“He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.” (Deut. 32:4)

“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If you, . . . will do this, . . . you will change the earth.” ―William Faulkner (Source of address to the graduating class of University High School, Oxford, Mississippi, 1951: http//flavorwire.com/)

“If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both.” HoraceMann (Source of “Horace Mann” quote: Wikiquote)


HACKING HAS AFFECTED THIS WEB SITE! Stealing passwords, and altering information has become a favorite hobby today for those with “no moral conscience,” and who don’t know the difference between right from wrong. By the “preponderance of the evidence,” someone connected with the Royal Family (British Crown) had a “motive” to discredit Yakovi’s Part 1 Open Letter to Queen Elizabeth, which was originally published on March 3, 2016. The published date has been altered to falsely show April 3, 2016 although Part 2 of this open letter is dated March 30, 2016. Yakovi’s 2nd Open letter to Queen Liz Re “Smoking Gun” Cover ups, which was published on May 29, 2016, has also been altered to falsely show June 1, 2016 instead.

Please send Ora Yakovi a message via the “CONTACT FORM” at the bottom right side of this page if you notice any incomplete or contradictory sentences/paragraphs, or irrelevant scripture references, etc. Thank you for visiting this Web Site – despite the hacking!



"No Jew has the right to yield the rights of the Jewish People in Israel. No Jew has the authority to do so. No Jewish body has the authority to do so. Not even the entire Jewish People alive today has the right to yield any part of Israel. It is the right of the Jewish People over the generations, a right that under no conditions can be cancelled. Even if Jews during a specific period proclaim they are relinquishing this right, they have neither the power nor the authority to deny it to future generations. No concession of this type is binding or obligates the Jewish People. Our right to the country – the entire country – exists as an eternal right, and we shall not yield this historic right until its full and complete redemption is realized." Quoted from David Ben Gurion’s World Zionist Speech in Basel, Switzerland (1937); http://www.freeman.org/

Friday, October 14, 2016


“Woe unto them that call evil good,” . . .
(Isaiah 5:20, in part) 
Dear Rabbi Genack,

Apparently, you are the CEO of the Orthodox Union’s Kosher division, and the “spiritual leader” of Congregation Shomrei Emunah in Englewood, N.J. Since I despise anyone who calls “evil” good, and your flattering endorsement of Hillary Clinton for President infers that she is “exceptionally” “good,” I will mince no words in this open letter to you.

By the many statements incorporated in this open letter from reliable respected sources of integrity regarding Hillary Clinton’s anti-Israel/anti-Semitism and her “UNFIT” ethically and morally bankrupt character, hopefully, your Blind as a Bat eyes wearing prescription glasses will finally see her Machiavellian three faces of Eve unmasked in the limelight. This pagan (goy) unclean/non-Kosher so-called “Christian” Methodist running for President of the United States even robustly flaunted an occult Devil Horns hand sign after the California Primary!

Did you know that the contemptible Methodist Church supported Hitler’s Nazi Germany in the Holocaust? Methodist Bishop F.H. Otto Melle took a “collaborationist position that included . . . sincere support for Nazism;”?  

Did you know that the Klu Klux Klan (KKK)  . . . “could not have enrolled the numbers of people nor gained the political power it wielded during the 1920s in Texas” – without the Methodists? . . . “the Klan dominated all Methodist Annual Conferences between 1922 and 1925." (Jackobson, Eric S. “Silent Observer or Silent Partner: Methodism and the Texas Klu Klux Klan 1921 – 1925.”) (Wikipedia: Religion in Nazi Germany)

Did you know that the “radical” anti-Israel/anti-Semitic Methodist Church has supported BDS, and proposed and passed resolutions to divest from Israel? Methodists are “targeting companies that profit from Israel’s [alleged] ‘occupation,’ such as Motorola, Caterpillar and Hewlett Packard”? “Methodist bishops have already opposed U.S. arms sales to the Jewish State.” “The Methodist Church of Britain launched a boycott against goods emanating from Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.” (Meotti, G. (2/3/12). “Op-Ed: US Churches against the Jews: Heavenly Intifada.” Arutz Sheva)


With a seared moral conscience fried to the bone, and Hillary’s inability to know the difference between right and wrong, her anti-Israel/anti-Semitic “evil” figs falling from her corrupt tree have been too rotten to eat for decades.

Despite her forked tongue from both sides of her mouth of being pro-Israel, she has always been anti-Israel and pro-Arab. Both Hillary and Bill’s common references to Jews as “Jew motherf-----“ or “Jew Bastard” are legendary. Bill also had a “deep fascination for Adolf Hitler and his book Mein Kampf." (More on this later.)

Hillary greatly admired the “evil” violent Nazi Arab “Palestinian” terrorist, Yasser Arafat, and was “sympathetic” to his cause. A picture of the Clinton Family with Arafat taken in 1999 is shown at the top of this page below your picture. Her admiration of such a “terrorist” murderer is also exposed in excerpts of the book “American Evita” below:



In Christopher Anderson’s book published in 2005 titled:
“American Evita,” he exposes how Hillary was “sympathetic”
to Arafat’s terrorism in 1974 – even before she married Bill.

In his 11/10/15 Op-Ed published in Arutz Sheva,
Jeff Dunetz (editor/publisher of “The Lid”) also states, in part: . . .
except for the time she needed New York’s Jewish voting bloc,
Hillary Clinton has never been pro-Israel.
And when she held the position of Secretary of State,
she helped Barack Obama craft his anti-Israel positions.”
. . . “even before her marriage to Bill, Hillary Clinton
was opposing Israel and promoting the forces of terrorism.”  
(Dunetz, J. (11/10/15). “Op-Ed: Is Hillary Clinton a Friend of Israel.” Arutz Sheva)

Dunetz references Christopher Anderson’s book (p.49)
in his Op-Ed as follows, in part: . . .
“at a time when elements of the American Left
embraced the Palestinian cause and condemned Israel,
Hillary was telling friends that she was `sympathetic’
to the terrorist organization and admired
 its flamboyant leader, Yasser Arafat. 
When Arafat made his famous appearance before the U.N.
General Assembly in November 1974
wearing his revolutionary uniform and a holster on his hip, . . .
Hillary tried to convince Bill that Arafat was a
`freedom fighter’ trying to free his people from their Israeli `oppressors.’”
(Ibid) (See also World News Politics. (1/10/16).
‘I hate Israel: Hillary has long hostile history” retrieved from



In case you think Yasser Arafat was a sweet smiling Mr. Nice Guy, think again. Here’s some background information on this demonic violent wild man flashing a Devil Horns hand sign:

AL HUSSEINI MENTORED ARAFAT: Arafat was mentored by the “evil” anti-Semitic Nazi Arab Muslim Grand Mufti, Amin Al Husseini, whose Hanzar division of Nazi Arabs (Muslim Brotherhood) participated in the extermination of 6 million Jews in the Holocaust. In the 1929 Hebron infamous massacre, Al Husseini incited Nazi Arab Muslims to slaughter about 200 Jews and families with these words: “Slaughter the Jews wherever you find them. Their spilled blood pleases Allah, our history, and religion.”  
Hillary Clinton has been fully aware of Arafat’s bitter hatred and violent terrorism, e.g., of suicide bombings against Israel’s civilian population by his public statements since the 1970s; yet, in 1999 the Clinton Family willingly stood next to him with ecstatic smiles on their faces. Wearing an Arab head covering, Hillary’s admiration of Arafat shows the biggest smile from ear to ear – despite his many warnings of using violence to destroy Israel as follows below:

“We shall never stop
until we can go back home and Israel is destroyed . . .
The goal of our struggle is the end of Israel,
and there can be no compromises or mediations . . .
the goal of this violence is the elimination of Zionism
 from Palestine in all its political, economic and military aspects . . .
We don’t want peace, we want victory.
Peace for us means Israel’s destruction and nothing else.”
(Quoted from Washington Post 3/29/70: Wikiquote: Yasser Arafat)

“Peace for us means the destruction of Israel.
We are preparing for an all-out war,
a war which will last for generations . . .  
We shall not rest until the day when we
 return to our home, and until we destroy Israel.”
(Quoted from The Times, UK, 8/5/80: Wikiquote: Yasser Arafat)

