“He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.” (Deut. 32:4)

“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If you, . . . will do this, . . . you will change the earth.” ―William Faulkner (Source of address to the graduating class of University High School, Oxford, Mississippi, 1951: http//flavorwire.com/)

“If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both.” HoraceMann (Source of “Horace Mann” quote: Wikiquote)


HACKING HAS AFFECTED THIS WEB SITE! Stealing passwords, and altering information has become a favorite hobby today for those with “no moral conscience,” and who don’t know the difference between right from wrong. By the “preponderance of the evidence,” someone connected with the Royal Family (British Crown) had a “motive” to discredit Yakovi’s Part 1 Open Letter to Queen Elizabeth, which was originally published on March 3, 2016. The published date has been altered to falsely show April 3, 2016 although Part 2 of this open letter is dated March 30, 2016. Yakovi’s 2nd Open letter to Queen Liz Re “Smoking Gun” Cover ups, which was published on May 29, 2016, has also been altered to falsely show June 1, 2016 instead.

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"No Jew has the right to yield the rights of the Jewish People in Israel. No Jew has the authority to do so. No Jewish body has the authority to do so. Not even the entire Jewish People alive today has the right to yield any part of Israel. It is the right of the Jewish People over the generations, a right that under no conditions can be cancelled. Even if Jews during a specific period proclaim they are relinquishing this right, they have neither the power nor the authority to deny it to future generations. No concession of this type is binding or obligates the Jewish People. Our right to the country – the entire country – exists as an eternal right, and we shall not yield this historic right until its full and complete redemption is realized." Quoted from David Ben Gurion’s World Zionist Speech in Basel, Switzerland (1937); http://www.freeman.org/

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Dear UN Secretary-General,

As the 8th United Nations (UN) Secretary-General headquartered in New York, you were born in South Korea in 1944, and are a career diplomat/politician. As reported, you “campaigned” hard for this office. On the positive side, you passed “several major reforms on peacekeeping and UN employment practices.” On the negative side, the UN Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) has strongly rebuked your leadership as “drifting into irrelevance.” (Wikipedia: Ban Ki-Moon.)

In fact, after resigning her post in 2010, the former Under Secretary-General for Oversight Service, Inga-Britt Ahlenius, said you were “reprehensible.” Why? You “consistently made efforts to undermine” the OIOS “mandate and challenge its operational independence.” Her plan to hire former prosecutor, Robert Appleton, was rejected by you. He had “carried out aggressive investigations into corruption in UN peacekeeping missions from 2006 to 2009.” 

In her “End of Assignment” memo, she did have the last word by saying; “for the Secretary-General to control appointments in OIOS is an infringement of the operational independence of OIOS.” "There is no transparency, there is lack of accountability. Rather than supporting the internal oversight which is the sign of strong leadership and good governance, you have strived to undermine its position and to control it. I do not see any signs of reform in the Organization [UN].” (Ibid.)

Additionally, international human rights organizations have condemned you “for lacking accountability over negligent actions by the United Nations.” Your same contemptible behavior against UN Member (sovereign State of Israel) regarding 20 Hamas terrorist rockets found in an UNRWA school in the 2014 Gaza War will be discussed later. You also refused to investigate Hamas’ 19 war crimes of human rights violations. Instead, you investigated Israel’s inherent “right to self-defense” (to be discussed later also). (Ibid.)

According to The Washington Post, UN employees have also resented your “favoritism” of appointing over 20% of South Koreans to “key posts” in your “first year in office.” Your defense was “racism” against you. Truthfully, “favoritism” has been practiced amongst nations, societies, organizations, and people from the beginning of time. Everyone has “favorite” people, activities, and ice cream! This is nothing new under the sun. (Ibid.)

What is “new,” however, is your “favoritism” towards “Palestinian” (who don’t exist), and armed “violent” Nazi Arab Terrorists seeking Israel’s destruction (who do exist)!  By coddling their malicious anti-Semitic “terrorist activities” against Israel, under your secret “closet” anti-Israel/anti-Semitic leadership, the UN has also been “drifting into irrelevance,” in my view. the buck stop with you!

