Although Israel has an Embassy in London, your Royal
Family’s British monarchy’s has close personal “ties,” in particular, with the “Royal”
Embassy of Saudi Arabia shown on the Google map. Yet, Saudi Arabia and the United
Arab Emirates (UAE), e.g., are so blatantly anti-Semitic that those with an Israeli
stamp on their passport are denied entry.
If the UK has laws against harassment or threats against
someone’s ethnicity, or national origin, or religion, such as being “Israeli”
or “Jewish,” why has your “Royal Family” not intervened via the “Royal” Saudi
Embassy in London to stop such anti-Semitic discrimination – especially since
Israel’s Embassy is in London also?
Regarding the UAE Embassy’s “presence” in London (even
though this anti-Semitic Nazi Arab Muslim country also sponsors “terrorist
acts” against Israel), in December of 2015 the UAE attempted to smuggle about
4,000 “terrorist dolls” to Mahmoud Abbas. He is the “Palestinian” Diplomat
Terrorist Nazi Arab Bully dressed in nice suits/shirts/ties. This shipment was
seized at Haifa customs. By such smuggled attempted terrorism, why is your
Royal Family enabling anti-Semitic Nazi Arab Bully “Palestinian” parents to
teach terrorism against Jewish People – from the crib to the grave?
YOUR MAJESTY, our bloodline/genes determine the path in life we will take – whether for
“good” or “evil.” People inherit their ancestral paternal/maternal characteristics
in their lineages. A lineage with a characteristic of unjustified “hatred without a
cause” against Abraham’s descendants of the House of Jacob/Israel,
who have blessed “all families of the earth,” is “evil” – not “good.” (Gen. 12:3)
flowing in the veins of
your Royal Family and British monarchy – infested with Amalek’s “evil spirit”
The commandment above was given to the Children of
Israel after their victory over Amalek when he attacked them in Rephidim with
“evil” deeds and actions of “hatred without a cause” that your anti-Semitic Hitler-loving Nazi-saluting “Machiavelli” House of Windsor has perpetrated against the House of
Jacob/Israel since 1905 – should never be forgotten either!
Is it any wonder that . . . “the Lord hath sworn
that the Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation” – i.e., a PERPETUAL WAR. (Ex.
17:16, in part)
An astonishing example that Biblical Amalekite
bloodline/genes are still alive and well was reported on October 16, 1946 by
the International News Service representing
the American press during the Nuremberg Trials. Before Julius Streicher, the German
Nazi editor of the anti-Semitic Das
Strumer newspaper, was hanged for war crimes, “Streicher was swung suddenly
to face the witnesses and glared at them. Suddenly he screamed. ‘Purim Fest 1946’.” (THE
TRIALS OF THE NUREMBERG TRIALS. Smith. K. (10.16.46). “The Execution of Nazi
War Criminals.” The Nuremberg Trials: Newspaper Accounts. Retrieved
from <>)
Obviously, Streicher knew the Biblical story of Queen
Esther and Purim. The annual celebration of Purim by Jews recalls the execution
of Haman and his 10 Amalekite sons on gallows. When Streicher shouted “Purim Fest 1946,” he revealed his
Amalekite lineage of unjustified
“hatred without a cause” by his participation in the genocide of 6 million Jews
in the Holocaust about 70 years ago – similar to how Haman attempted genocide
against all Jews in the Persian Empire about 2,500 years ago.
Hitler also revealed his Amalekite lineage of unjustified “hatred without a cause”
against all Jews in Europe. He not only “banned” . . . the observance of Purim,” but made an
association “between his Nazi regime and the role of Haman.” In his January 30,
144 speech, he stated that “if the Nazis were defeated, the Jews could
celebrate ‘a second Purim’.” (Wikipedia: Purim)
Just like Nazis Streicher and Hitler revealed their
Amalekite lineages of unjustified
“hatred without a cause” against all Jews, so has your “GREAT IMPERIAL FAMILY”
revealed the same. How? Your contemptible
Hitler-loving Nazi-saluting German Royal Family supported Hitler’s Nazi regime,
and didn’t lift a pinkie to help stop
the genocide of 6 million Jews in the Final Solution!
From ancient Biblical and extra-Biblical history, Amalekites were nomadic tent-dwellers living in the Negev.