“The Israelis are mistaken if they think
we do not have an alternative to negotiations.
By Allah I swear they are wrong.
The Palestinian people are prepared to sacrifice
 until either the last boy and the last girl raise
 the Palestinian flag over the walls, the churches
 and the mosques of Jerusalem.”
(Quoted from a speech on 8/6/95 in celebration of birth of his daughter,
reported in Haaretz 9/6/95; and the Jerusalem Post 9/7/95:
Wikiquote: Yasser Arafat)

“The PLO will now concentrate on splitting
Israel psychologically into two camps . . .
We plan to eliminate the State of Israel
and establish a Palestinian state.
We will make life unbearable for Jews by
psychological warfare and population explosion.
Jews will not want to live among Arabs.
I have no use for Jews. They are and remain Jews.
We now need all the help we can get from you
 in our battle for a united Palestine under Arab rule.”
(Quoted from the Jerusalem Post 2/23/96
in a speech to Arab diplomats in Stockholm: Wikiquote: Yasser Arafat)

“We will not bend or fail until the blood of every
last Jew from the youngest child to the oldest elder
 is spilt to redeem our land!”
(Quoted from Arafat’s speech (“The Impending Total Collapse of Israel”)
at the Grand Hotel in Stockholm 1/30/96 by Andrew Boston
in his book titled: “The Legacy of Islamic AntiSemitism:
From Sacred Texts to Solemn History,”
Prometheus Books, 2008, p. 682: Wikiquote: Yasser Arafat)

Rabbi Genack, by endorsing Hillary Clinton for President, you cannot claim ignorance of her admiration of Yasser Arafat, and his goal to destroy Israel. Nobody put a gun to the Clinton Family’s heads to be photographed with this “evil” violent Nazi Arab “Palestinian” terrorist, who hated all Jews and Israel. They did it willingly. A picture is worth a thousand words!

So like an unclean non-Kosher chicken, why have you swallowed her “pro-Israel” lying tongue chicken bait – hook, line, and sinker? Don’t you know you are betraying the House of Jacob/Israel, and doing irreparable harm to the Jewish People’s “national homeland,” which she falsely claims is “occupied”? Haven’t you figured out by now since the 70s that her admiration of Nazi Arab Palestinian terrorist murderers means she is also covertly seeking to destroy Israel and turn it into “Palestine” under Arab rule?


As shown on the New York Post front page, Hillary’s relationship with Suha has been “intimate.” After Mrs. Arafat’s speech in 1999 inciting anti-Semitic hatred against Israel with false propaganda that Israelis were murdering Palestinian women and children with poison gas, what did Hillary do? She kissed Suha. (N.Y. Post front page. Retrieved from <bokertov.typepad.com>)

ADL CONDEMNED MRS. ARAFAT:  In a 11/11/99 press release from New York, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) “strongly condemned” Suha Arafat’s “outrageous anti-Israel statements” made in the presence of First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton “at the opening of a U.S.-funded health project for Palestinian women” in Ramallah. Mrs. Arafat declared:

"Our people have been submitted to the daily and intensive use of poisonous gas by the Israeli forces which has led to an increase in cancer cases among women and children." Mrs. Arafat also accused Israel of contaminating much of the water sources used by Palestinians with "chemical materials."

Strongly refuting Suha’s “outrageous” anti-Israel remarks, Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director said, in part:

“Mrs. Arafat’s outrageous statements are unfortunately part of a continuous pattern of conspiracy theories perpetuated by many Palestinians and Arabs accusing Israel of deliberately poisoning Arab children and women. This propaganda echoes the centuries-old anti-Semitic canard of Jews poisoning Christian children.
As of this time, Mrs. Clinton has yet to comment on Mrs. Arafat’s remarks. Unfortunately, by ignoring these statements, Mrs. Clinton might give unwarranted legitimacy to these heinous remarks. We urge the First Lady to publicly speak out against Mrs. Arafat’s statements”. (Foxman quotes retrieved from <http://archive.adl.org>)

By ignoring these "unwarranted" and "heinous" remarks and kissing Suha, she approved Mrs. Arafat’s speech!  Only after a media uproar with many outraged people, under pressure Hillary finally commented to try and minimize the damage of Suha Arafat’s remarks of inciting hatred against Israel. Nevertheless, Hillary’s picture of kissing Suha on the front page of the New York Post is prima facie evidence of her pro-Nazi/pro-Arab Palestinian anti-Israel/anti-Semitism.


As shown in the picture at the top of this page below your picture, Hillary also admires Mahmoud Abbas. Notice the picture of Arafat hanging on the wall behind Hillary as she is holding Abbas’ hand and smiling. Here’s some background information on this “evil” violent Nazi Arab “Palestinian” terrorist Abbas:









As reported in a Judicial Watch 10/16/15 press release, Huma Abedin received a “Top Secret Clearance Renewal” while working for Hillary Clinton in the State Department although she never provided financial and employment information required by law.

As shown in the two pictures, Abedin was a top aide/confidant to Hillary Clinton. Abedin’s anti-Israel/anti-Semitic Arab family has had extensive ties to the Nazi Arab Muslim Brotherhood (who participated in Hitler’s extermination of Jews during the Holocaust as discussed earlier).

Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, and designated as a terrorist group in the U.S. and European Union. “chamas” (חמס) in Hebrew means: “violence.” By supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, the Huma family has supported Hamas.

By supporting Abedin as a top aide – an arch enemy of Israel, undoubtedly, Hillary has committed treasonous acts, and is complicit in Abedin’s Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas ties also. How many top secret U.S. documents Hillary Clinton made available to Huma Abedin that may have passed to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas relating to Israel is unknown.

Hamas (in control of Gaza and Hebron) has many videos with “violent” anti-Semitic messages on its Al-Aqsa TV station such as: “Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah” and "Destroy the throne of Zion.” In one song broadcast in Arabic, Hebrew words appeared on the screen addressing Israelis with pictures of Israelis being attacked, and a funeral shown. (See PMW-Palwatch.org picture.)

Abedin’s deceased anti-Israel/anti-Semitic father, mother, and her brother, were all “connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and/or organizations.” Syed Abedin (Huma’s father) was recruited to work for Saudi Arabia’s Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs launched by Abdullah Omar Naseef. He was a “major Muslim Brotherhood figure” with “close ties to Osama bin Laden and the terrorist group al Qaeda.” (8/19/15). “HUMA ABEDIN: THE SECURITY BREACH HILLARY IS STILL HIDING.” Retrieved from <www.frontpagemag.com>

In a New York Observer profile, Abedin is “described as a trusted advisor to Mrs. Clinton, especially on issues pertaining to the Middle East,” . . . “Abedin and Mrs. Clinton have also developed a close personal bond over their years together," . . .

In 2010, Hillary said: “I have one daughter. But if I had a second daughter, it would [be] Huma.” In 2011, Secretary Clinton paid a friendly visit to Abedin's mother, Saleha, in Saudi Arabia. On that occasion, Mrs. Clinton publicly described her aide's position as “very important and sensitive.” (Ibid)

Abedin’s “outside clients” have included the U.S. State Department, Hillary Clinton, the William Jefferson Clinton Foundation, and Teneo (a firm co-founded by Bill Clinton’s former counselor, Doug Band). Thanks to the Clintons, Abedin - an enemy of Israel and a Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas connected “government employee” with "Top Secret Clearance" U.S. knowledge, has also maintained “private clients,” to whom, undoubtedly, she passed such secret knowledge. (Ibid)

In early March 2015, it was reported that throughout her entire four-year tenure as Secretary of State (SOS), Hillary Clinton had never acquired or used a government email account, and instead had transmitted -- in violation of government regulations -- all of her official government correspondences via a personal email account that was housed on a private server." Abedin and Mrs. Clinton's chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, also had email addresses on the secret server while employed at the State Department.” (Ibid)

(Swirsky, J. (4/18/16). “Sane Jews do not Vote for Hillary.”
Retrieved from <http://canadafreepress.com/>)

“Old habits die hard,” writes Tiffany Gabbay for TruthRevolt.org. Only last month, Hillary hosted a panel that included Salam al-Marayati, president of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), “who openly supported Hezbollah in its 1983 bombing of a Marine barracks in Beirut and who blamed the 9/11 attacks on Israel.”