“WILLFUL” VIOLATION OF ARTICLE 2 (1) AND BERLIN DEC.: Under your contemptible UN “watch,” the UN General Assembly is infested today with malicious “MANIFESTATIONS” of anti-Semitism – in “WILLFUL” VIOLATION OF THE BERLIN DECLARATION. Consequently, by your “willful” violation of Article 2 (1) in the UN Charter, it is impossible for the State of Israel to receive fairness and justice under the “principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members.”

After World War I, an international attempt to outlaw war via a 1928 “Kellogg-Briand Pact (aka Pact of Paris) was ratified by a vote of 85-1 in the U.S. Senate. However, it was understood that U.S. participation in this agreement “did not limit its right to self-defense.” Clearly, international agreements recognize that sovereign states (including Israel) have a “right to self-defense” – without limitation also. (League of Nations Milestones: <https://history.state.gov/milestones/1914-1920/league >)

“WILLFUL” VIOLATION OF ARTICLE 51: Clearly, you have shown utter contempt for international agreements regarding “right to self-defense” (including Article 51 in the UN Charter), as follows:

      “Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence [sic]  if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security.”

In a public statement, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) “blasted” those comparing Israel’s war of self-defense in the Gaza Strip with the firing of deadly rockets by Hamas and other terrorist groups by saying: “The dangerous notion is that there’s a moral equivalence between the actions of Hamas and those of the State of Israel,” said Schumer. “It must be said, there’s no moral equivalence between the actions and reactions of Israel, and Hamas and the Palestinian Authority to the violence that has occurred there.”

In a bi-partisan letter dated 7/31/14 sent to you from U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) (senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Chair of the Human Rights Subcommittee), and Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) (member of the Senate Armed Services Committee) – joined by a bipartisan group of 35 U.S. Senators, they also “blasted” you regarding the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), and Navi Pillay, whom you appointed.

Pillay launched a “one-sided investigation into Israel’s actions” of self-defense during the 2014 Hamas war against Israel “while ignoring actions by Hamas that threaten the lives of both Israeli and Palestinian civilians, including indiscriminate rocket attacks and the widespread use of human shields in Gaza.” (See Barbara Boxer’s Press Release: “Bipartisan Group of 35 Senators Denounce One-sided UN Inquiry into Gaza Conflict<https://www.boxer.senate.gov/press/release/bipartisan-group-of-35-senators-denounce-one-sided-un-inquiry-into-gaza-conflict/>

“WILLFUL” VIOLATION OF ARTICLE 101(3) AND BERLIN DEC.: Having read Pillay’s outrageous absurd statements (including accusations of war crimes against Israel for not sharing its Iron Dome ballistic missile defense system, e.g, with Hamas Nazi Arab “terrorists”), I instantly recognized her to be a virulent irrational anti-Israel/anti-Semite. (Rose, T. (7/31/14). “UN Condemns Israel’s Latest War Crime: Not Sharing Iron Dome with Hamas.”)

Why did you “willfully” violate UN Charter Article 101(3) by not scrutinizing (vetting) Pillay’s prior work history/writings/papers for any “MANIFESTATIONS” of anti-Semitism before you recruited her for the “key post” of High Commissioner of the UNHRC? Was it not your duty and obligation to make sure that the “paramount consideration” for her employment was the “necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity”?

IN “WILLFUL” VIOLATION OF THE BERLIN DECLARATION, what kind of “major reforms” did you pass regarding “UN employment practices” – causing the UN and UNRWA to be infested with “MANIFESTATIONS” of anti-Semites crawling throughout the UN building?

As reported by UNWATCH.ORG, why have UN and UNRWA staff with malicious anti-Semitic “MANIFESTATIONS” been recruited into “official positions” enabling them to incite “Palestinians” to stab/shoot/attack Jews in cartoons and Facebook – in “WILLFUL” VIOLATION OF THE BERLIN DECLARATION?