This desert region encompassed the “land of the south” from Havilah to Shur “over
against Egypt” and by northwestern Arabia. In describing Amalekites, Jewish historian Flavius Josephus
tells us they were the “most warlike of the nations that lived thereabout.” (Whiston, W. trans. “The Works of
Josephus/Antiquities of the Jews.” Peabody, MA, (1987). Book 3:2.1). (Num.
13:29; 1 Sam. 15:7)
Ishmaelite/Arabs also lived in this same region from Havilah to Shur “before
Egypt,” Arab writings mention “Imlik, Amalik, or Amelek”
mingling and inter-mixing with
Arabians. Ancient Arabian sources and Islamic writings also describe
Amalekites “as one of the most ancient Arab tribes who dominated Arabia from their
central position in Mecca.” (Gen. 25:18) (Wikipedia:
Amalek) (Pacini, R.S. Abstract, (1997). “In Search of Amalek”)
Although equating Hyksos with Amalekites, and inferring that a 5
century time lapse in Egyptian chronology exists is quite controversial, “warlike”
Amalekites could have invaded Egypt after the Hebrew Israelites crossed the Red
Sea (Yam Suph). Egypt was “weakened by the plagues and loss of army and pharaoh
because of the Exodus,” and all of Pharaoh’s horses, chariots, captains, and
entire army drowned in the sea. (Ex. 15:4,19) (See Pacini, Ref.)
history tells us that Amalekites also existed during Abraham’s era – before Esau’s
grandson, Amalek, maliciously attacked and killed the Israelites after their
Exodus. The Hebrew transliterated word (aloof) into English as “duke” indicates
that Amalek was “chief” of the Amalekites in his day. (Gen. 36:16)
However, Balaam foretold a prophecy that . . . “Amalek was the
first of the nations, but his latter end shall be that he perish for ever.” (Gen.
14:7; 36:12; Num. 24:20, in part)
How cruel were “WARLIKE” ANCIENT Amalekites? Here’s how Immanuel Velikovsky’s publications
described them below, in part, from Hebrew, Arabian, and Egyptian sources:
“The . . . people were called
Amalekites. They left Arabia after a series of plagues and immediately after a
violent earthquake. Many of them perished during the migration in a sudden
flood that swept the land of Arabia.” “They sighted the Israelites coming out
of Egypt, which was laid in ruins by a great catastrophe.” “The Amalekite
conquerors came from Arabia, but apparently they had Hamitic blood in their
veins. They were a nation of herdsmen and roamed with their large herds from
field to field.” “They mutilated the wounded and the prisoners, cut off their
limbs, and were unspeakably cruel in many other ways. They stole children and
carried off women, they burned cities,” . . . “The Amalekites built a
city-fortress on the northeastern border of Egypt [sic] Their chieftains were
pharaohs and ruled from their fortress. . . . They kept the Egyptian population
in bondage, and their tribesmen used the Egyptians as slaves. They also built
smaller-strongholds in Syria-Palestine, and by periodically invading the
country with their herds before harvest time, they impoverished the people of
Israel. Their domination over many countries of the Middle East endured,
according to various reckonings, for almost five hundred years.” (See
Pacini Ref. to Velikovsky’s Ref. 5. Pp. 89-94)
AMALEKITES? Worse! Considering Dachau concentration camps with cremation ovens;
surgeries without anesthesia; live infant dissections; amputation of limbs; conjoining
twins by sewing children back to back; lampshades made from human skins; medical
experiments resulting in permanently crippled and tortured deaths of Jews; and the
sadistic medical experiments on about 3,000 sets of Jewish twins at
Auschwitz-Birkenau after they were given clean clothes and candy and told to
call their Angel of Death doctor “Uncle Mengele”; . . . it is unconscionable that your “GREAT IMPERIAL
FAMILY” did nothing to help stop such horrific crimes against humanity of
innocent Jewish men, women, children, and babies.
Instead, your Uncle Edward in your contemptible Hitler-loving Nazi-saluting German Royal Family said twenty years after the Holocaust “horrors were laid bare: "I never thought Hitler was such a bad
chap." Look at the horrific
pictures of torture “worth a thousand words,” and tell me if Hitler was a “good
chap” after all?