“Hillary’s ties to al-Marayati go way back; Gabbay provides a detailed report developed by Patrick Pool of PJ Media." “Waves of controversy have not stopped Hillary Clinton from continuing to promote Marayati, including appointing him to positions during her tenure as Obama’s secretary of State.” "To this day, MPAC continues to vilify Israel and even published on its website in 2010 that 'Israel was harvesting the organs of Palestinians.'”


In her book, Hillary advances a BIG LIE that Palestinians in the West Bank are living under “illegal occupation."  In other words, Israel has no right to rebuild its Biblical/historical/legal “national homeland” as recognized in the Balfour Declaration and re-affirmed in the Mandate of the League of Nations; nor defend itself from Nazi Arab Muslim terrorists seeking Israel’s destruction.

Moreover, there is no such thing as the false repeated mantra of “Palestinians” discussed in her book. No historical coinage or artifacts are attributed to “Palestinians,” and their speech, culture, and food is Arabic. “Palestinians” were invented for anti-Israel/anti-Zionist political purposes. By their never-ending Nazi Arab Muslim terrorist acts against Jewish-Israeli civilian populations, it is self-evident that their goal has always been a one-state solution – to wipe Israel off the map!

As former Prime Minister, Golda Meir, emphatically publicly stated: 

"There is no such thing as a Palestinian people. . .   
It is not as if we came and threw them out and took their country.
They didn't exist." -- Golda Meir, statement to The Sunday Times, 15 June, 1969


The LEFTIST New Israel Fund (NIF) purports to be pro-Israel, but has “significant connections to the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) Movement” . . . The NIF has facilitated the “entire Leftist Agenda from bringing Israeli Soldiers and Officers up on charges of War Crimes” regarding Operation Protective Edge and also Cast Lead. From American Taxpayers, Hillary Clinton gave the NIF “a 501(c)3 or its affiliate, the social change and political lobbying organization SHATIL which was formed to ‘create political change, reform, and activism in the Middle East’ over a million dollars from 2009 to 2011” . . . (Dr. Frager, J. (3/15/15). “Hillary’s Lasting Legacy at State.” Arutz Sheva)



Rabbi Genack, is protecting “Israel’s best interests” done with multi-millions of dollars poured into the fraudulent Clinton Foundation from anti-Israel/anti-Semitic Nazi Arab Muslim Middle East countries seeking Israel’s destruction? Are you blinded to the fact that countries like Saudi Arabia have provided weapons of mass destruction and arms to Nazi Arab Palestinian terrorist organizations like the PLO/PA/Hamas so Israel can be destroyed?

Don’t you know why these countries are helping bankroll Hillary Clinton for President like they did Obama? A Wall Street Journal published article by Reid Epstein on 3/29/16 tells us the reason why in a report “on the U.S. presidential election published in al-Masra” – an online publication connected to al Qaeda.

In this report, who do you think such terrorist groups want to see elected into the White House? Hillary, of course. Why? . . . Because her Presidency will be an “extension of the policy of Obama and the Democrats in the region,” . . . HILLARY will continue Obama’s ANTI-ISRAEL/ANTI-SEMITIC “foreign-policy course.” Is this how the sovereign State of Israel’s “best interests” will be protected with Hillary as President?


National Security analyst, Patrick Poole, said that “the amount of foreign cash the Clintons have amassed from the Persian Gulf states is ‘simply unprecedented’.” “These regimes are buying access” to the WH. “You’ve got the Saudis. You’ve got the Kuwaitis, Oman, Qatar and the UAE.” “There are massive conflicts of interest. It’s beyond comprehension,” he says. (Pollock, R. “It has been Revealed that Bill and Hillary Clinton Received at Least $100 million from Autocratic Persian Gulf States and their Leaders.” Daily Caller. Retrieved from <www.citizenop.com>)

Bill Clinton had a business partnership with Sheikh Mohammed bin-Rashid al-Maktoum thru the Dubai Investment Group from which he profited millions of dollars. Not only are such Nazi Arab Muslim countries anti-Israel/anti-Semitic, but they have an infamous history of human rights abuses, forced labor, and human trafficking. (Ibid)

RABBI GENACK, is this how Hillary Clinton “will apply deep strategic thinking to deal with the foreign policy issues confronting us,” which you wrote about in your 12/22/15 Op-Ed published in Jewish Week titled: “Why I Support Hillary Clinton for President”? Is collaborating with anti-Israel/anti-Semitic Arab Nazi Muslim countries seeking Israel’s destruction with the fraudulent Clinton Foundation raking in multi-millions of dollars from these Middle East countries how to “apply deep strategic thinking” to benefit Israel?

In exchange for the Clintons’ greedy acceptance of such Nazi Arab Muslim “blood money” into their fraudulent Clinton Foundation, obviously, Hillary Clinton will be obligated to use it to influence Congress against Israel. By endorsing Hillary, therefore, you will be personally responsible for helping an “UNFIT” “evil” anti-Israel/anti-Semitic unclean/non-Kosher (Goy) Methodist so-called “Christian” with no moral conscience, whatsoever – whose denomination has supported Hitler and the KKK and launched boycotts against Israel – do everything possible to turn Israel into a Nazi Arab Muslim “Palestinian” state. Is this the legacy for which you want to be remembered?


In September of 2011, Hillary Clinton filed a brief in the U.S. Supreme Court so Jerusalem would not even be “symbolically” recognized as the Capital of Israel? This case involved Menachem Zivotofsky born in Jerusalem in 2002. His American parents wanted his birthplace on his Passport to show Israel as his birthplace. (Richman, R. (9/27/11). “Clinton, in a Sharp Turnaround, Warns Against Even Symbolically Recognizing Jerusalem as Capital of Israel.” Retrieved from <http://www.nysun.com/>)

UNANIMOUS SENATE LAW PASSED FOR JERUSALEM:  In 2002, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed a law requiring the U.S. to issue such documentation showing Jerusalem as Zivotofsky’s birthplace in Israel. Even in 2010, the White House recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital.

Yet, Clinton turned around and said the law she voted for was “unconstitutional.” Her anti-Israel/anti-Semitic Supreme Court brief maneuver was made for one political reason only . . . to stop Israel’s Biblical/historical/legal right for Jerusalem to be recognized as the capital of Israel. Why? . . . Because her goal has been for ALL of the sovereign State of Israel to become “Palestine” for her Nazi Arab Palestinian terrorist buddies like Mahmoud Abbas (PA), Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas, etc. (Ibid)

UN CHARTER ARTICLE 2 (4): In Chapter I: “Purposes and Principles” of the United Nations Charter (in which the U.S. is a member state), Article 2 (4) explicitly states: “All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.” In my view, Hillary Clinton illegally violated the UN Charter by using the “force” of a Supreme Court brief “against the territorial integrity” and “political independence” of Israel.

Prior to Clinton’s Supreme Court brief in 2011, JERUSALEM WAS ALREADY RECOGNIZED AS ISRAEL’S CAPITAL. In a “series of pictures from Vice President Biden’s 2010 trip to the Jewish state,” the pictures showed him at “Jerusalem, Israel.Obviously, this was not considered “unconstitutional” by the WH in 2010. (Ibid)

“Five days later, the White House removed “Israel” from each of the Biden pictures, without announcing the deletion. The State Department also quietly deleted “Israel” from references to “Jerusalem, Israel” on numerous official documents on its own website, dating from the Bush administration.” (Ibid)

Who was in charge of the State Department in 2010? Who “quietly deleted ‘Israel’ from references to ‘Jerusalem, Israel’" on the WH Web Site? Machiavellian Hillary was involved, of course. As I see it, Hillary Clinton ABUSED HER POWER and VIOLATED THE UN CHARTER when she filed a threatening brief against Israel’s “territorial integrity” and “political independence” in the U.S. Supreme Court.

Rabbi Genack, how is it that in your Op-Ed in Jewish Week, you said Hillary has “proven to be a true friend of Israel”? Having treacherously betrayed Israel in court with her abuse of power and violation of the UN Charter regarding the significant issue of Jerusalem being recognized as the capital of Israel, you also say in your Op-Ed . . . that “there is no one better suited than she [Hillary] to . . . protect Israel’s best interests”? Is that right? Obviously, she has never been a true “Friend of Israel,” and has not protected Israel’s best interests” by refusing to recognize Jerusalem – even symbolically!


