps on Alderney Island. Instead, in an August 13, 1942 entry, he mentions “foreign workers” (as though they were paid) by saying: “Over 1,000 foreign workers arrive in Jersey.”

7)    No mention is made in Sanders’ timeline of hundreds of Jews (and other European forced slave laborers) building an Atlantic Wall to fortify the 4 concentration camps on Alderney Island; or that there were hundreds of graves (including two mass graves) with exterminated forced slave laborers/prisoners on Alderney Island.

8)    No mention is made in Sanders’ timeline that three Jewish women residents of Guernsey were denied evacuation in June of 1940 to seek asylum/refuge in England before Hitler’s occupation of Channel Islands on July 1, 1940. Instead, his April 21, 1942 timeline entry states: Three foreign single Jewish women deported from Guernsey to France. Sent to Auschwitz in July and die there.”

9)    No mention is made in Sanders’ timeline that Vice Admiral Lord Mountbatten’s plans for “Operation Constellation” of a military conquest of Channel Islands in 1943 were never carried out by the British Crown.

10) No mention is made in Sanders’ timeline that Great Britain was one of the Big Three “Allied Powers” that helped liberate France in the Battle of Normandy beginning on D-Day on June 6, 1944; or that Britain’s Armed Forces ignored liberating Channel Islands from Hitler’s occupation. Instead, Sanders’ one timeline entry regarding Normandy states: “Allied landing in Normandy. CI (Channel Islands) German garrison put on high alert.”

11) No mention is made in Sanders’ timeline that Harold Le Druillenec and Louisa Gould were brother and sister; or that Louisa was “arrested for sheltering an escaped slave worker,” and deported to Ravensbrück concentration camp where she died. Harold was arrested on June 5, 1944 for “trying to help an escaped Russian prisoner of war” with a radio. He was sentenced to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp for 10 months; however, he survived. (Wikipedia: Resistance in the German-occupied Channel Islands) Instead, Sanders includes a deceptive false/misleading  timeline entry on June 30, 1944 regarding Louisa, Harold, “slave workers from Alderney,” and “St Malo” as follows: “One of the last groups of prisoners, including Louisa Gould and Harold Le Druillenec, reaches St Malo, together with slave workers from Alderney.” NOTE: Where are Sanders’ citations . . . that Louisa and Harold reached St. Malo in the English Channel inferring that they escaped; or that “slave workers from Alderney” also reached St. Malo inferring that they escaped? Cleverly, Sanders infers that Louisa never died in a concentration camp in Europe, and “slave workers from Alderney” never died in concentration camps on Alderney Island.

12) No mention is made in Sanders’ timeline of a short video film of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth’s “Royal” visit to Channel Islands on June 7, 1945 about one month after the islands were liberated on May 9, 1945 discussed earlier.

THIS IS JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG OF HOW BRITISH CROWN SYMPATHIZING “SHILL/STOOGE” PAUL SANDERS HAS chewed up, regurgitated, and reconfigured the history of Channel Islands with DEVIOUS false/misleading propaganda and “obscurantism” – TO SHIELD YOUR ANTI-SEMITIC PRO-NAZI BRITISH CROWN’S SUPPORT OF HITLER’S NAZI GERMAN CONCENTRATION CAMPS with “horrific atrocities” ON BRITISH SOIL FROM 1940 – 1945.


YOUR MAJESTY, to help you fully understand why I strongly assert that YOUR BRITISH CROWN was complicit in Hitler’s Final Solution in Europe, and participated in his war crimes of genocide, and crimes against humanity, etc., against Jews (and other forced slave laborers) on Channel Islands from 1940 – 1945 . . . it is because your Royal Family had “constructive notice” of Hitler’s Final Solution intentions in Europe from 1933 – 1942.

In other words, by your Royal Family’s “secret channels of communication” with “royal” Nazi links (including published news accounts), your House of Windsor knew, or should have known about Hitler’s genocide intentions of Jews in Europe beginning in 1933 (i) when Dachau was built near Munich – the first concentration camp with cremation ovens; (ii) when Hitler’s anti-Semitic laws restricting the civil and human rights of Jews in Germany began; and (iii) when hundreds of Jews were “murdered in cold blood” in purges.

This is the starting point when the Holocaust began in 1933, and the year when you made your shocking Nazi-salute to perfection in a home movie at 7 years of age – taught to you by your Uncle Edward (Duke of Windsor) as shown in the picture. Again, it is believed this home movie was filmed by your father, George VI. (See Part 1 (3/8/16) open letter for full discussion of your Nazi-salute film clip.)