As discussed in Part 1 of this open letter, anti-Semitic German Prince
Philip and other pro-Hitler cousins in Germany maintained “secret channels of communication” with your House of Windsor regarding
Hitler’s Nazi regime. Therefore, what excuses can be given today for standing
by and doing nothing to stop horrific human rights abuses and crimes against
humanity against the House of Jacob/Israel in the Holocaust? These atrocities
didn’t take place 700 years ago – but about 70 years ago! The only excuse you can give today, I submit,
is that your Hitler-loving Nazi-saluting German “Machiavelli” House of Windsor
Most egregious is the fact that you and your
Royal Family wear “CHRISTIAN” labels inside your Sunday clothes. Yet, with no
shame, whatsoever, you have “willfully” broken the 2nd Great
Commandment in the Torah (Law of Moses): . . . “but thou shalt love thy neighbour as
thyself: I am the Lord.” Essentially,
this means not to do your neighbor any harm.
Instead, your contemptible German “GREAT IMPERIAL
FAMILY” has irreparably harmed multi-millions of your Jewish neighbors by
watching their innocent blood being shed and doing nothing to stop it. This also
“willfully” violates another commandment: . . . “neither shalt thou stand against the blood
of thy neighbour: I am the Lord.” (Lev. 19:16,18, in part)
Mark my words; your
“Christian” labels won’t do you a bit of good when you stand on the great Day
of Judgment. With British bloody “royal hands,” your Hitler-loving
Nazi-saluting German “Machiavelli” House of Windsor is complicit in shedding the innocent blood of multi-millions of
Jewish men, women, children, and babies in the House of Jacob/Israel. There
will be no escape from God’s wrath of righteous
justice and judgment on that great day of reckoning.
Countless Jewish
“souls” could have been saved had it not been for the inherent generational CURSE of Amalek’s “evil spirit” of sinat chinam in your Royal Family’s
paternal/maternal bloodline/genes. The horrific crimes
against humanity, and needless tortured suffering of Jewish People during
Hitler’s “evil” Nazi regime from 1933-1945 was WORSE than the cruelty of
“warlike” ancient Amalekites described earlier.
Can any amount in
British sterling pounds of your irreplaceable Crown Jewels in the Tower of
London bring back to life one Jewish “soul” exterminated in Hitler’s Nazi
regime? Nay, all the money in the world circled around this globe cannot bring
back one “soul” – much less 6 million Jewish souls. Accordingly, your unrepentant Hitler-loving Nazi-saluting German Royal Family has the
collective “guilt” of innocent “blood
on your hands” – forever!
Let’s look now at how Amalek’s
“warlike” descendants migrated from the Negev desert into Persia as a plausible link with your Germanic Royal
Family’s lineage as follows:
From the time
Amalek attacked the Israelites with unjustified
“hatred without a cause” after their Exodus from Egypt, this “warlike” enemy
nation raided and attacked the House of Jacob/Israel with their travelling war
caravans of multitudes of camels for about 500 years. By several major defeats in
Biblical history, however, we can see that Amalekites later migrated from the
Negev to other lands out of the “land of Israel” (Eretz Yisrael). (Judges 6:3-5; I
Sam. 13:19)
A major defeat occurred
during King Saul’s reign in circa 1000 BCE. However, he did not “utterly
destroy the sinners the Amalekites” in disobedience to God’s voice speaking
thru Samuel, the prophet. Subsequently, an Amalekite “company” (troop) “invaded”
the Negev area near Beersheba and burned Ziklag with fire. (I Sam. 15:18; and Chap. 30)
Another major
defeat occurred when David slaughtered this Amalekite troop (except for 400
young men who fled on camels). During King Hezekiah’s reign (ca. 727 –
698 BCE), the Book of 1 Chronicles mentions that the sons of Simeon (Tribe of
Simeon) went up to Mt. Seir and “smote the rest of the Amalekites that were
escaped,” and dwelt there instead. The Amalekite domination from Havilah to
Shur, and constant attacks against the House of Israel and Judah was broken. (1 Sam. 30: 17; 2 Sam. 1:1; 1 Chron. 4:41-43)
About 250 years
later, a residue of Amalekites had migrated from Eretz Yisrael into Persia during King Ahasuerus and Queen Esther’s
reign (ca. 465 – 424 BCE). With typical “hatred without a cause,” however, an
“evil” Agagite descendant of Amalek, Haman, attempted the genocide of all Jews
in 127 Persian Empire provinces.
