“He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.” (Deut. 32:4)

“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If you, . . . will do this, . . . you will change the earth.” ―William Faulkner (Source of address to the graduating class of University High School, Oxford, Mississippi, 1951: http//flavorwire.com/)

“If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both.” HoraceMann (Source of “Horace Mann” quote: Wikiquote)


HACKING HAS AFFECTED THIS WEB SITE! Stealing passwords, and altering information has become a favorite hobby today for those with “no moral conscience,” and who don’t know the difference between right from wrong. By the “preponderance of the evidence,” someone connected with the Royal Family (British Crown) had a “motive” to discredit Yakovi’s Part 1 Open Letter to Queen Elizabeth, which was originally published on March 3, 2016. The published date has been altered to falsely show April 3, 2016 although Part 2 of this open letter is dated March 30, 2016. Yakovi’s 2nd Open letter to Queen Liz Re “Smoking Gun” Cover ups, which was published on May 29, 2016, has also been altered to falsely show June 1, 2016 instead.

Please send Ora Yakovi a message via the “CONTACT FORM” at the bottom right side of this page if you notice any incomplete or contradictory sentences/paragraphs, or irrelevant scripture references, etc. Thank you for visiting this Web Site – despite the hacking!



"No Jew has the right to yield the rights of the Jewish People in Israel. No Jew has the authority to do so. No Jewish body has the authority to do so. Not even the entire Jewish People alive today has the right to yield any part of Israel. It is the right of the Jewish People over the generations, a right that under no conditions can be cancelled. Even if Jews during a specific period proclaim they are relinquishing this right, they have neither the power nor the authority to deny it to future generations. No concession of this type is binding or obligates the Jewish People. Our right to the country – the entire country – exists as an eternal right, and we shall not yield this historic right until its full and complete redemption is realized." Quoted from David Ben Gurion’s World Zionist Speech in Basel, Switzerland (1937); http://www.freeman.org/

Friday, February 12, 2016


Dear Ambassador Danon,

As Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations (UN), this letter is written to your attention because you are in a position to call for Ban Ki-Moon’s resignation – to help save the House of Jacob/Israel from eminent danger. The UN is an anathema to the State of Israel – a CURSE!

As pointed out in my 2/2/16 open letter to Ban Ki-Moon urging his resignation, besides his many “willful” violations of the UN Flag Code and Charter (including a UN/VATICAN/PA plot to destroy Israel’s sovereignty), it has also come to my attention that he made an illegal UN “partnership” of “cooperation” with the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC). This was accomplished by an adopted resolution number 69/317 (without reference to a Main Committee A/69/L.79 and Add.1) on 9/10/15.

Notice the September 2015 timeline; the OIC resolution was adopted on 9/10/25 at the UN; the Vatican flag (observer state) was illegally raised at the UN on 9/25/15; and the Nazi Arab “Palestinian” flag (observer state) was illegally raised at the UN on 9/30/15.

No one should forget that the anti-Semitic Roman Catholic Church was sympathetic to Hitler’s Reich in exterminating all Jews by giving his Nazi regime their stamp of approval via a concordant (treaty) in 1933. Likewise, no one should forget that the anti-Semitic Al Husseini gave his stamp of approval to the OIC Charter that  does not recognize Israel’s existence, and supports a Nazi Arab “Palestinian” “struggle” (JIHAD) seeking to wipe Israel off the map!

AL HUSSEINI AND HITLER: Nazi Arab Muslim Amin Al Husseini helped establish the OIC in 1969. In fact, the illegal 9/10/15 OIC UN resolution number (69/317) begins with “69.” Al Husseini is the same “evil” man sitting with Hitler in a picture below. He participated in Hitler’s Final Solution; and headed the SS Muslim Hanzar Division of Nazi Arabs in Hitler’s army, who participated in the extermination of 6 million Jews in the Holocaust/Shoah!

UN CHARTER, ARTICLE 100 (1)(2):  It is irrelevant how many previous resolutions are recalled in the illegal 9/10/15 OIC resolution referenced above. All previous resolutions regarding the OIC were also illegal. Bank Ki-Moon’s trips in 2012 to Islamic Conferences in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, were also illegal. Pursuant to Article 100, it clearly states below that the Secretary-General is to “REFRAIN FROM ANY ACTION which might reflect on their position as international officials responsible only to the organization [UN]”:

“In the performance of their duties the Secretary-General and the staff shall not seek or receive instructions from any government or from any other authority external to the Organization. They shall refrain from any action which might reflect on their position as international officials responsible only to the Organization.” “Each Member of the United Nations undertakes to respect the exclusively international character of the responsibilities of the Secretary-General and the staff and not to seek to influence them in the discharge of their responsibilities.”