 WAS HILLARY “EXCEPTIONAL” RE BENGHAZI?: In your Op-Ed in Jewish Week, you also wrote that Hillary “is a woman whose life and mind are truly exceptional.” In this instance you are absolutely right. Her devious Machiavellian “life and mind” is so “truly exceptional” that she knows how to commit state/federal/national crimes – and get away with it!

As Secretary of State, did Hillary “apply deep strategic thinking to deal with the foreign policy issues confronting us” in the Benghazi terrorist attack resulting in 4 Americans being killed, and giving arms to terrorists, lying to Congress, illegally destroying thousands of classified emails, and committing national security crimes? Did she “bear the responsibility of American exceptionalism” when she fluffed it all off by saying, “What difference does it make”?

TELL ME, RABBI GENACK, if she ran the Secretary of State’s office with such gross incompetence, treasonous acts against American citizens, and intentional national security crimes, do you still conclude that she is “FIT” to run the White House? This is illogical and irrational.
Did Hillary’s funding of the anti-Israel/anti-Semitic pro-Nazi/pro-Arab Palestinian NIF with over a million dollars from American taxpayers show her “deeply rooted friendship with Israel and the American Jewish community”? Is this how you think she should address the “growing threat of radical Islam” . . . when she funded the LEFTIST NIF behind Israel’s back as Secretary of State? Weren’t these false propaganda flattering quotes about her also written in your Op-Ed in Jewish Week?
What about her political corruption scandals, cover ups since Whitewater, and violations of the law? Do these illegal acts make her “exceptional”?


THERE IS NO ONE YOU TRUST MORE?:  Is that so?  In your Op-Ed statements that Hillary will “best express the grandeur and bear the responsibility of American exceptionalism,” what “grandeur” are you talking about? There is nothing exceptional or grand about an “unrepentant liar,” “unethical,” “serial hypocrite,” and “more than likely a felon.” Incidentally, these are not my quotes, but a lawyer/former prosecutor’s quotes about Hillary to be discussed later. Yet, incredibly, in your Op-Ed you also wrote: “There is no one I trust more,” . . .

A “SPIRIT OF NABAL” AND A PATSY/SUCKER?:  Sorry, Rabbi Genack, but as Hillary Clinton’s official publicity “mouthpiece” spouting false propaganda to American Jews about how wonderful she is, your Op-Ed in Jewish Week reeks with a spirit of “nabal” (stupidness/wickedness) flowing from your pen. This is the end result of your “idol worship” of a pathological liar, who is UNFIT to plop her anti-Israel/anti-Semitic unclean/non-Kosher (goy) Methodist behind in the Oval Office!

By endorsing Hillary for President, clearly, you are living in the unreality of a pie in the sky by your foolish irrational statement in your Op-Ed that “Israel and its Arab neighbors” can sit on the same side of the table to address their common strategic concerns,” . . . Really? Are Nazi/Arab Muslims like Hamas, who boast:  “Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah”. . . “neighbors” you want living next to you in New Jersey?

Haven’t you figured out that since 1948 after Israel’s Declaration of Independence, the only “common strategic concerns” of Nazi/Arab Muslim so-called “Palestinians” have always been how to wipe Israel off the map? Don’t you know they commemorate Israel’s independence as a “NAKBA DAY” “Day of Catastrophe” with violent demonstrations – annually, or do you also turn a blind eye to Middle East news?

With war after war – to intifadas – to continual terrorist rockets launched into Israeli-Jewish populations killing thousands of “victims” over the years – to terrorist tunnels – to the disastrous failed moronic Oslo Accord with Arafat – the Father of Modern Terrorism (which your buddie Bill Clinton pressured Israel to sign), it’s always been the same “concerns” for the “evil” Muslim Brotherhood, the PLO, PA, and Hamas, etc., . . . how to destroy the sovereign State of Israel any way possible.

Why can’t LEFTISTS like you be sane and rational and stop living in La-la-Land that there can be no “peace” with those seeking the House of Jacob/Israel’s destruction? Why is it so hard to study Israel’s history since 1948 to intelligently conclude that there will never be “peace” with those seeking to kill Jews for Islamic Allah’s jihad sake – right across the table? Nay, there will never be “peace” until Israel’s promised Mashiach comes with the brightness of his glory from clouds of heaven to destroy all “evil” on earth. Then there will be “peace” on Mt. Zion!

Further, when did your start helping further the corrupt Clintons’ LEFTIST political careers, which culminated in your head over heels “idol worship” of these two political celebrities? Apparently, you met Bill when he was Governor of Arkansas sometime in between his two terms from 1979 – 1992. In 1992, did you not found the political action committee, NORPAC (North Jersey PAC) – especially to help the Clintons into the WH because of your cozy warm personal friendship with them for many years? When the Clintons have told you to jump for them, how many times have you asked: “How high”?

Don’t you know that by holding, kissing, and touching you for decades . . . THE CLINTONS have succeeded in making you their unclean/non-Kosher Goyim-Jewish PATSY/SUCKER RABBI – WITH ALL THEIR SHIKUTZ TRANSFERRED TO YOU? 

IDOL WORSHIP OF THE CLINTONS: Rabbi Genack, as shown in the picture (and two video clips) with tall Bill’s arm around your neck holding you while you’re grinning like a puppy from ear to ear and wagging your tail; and Hillary kissing you as she entered the AIPAC hall on 3/21/16, you must have floated to 7th heaven for days on end!  Obviously, you have been GA-GA over the Clintons’ “political celebrity” for decades. Visibly, you love being in the limelight with the Clintons in pictures.

Consequently, your “idol worship” of these two “political celebrities” has made it impossible for you to objectively evaluate their anti-Semitic/anti-Israel morally bankrupt characters that continue spitting out lies, deceit, and political corruption with utter disregard for the rule of law. What have you done about this? You have heaped praises upon Hillary as though you were secretly in love with her.

TIME TO GET REAL:  As the purported “spiritual leader” of Congregation Shomrei Emunah in Englewood, N.J., don’t you know such “idol worship” is chet (sin) against the “Holy” God of Israel as written in the Torat Moshe (Law of Moses)?  It’s the first commandment in the Ten Commandments: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” You must make t’shuvah (repentance) for your “idol worship” of the Clintons. (Ex. 20:3)

If not, then you are mocking and blaspheming the “Holy” God of Israel by your pretense of being a “spiritual leader” when you can’t even tell the difference between “good” and “evil,” and right from wrong.  How many of your synagogue members have been told by you to support or vote for Hillary – even though this Gentile so-called “Christian” Methodist has no moral conscience, whatsoever?

Further, you are leading your entire congregation into Sheol (Hell)! How? . . . By teaching them it’s OK to have no moral conscience; OK to call “evil” good; OK to be “idol worshippers” of political celebrities; OK to vote for a Methodist so-called “Christian” whose church members supported Hitler’s extermination of 6 million Jews and the KKK; OK to vote for someone who admires Nazi Arab Palestinian terrorist murderers; OK to help destroy the State of Israel’s sovereignty so it can be turned into a “Palestine” state; OK to be anti-Israel; and OK to wallow around like a pig in sordid moral decay of lies, cheating, and deception – just like the Clintons!

Nay, Elohim (God) doesn’t play any Mickey Mouse “Jewish Rabbi Games” or “Gentile Christian Games” for that matter. If you refuse to humbly repent with a broken spirit and contrite heart, then you will suffer the wrath of God, I believe, for cursing the House of Jacob/Israel with Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Oval Office.

It's time to get real and come out of your GA-GA starry-eyed trance by idolizing the shikutz of Methodist/Baptist (Goy) unclean/non-Kosher anti-Israel/anti-Semites. Bill and Hillary are not righteous “stars,” but corrupt trees with “evil” figs too rotten to be eaten.

Let’s continue now with more informative statements from reliable respected sources regarding Hillary Clinton’s ethically “UNFIT” character to sit in the Oval Office as follows below:

Jerome Kaufman called Hillary’s AIPAC presentation
“Please stop parading as Israel’s friend. That is a complete lie.”
(As reported in Israel Commentary by writer/editor,
Jerome S. Kaufman)

Note: Apparently, this is the same AIPAC presentation
in which Hillary kissed Rabbi Genack as she entered
the hall on 3/21/16. See pictures of two video frames shown earlier.