Letters were sent
by couriers “to destroy, to kill, and to cause to perish, all Jews, both young
and old, little children and women, in one day” – on the 13th day of
the twelfth month in Adar. Under Divine Providence, however, about 75,000
Amalekite “enemies” that hated Jews were slain by the “stroke of the sword”
instead. Haman and his 10 sons were also hanged. (Esther 3:13; 7:10; 9:5-14)
Interestingly, your plausible
Germanic Amalekite lineage with unjustified
sinat chinam against the House of Jacob/Israel also has a kinship with
anti-Semitic pro-Nazi Arab Muslims. Again, Amalekites were “one
of the most ancient Arab tribes who dominated Arabia from their central
position in Mecca.” Amalekites lived in the same
region as Ishmaelite/Arabs, and mingled and inter-mixed with Arabians.
Mecca is dominated by the Ishmaelite/Arab pro-Nazi Muslim Saudi dynasty with
whom your Royal Family has personal close “ties” discussed earlier. Because of the Saudis’ unjustified
sinat chinam against Israel, undoubtedly, an Amalekite bloodline is also inter-mixed
in their lineage. Certainly, that’s why all of you anti-Semitic German-Arab Amalekite
birds of a feather like to flock together – for Crumpets and Tea!
Let’s look now, at Amalek’s nomadic
“warlike” descendants, who migrated from the southern
Negev desert heading north thru Judea (in Eretz Yisrael) into Persia (present
Iran not shown on the maps), and also westward into Sarmatia and Magna Germania
– as a plausible link to your
Germanic Royal Family’s lineage as follows:
Sarmatian (ALANS): To begin with, there
were numerous Germanic tribes of people during the Roman Empire era with whom
the “warlike” Amalekite descendants could have inter-mixed by migrating
westward from Persia/ Iran to Sarmatia and “Magna Germania” (Greater Germania).
As shown on the maps, these territories are located outside the Roman Empire.
Undoubtedly, the slaughter of about 75,000 Amalekites during Jewish Queen
Esther’s reign (ca. 465-424 BCE, 5th Century), would have been a
probable cause for a westward migration out of Persia/Iran.
researching various Germanic tribes as a
link to your Germanic Royal Family’s lineage, I looked at the starting point:
THE “German nation is from the seed
of Amalek.” Then I compared the culture and characteristics of Germanic tribes with nomadic
“warlike” qualities that originated in the ancient Persia/Iran (Central Asia)
area. In my view, the Iranian
Sarmatian/Alan tribes fit this basic criterion. Apparently, their migrations
westward began “around the 6
th century BC.” “In the 1st century AD
the Sarmatians began encroaching upon the
Roman Empire in alliance
Germanic tribes.”
Briefly, the “Alans
had supremacy over the tribal union and created a powerful confederation of Sarmatian tribes.” “The Alans (or
were an
Iranian nomadic pastoral people of
antiquity,” i.e., migrating to
find pastures for their animals. This “warlike” “large confederation
Iranian people” flourished “from about the 5th century BC to the 4th century AD.”
Their women were also “warlike.” Roman historian, Ammianus Marcellinus,
wrote that most “all the Alani are men of great stature and beauty, their hair
is somewhat
yellow, their eyes are
frighteningly fierce." The “warlike” Alani “specialized in horse
breeding,” and “frequently raided . . . provinces of the Roman Empire.” Nonetheless,
these “warlike” Iranian people had become more civilized in Persia/Iran.
(Wikipedia: Alans) (Retrieved from <> “Alans”)
historian, Tacitus, tells us that Sarmatians “wore long, flowing robes” like Persians.