By illegally JOINING (UN and OIC) “PARTNERSHIP” HANDS together, Ban Ki-Moon knowingly compromised the “international character” of his responsibilities. He allowed the UN to be influenced by the “external” authority of an anti-Semitic OIC Nazi Arab Muslim organization (i) that does not recognize the State of Israel as a UN Member in the OIC Charter; (ii) that never mentions Israel in its OIC Charter except by inference as a “foreign occupation”; (iii) that promotes the “struggle (JIHAD) against Israel by “Palestinian people” (who don’t exist); and (iv) that empowers Nazi Arab “Palestinians” “to establish their sovereign state with Al-Quds Al-Sharif (Jerusalem) as their capital. In fact, the OIC has already replaced Israel with the “Palestine” flag!  

The OIC Charter is loaded with false propaganda of fabricated lies. It uplifts the OIC as though it’s a wonderful humanitarian organization seeking to “promote the lofty Islamic values of peace, compassion, tolerance, equality, justice and human dignity”; and adheres “to the principles of the United Nations Charter” and “International Law.” . . .  There is nothing WONDERFUL OR “LOFTY” about the OIC, which HITLER-SUPPORTING AL HUSSEINI helped establish in 1969!

The OIC Islamic Charter is not peace-loving, but supports “Palestinian” JIHAD against Israel (inferred as the “foreign occupation”). This charter also brazenly breaks international law by supporting “acts of aggression” in violation of the “principles” in the UN Charter, Article 1(1) as follows:

“To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace,” . . .

By the partial opening statement below in the OIC Charter, Ban Ki-Moon has also knowingly advanced ALLAH, ISLAM, and UMMAHS as the “common religious beliefs” of the United Nations! (NOTE: The Arabic word “ummah” in the Qur’an usually refers to a “community” of Islamic Muslims sharing the same “common religious beliefs, specifically those that are the objects of a divine plan of salvation.” (Wikipedia: Ummah)

Charter of the
Organisation of the Islamic Conference

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ 

In the name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful


Ambassador Danon, the pictures below are worth a thousand words! They were obtained from the Web Site: “Tell the Children the Truth” http://www.tellthechildrenthetruth.com/gallery/. From this site you will learn many historical facts and timelines regarding Amin Al Husseini; Nazi Arab Muslim participation in Hitler’s regime to exterminate all Jews; Yasser Arafat/PLO; and Hamas – the 1987 “Palestinian” branch of the Muslim Brotherhood financed by Saudi Arabia, etc.

There is a storehouse of additional historical information at this site relevant to Israel showing that the UN’s anti-Israel/anti-Semitic resolutions and Secretary-Generals are legendary. Resolution 3379 that “Zionism is Racism” was revoked in 1991. From 1971-1981, Kurt Waldheim was the UN Secretary-General. Although he was an officer in the German Army Unit that “committed atrocities in Yugoslavia during World War II,” he denied having very close ties with Nazis.


When this infamous “evil” Nazi Arab Muslim founded the “World Islamic Congress” in 1931, he established an “agenda of the Muslim world.” During Hitler’s regime, he commanded Muslims; “Murder the Jews”! The pictures below are described as follows:

Al Husseini with Hitler in Berlin, with whom he collaborated in the Final Solution (1942).

Al Husseini heads Hitler’s Hanzar SS Muslim Division. 

Nazi Arab Muslim Soldiers reading German propaganda. The name of the book in German; Islam Und Judentum (Islam and Judaism).

Al Husseini’s Nazi Arab troops make traditional Muslim prayers (1943). 

“Muslim Brotherhood unites with Hitler’s Third Reich
"No Jews Allowed"

Al Husseini at Arab League meeting at its creation (1944).

Yasser Arafat (far-right with bowed head in the picture) at Al Husseini's funeral with Mufti of Lebanon (1974). Arafat is called: the Father of Modern Terrorism.

Arafat’s Palestinian soldiers doing the Nazi salute.