“Hillary Clinton lied to Congress,
gave arms to terrorists and destroyed her emails.
How much longer can she hide the truth?
How much longer can her lawlessness
go unchallenged and unprosecuted?
Does she really think the American voters
will overlook her criminal behavior and
put her in the White House where she can pardon herself?”
(Quoted by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano
former judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey in an article titled:
“Hillary Clinton: How much longer can she hide the truth”? (7/2/15). Fox News.com)

(4/7/08). “Counsel Confirms Hillary’s ‘Fraudulent’ Watergate Brief.”
World Net Daily Exclusive. Retrieved from

. . . “Clinton, then 27, was hired to work on the investigation [of Watergate] at the behest of her former law professor, Burke Marshall, who also was Sen. Ted Kennedy’s chief counsel in the Chappaquiddick case.” (Ibid)

Jerry Zeifman, Chief Counsel of the House Judiciary Committee concluded that Hillary Rodham Clinton “conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.” He fired her from the committee as she prepared articles of impeachment against Richard Nixon, and refused to give her a “letter of recommendation.

She “collaborated with several individuals, including Marshall, special counsel John Doar and senior associate special counsel Bernard Nussbaum, who later became counsel in the Clinton White House. Their aim, he said, was the seemingly implausible scheme to deny Nixon the right to counsel during the investigation.” (Ibid)

. . . “Clinton wrote a brief arguing Nixon should not be granted legal counsel due to a lack of precedent,” and “deliberately ignored the then-recent case of Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, who was allowed to have a lawyer during the impeachment attempt against him in 1970.” Mr. Zeifman claimed that Clinton also “bolstered her fraudulent brief by removing all of the Douglas files from public access and storing them at her office, enabling her to argue as if the case never existed.” (Ibid)

In a New York Post article by Jerry Zeifman published on 8/16/99 titled: “Hillary Rodham’s 1974 Watergate ‘Procedures were Ethically Flawed’,” Mr. Zeifman wrote, in part:

“In December 1974, as general counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary Committee, I made a personal evaluation of Hillary Rodham (now Mrs. Clinton), a member of the staff we had gathered for our impeachment inquiry on President Richard Nixon. I decided that I could not recommend her for any future position of public or private trust.”

“Why?  "A number of the procedures she recommended were ethically flawed. And I also concluded that she had violated House and committee rules by disclosing confidential information to unauthorized persons.” “Hillary assured me that she had not drafted and would not advocate any such rules changes. I soon learned that she had lied: She had already drafted changes, and continued to advocate them.”

(Read Mr. Zeifman’s full article titled:

Hillary’s Pursuit of Power
Democratic Chief Counsel Exposes Why
Hillary Clinton Is Ethically “Unfit” to Hold Public Office
(NewsMax Editor (9/24/06). “Democratic Insider: Hillary “Unfit” for President”
Retrieved from <http://www.freerepublic.com>)

In Mr. Zeifman’s Preface, he concluded that Hillary Clinton “is ethically unfit to be either a Senator or President – and if she were to become President, the last vestiges of the traditional moral authority of the party of Roosevelt, Truman and Johnson will be destroyed.” He also states, in part:

“Because of a number of her unethical practices I eventually decided that I could not recommend Hillary for any subsequent position of public or private trust. I also took the same position regarding her immediate supervisor, Bernie Nussbaum.”

“Two decades later Bill Clinton became President. He gave Hillary an office in the West Wing of the White House, with considerable authority over his staff. he [sic] also appointed Bernie Nussbaum as his chief White House counsel, with an office next to Hillary's. Some months later Nussbaum was forced to resign after a New York Times editorial charged him with ethical violations. Hillary also became controversial. William Safire of the New York Times called her ‘a congenital liar’.”

“Throughout the entire eight years of the Clinton presidency Hillary’s conduct confirmed my earlier assessment of the ethical flaws in her character.”

Released emails reveal how deeply she and her
advisors despise the Jewish State – Israel

In an article by Ari Lieberman published in FrontPageMagazine.com on 1/14/16 titled: “Hillary’s Emails: Hating Israel,” he minces no words by calling her an “unrepentant liar,” “unethical,” “serial hypocrite,” and “more than likely a felon.” In this article, he states the following in part:

“There are many reasons to dislike Hillary Clinton. For one, she’s an unrepentant liar, fabricating everything from her Brian Williamesque brush with death in Bosnia to her parent’s pedigree to her claim that she believed a video caused the deaths of four heroes in Benghazi.”

“She is also unethical, having accepted large sums of money to the Clinton Foundation from countries and entities working on behalf of foreign governments impacted by her decisions as secretary of state. There is some circumstantial evidence suggesting that she may have been influenced by these rather large contributions.”

“In one well publicized case, Russia was able to acquire 20% of the United States’ uranium reserves in an energy deal that required State Department approval. A paper trail from that transaction reveals that the Clintons’ and their foundation benefited from substantial donations issued by entities with vested interests in ensuring the Russian acquisition of America’s strategic assets. Clinton was required to publicly disclose these contributions but never did. The FBI has now expanded its Emailgate probe of Clinton to include whether the possible ‘intersection’ of Clinton Foundation work and State Department business violated public corruption laws.”

“Hillary Clinton, who fancies herself as the champion of human rights and women’s rights, is also a serial hypocrite. Records show that the Clinton Foundation accepted funds from countries with abysmal human rights records where misogyny is regularly practiced and the principles of due process are routinely trampled upon.”

“She is more than likely a felon having committed numerous transgressions in connection with her usage of private, unsecured servers to send classified State Department emails which likely fell into the hands of the Russians, Chinese and God knows who else.” “In fact, Hillary’s crimes are likely far greater in scope and scale than those committed by General David Petraeus.”

“Bob Woodward compared Hillary’s server scandal to that of Watergate, which brought down the Nixon administration. Woodward is not some far-right tea-bagger but an accomplished and well-respected Washington insider and investigative journalist who brought down an American president.”

(Howley, P. (8/23/16). “Rudi Giuliani Calls for Special Prosecutor
for Clinton Foundation Scandal”
Retrieved from <http://www.breitbart.com/>)

The former mayor of New York City, Rudi Giuliani, states: “From the facts revealed to date, it is impossible to figure out where the Clinton Foundation ends and the State Department begins. It is now abundantly clear that the Clintons set up a business to profit from public office,” Giuliani said in a statement Tuesday.” “They sold access and specific actions for money. This makes a mockery of her promise to Congress and the President to keep the Clinton Foundation and the State Department entirely separate. In other words, they merged the two into the Clinton Family racketeering enterprise.”

Hillary Clinton is the “first candidate in history” running for President while being
investigated for “national security crimes.” Yet, she doesn’t have a smidgeon of shame or remorse for any of her unlawful acts that have harmed the United States and American citizens, and/or Israel and Jewish-Israeli citizens, for that matter? Doesn’t that bother your moral conscience by endorsing her for the Presidency?

If NORPAC helps elect this anti-Israel/anti-Semite as President, American Jews and Israel should shudder at what she will do in the WH for pro-Nazi/pro-Arabs and Muslim Brotherhood in her cabinet. Worse than Obama, with her veto power and illegal “executive orders,” she will also continue to perpetuate the BIG LIE that Israel is an “occupying force.” (Kredo, A. (6/10/14). “Clinton Accuses Israel of Being Occupying Force.” Retrieved from <http://freebeacon.com/>

Don’t get me wrong. If it is in Elohim’s (God’s) will that Hillary Clinton becomes the first woman President to help bring about the End of Days (Acharit Hayamim) more quickly – so be it. He is in control of people, places, and events on earth – not Washington.

However, by continuing to endorse and fund Hillary’s campaign for President, you will continue to have unclean/non-Kosher hands with her shikutz, if you will. Foremost, you will be responsible for betraying the House of Jacob/Israel, and causing masses of American Jews to have the same “uncleanness” by their involvement in touching and preparing her Oval Office seat. For the many reasons discussed earlier, it’s better not to vote for such an “evil” fig too rotten to be eaten – than to transfer her shikutz onto American Jews and you, which soap and water cannot wash away – without t’shuvah.