Actually, when your Queen Mum, Uncle Edward, and you made your “Heil Hitler” Nazi-salutes in this 1933 home movie, I submit, that all of your Royal Family salutes were made . . . to welcome Hitler’s new regime on January 30, 1933!

While it is true that a “deep and broad” “history of anti-Semitism in Britain” existed in the 1920s – 1940s, your Royal Family “willingly” participated in Hitler’s genocide of Jews – which is beyond the pale.

Further, by your Royal Family’s close personal “ties” and collaboration with Hitler’s Nazi German regime thru arms deals and financial loans since 1934, and the 1938 Anglo-German Transfer Agreement discussed earlier, YOUR BRITISH CROWN helped to finance Hitler’s war crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and human/civil rights abuses against millions of Jews in Europe – even though you had “constructive notice” of Hitler’s “war on the entire Jewish race.” His genocide intentions were published in British and USA headlines and news clips in 1933/1934 as shown in the images below:

CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE IN 1933/1934 NEWS OF HITLER’S INTENTIONS: “Hitler and the Jews, the attacks upon the Jews in Germany” (March 25, 1933, Dundee Courier, Angus, Scotland); “Nazis Seek to Wipe out All Jewish Religion”;  . . . “war on the entire Jewish race”; “Nazis Renew Anti-Jew Drive.”

Because your anti-Semitic pro-Nazi King George VI, Queen Mum, and Uncle Edward were strong supporters of Hitler’s Final Solution in Europe from 1933 – 1940, they all turned a “blind eye” to the inhumane persecution of Jews. British diplomat Sir Robert Gilbert Vansittart wrote in his diaries: . . . “in the early 1930s Edward, then the Prince of Wales, expressed his full support to Hitler’s dictatorship, turning a blind eye to the persecution of Jews.” (See British Fascism . . . Supra)

Twenty years after the Holocaust “horrors were laid bare,” your contemptible anti-Semitic Nazi-saluting Hitler-loving Uncle Edward was quoted in 1965 as saying: "I never thought Hitler was such a bad chap."

For 7 years, YOUR BRITISH CROWN was fully aware of Hitler’s intentions to wipe out all Jews in Europe. Hence, your Royal Family had “constructive notice” of Hitler’s war crimes, crimes against humanity, and human/civil rights abuses in Europe from 1933 – 1940. Yet, despite King George VI’s knowledge of the systematic mass murder of Jews in Europe, your father voluntarily “gave up the oldest possession of the Crown without firing ‘a single shot,’” thereby, facilitating Hitler’s war crimes of genocide, etc., on Channel Islands for 5 years from 1940 – 1945.


Briefly, “in response to Nazi Germany's defiance of the Munich Agreement and occupation of Czechoslovakia, on March 31, 1939, the United Kingdom pledged the support of itself and France to guarantee Polish independence” in an Anglo-Polish Agreement. This guaranteed assurance was supposed to give Poland “all the support and assistance in its power” if Poland was "engaged in hostilities with a European Power in consequence of aggression by the latter" (including Germany).  On September 1, 1939, Hitler’s Nazi German forces invaded Poland – considered to be the start of WW2. (Wikipedia: Anglo-Polish Military Alliance)

However, His Majesty’s Government double-crossed Poland’s government with double-dealing. How?  Hitler’s Nazi Germany was a “principal trading client” thru financial deals such as the Anglo-German Transfer Agreement discussed earlier. In the 1940s, Publicist Stanislaw Mackiewicz said: "To accept London's guarantees was one of the most tragic dates in the history of Poland. It was a mental aberration and madness". (Ibid)

On the same day when Britain pledged support for Poland, Lord Halifax said: "We do not think this guarantee will be binding". British diplomat, Alexander Cadogan, wrote in his diary: "Naturally, our guarantee does not give any help to Poland. It can be said that it was cruel to Poland, even cynical". (Ibid)

With “Machiavelli” cruel sadism, your British monarchy “willfully” breached its guaranteed assurances to support and assist Poland against Hitler’s invasion in 1939 where millions of Jews were living. Consequently, Polish Jews were mass murdered (including by horrific tortures and medical experiments in Auschwitz). Many of Hitler’s concentration camps were located in Poland close to Germany. NOTE: Jews (and other European forced slave laborers) were deported AND/OR TRANSPORTED from the Channel Islands TO THEIR DEATHS in auschwitz. (Wikipedia: Nazi Concentration Camps)

CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE IN THE 1941 ATLANTIC CHARTER:  Briefly, although there was “no formal, legal document entitled ‘The Atlantic Charter,’” the United Kingdom (and the U.S.) drafted a policy statement on August 14, 1941, which all the Allies of WWII later confirmed. Essentially, the Atlantic Charter policy pledged a commitment to achieve "the final destruction of Nazi tyranny". By this “constructive notice,” King George VI was fully aware of Hitler’s “Nazi tyranny” – especially by the mass murder of Jews in Poland. (Wikipedia: Atlantic Charter) (Wikipedia: Allies of WWII)

CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE IN 1942 NEWS:  His Majesty (King George VI) was also fully aware of British news headlines reporting Hitler’s mass murder of Jews in Poland and Europe, e.g., in the British United Press (B.U.P.) and The Daily Telegraph Reporter below:

CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE IN 1942 BRITISH JOINT DECLARATION: On December 17, 1942, a joint declaration was made by British and American governments on behalf of 11 Allied Powers describing “bestial” (inhuman) “ongoing events” against Polish Jews during the Holocaust in Hitler’s Nazi German occupied Europe.  This joint declaration was read to the British House of Commons by Foreign Secretary, Anthony Eden, in a floor speech; and published in The New York Times, etc. (Wikipedia: Joint Declaration by Members of the United Nations)

Originally, this joint declaration had “no formal name.”  The title “Joint Declaration by Members of the United Nations Against Extermination of the Jews” came about by the “opening words from a December 18 New York Times report, datelined the previous day, which began:  ‘A joint declaration by members of the United Nations was issued today condemning Germany's 'bestial policy of cold-blooded extermination of Jews....'” (Wikipedia: Joint Declaration by Members of the United Nations Against Extermination of the Jews in reference to "11 Allies Condemn Nazi War on Jews," The New York Times, (12/18/42), p. 1.)

This Joint Declaration . . . was made in response to a December 10, 1942 “16-page note” represented by the Polish Government-in-Exile, Count Edward Raczyński, regarding the “mass extermination of Jews” in Hitler’s Nazi German occupied Poland.  As shown in the picture of the pinkish-colored booklet, the mass extermination of Jews in Poland is titled: “The Mass Extermination of Jews in German Occupied Poland.” (Ibid)

This Joint Declaration states below:

"The attention of the Belgian, Czechoslovak, Greek, Jugoslav, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norwegian,Polish, Soviet, United Kingdom and United States Governments and also of the French National Committee has been drawn to numerous reports from Europe that the German authorities, not content with denying to persons of Jewish race in all the territories over which their barbarous rule has been extended, the most elementary human rights, are now carrying into effect Hitler's oft-repeated intention to exterminate the Jewish people in Europe.
From all the occupied countries Jews are being transported in conditions of appalling horror and brutality to Eastern Europe. In Poland, which has been made the principal Nazi slaughterhousethe ghettos established by the German invader are being systematically emptied of all Jews except a few highly skilled workers required for war industries. None of those taken away are ever heard of again. The able-bodied are slowly worked to death in labor camps. The infirm are left to die of exposure and starvation or are deliberately massacred in mass executions. The number of victims of these bloody cruelties is reckoned in many hundreds of thousands of entirely innocent men, women and children.
The above-mentioned governments and the French National Committee condemn in the strongest possible terms this bestial policy of cold-blooded extermination. They declare that such events can only strengthen the resolve of all freedom-loving peoples to overthrow the barbarous Hitlerite tyranny. They reaffirm their solemn resolution to insure that those responsible for these crimes shall not escape retribution, and to press on with the necessary practical measures to this end." (Ibid)


·         By Britain’s “willful” breach of its guaranteed assurances to support and assist Poland if “engaged in hostilities with a European Power,” your British monarchy was indirectly/directly responsible for Hitler’s subsequent genocide of millions of Polish Jews. Because Jews (and other European forced slave laborers) were deported and/or transported from Channel Islands to Auschwitz, Hitler’s occupation of Poland is relevant to Channel Islands.

·         Your British monarchy covered up its tracks of its “willful” alliance breach with Poland by feigning sympathy and condemnation of the “barbarous Hitlerite tyranny” of Jews discussed in the 12/17/42 Joint Declaration.

·         Except for a slick publicity stunt of feigned sympathy for Polish Jews, your British monarchy did nothing to stop Hitler’s “tyranny.” Consequently, by 1945, six million Jews in Europe were mass murdered in “cold-blooded extermination.” One cockamamie excuse has been given that the “British government feared anti-Semitic feeling among the British public and later ‘backfooted’ on publicizing the Holocaust” in Europe. (Ibid)

·         King George VI, I submit, blocked the British public from knowing the truth about Poland’s Holocaust in the mass murder of Jews. Had this been publicized, undoubtedly, your father would have opened up a can of worms regarding Hitler’s occupation of Channel Islands – especially since the Joint Declaration regarding Poland had been read in the British House of Commons in 1942.  His Majesty could never have explained away Hitler’s Holocaust of “horrific atrocities” against Jews (and other European forced slave laborers) on British soil – while the Holocaust was being perpetrated against Jews on European soil. That’s why, I submit, the Holocaust in Europe was not publicized by the British government – until after 6 million Jews were exterminated, and until after Hitler’s Nazi Germans surrendered on May 8, 1945 (V-E Day) in Europe.