Indeed, the Amalekite Haman had attained a high government position in the
Persian Empire like a Prime Minister. Hence, Amalekites also became
“modernized” in Persia, in effect. No longer did Haman have to ride camels like
his “warlike” Arab ancestors from the Negev desert attacking the House of
Jacob/Israel. Now he could attempt to destroy Israel by Persian government
decrees while riding horses in his long flowing robes! (Wikipedia:
Computorah: Hidden Codes in the Torah, Dr. Moshe Katz of Hebrew
University contends that the modern-day version of the Amalekites are Germans. The
Holocaust and Final Solution found in these Torah codes support his contentions. (“
Connection.” <>)
the 1940s, Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik contended that the “Allied war against
Nazi Germany could be understood in Jewish law as a war against Amalek.” As
discussed earlier, Streicher and Hitler revealed their Amalekite
lineages of unjustified “hatred
without a cause” by the genocide of 6 million Jews in the WW II about 70 years
ago – similar to how Haman attempted genocide against all Jews in the Persian
Empire about 2,500 years ago. Definitely, Amalekite descendants exist today in
many pagan Gentile countries – even in your German “GREAT IMPERIAL FAMILY” in
England! (Wikipedia: Amalek)
The Ecclesiastical History of the English People was
written by a monk (ca. 730) called the “Venerable Bede.” He wrote about the
Germanic invasions of Britain. (Wikipedia: The Germanic Invasions of Britain)
the first arrival date of Germanic tribes of the North Sea coast invading Britain
is given by Bede as ca. 449 (5th Century). As shown on the map, from “Saxony” the Saxons
settled Britain primarily around the River Thames. The Angles also came from
the Schleswig-Holstein region by northern
Denmark (Jute), and settled in central and northern England. This tribe “gave England its name, i.e. Englaland,
the land of the Angles (Engle),” . . . (Ibid)
The bloodline
ancestry of Prince Philip (your anti-Semitic pro-Nazi spouse), descends from
the north German House of
Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg thru his father, Prince Andrew of
Greece and Denmark. One of the most virulent anti-Semitic/anti-Israel countries
today is Denmark. This region is where is family surname originated, and also
where the Germanic tribes of Angles/Saxony originated.
Philip was educated in a Nazi Hitler Youth curriculum. His German sisters
married German Nazis, and his relatives were die-hard Nazis before and after
WWII. His “German brothers-in-law, with whom he lived, all became high-ranking
figures in the Nazi Party.” His schooling in Germany included Nazi “race
science.” Plainly, the Schleswig-Holstein
region produced an anti-Semitic empathy
for Nazi ideology, which is inherent in his German ancestry. (See Part 1 open letter
for full discussion of Prince Philip.)
actual fact, the rural Protestant region of Schleswig-Holstein also had the “strongest Nazi support.” Hinrich
Lohse was the deputy of the Nazi Party headquarters in Kiel in 1925, and his
orders came directly from Hitler. (Wikipedia: Nazi Party)
SAXE-COBURG-GOTHA: Because Prince Philip’s
and your ancestry descends from the Germanic Angles/Saxony tribes in the region
of Schleswig-Holstein, both of you have
ancient ancestral and cultural Germanic ties – albeit anti-Semitic pro-Nazi
ties. With so much in common, it is understandable why you fell in love with German
Philip and married him in 1947.
In a tiny nutshell, the Saxe-Coburg
Sachsen-Coburg) “
(duke’s territory) was “held by the
Ernestine branch of
Wettin dynasty in today's
Germany.” The “Coburger Land
was the southernmost part of the Saxon territories.” By a Treaty of Leipzig in
1485, this land (including Thuringia land) passed from Ernest of Saxony to the
House of Wettin through which your
Germanic ancestry is linked. In 1826, the Ernestine duchy of
Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld changed its name to
Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.
(Wikipedia: Saxe-Coburg)
NAZI EMPATHY/IDEOLOGY: In 1920, “small states
merged into one state, called Thuringia” – a territory originally held in the
House of Wettin dynasty. In 1930, “the Nazis gained real political power” in
Thuringia, which “produced a strong Nazi vote.” “Saxe-Coburg voted to join
Bavaria instead,” which is where the Nazi Party was headquartered. (Wikipedia:
Thuringia; Nazi Party)
It is significant (i) that Prince Philip’s and your surnames
originate in the Angles/Saxony Schleswig-Holstein
region in north Germany with the “strongest Nazi support”; and (ii) that the Saxe-Coburg dynasty, which included
Thuringia land, also “produced a strong Nazi vote.” Why? Anti-Semitic Nazi
empathy and ideology is inherent in your German “royal” ancestry. Obviously,
this is why in 1933 you gave an enthusiastic
Nazi salute at 7 shown at the top of this page, and why Prince Philip was
educated in the Hitler Youth curriculum. It’s
in 1922 German Carl Edward (Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha) “developed a special bond with Hitler.” Born in Britain, he was related
to German Queen Mary. With his “ties to Hitler,” he donated “generously to the
Nazi party for years”; “bankrolled political murders”; and “knew about the
death camps in Buchenwald.” (See Part 1 open letter for full discussion of Carl Edward.)