Rabbi Genack, in 1992 you founded NORPAC (North Jersey PAC) political action committee, a purportedly “bipartisan” committee that has supported “pro-Israel congressional candidates from both parties for nearly two decades” . . . (Cohen, M.B. “AIPAC, NORPAC, and Hagel.” Retrieved from <https://lobelog.com>)

In your NORPAC logo, it states: “Promoting US-Israel Relations.” To reiterate, because of your “idol worship” of the Clintons and personal friendship for decades with them, didn't you start up NORPAC in 1992 to specifically help get anti-Israel/anti-Semitic Bill Clinton (who has referred to Jews as “Jew mother-----“ and “Jew Bastard,” and admired Hitler and “Mein Kampf”) into the Oval Office on January 20, 1993? Is that how US-Israel relations should be promoted?

While your NORPAC organization promotes the propaganda that it has supported “pro-Israel congressional candidates from both parties,” apparently, you have secretly favored anti-Israel/ANTI-SEMITIC Republicans and Democrats for decades instead. Otherwise, why did NORPAC give Richard Lugar (R) (a “top donor” from 2007 – 2012) $40,000, although he was one of the most anti-Israel/anti-Semitic Senators – like Chuck Hagel? (Cohen, M.B. “AIPAC, NORPAC, and Hagel.” Retrieved from <https://lobelog.com>)

Let’s look now at Luger’s anti-Israel/anti-Semitic track record regarding Iran, from whom Obama said “he gets his foreign policy advice.” “When, on May 22, 1998, the Senate, by a vote of 90 to 4, passed the Iran Missile Proliferation Sanctions Act, imposing sanctions on foreigners who help Iran’s missile program, Mr. Lugar fetched up among the four senators who voted against the measure.” (Dunetz, J. (10/16/08). “Obama’s Foreign Policy Guy Dick Lugar is Anti-Israel.” Retrieved from <http://lidblog.com>)

“On July 24, 2001, the Senate voted 96 to 2 to renew the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act to help deny Iran and Libya money that they would spend on supporting terrorism or acquiring weapons of mass destruction. The only two senators who opposed the measure were Obama’s buddies Lugar and Hagel.” (Ibid)

“In a July 10, 2003 editorial headlined “Ayatollah Lugar,” it was reported “how Mr. Lugar watered down the Iran Democracy Act that was introduced by Senators Brownback, Schumer, Kyl, Inouye, and others.” (Ibid)

A SWEET SMILING LEFTIST WOLF IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING?: Rabbi Genack, in your Op-Ed in Jewish Week, you wrote that you believe “the nuclear deal . . . creates great risks not only for Israel, but for the United States” . . . If so, why did you allow the anti-Israel/anti-Semitic Richard Lugar to receive $40,000 from NORPAC when he voted against the Iran Missile Proliferation Sanctions Act, and opposed renewing the Iran-Libya Sanctions Acts discussed above? You founded NORPAC. The buck stops with you! 

Why did you allow a NORPAC letter to be sent to members to oppose the nomination of anti-Israel/anti-Semitic Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense because of his “refusal to acknowledge the danger of a Nuclear Armed Iran to America and all it’s allies”? Yet, Richard Luger (Hagel’s friend) refused to acknowledge Iran’s danger, and you made him $40,000 richer!

Are you just another sweet smiling LEFTIST wolf in sheep’s clothing with a forked tongue pretending to be pro-Israel? Are you secretly anti-Israel just like the contemptible Ben Ami of J Street, who is pro-Nazi/Arab Palestinian, and contemptible George Soros linked to Jewish PAC? LEFTIST Soros has endorsed the LEFTIST anti-Israel/anti-Semitic Hillary Clinton for President just like you did in your Op-Ed in Jewish Week. Yet, NORPAC pretends to be pro-Israel.  In a January 2016 NORPAC newsletter, it states, in part: “Our Presidential fundraisers do not act as endorsements for any candidate,”  . . . Isn’t this statement a blatant lie?

J STREET:  Thru clever deception that J Street was pro-Israel, initially, Ben Ami raised a lot of money in the Senate. Ultimately, Ben Ami’s “evil” figs too rotten to be eaten have revealed that he is, indeed, anti-Israel and pro-Nazi/pro-Arab Palestinian. By supporting BDS and constantly blaming Israel for lack of peace, he has refused to place the blame on the laps of Nazi/Arab Palestinians who don’t want “peace.” They want “victory” so Israel can be destroyed and replaced with “a united Palestine under Arab rule” – just like Arafat did!

Is NORPAC another LEFTIST J Street in disguise through clever deception? Has NORPAC also secretly accepted funding (like J Street) from billionaire, Soros, who wants to destroy the State of Israel anyway possible – including via Iran?  (Dershowitz, A. M. (3/27/14). “Dershowitz eviscerates Jeremy Ben Ami, who sputters in response.” Haaretz)

There’s more to the LEFTIST Dick Lugar, who hated Israel. “On April 6, 2001, 87 members of the Senate sent President Bush a letter saying Yasser Arafat should not be invited to meet with high-level officials in Washington until he renounced terrorism against Israel. Luger declined to sign the letter.” (Dunetz, J. (10/16/08). “Obama’s Foreign Policy Guy Dick Lugar is Anti-Israel.” Retrieved from <http://lidblog.com>)

As reported by Bracha Schwartz in The Jewish Link of New Jersey on 5/2/16, didn’t NORPAC hold its Annual Mission to Washington on May 18th to ask senators for support against “Iran’s threat to destroy Israel’s existence”? If Luger was clearly not a pro-Israel Senator, and wouldn’t renounce Arafat, and didn’t care about Iran’s threat against Israel, why did you allow $40,000 to be given to this anti-Israel/anti-Semitic LEFTIST thru NORPAC?


The answer to the questions above is simple, I believe. Like J Street, NORPAC is not pro-Israel, and has a LEFTIST pro-Nazi/pro-Arab Palestinian agenda – the same as Hillary Clinton’s agenda. That’s why Lugar received $40,000 so he would oppose Israel’s best interests in the Senate. Hagel, in my view, was a “switch and bait” diversion, whom NORPAC publicly opposed, so Lugar could do the anti-Israel dirty work behind the Senate scenes with his buddy, Hagel.

In other words, NORPAC’s LEFIST goal has always been in electing LEFTIST Democrat Hillary Clinton for President since the days of your friendship with the Clintons in Arkansas. Meanwhile, with clever deception you have advanced the false propaganda that NORPAC is “bipartisan” and pro-Israel.

RABBI GENACK, to reiterate what your NORPAC newsletters state: “Our Presidential fundraisers do not act as endorsements for any candidate,” . . . If sowhy did NORPAC invite “its members to an exclusive and intimate cocktail reception for Hillary Clinton for people willing to pay $2,700 per individual, or $5,400 per couple” in violation of your newsletter statement that "Presidential fundraisers" do not endorse any candidate? (Swirsky, J. (4/18/16). “Sane Jews do not Vote for Hillary.” Retrieved from http://canadafreepress.com/)

At this reception, NORPAC announced: “Please join us in support of Secretary Hillary Clinton for President and share your concerns about the US-Israel relationship with her at this pro-Israel event.” Not only did you endorse LEFTIST Hillary in your Op-Ed in Jewish Week, but you authorized an expensive “intimate cocktail reception” on her behalf showing NORPAC’s endorsement for her Presidency as if she were “pro-Israel” when she is anti-Israel/anti-Semitic instead. NORPAC’s statement that “endorsements for any candidate” are not made is a blatant lie. (Ibid)

NORPAC – A 25K PRO-ISRAEL FRAUD!:  At this purported “pro-Israel” event, there was a “synopsis of Hillary’s credibility vis-a-vis Israel, stating that she had ‘been a supporter of the US-Israel relationship for many years…and, as Secretary of State, she had stood up against Israel’s enemies….’” This is a blatant lie and fraudulent representation of what this anti-Israel/anti-Semite with a forked tongue represents for Israel. (Ibid)

As fully discussed earlier, Hillary has never been pro-Israel. She filed a brief in the U.S. Supreme Court so Jerusalem would not even be “symbolically” recognized as the Capital of Israel; breached U.S. security by hiring an anti-Israel/anti-Semitic top aide/confidant (Abedin) with extensive ties to the Nazi Arab Muslim Brotherhood (who participated in Hitler’s extermination of Jews during the Holocaust); called Israel an “occupying force”; funded the anti-Israel/anti-Semitic pro-Nazi/pro-Arab Palestinian NIF with over a million dollars from American taxpayers as Secretary of State; com-mitted intentional state/federal national crimes while Secretary of State; admired the Nazi/Arab Palestinian terrorist murderer Arafat since the 70s (Israel’s perpetual enemy dressed in a keffiyeh scarf); and admires terrorist Mahmoud Abbas (Israel’s perpetual enemy dressed in nice suits and ties today).