(1933 – 1942)

1)  By prima facie evidence via British/USA newspapers since 1933 discussed earlier, YOUR BRITISH CROWN knew, or should have known of Hitler’s Nazi German attacks on Jews, i.e., to “wipe out” all Jewish religion; to declare “war” against the entire Jewish race of the world; and to “renew” an anti-Semitic “anti-Jew” drive . . . Hence, your Royal Family had “constructive notice” of Hitler’s intentions to destroy all Jews in his Final Solution in Europe in the Holocaust.

2)  By prima facie evidence of arms deals and financial loans to Hitler since 1934 discussed earlier, YOUR BRITISH CROWN was complicit, collaborated, and participated in Hitler’s crimes against humanity, etc., against millions of Jews in Europe – even though your Royal Family had “constructive notice” of Hitler’s Final Solution intentions in Europe since 1933.

3)  By prima facie evidence of having “constructive notice” of Hitler’s Final Solution “intentions” by “war” against the entire Jewish race of the world from 1933 – 1940, nevertheless, YOUR BRITISH CROWN voluntarily “gave up the oldest possession of the Crown without firing ‘a single shot’” to Hitler’s Nazi Germans so his Final Solution intentions could also be perpetrated on Channel Islands. Because these Crown Dependencies had no importance, whatsoever, to His Majesty (King George VI), Hitler began his official occupation of Channel Islands on July 1, 1940 – about 11 days after a Berlin order was issued that occupation was “urgent and important” (as discussed earlier).

4)  By prima facie evidence in the August 14, 1941 Atlantic Charter, which the UK and USA drafted, YOUR BRITISH CROWN had “constructive notice” of Hitler’s “Nazi tyranny” in Europe that the UK pledged to destroy. Yet, His Majesty did nothing to destroy Hitler’s “Nazi tyranny” on Channel Islands.

5)  By prima facie evidence via British newspapers of Hitler’s mass murder of millions of Jews in Poland and Europe, and the 1942 Joint Declaration . . . read in the British House of Commons, YOUR BRITISH CROWN had additional “constructive notices” of “barbarous Hitlerite tyranny.” Yet, His Majesty did nothing to stop “barbarous Hitlerite tyranny” on Channel Islands from 1942 – 1945.

BY A PREPONDERANCE OF THE EVIDENCE of all the foregoing “constructive notices” from 1933 – 1942, it is self-evident that YOUR BRITISH CROWN was complicit, collaborated, and participated in Hitler’s crimes against humanity, etc., on British soil, which His Majesty knew, or should have known about – before turning Channel Islands over to Hitler’s “Nazi tyranny”!


The words “Anglo-German” in King George VI’s 1938 transfer agreement with Hitler discussed earlier, indicates anti-Semitic ancestries. The ancestral roots of “Anglo-Saxons” (who produced anti-Semitic pro-Nazi Hitler-loving sympathizers), and “Anglo-Germans” are, essentially, the same. Both ancestral roots have “GERMANIC” origins. Your British Crown “shill/stooge” Paul Sanders (who emphasizes his “Anglo-German” ancestry), is also cut out of the same anti-Semitic “Germanic” cloth.

The fact that your “German Crown” was Anglicized to the House of Windsor in 1917 does not annul your “Germanic” bloodline ancestry. The eminent Rabbi Eliyahu Shlomo (called the Vilna Gaon (Genius)), foretold that the “German nation is from the seed of Amalek” – about 136 years before Hitler became Germany’s Chancellor in 1933. Such “Germanic” Amalekite descendants have ALWAYS been the House of Jacob’s/Israel’s enemies for 3,500 years – to this day. (See Part 2 (3/30/16) open letter for full discussion of these interesting issues.)

EUGENICS “INVENTED” IN GREAT BRITAIN: Professor Emanuel Sarkisyanz (a prominent historian and sociologist) wrote about how Hitler “borrowed much of his ideas from racist British scholars”; and that the theory of “eugenics” was “invented” in Great Britain. Accordingly, “white supremacy” is at the heart of your anti-Semitic pro-Nazi Anglo-German Royal Family’s belief that you were destined to rule the world as a superior race of people, and that Jews (and other nations of people) are inferior and irrelevant on this planet. (See “British Fascism regarding Sarkisyanz,” Supra).