Clearly, your Royal
Family’s Germanic Anglo-Saxon ancestry
produced anti-Semitic Hitler-loving Nazi-saluting pro-Nazi sympathizers with unjustified “hatred without a cause”
against the House of Jacob/Israel to this day. By the “evil” Nazi ideology of
exterminating all Jews in Europe in the Final Solution, which your “Machiavelli”
House of Windsor supported, it is self-evident that sinat chinam is an inherent genetic
“evil” Amalekite characteristic in
your ancestral bloodline/genes – originating in the German Houses of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and Schleswig-Holstein.
In the incredible picture of
an ancient religious ring with an angled “Hakenkruez” Swastika from the
Germanic Anglo-Saxon time period, which I stumbled upon in my research, this
ring is proof of Nazi symbolism directly linked to your Anglo-Saxon Royal
Family’s ancestry.
As shown in the picture above, Hitler
also used the angled Hakenkruez Swastika for his Nazi Party Badge emblem in Nazi
Germany. Because this symbol has been associated as a “hate symbol” in many
countries today, the Swastika is proof that the “GERMAN NATION IS FROM THE SEED OF AMALEK.” How? People who exhibit
this “evil” symbol have unjustified
“hatred without a cause” against all Jewish People worldwide. Whether they call
themselves neo-Nazis or white supremacists, they are all virulent anti-Israel/anti-Semites
seeking the destruction of the Jewish People and the State of Israel also.
MAJESTY, Arutz Sheva reported on
6/5/12 that you have never made an official trip to Israel although you have
visited over 130 countries. By the preponderance
of the evidence in these two open letters, it is self-evident that your anti-Semitic
Hitler-loving Nazi-saluting German Royal Family “is from the seed of Amalek.” You
have a distinct “evil” inherent genetic characteristic in your bloodline of
“hatred without a cause” (sinat chinam)
against the House of Jacob/Israel. This is why your Royal Family has sung the
same Amalekite song in choir together for decades: “Israel has no right to exist”!
“Hatred without a cause” is a distinct “evil”
INHERENT characteristic in Amalekite bloodlines passed down from generation to
the Torah below is significant. Those who do not “bless” Abraham’s descendants
have God’s wrath of “curses” upon their head:
“And I will bless them that bless thee,
and curse him
that curseth thee:
and in thee shall all families of the
earth be blessed.”
By these two open letters, it is self-evident that your
anti-Semitic German “Machiavelli” House of Windsor that supported Hitler’s Nazi
regime has not blessed Abraham’s
descendants (the House of Jacob/Israel) . You should not expect blessings, but God’s
wrath of “curses” to fall upon your “royal” heads!
that the House of Jacob/Israel has given to all heathen Gentile people with
pagan cultures and native beliefs (including your German “Anglicized” House of
Windsor) – the FREE spiritual gift of the Holy Bible translated into many languages
such as the English King James version, your “hatred without a cause” against
Abraham’s descendants of the House of Jacob/Israel today is unjustified.
From Genesis to Revelation,
the underlying Hebrew/Greek texts were virtually written entirely by
Hebrew/Jewish prophets/priests/apostles. Except for the Hebrew Children of
Israel separated by God to be a “holy nation” of people on earth, what Gentile
nations have ever had Ten Commandments placed inside courtrooms or state capitols like
monuments; or had wise Law of Moses statutes and judgments provide a foundation
for many civil/criminal laws in countries such as the U.S.? Unquestionably, the Torah brought ethics and
conscience to an immoral pagan Gentile World from which your Germanic
ancestry originated.
Through the
Bible, the pagan Gentile World can also learn of God’s merciful plan of
salvation for all mankind through a Jewish Messiah of Israel. Because these “free spiritual gifts” from Abraham’s descendants in the
House of Jacob/Israel have blessed “all families of the earth,” the House of
Jacob/Israel is rightfully called . . . GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE.