Obviously, NORPAC is not pro-Israel, but a 25K LEFTIST organization fraudulently posing as a “Friend of Israel” – just like J Street has done to get Senate support. So what does that make you since you founded NORPAC? It makes you a 25K LEFTIST fraud also. Pure gold is assayed at 24 Karats – not 25 Karats.

A “BLIND AS A BAT” KOSHER ORTHODOX CEO?: Frankly, when I began writing and editing this open letter to you, it troubled me that you were blinded to the truth of the Clintons’ moral bankruptcy, corrupt politics, and pro-Nazi/pro-Arab Palestinian agenda for decades – especially since your personal friendship with them began in Arkansas when Bill was governor.

Setting aside your “idol worship” of these two political celebrities, which is chet (sin) discussed earlier, it was illogical to me that a highly educated Orthodox Rabbi and CEO of the Orthodox Union Kosher Division overseeing the certifications of about 6,000 facilities in 83 countries could also be so blinded to the Clintons’ anti-Israel/anti-Semitism – especially when you purport to be pro-Israel.

However, anti-Israel/anti-Semitic Senator Richard Lugar (to whom NORPAC gave $40,000 discussed earlier), opened my eyes to see the truth. By turning a “blind eye” towards “evil,” you simply don’t care if the Clintons are morally bankrupt, or whether their politics from Whitewater to Benghazi has been corrupt; or whether Hillary gave arms to terrorists, lied to Congress, and illegally destroyed thousands of emails constituting national security crimes in the U.S.

Why don't you care?  . . . Because you have also been on their LEFTIST side of politics since you met them in Arkansas, in my view. As I see it, NORPAC was created as a pro-Israel “FRONT” in 1992 to, ultimately, help get both LEFTIST Clintons elected into the Oval Office – at a later point in time.

Hence, because you founded NORPAC (which has misled the public thru fraud and deception that it is pro-Israel since 1992), you also have no moral conscience, and don’t know the difference between right or wrong – just like the Clintons! 

By hook or crook, with lying chutzpah you have been determined to get Hillary elected into the Oval Office. How does it feel to be wearing the same size shoes on your feet as the contemptible anti-Israel LEFTIST LIAR Ben Ami of J Street, who says he is pro-Israel also?

Let’s talk a bit now about the Clintons’ Germanic Protestant anti-Semitic Methodist/Baptist heritage, and their Hitler-loving Nazi/KKK church history as follows:  


THE VILNA GAON: Rabbi Genack, you’ve heard of the eminent Rabbi Eliyahu Shlomo called the Vilna Gaon (Genius), I’m sure. Born in 1797, he foretold that the “German nation is from the seed of Amalek” decades before Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933. In his name, this tradition of Amalek’s Germanic seed was passed on by Rabbi Yehoshua Leib Diskin. For example, by their “evil” Haman-like deeds and actions by advocating the extermination of Jews, both Luther and Hitler were “Germanic” descendants of Amalek.

As you know, Haman was a descendant of King Agag, who was an Amalekite. Haman attempted to destroy all Jews in 127 provinces during Queen Esther’s reign in the Persian Empire.

THE “CLASSIC SYMPTOMS OF AMALEK” are to be “externally polite and friendly, but harboring a deep and bitter hatred of the Jewish people.” Rabbi Diskin’s description of Amalekites personifies “hatred without a cause” (sinat chinam), which fits BILL & HILLARY to a “T.” Their “Germanic” heritage and history is the cause of their anti-Israel/anti-Semitism. It’s in their bloodline and genes! (Diskin’s quotes retrieved from <http://israelnjudaism.blogspot.com/2010_05_01_archive.html>
with a ref. to "Gaurdian of Jerusalem.” Life of Y.C. Sonnenfeld, pp 202-203)

Our bloodline/genes determine the path in life we will take, whether for “good” or “evil.” About 500 years before Hitler became the Chancellor of Nazi Germany in 1933, many Christian denominations lovingly embraced German Martin Luther’s Protestant Reformation such as Baptists, Methodists, and Mennonites. To this day these denominations are anti-Israel/anti-Semitic. Luther advocated the killing of Jews. When Hitler wrote Mien Kampf, he listed Luther as “a great reformer” in Germany. (Wikipedia: Martin Luther and antisemitism)

By citing Luther’s anti-Semitic pamphlets against Jews, Hitler gained support from many Christian Protestant churches during his regime in Nazi Germany from 1933 - 1945. For example, Methodist Bishop F.H. Otto Melle had . . . “sincere support for Nazism”; and the “leader of pro-Nazi segment of Baptists was Paul Schmidt.” (Wikipedia: Religion in Nazi Germany)

In fact, the anti-Semitic “Germanic” origins of Baptists also have a long shameful history of hating both Jews and Blacks. Both “Methodists and Baptists, . . . gave the Klan its strongest church support.” (Jackobson, Eric S. “Silent Observer or Silent Partner: Methodism and the Texas Klu Klux Klan 1921 – 1925.”)

In 1995, Southern Baptists publicly confessed in the news media of their “white racism,” and non-support of Lincoln’s civil rights movement to free black slaves. Collectively, they said: "We lament and repudiate historic acts of evil such as slavery. … We apologize to all African Americans." (“Southern Baptist Surprise!  Why are so many African Americans attracted to a church that was once identified with white racism?” Green, A. (9/1/04). Christianity Today magazine.  Retrieved from <http://www.christianitytoday.com/>)

To my knowledge, however, Baptist Churches have never lamented or repudiated their participation in anti-Semitic “historic acts of evil” regarding their participation in Hitler’s genocide of 6 million Jews in the Holocaust. Despite appearing to be friendly and polite to Jews outwardly, both Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter have been Southern Baptists, and are anti-Israel/anti-Semites. Carter also has a “Germanic” heritage. The Clintons and Carter fit the “classic symptoms of Amalek” – to a “T.” 

Actually, both Methodists and Baptists have continually violated the 2nd Great Commandment in Leviticus 19:18 in the Torah; . . . “thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” They have willfully done their neighbors harm. Otherwise, these so-called “Christian” denominations would never have participated in Hitler’s extermination of 6 million Jews in the Holocaust, nor persecuted Jews and Blacks in the 1920s thru the KKK.

Yet, United Methodist Church member, Hillary Clinton, continues to persecute the House of Jacob/Israel today thru BDS, and her Big Lie that Israel is an “occupying force” in their God-given Biblical/historical/legal “national homeland.” Unabashedly, she continues to violate the 2nd Great Commandment without blushing or blinking an eye – and publicly flashes her Devil Horns hand signs – to boot! Indeed, she is an unrepentant two-faced “evil” “Christian” with a character wallowing in sordid moral decay.

May all of God’s curses BE POURED upon 
Hillary RODHAM Clinton'S head
for not blessing Abraham’s descendants
 in the House of Jacob/Israel tODAY.