Al Husseini with Prime Minister of Malaysia Rahman (1969)
 – FIRST Secretary-General
 of Organisation [sic] of Islamic Conferences (OIC)

The present adopted 
“Charter of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference,”
 which Al Husseini helped to establish originally in 1969,
can be read at the link below:

 is over 1.4 billion as of 2008.
There are 57 Member States.

(Wikipedia: Organisation of Islamic Cooperation)


“To protect and defend the true image of Islam, to combat defamation of Islam and encourage dialogue among civilisations [sic] and religions;” 

THE OIC (IN ILLEGAL PARTNERSHIP WITH THE UN) SEEKS TO “PRESERVE” and “inculcate” [indoctrinate] . . . “Islamic teachings and values” for “sound upbringing” of Muslim children (WHICH INCLUDES TEACHING VIOLENCE AND TERRORISM TO MUSLIMS – FROM THE CRIB TO THE GRAVE:

“To disseminate, promote and preserve the Islamic teachings and values based on moderation and tolerance, promote Islamic culture and safeguard Islamic heritage;” and “to inculcate” [indoctrinate] . . . “Islamic values” in Muslim children of “moral and ethical ideals.”



Saudi Arabia Beheads 
Nearly Twice As Many People As ISIS So Far This Year”
(Mint Press News Desk. (8/25/25). <http://www.mintpressnews.com/>

“Saudi Arabia executes 'a person every two days'
as rate of beheadings soars under King Salman”
 “Saudi Arabia has executed at least 175 people in the past year,
at a rate of one every two days, according to a report by Amnesty International.
“Those killed include children and people with mental disabilities.”

 Ambassador Danon, the information above regarding Hitler-supporting Al Husseini’s connection to the UN’s “partnership” with the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), may shock you, but it’s the reality of “truth.” Per my 2/2/16 open letter to Ban Ki-Moon urging his resignation, and this open letter calling for his resignation, this anti-Israel/anti-Semite has made the UN Flag Code and Charter – absolutely null and void. Under his UN “watch, both the UN and UNRWA are infested with “MANIFESTATIONS” of anti-Semitism from the top to bottom floors of the UN building in “willful” violation of the Berlin Declaration. 

Take a look at the map, and you will see Israel’s “tiny” democracy. Israel is stopping an ARAB MUSLIM CALIPHATE from reaching across the map. For political reasons, obviously, this is why Nazi Arab Muslim UN Members want to wipe Israel off the map!  Spirits of “good” and “evil” do exist. Al Husseini’s “evil” spirit sits on the shoulders of countless Nazi Arab Muslims seeking to destroy the whole House of Jacob/Israel from within the United Nations!

There is no need to be “polite” with Nazis (or their sympathizers), or to “beg” the UN Security Councils to stop “terror” against Israel. Ban Ki-Moon and the UN Security Council don’t care one iota about their “hypocrisy” or “double standards.” They will not “condemn Palestinian incitement against Israelis” because the OIC Charter does not recognize Israel’s existence.

As shown above, the OIC has already wiped Israel off the map and replaced it with a “Palestine” flag! Israel is a “foreign occupation,” against whom Nazi Arab “Palestinians” have a right to make JIHAD!  Undoubtedly, this is why Ban Ki-Moon refused to investigate and prosecute Hamas’ 19 war crimes against humanity in the 2014 Gaza War. Nevertheless, he must resign for “willfully” violating UN Charter, Article 1(1), which he is obligated to “maintain” as follows:

“To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace,” . . .

UNITED NATIONS . . . A DIRTY FILTHY COCKROACH!: Let me share a true story now of how Elohim (God) revealed to me that the UN represents a place filled with dirty filthy cockroaches! This story was not included in my 2/2/16 open letter to Ban Ki-Moon because it was already lengthy.

As I was editing his open letter on my computer on the kitchen table, to the right of my chair out of the corner of my eye I saw something crawling from the bottom of the floor up the blue painted wall. Mind you, my little apartment has been anointed after moving in many months ago, and I have kept it meticulously clean from such unclean creatures. Moving my chair away from the wall, I killed a pale medium cockroach.

Lord, where did this come from”? I said out loud. Instantly, the United Nations came to mind, and I knew Israel must withdraw from SITTING AMONG DIRTY FILTHY UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY COCKROACHES! The fact that a “German” cockroach was crawling up the wall is significant. From out of Germany arose a “Heil Hitler” speaking anti-Semitic Nazi-saluting people! Over 80 years later since Hitler became Germany’s Chancellor in 1933, today the anti-Semitic Nazi Arab Muslim UN Member nations of people have continued Hitler’s Nazi-salutes on streets, schools, etc. – worldwide!