This despicable “master race” and “race science” theory promulgated from your Royal Throne spelled g-e-n-o-c-i-d-e for Jews in the Holocaust not only in Europe, but on Channel Islands.


YOUR MAJESTY, I’m sure you are aware that in 1660 King Charles II granted a royal charter to a “learned society for science” in London known as “The Royal Society.” This society wears many British hats today (including “scientific advice for policy” with “international and global cooperation.” (Wikipedia: Royal Society)

Apparently, five Royal Family members (aka “Fellows”) represent your British monarchy in “promoting and supporting the society” today as follows: The Duke of Edinburgh (Prince Philip); The Prince of Wales (Prince Charles, the Queen and Duke’s son); The Duke of Kent (Prince Edward, the grandchild of King George V and Queen Mary; The Princess Royal (Princess Anne, the Queen and Duke’s daughter); and the Duke of Cambridge (Prince William, Prince Charles’ son). (Ibid)

Imagine. These five anti-Semitic pro-Nazi Anglo-German “Royals” flock together in the Royal Society like “Machiavellian” birds of a feather; and can’t wait to discuss so-called scientific policies of depopulating the world thru genocide by global warming!

In 1981, this is what your husband declared in a People magazine interview:

“Human population growth is probably the single most serious long-term threat to survival. We're in for a major disaster if it isn't curbed — not just for the natural world, but for the human world. The more people there are, the more resources they'll consume, the more population they'll create, the more fighting they will do. We have no option. If it isn't controlled voluntarily, it will be controlled involuntarily by an increase in disease, starvation, and war." (4/3/14). “The British Royal Family's Population Reduction Policy” retrieved from < http://archive.larouchepac.com/node/30369>)

In November of 2009 “on the eve of the Copenhagen Summit on Climate Change,” Her Majesty assembled a “special meeting of the 53 member states of the British Commonwealth to reaffirm its identity as a ‘global empire in fact’.” You . . . Queen Elizabeth II declared that the “primary agenda” regarding the Copenhagen Summit was “to consolidate a global policy of de-industrialization and population control – a policy of genocide in the name of ‘Climate Change’.” (Ibid)

This is what Nobel Prize winner, Physicist, Dr. Ivar Giaever, had to say about “global warming”:

      “I say this to Obama: Excuse me, Mr. President, but you’re wrong. Dead wrong”; [it’s] a “new religion.” “We have to stop wasting huge, I mean huge amounts of money on global warming.” (See http://www.climatedepot.com; and <http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jul/7/nobel-physicist-obama-dead-wrong-global-warming/?page=all>)

The Optimum Population Trust (OPT) is a UK based public policy group that has advocated a gradual decline in the global population to a “sustainable level” via genocide. Your son Charles (Prince of Wales) is affiliated with the OPT. Roger Martin, Director of the OPT, has advocated that the “cheapest way to solve the so-called crisis of global warming, would be to reduce the world population by 500 million by the year 2050.” (12/13/09). Zepp-Larouche, H. “GENOCIDE”! “Who Are The 3 Billion Individuals, Who Are To Be Eliminated?” The Schiller Institute)

Yes, the sinister English handwriting on your Buckingham Palace walls plainly tells me that your anti-Semitic pro-Nazi Anglo-German Royal Family believes you are a superior race of people, and Jews (and other nations of people) are inferior and irrelevant. “White supremacy” was Hitler’s mantra – the same mantra of your Royal Family. In other words, Her Majesty believes she was destined to rule this world as a “master race” of Anglo-Germans sitting on the British Royal Throne – to determine who should live or die in this world!

Hitler’s Nazi-style genocide philosophy of “white supremacy” exterminated 6 million Jews in Europe, and also Jews (and other European forced slave laborers) on Channel Islands during the Holocaust from 1940 – 1945. “White supremacy” is also at the “heart” of this true statement: Support for Nazi-style genocide has always been at the heart of House of Windsor policy,” . . . (See “The Nazi Roots of the House of Windsor,” Supra)

When I think about my humble DP refugee parents who, by the Grace of God, survived European forced slave labor concentration camps during the Holocaust, and who brought nothing but the clothes on their backs and an aluminum suitcase to carry onboard a ship heading for America in 1949; and when I think about Jews (and other European forced slave laborers) who were “starved, beaten, and crucified” on Channel Islands from 1940 – 1945; I am nauseated to see pompous ostentatious self-glorifying King George VI flaunt himself in the portrait at the top of this web page – wearing an outlandish Barnum & Bailey circus “Royal Costume” while holding a costly one-of-a-kind scepter with a 530 carat Cullinan I Diamond in his hand! AS I SEE IT, YOUR ANTI-SEMITIC PRO-NAZI ANGLO-GERMAN PUFFED-UP FATHER WAS A “WHITE SUPREMACIST” WITH A “SUPERIORITY” COMPLEX!