Why did you appoint Canadian Prof. William Schabas (to be discussed further later), to lead an investigation against Israel in the Hamas “terrorist” 2014 Gaza, when you knew his anti-Israel/anti-Semitic “MANIFESTATIONS” are legendary – in “WILLFUL” VIOLATION OF THE BERLIN DECLARATION?  Canadian Foreign Minister, John Baird, called your appointment a “sham.”

Indeed, I submit that the reason why anti-Israel/anti-Semitic Pillay, and UN/UNRWA staff, and Schabas were all appointed and/or recruited into the UN is because you are a secret “closet” anti-Israel/anti-Semite also – in “WILLFUL” VIOLATION OF THE BERLIN DECLARATION!

HAMAS “TERRORIST” 2014 GAZA WAR AGAINST ISRAEL: During Israel’s 50-day self-defensive war in Gaza against Hamas “terrorist acts” in 2014, about “4,700 missiles, rockets and mortars – some of which were supplied by Iran - were fired by Hamas and other affiliated terrorist organizations from Gaza into Israeli cities and towns.” 

About 66 Israeli soldiers and 6 Israeli civilians were killed by UNJUSTIFIABLE Hamas “terrorist acts.” The IDF destroyed 109 weapons warehouses, 85 weapons factories, 192 Hamas military/training sites, 1,814 targets where rockets were launched, and 312 terrorist houses.  Additionally, 32 terrorist tunnels were destroyed.  In fact, you walked through such a terror tunnel in Gaza as shown in the picture. (See ADL.org; Julian, H.L. (6/9/15) “Horrific Anti-Semitic Display in Amsterdam’s ‘Dam Square.’” www.jewishpress.com

According to HLMG (High Level Military Group) consisting of about 11 “former military and intelligence leaders from five continents,” and officials from NATO, their report on “Operation Protective Edge” in Gaza “completely clears Israel of any wrongdoing” . . . “Israel had no choice but to defend its citizens from the rocket assault launched by Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups and the threat posed by the cross-border assault tunnels.” “No country would accept the threat against its civilian population that these rockets present to Israeli population centers.” The “responsibility” for this “violent confrontation” . . . “must be squarely ascribed to Hamas” . . . “Hamas not only flagrantly disregarded the Law of Armed Conflict,” . . . but put “the civilian population of Gaza at great risk.” (Ronen, G. (12/17/15).  International defense experts: Israel blameless in Gaza War.” Arutz Sheva.)

You knew, or should have known that Hamas was an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, and that Hamas is designated as a terrorist group in the U.S. and European Union. “chamas” (חמס) in Hebrew means: “violence.” In a Hamas video, they boast:

"We are a nation that drinks blood, 
and we know that there is no blood better than the blood of Jews.
We will not leave you alone until we have quenched our thirst 
with your blood,and our children's thirst with your blood." 
(List of Designated Terrorist Groups: Wikipedia; Hamas video at: <http://www.hyscience.com/archives/2006/02/hamas_we_will_d.php>)

Hamas (in control of Gaza) has many videos with “violent” anti-Semitic messages on its Al-Aqsa TV station such as: “Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah” and "Destroy the throne of Zion.” In one song broadcast in Arabic, “Hebrew words appeared on the screen addressing Israelis with pictures of Israelis being attacked, and a funeral shown. (See PMW-Palwatch.org picture.) 

By your irrational/illogical “disproportionate” force nonsense, you have also unjustly condemned Israel for its international legal right to “retaliate” in self-defense against terrorists – who love to drink Jewish blood, kill Jews, and seek to destroy the “throne of Zion”!

No one in their right mind would make a comparison between Israel’s civilized democracy, and “violent” uncivilized bloodthirsty Hamas Nazi-saluting Arab terrorists – unless they were a secret “closet” anti-Israel/anti-Semite also!