“And I will bless them that bless thee [Abraham],
and curse him that curseth thee:
and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”
(Gen. 12:3)

In the Insider Report: Clinton Admired Hitler Too, it states, in part: “The Clintons' anti-Semitism is now well known.” A retired Arkansas state trooper, Larry Patterson, who guarded the Clintons for six years, revealed “their deep-seated anti-Semitism” which “became apparent in slurs they hurled at each other.” (Newsmax.com. Retrieved from <http://www.newsmax.com/Pre-2008/Insider-ReportClinton-Admired/2003/10/05/id/677313/>)

During the Clintons' many verbal brawls "it was quite common" for both Bill and Hillary to refer to each other as "a Jew motherf----r" or a "Jew Bastard." “Bill Clinton frequently told Jewish jokes.” (Ibid)

Patterson also said Bill Clinton had a “deep fascination for Adolf Hitler and his book ‘Mein Kampf’ though.” Clinton was interested in the “great leadership skills of Hitler,” . . . He “was intrigued that Hitler had so much power over these people and that it had just been a short period of time since World War I where they'd been defeated, and this man had come forward and had rallied the German people." (Ibid)

BILL CLINTON’S GERMAN-AMERICAN PROCLAMATION 6931: On October 6, 1996, President Clinton signed Proclamation 6931 to honor and exalt “German-American Day” as follows, in part:
“Germans were among the first settlers of the United States.” . . . they have immeasurably enriched the lives of their fellow Americans.” “Organized settlement in America by Germans began as early as 1683, with the arrival of German Mennonites in Pennsylvania . . . [which] soon became the center and stronghold of German settlement throughout colonial times as small, vigorous communities spread to Maryland and the other colonies.”
“Today, robust German-American communities can be found through-out the United States.” “I encourage Americans everywhere to recognize and celebrate the contributions that millions of people of German ancestry have made to our Nation's liberty, democracy, and prosperity.” (Retrieved from <https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Proclamation_6931)>

Clearly, Baptist Bill Clinton, with an anti-Semitic “Germanic” (Amalekite) ancestry, if you will, had no respect for the memory of 6 million innocent Jewish men, women, and children that were mass murdered by "Germans" in the Holocaust. Before he signed this proclamation, this former President knew or should have known that anti-Semitic Germans supported Hitler’s Final Solution in the Holocaust. Now he was paying tribute to them in America?

Because of Bill Clinton’s “deep fascination for Adolf Hitler and his book Mein Kampf,'' I submit that he attempted to rally anti-Semitic Germans against Jews in America via this proclamation – similar to how Hitler rallied anti-Semitic Germans against Jews during the Holocaust. Further, this proclamation infers that only people of “German ancestry” ever made any contributions to America’s “liberty, democracy, and prosperity,” which is false propaganda. Indeed, I believe this proclamation was enacted to also “honor and exalt” Bill Clinton’s “German ancestry”!

Exactly how has the anti-Semitic Amalekite “German ancestry” of Hitler and Nazi-supporting “Christians” such as Baptists, Methodists, and Mennonites with a belief their “master race” was superior to inferior Jews in the Holocaust). . .“immeasurably enriched the lives of their fellow Americans” – especially fellow American Jews?

RICHARD LUGAR/CHUCK HAGEL: It is interesting to note that both anti-Israel/anti-Semitic Senators Lugar and Hagel (discussed earlier) were of German descent. Thus, I assert that their bloodline/genes have had an Amalekite lineage also - somewhere down the line.

A  RABBI’S BLIND EYE TOWARDS “EVIL”:  If you were not a rabbi, I would not take the time to write this lengthy letter to you, but you willingly put your head on the chopping block like an unclean non-Kosher chicken by endorsing a most “evil” woman for President. No one forced you to do this.

Unfortunately, many Jews will vote for Hillary just like they voted for Obama despite their “evil” figs falling from their corrupt trees too rotten to be eaten. However, you know better. You were taught the Torat Moshe to know the difference between the clean and unclean, holy and unholy, and evil and good. Because there are no excuses you can give for your support and endorsement of Hillary Clinton, indeed, you have turned a “blind eye” towards “evil” by calling it “good.” Will the thick scales on your eyes ever fall off to see the truth? (Lev. 10:10; Deut. 4:25; 30:15,16)

Regarding Hillary’s hand sign showing allegiance to haSatan with Devil Horns hand signs, it’s true that many people are doing it in these End of Days (Acharit Hayamim). Yes, the world is going to the dogs on a fast track! Since you are supposed to be a “spiritual” rabbi, all the more reason not to turn a blind eye towards “evil” anymore by calling it “good”!

There is no STRONG ENOUGH Kosher salt found anywhere on this EARTH that can CLEANSE the clintons’ (GOYIM) “EVIL” filthy shikutz “unclean” ANTI-iSRAEL/ANTI-sEMITIC characters, which you have lovingly embraced for decades – all because of your “idol worship” of THEse political CELEBRITIEs.

Don’t get me wrong. There are countless “righteous” Gentiles among the (Goyim) nations, who have supported Israel, e.g., and saved many Jewish lives during the Holocaust. However, the “evil” anti-Israel/anti-Semitic characters of Bill and Hillary cannot be included with any “righteous” Gentiles.

CLINTON AMALEKITES IN THE WH?  When Bill Clinton put pressure on Israel to sign the disastrous failed moronic Oslo Accord with the violent PLO Nazi/Arab Palestinian, Yasser Arafat, I assert that this German Baptist President (with an Amalekite heritage) revealed his Haman-like deeds and actions. How? . . . By using Arafat – the “Father of Modern Terrorism” to do the job for him, and exterminating as many Israeli-Jewish civilians as possible. Terrorist fatalities of victims escalated in Israel in two years – equal to fatalities in the previous ten years. Yes, Bill Clinton has the “bloodstained hands” of thousands of innocent Israeli Jewish "victims" because of Oslo.

“Germanic” Methodist Hillary (with an Amalekite heritage) will do the same in the WH, and reveal her Haman-like deeds and actions also. How? . . . By putting pressure on Israel to make more and more land concessions in the Biblical Heartland Judea/Samaria, which she falsely claims is “occupied,” and by using Nazi/Arab Palestinian murderers like Mahmoud Abbas/Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas organizations to exterminate as many Jews as possible in another major future war against Israel – guaranteed.

Although the Biblical Amalekite nation of people no longer exist, their bloodline/genes still exist by migrating and inter-mixing with other Gentile populations for about 4,000 years. In fact, Ishmaelite Arafat was also an Amalekite descendant, and so is former Iranian President Ahmadinejad. Amalekites lived in the same region as Ishmaelite/Arabs, and mingled and inter-mixed with Arabians.

Both Arafat and Ahmadinejad have wanted to destroy Israel and wipe it off the map. Such “hatred without a cause” (sinat chinam) against the House of Jacob/Israel has been passed down from generation to generation to this day – worldwide. (See Part 2 Open Letter to Queen Elizabeth on this Web Site for a full discussion on the subject of Amalekites.)

RABBI GENACK, prior to this open letter to you, you may have been ignorant concerning many issues involving the Clintons. Such is no longer the case. Now, undoubtedly, you cannot administer directly/indirectly the Orthodox Union Kashrut division because you have contaminated yourself with their (Goyim) shikutz from head to toe with uncleanness. You must make t’shuva, cleanse yourself, and completely separate from all Clinton shikutz – permanently.

Do you have the moral integrity to do so? Do you have the humbleness to say, “I was wrong about Hillary Clinton,” or will you say; “This “UNFIT” “evil” (Goy) anti-Israel/anti-Semitic Presidential candidate is good enough to speak for God’s Chosen People in the House of Jacob/Israel in the White House?

If so, then you are mocking and blaspheming the “Holy” God of Israel. Perhaps you have also been promised an unclean/non-Kosher rabbi’s seat to sit on in the WH if you help her get elected . . . you know, a quid pro quo expectation? All I can say is,“Woe unto them that call evil good,” . . .

The irreparable harm HILLARY’S MACHIAVELLIAN THREE FACES OF EVE OF demonic multiple PERSONALITIES and devil horns hand signs, AND A lying FORKED TONGUE will do to Israel’s SOVEREIGN existence – is guaranteed.  THIS UNREPENTANT “UNFIT” ANTI-ISRAEL/ANTI-SEMITIC POWER HUNGRY Methodist PAGAN (GOY) UNCLEAN/NON-KOSHER “evil” fig too rotten to be eaten – IS an anathema to israeL! (OYakovi)

Don’t let the CURSES of Abraham come upon your head for not blessing the House of Jacob/Israel by refusing to tell American Jewish people you made a mistake. What good is it if you lose your soul in Sheol (Hell) instead of inheriting Olam Haba (World to Come) – for telling American Jewish people to vote for “evil” by calling it “good.” Isn’t your soul worth much more than “idol worship” of political celebrities that are keeping your name out of Sefer Chaim (Book of Life)?


She’erit Yisrael/Ya’acov 
(Micah 5:7,8; Zeph. 3:13)

Ora Yakovi 
(God-given Hebrew name)

(Ora Yakovi is a writer/author and student of the Bible for many years. She is the daughter of Holocaust survivors. The surnames of her parents and her birth surname are listed in Yad Vashem archives in Jerusalem.) 

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