Born with a platinum spoon in his stammering mouth, George VI was an unhealthy sickly “royal.” Yet, with a conceited cold-heart and no compassion, he had utter disregard for the human rights and dignity of people not born into his so-called superior rich “royal” pedigree.

That’s why for 5 years King George VI never lifted a “Royal Pinkie” to stop the great injustice of “horrific atrocities” perpetrated against Jews (and other forced slave laborers) in Lager Sylt on Alderney – even though he was privy to British Military Intelligence reports of such atrocities. Inferior people in such concentration camps were only good for one thing . . . genocide either on Channel Islands by being “worked to death,” subjected to “horrific atrocities,” or deported/transported to Hitler’s concentration camps in Europe to die in Neuengamme or Auschwitz.

The mere presence of YOUR “WHITE SUPREMACIST” Royal Throne today continues to spell G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E for Jews, and other religions/nationalities worldwide – under the cunning guise of “Global Warming”! Perhaps your Royal Family should just be content in doing your “Dog & Pony shows” so common folk can have a hearty laugh in London instead!



Because YOUR BRITISH CROWN has covered up Hitler’s Nazi German “horrific atrocities” on Channel Islands in many ways, actually, you could say there are many “SMOKING GUNs,” which include:

1)    Covering up your British Crown’s arms deals and financial loans to Hitler since 1934 so island populations would not know about King George VI’s close “personal ties” and collaboration with Hitler’s Nazi officials in Berlin prior to his official occupation of Channel Islands on July 1, 1940;

2)    Covering up the truth that His Majesty’s Crown Dependencies had no “major strategic importance” to King George VI resulting in his refusal to fulfill his duty and obligation to defend Channel Islands from Hitler’s Nazi tyranny;

3)    Covering up the “long suffering” of Jews (and other forced European slave laborers) in concentration camps on Alderney Island, which is never mentioned in King George VI and Queen Mum’s June 7, 1945 “Royal Visit to Channel Islands” made into a video film;

4)    Covering up Capt. (aka Major) Theodore Pantcheff’s “Official” British government report about atrocities on Alderney, which Madeleine Bunting uncovered hidden for about 50 years in Moscow State Archives since 1945; declassified in 1993, her book (“Model Occupation”) was subsequently published in 1995;

5)    Covering up Hitler’s Nazi German “horrific atrocities” against Jewish forced slave laborers buried on Alderney so autopsies could not be made regarding potential German reparations to families; and allowing the “German War Graves Commission” to exhume and rebury them in a German Military Cemetery at La Manche, France, in 1961 – 16 years after Hitler ended his occupation of Channel Islands in 1945; (Cohen, F. (2000). “The Jews in the Channel Islands During the German Occupation 1940 – 1945”)

6)    Covering up Hitler’s German Nazi’s “horrific atrocities” against Jews (and other European forced slave laborers) so your British Crown would not have to pay reparations to any survivors of Hitler’s occupation on Channel Islands; or to any families whose loved ones were exterminated in concentration camps on Alderney Island, or deported/transported from Channel Islands to be exterminated in Hitler’s European concentration camps such as Neuengamme or Auschwitz; 

7)    Covering up “horrific atrocities” committed by the brutal Nazi German SS Hauptsturmführer Max List on Alderney Island at SS Lager Sylt where Jews were housed, and not ensuring that his war crimes would be prosecuted; instead, he never stood trial in England and, apparently, moved near Hamburg where he died in the 1980s; (Wikipedia: German Occupation of the Channel Islands)
8)    Covering up “war reports of atrocities in Alderney” in the national British press a few days after WWII ended in 1945, e.g., by articles such as: “Huns whip slaves to death on British soil,” and a Daily Mirror February 23, 1944 article detailing “the mistreatment of forced workers in Guernsey”; instead, such war reports were never investigated or prosecuted in England; (See Cohen, “The Jews in the Channel Islands,” . . . Supra)

9)    Covering up the war crimes of OT Bauleiter Leo Ackermann, and OT Johann Hoffmann, who subjected “prisoners to mistreatment” on Channel Islands; however, they were “released without formal charge”; (Ibid)

10) Covering up Hitler’s Nazi German war crimes, crimes against humanity, and human/civil rights abuses on Channel Islands by falsely claiming Russian victims of atrocities had to be prosecuted in the Soviet Union – even though Alderney Island was a Crown Dependency under His Majesty’s jurisdiction in which such crimes took place on British soil; (Ibid)

11) Covering up the true history of Channel Islands thru “obscurantism” in collusion with a deceptive Anglo-German British Crown sympathizing “shill/stooge,” whose timeline in his book is falsified/misleading rewritten history to shield your British Crown from complicity, collaboration, and participation in Hitler’s war crimes, crimes against humanity, and human/civil rights abuses on Channel Islands against Jews (and other European forced slave laborers) from 1940 – 1945; and

12) Covering up your anti-Semitic pro-Nazi Anglo-German Royal Family’s support of Hitler’s genocide and the Final Solution on European soil from 1933 – 1940, and also on British soil from 1940 – 1945 thru deceptive false/misleading propaganda stories planted in movie videos, books, encyclopedias, on the Internet, and in news media such as the BBC regarding Hitler’s occupation of Channel Islands.