MAHMOUD ABBAS (ABU MAZEN) DIPLOMAT TERRORIST:  You also knew, or should have known (i) that Nazi Arab (Diplomat Terrorist), Mahmoud Abbas, Chairman of the Palestinian Authority (PA), dressed in nice suits/shirts/ties, has collaborated with Hamas in Gaza with “terrorist acts” against Israel for years; (ii) that he also collaborated with Yasser Arafat’s Palestinian Liberation Org. (PLO) Nazi Arab Terrorist organization seeking Israel’s destruction for decades; (iii) that he praised Hitler/Mufti Nazi terrorists in a video; (iv) that he increased the “Palestinian” monthly budget 5-fold paid to terrorist/murderers in Israeli jails; and (v) that in December of 2015, his shipment from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) of 4,000 “terrorist” dolls with a keffiyah, a rock in the hand, and the words; “Jerusalem is ours,” and “Jerusalem we are coming,” was intercepted by Haifa customs. (See http://www.algemeiner.com/2013/01/10/video-of-abbas-praising-hitler-supporting-mufti-terrorists-released-video/;  http://www.timesofisrael.com/cash-strapped-pa-spends-4-5-million-per-month-compensating-security-detainees/; pictures of Haifa terrorist dolls.)

MR. SECRETARY-GENERAL, YOU KNEW THAT U.S. Senators held MAHMOUD Abbas, cHAIRMAN OF THE PA, personally responsible for inciting “Palestinian” “violence” against Israeli civilians in riots in Jerusalem and murderous “terror attacks” in 2014. At all times, you have also been fully aware of UN Security Council Resolutions affirming that all terrorist acts are criminal and unjustifiable, irrespective of their motivations, as well as incitement to such acts.

WITH brazen abuse of your power, however, you authorized a “Historic Moment” of a “Palestinian” flag raising ceremony to take place UN Rose Garden – after Mahmoud Abbas told the UN General Assembly that the “Palestinian Authority was no longer bound” by the Oslo Accord (as reported on CNN.com news on 9/30/15).

With a smirk on your face and Abbas close by, you authorized the “Palestinian” flag with historical associations to Nazi-saluting Arabs to be raised next to the UN flag – dishonoring the UN flag. You might as well have raised up the KKK flag, which also supports Nazis! (See picture of Ban Ki-Moon’s ceremony in NY of raising the “Palestinian” flag.)

You knew that the sovereign UN Member State of Israel has been attacked over and over by “armed aggression” by this “enemy” Nazi Arab “Palestinian” flag via its malicious anti-Semitic “MANIFESTATIONS” of “violence” and “terrorist acts” against Israel for decades; and that Abbas collaborated with Arafat having the same goal of Israel’s destruction for decades. In fact, Arafat and Abbas were photographed together flashing the “V” (victory) sign with their fingers!  (See Arafat-Abbas “V” sign photo.)

 ACTUALLY, YOU RAISED BOTH the RELIGIOUS Vatican flag on 9/25/15, and NAZI ARAB “Palestinian” flag on 9/30/15 UNLAWFULLY IN “WILLFUL” VIOLATION OF the UN flag code/Charter, and berlin declaration as follows:

1. UN Flag Code 2.  “Dignity of flag.” “The flag shall not be subjected to any indignity.” The raising of the Nazi Arab “Palestinian” flag with historical associations to Nazi-saluting Arabs inciting anti-Semitic “MANIFESTATIONS” of violence, terrorism, and murder for decades against the sovereign State of Israel (UN Member) subjected the UN flag to “indignity.” (See pictures of men and women Nazi-saluting Arabs in school graduations, and streets, etc.)

2. UN Flag Code 4(a). “National flag of the country in which the display takes place.” “The national flag of the country . . . should appear in its normal position according to the English alphabetical order.” Neither the Permanent Observer Nazi Arab “Palestinian” flag, nor “Vatican” flag represent a “country” that can be listed with other countries in English alphabetical order. Although Vatican City is the smallest independent “state” in the world, it is not a “country.” UN Member Italy is the “country” in which the Vatican City State is located in Rome. By your illegal raising of these non-Member flags at the UN, you “willfully” violated the Flag Code and Charter. By this unlawful precedent, the KKK and Mormon Church should have the same rights to raise their flags (without discrimination) at the UN should they become future non-Member observers also!