Yet, your anti-Semitic Hitler-loving Nazi-saluting “Machiavelli”
German House of Windsor has been ungrateful for all such God-given “free
spiritual gifts”; otherwise, your Royal Family would have made efforts
to stop Hitler’s “evil” Nazi regime from the genocide of 6 million innocent
Jewish men, women, and children in the Holocaust – instead of supporting his
Hence, your Royal
Family helped destroy the lives of countless Jewish People in the House of
Jacob/Israel. Therefore, under Biblical law principles, you have “collective guilt”
of innocent “blood on your hands” – all because of unjustified “hatred without a cause” (sinat chinam) – an inherent “evil” genetic characteristic in your
Germanic ancestral bloodline/genes.
you have memberships in the Church of England and Scotland, and also visit
other “Christian” churches. In one annual “Christmas message” broadcast to the
Commonwealth, you spoke about the theological significance of the
millennium (2,000) marking
the 2000th anniversary of the birth of
Jesus Christ by saying:
“To many of us, our beliefs are of
fundamental importance. For me the teachings of Christ and my own personal
accountability before God provide a framework in which I try to lead my life.
I, like so many of you, have drawn great comfort in difficult times from
Christ's words and example.” (Wikipedia: Elizabeth
is like a vapor – here today and gone tomorrow. In your elderly age, you don’t
know when your Creator’s final breath of
life (“spirit”), which He gave to you at birth, will return back to Him.
Thereafter, you will return to the dust of the earth, and await your great Day
of Judgment of your “own personal accountability before God.” (Eccl.
3:20; 12:7)
REPENTANCE: It is incumbent upon
you to make things right with your Creator – the same Biblical God of Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob. This means you must promptly make t’shuvah (repentance) on your knees for all the “evil” deeds and
actions your anti-Semitic pro-Nazi German “Machiavelli” House of Windsor has unjustly and unrighteously perpetrated against the House of Jacob/Israel –
before, during, and after the Holocaust. Naturally, it will take great
humbleness on your part to step down from your Royal Throne to make such t’shuvah. However, you will be blessed
if you humble yourself before the Spirit of God’s presence to do this.
God will bring “every work into judgment, with every secret thing” – whether it
was for “good” or “evil.” (Eccl. 12:4)
you may know, the 2nd Great Commandment that “Jesus Christ” (aka “Master”
(teacher), Jewish “Rabbi, “Rabboni,” “King of the Jews”) taught his followers
to keep commands; . . . “thou shalt love
thy neighbour as thyself.” Again, essentially, this means not to do your
neighbors any harm; in this case, your Jewish neighbors. (Lev. 19:18, in part; Matt. 2:2; 12:38; 19:16;
22:16,24,36; 26:25,49; Mark 4:38; 5:35; 9:5,17,38; 10:17,20,35; 11:21;
12:14,19,32; 13:1; 14:45; Luke 3:12; 5:15; 7:40; 8:24,45,49; 9:33,38,49;
10:25-28; 11:45; 12:13; 17:13; 18:18; 19:39; 20:21,28,39; 21:7; John 1:38,49;
4:31; 3:2,26; 6:25; 8:4; 9:2; 11:8,28; 13:13,14; 19:19,20; 20:16)
“willful” violation of the 2nd Great Commandment, however, your “CHRISTIAN”
ROYAL FAMILY directly/indirectly irreparably
harmed your Jewish neighbors (i) by doing nothing to stop their mass
murder when Hitler’s purges began in 1933 and hundreds were “murdered in cold
blood”; (ii) by doing nothing for 12 years from 1933-1945 to stop 6 million
Jewish men, women, children, and babies from being mutilated in horrific
medical experiments, tortured, cremated in ovens, and exterminated in
concentration camps in mass murder; (iii) by blocking Jewish refugees trapped
in Europe from escaping to Eretz Yisrael/Palestine while they were being
exterminated in Hitler’s Final Solution; and (iv) by ramming the famous Exodus 1947 ship carrying over 4500
immigrant Jewish Holocaust survivors to Palestine via British destroyers – two
years after the Holocaust ended. (See Part 1
open letter for full
discussion of these Holocaust issues.)
RESTITUTION: Clearly, your “CHRISTIAN” Royal Family has much t’shuvah (repentance) to do on its knees
for “willfully” violating the 2nd Great Commandment by all its
“evil” unrighteous deeds and acts
against its Jewish neighbors in the House of Jacob/Israel – before, during, and
after the Holocaust. To make things right with God also means “restitution” must
be made to all Holocaust survivors and/or their descendants (on behalf of their
families), who suffered immense persecution in Europe during Hitler’s Nazi
regime. In the archives of Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, there is a database of such
Holocaust families and survivors. Such restitution could be gathered together
from all your Royal Family members, and then distributed with Yad Vashem database
volunteer assistance, I believe.