Foremost, Israel was created to a “holy nation” of people – not to be “reckoned” among the Gentile nations. By taking a place among these UN cockroaches, Israel has made itself UNCLEAN! (Ex.19:6; Num. 23:9)

final nail in the UN coffin: Ban Ki-Moon’s illegal “partnership” with the OIC, which Hitler-supporting Amin Al Husseini helped to establish in 1969; and his endorsement of anti-Semitic Allah, Islam, and Ummahs as the “common religious beliefs” of the United Nations has caused this organization to become like an anti-Semitic old worn out girdle that is – worthless!

The UN has utterly lost its legitimacy,
cannot be fixed, and IS KAPUT!

Nothing is by happenstance, including your present position as Israel’s Ambassador to the UN.  Accordingly, as I see it, you must focus on helping the State of Israel (i) by publicly exposing the illegal UN “partnership” with the OIC; (ii) by calling for the swift resignation of Ban Ki-Moon; (iii) by helping Israel withdraw from the UN (which is possible as discussed in my 2/2/16 open letter to Ban Ki-Moon); (iv) by annulling the Oslo Accord (per your 9/20/13 opinion in The New York Times); (v) by extending Israel’s “sovereignty” through annexation of Judea/Samaria (per your 5/18/11 opinion in The New York Times); and (vi) by preparing Israel for the next major Arab-Israeli showdown war.

Unlike other Arab-Israeli wars, I foresee the next war as being long, and starting perhaps by the end of 2016 – into 2017 with multiple Nazi Arab UN Member nations fighting against Israel. This will be a fight to the finish. As reported in Arutz Sheva on 1/29/16, Hamas leader, Ismael Haniyeh, is no longer denying the “rebuilding” of underground “terrorist tunnel” infrastructures leading from Gaza “in preparation for a future conflict” with Israel; nor denying that they are “developing its military capabilities.” Israel must also prepare well, and reserve its international legal “right to self-defense” – without limitation.

Accordingly, Israel cannot be restrained into a UN straitjacket anymore by an anti-Israel/anti-Semitic South Korean carrying a BIG UN BULLY STICK!  His repeated mantra of Israel’s “disproportionate” force against armed Nazi Arab Bully Terrorists seeking Israel’s destruction is redundant babble. Never mind that he refused to investigate Hamas’ 19 war crimes against humanity in the 2014 Gaza War, but loves to BULLY Israel instead! This filthy dirty UN “Chief” cockroach, with no clue about “truth” and “justice” – needs to be squashed under Israel’s shoe!

Foremost, Israel must not rely on its “chariots” and “horses.” As righteous King David, the great military leader in ancient Biblical times reminds us by his inspirational writings in these 21st Century modern times:

“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses:
But we will remember the name of the ‘Lord’ [יהוה] our God.”
(Psalm 20:7)

There is no greater Almighty power that Israel can have on its side than knowing and calling upon the Sacred Name of YHVH in time of war!

Regarding Oslo, as I suggested to MKs Bezelel Smotrich and David Amsalem via a “sample” ratification annulling Oslo, if you three put your heads together, I believe, an annulment and annexation of Judea/Samaria could move swiftly in the Knesset. Undoubtedly, my English suggested ratification needs to be translated into Hebrew.

In your New York Times opinions, you mention an “unexpected opening” presenting itself for Israel. In my 2/2/16 open letter to Ban Ki-Moon urging his resignation, I believe that such an “unexpected opening” and “blessing” for Israel happened on 9/30/15. When he authorized the Nazi Arab “Palestinian” flag to be raised at the UN next to the UN flag after Mahmoud Abbas’ speech in the UN General Assembly, Ban Ki-Moon ratified Abbas’ “intent” to annul Oslo.

May you fulfill your mission at the UN by helping the State of Israel in accordance with Elohe Avraham, Yitzchak, and Ya’acov’s will, and return safely back to Israel in His appointed time and season.
Am Yisrael Chai!
Ora Yakovi

(Ora Yakovi is a writer/author and student of the Bible for many years. She is the daughter of Holocaust survivors. The surnames of her parents and her birth surname are listed in Yad Vashem archives in Jerusalem.)

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