A PREPONDERANCE OF THE EVIDENCE shows that Paul Sanders acted in collusion with the Royal Family to shield YOUR British Crown, in particular, by a false/misleading “timeline” in his May 5, 2005 published book. A special copy of his book was presented to Her Majesty. Subsequently, you visited Channel Islands to commemorate the 60th anniversary of liberation of the islands on May 9, 1945. The timing of Sanders’ book presented to you in May of 2005, and your subsequent visit to Channel Islands on May 9, 2005 was not “coincidental.”

Sanders’ book titled: “The Channel Islands Under German Occupation 1940 – 1945” is considered to be “authoritative” history of Hitler’s occupation. It is important to understand, however, that his timeline does not contain “harmless errors.” Instead, it is rewritten history with deceptive, deliberately confusing, whitewashed false/misleading propaganda to shield YOUR BRITISH CROWN from any liability concerning Hitler’s Nazi German occupation from 1940 – 1945.

BRITISH “BLACK PROPAGANDA”: The British government, and many other governments worldwide use what is called “Black Propaganda” to disseminate lies, fabrications, and “all types of creative deceit.” “Black propaganda is covert in nature in that its aims, identity, significance, and sources are hidden.” Because of Sanders’ “creative deceit,” it may be that information in his book/timeline is, actually, “Black Propaganda” to shield YOUR BRITISH CROWN from any liability regarding Channel Islands. (Wikipedia: Black Propaganda)

In a tiny nutshell, Sanders’ timeline (i) covers up YOUR BRITISH CROWN’S responsibility to defend its Channel Islands “Crown Dependencies” by shifting such responsibility to the UK; (ii) infers a phony war/invasion so that a “model occupation” with “no resistance” to Hitler’s official occupation of Channel Islands on July 1, 1940 can be quashed; and (iii) covers up your Royal Family’s support of Hitler’s Nazi German genocide on British soil, e.g., by never mentioning atrocities against Jews (and other European forced slave laborers) at SS Lager Sylt on Alderney Island.

The mere fact that Sanders is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society in London purportedly advancing scholarly studies of history in liaison with Her Majesty’s Government, the British Library, and National Archives, is prima facie evidence that he has acted in “collusion” with YOUR British Crown as a “shill/stooge.” Without disclosing his close personal relationship with your Royal Family, he has also carried out his devious intent to shield YOUR British Crown thru “obscurantism.” How? . . . By deliberately suppressing the true facts from the general public regarding Channel Islands’ history in the timeline of his book, which has been circulated on the Internet, in the media, and thru journalism, etc.

Therefore, I strongly assert that Paul Sanders AIDED AND ABETTED the cover up of YOUR BRITISH CROWN’S complicity, collaboration, and participation in Hitler’s war crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and human/civil rights abuses of Jews (and other European forced slave laborers) on Channel Islands during the Holocaust from 1940 – 1945. Therefore, he is COMPLICIT in such cover up.

THE FOREGOING UNSUPPRESSED UNTOLD TRUE STORY of Channel Islands is truly sad when one considers that the last chapter of this story could have had a happier ending.

If only HIS MAJESTY’S Armed Forces (the Big Four/Big Three Allied Powers in WWII from 1939 – 1945) had defended His Crown Dependencies; and King George VI had not decided that Channel Islands had no “major strategic importance” in the English Channel near England, the history of Channel Islands could have retained its “former glory.” Such is not the case, however.

Instead of ensuring the “good governance” of his Crown Dependencies, King George VI “abused his power” when he “gave up the oldest possession of the Crown without firing ‘a single shot’.” In submission to Hitler and “servitude and shame,” Berlin orders that occupation of Channel Islands was “urgent and important” was more important to the King – than making sure the islander inhabitants were not put under Hitler’s Nazi German “dictatorship yoke of bondage.” Regardless if this was a “model occupation,” it was still a “dictatorship” occupation for all island inhabitants in which their normal freedoms to which they had been accustomed were taken away from 1940 – 1945.