BLESSING THE House of Jacob/Israel
As you may know from reading
the Bible, Jewish Pharisee Rav Sha’ul (Apostle Paul) made it clear to Roman
Gentiles that they were indebted to
poor Jewish “saints” in Jerusalem.
Because they were “partakers” in “spiritual things,” their Gentile
“duty” was to “minister” unto the “saints” in “carnal things.” In other words,
your Royal Family is obligated to bless poor Jewish People in their “carnal”
daily needs today. The UK, I’m sure, has many Jewish People, who are not only
poor, but have suffered great anti-Semitism in your British monarchy of “hatred
without a cause.” (Rom.
your House of Windsor blocked Jewish refugees trapped in Europe from escaping to
Eretz Yisrael/Palestine during Hitler’s Final Solution, it is also incumbent upon
your Royal Family by helping ingather
seeking to immigrate (make aliyah) to their God-given Promised Land. This can
easily be done by contacting Rabbi Eckstein’s excellent charitable organization
(to which I have donated), called
International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ) at: <>;
<>. He has helped hundreds
of Jewish People make
aliyah to
Israel over the years, and has planes and other resources readily available to
help people from various countries immigrate to Israel.
your personal private wealth estimated to be £340 million in the
Sunday Times Rich List 2015, and your personal ownership of about 6.6 billion
acres of land worth about $33 trillion U.S. dollars in 2009, you can easily
make a substantial donation to IFCJ to make “restitution,” and also help ingather
Exiles to Israel still scattered in countries worldwide.
to Israel’s 1948 Declaration of Independence, the State of Israel is “open for
Jewish immigration and for the Ingathering of the Exiles”; and “it will ensure complete equality of social and political
rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex”; and
“it will guarantee freedom of religion” and “conscience” . . . Accordingly, your
substantial donation to Rabbi Eckstein’s IFCJ should include two stipulations
regarding Holocaust survivors and/or their
descendants seeking to immigrate to Eretz Yisrael suggested as follows:
(1) Any and all
Holocaust survivors and/or their descendants having proof their family surnames
are archived in Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, and who desire to immigrate to Israel
and “assert” their right to a life of dignity and freedom in their “national
homeland” “irrespective of religion, race, or sex,” shall receive an immediate
temporary Israeli passport (Teudat Ma’avar) upon arrival at customs in Tel Aviv
at Ben Gurion Airport.
(2) No civil,
governmental, political, or religious authority in Israel shall stop, obstruct,
or impede such immediate temporary Teudat Ma’avar Israeli passports from being given
to any and all Holocaust survivors and/or their descendants upon their arrival
at customs in Tel Aviv at Ben Gurion Airport, who have immigrated from various
countries to Israel via The International
Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ)
charitable organization.
Rabbi Eckstein can ensure that the two stipulations above will be officially
honored in Tel Aviv via his well-known respected IFCJ charitable organization. Because
my birth surname and parents’ surnames are archived in Yad Vashem as Holocaust
survivors, you can help me make aliyah
to Israel also.
of anyone’s age, it’s never too late for Abraham’s descendants to be gathered
from all heathen lands into “their own land,” which the Hebrew prophet,
Ezekiel, foretold about 2,600 years ago. He also said “none of them” would be
left behind! (Ezek. 39:28)
you will promptly bless all Holocaust survivors and/or their descendants by
making “restitution,” and help ingather Exiles to their “national homeland”
through Rabbi Eckstein’s charitable IFCJ organization, it may be that the God
of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will show mercy upon your soul and Royal Family.
you have nothing to lose by doing such blessed “good deeds” (mitzvahs) from your heart in 2016 and
2017 – at least. This is the “least” that your Royal Family can do to help make
sincere amends with a contrite spirit for the great irreparable harm done to
the House of Jacob/Israel – before, during, and after Shoah.
(a God-given Hebrew name)
She’erit Ya’acov/Yisrael
(Remnant of Jacob/Israel)
(Micah 5:7,8; Zeph. 3:13)
(Ora Yakovi is a writer/author and
student of the Bible for many years. She is the daughter of Holocaust
survivors. The surnames of her parents and her birth surname are listed in Yad
Vashem archives in Jerusalem.)
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