Had Channel Islands been defended, Hitler’s Nazi Germans would not have had a free license (i) to single out Jews for persecution; (ii) to enact rigid restrictive rules and regulations for island inhabitants resulting is some rebellious islanders ending up in H.M. Prison on Gloucester Street in Jersey, or being deported to their deaths; (iii) to commit war crimes of genocide and “horrific atrocities” against Jews (and other European forced slave laborers) in SS Lager Sylt concentration camp on Alderney Island; or (iv) to fortify 4 concentration camps on Alderney Island with an ugly Atlantic Wall of steel/concrete structures, tunnels, and bunkers, etc., which permanently destroyed the natural pristine beauty of the islands from their “former glory” – never to be regained. 


“For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest;
neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.”
(Luke 8:17)

There is nowhere your Royal Family can hide from the seven eyes of the Lord God running “to and fro through the whole earth.” These “mysterious eyes” in a heavenly spiritual sphere have seen all of your Royal Family’s “evil” secret hidden deeds and actions in collaboration with Hitler regarding Channel Islands. However, this will be made manifest abroad – just like your shocking secret “Heil Hitler” Nazi-salute at 7 years of age in 1933 has been manifest abroad! (Zech. 4:10)

You see, the God of Avraham, Yitzchak, and Ya’acov (the Holy God of Israel) is WISER than all the devious Harry Potter-like con artists falsifying the history of Channel Islands – with Her Majesty’s blessings!

By this open letter to you, now begins the time of God’s wrath for your anti-Semitic pro-Nazi Nazi-saluting Anglo-German “Machiavelli” House of Windsor’s “evil” irreparable harm of genocide perpetrated against the House of Jacob/Israel in the Holocaust – both in Europe and on Channel Islands. Yea, in His appointed time and season, God’s wrath will be poured out against all those who have not blessed Abraham’s blessed covenant Hebrew seed, but cursed his seed instead. (Gen. 12:3)

. . . “Not by might, nor by power,
but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.”
(Zechariah 4:6, in part)

YOUR MAJESTY, it’s not by my might or power, but by the “Spirit” of the “Lord of Hosts” that the Hand of God moved me to reveal the unsuppressed untold true story of Channel Islands. Now that your British Sterling silver goblets sitting on Sterling silver trays in Buckingham Palace are filled to the brim with “innocent blood,” the “earth shall disclose her blood and shall no more cover her slain.” The year of God’s justice and judgment of punishment for your Royal Family’s iniquities of “hatred without a cause” against Jews for decades – will now begin. What He has “purposed” to do will be accomplished. (Isaiah 26:21)

“The Lord of hosts hath purposed it,
to stain the pride of all glory,
and to bring into contempt
all the honourable of the earth.”
(Isaiah 23:9)

YOUR BRITISH CROWN cannot deny . . . (i) that it “abused its power” by turning over Channel Islands for Hitler’s Nazi German occupation officially on July 1, 1940 for no justified reason, without a fight, battle, and “no resistance”; (ii) that it had “constructive notice” of Hitler’s intentions to exterminate all Jews in Europe since 1933 – prior to turning Channel Islands over to Hitler so he could exterminate Jews on British soil also from 1940 - 1945; (iii) that your Royal Family’s intent to depopulate this world of billions of people thru genocide is being orchestrated under the guise of “global warming” and “Climate Change”; and (iv) that “white supremacy” is at the heart of your anti-Semitic pro-Nazi Anglo-German belief that your Royal Family was destined to rule the world as a “master race” of people – with Jews (and other religions/nationalities of people) being inferior and irrelevant on this planet.

Clearly, your Royal Family has much repentance to do on your knees in Sunday school for your loathsome pompous arrogance. Don’t you know you are blaspheming the Creator of this universe by playing a little “god” on earth from your Royal Throne – in determining who should live or die on this planet? Indeed, all of your contemptible anti-Semitic pro-Nazi Anglo-German “evil” deeds and actions of irreparable harm perpetrated against the House of Jacob/Israel in Europe and Channel Islands will be made manifest in your historical legacy.

Still, if you will hearken to my spiritual recommendations noted in the latter part of my previous open letter to you regarding the Holocaust and restitution, e.g., perhaps the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will show mercy upon your soul. To refresh your memory, may I suggest that you read my March 30, 2016 Part 2 open letter again.


Ora Yakovi
(a God-given Hebrew name)
She’erit Ya’acov/Yisrael
(Remnant of Jacob/Israel)
(Micah 5:7,8; Zeph. 3:13)

(Ora Yakovi is a writer/author and student of the Bible for many years. She is the daughter of Holocaust survivors. The surnames of her parents and her birth surname are listed in Yad Vashem archives in Jerusalem.)