All votes of UN Members at the 69th General Assembly to adopt a resolution to include the raising of flags by non-Members (“Palestine” and “Vatican City”), were also unlawful because these votes “willfully” violated the Flag Code and Charter. In fact, there are no provisions in these UN directives/mandates for any “Permanent Observers,” which has only been practiced by tradition. Thus, observer flags cannot be raised at the UN. Otherwise, the Flag Code and Charter become null and void. Because you unlawfully permitted a vote on a resolution in “willful” violation of the Flag Code and Charter, this resolution to raise flags by non-Members is null and void.

3. UN Flag Code 5.  “Use of Flag Generally.” “The flag may be used in accordance with this Flag Code by Governments, organizations and individuals [i.e., for purposes of military, or mourning of heads of state or government] to demonstrate support of the United Nations and to further its principles and purposes.” No “religion” or Nazi Arab flag furthers the UN’s “principles and purposes”; neither is the Pope or Mahmoud Abbas (a head of state or government as implicit in the Flag Code). Therefore, you unlawfully raised the observer non-Member “Vatican” flag at the UN on 9/25/15, and the “Palestinian” flag on 9/30/15 in “willful” violation of the Flag Code and UN Charter.

4. UN Charter, Article 1 (1). (Purposes and Principles). The UN’s Charter clearly states its “Purposes”; “To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace,” . . . You “willfully” violated this article when you unlawfully authorized the Nazi Arab “Palestinian” flag to be raised next to the UN flag; and also degraded and debased the “dignity” of the UN flag – in “willful” violation of the UN Flag Code and Charter. 

You knew (i) that Hamas controls Gaza and Hebron with weapons of mass destruction in collaboration with Mahmoud Abbas); (ii) that Hamas is designated as a terrorist group in the U.S. and European Union; (iii) that U.S. Senators held Abbas personally responsible for inciting “Palestinian” “violence” against Israeli civilians in riots in Jerusalem and murderous “terror attacks” in 2014; and (iii) that Abbas praised Hitler/Mufti Nazi terrorists in a video. The UN cannot “maintain international peace and security” with a Nazi Arab “Palestinian” flag inciting violence, terrorism, and murder against Israel in a circle of flags.  

JOINT CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE:  Under the principle of Joint Criminal Enterprise (JCE), in International criminal law, a “person” can be held individually responsible for war crimes, crimes against humanity, etc. Hamas committed 19 war crimes in the 2014 Gaza War after they shot their first “terrorist” rocket into Israeli civilian territory in July of 2014. 

As reported in Arutz Sheva on 1/29/16, Hamas is also no longer denying the “rebuilding” of underground “terrorist tunnel” infrastructures leading from Gaza “in preparation for a future conflict” with Israel; nor denying that they are “developing its military capabilities.” In a statement made by Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh, he said: “’There are those who think that the calm is a time of rest," Haniyeh said, according to Haaretz. ‘But this is a continuation of the struggle. Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades are working and preparing for Palestine. Fighters are digging twice as much as the number of tunnels dug in Vietnam.’"

Both Mahmoud Abbas, Chairman of the PA, and Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh, can be prosecuted under the principle of a Joint Criminal Enterprise for their war crimes and crimes against humanity, and “acts of aggression” against the State of Israel – which “willfully” violate the UN Charter’s purpose: “To maintain international peace and security,” . . .

Mr. Secretary-General, as I see it, you could also potentially be held liable for being COMPLICIT in Hamas’ crimes against humanity by refusing to investigate their 19 war crimes in the 2014 Gaza War. Both Hamas and “Palestinians” salute the same flag. You could also potentially be held liable for inducing and contributing to “terrorist acts” by Hamas/”Palestinians” against Israel, when you unlawfully raised a “Palestinian” flag in the UN with historical associations to Nazi-saluting Arabs inciting anti-Semitic “MANIFESTATIONS” of violence, terrorism, and murder for decades – in “willful” violation of the UN Flag Code, UN Charter, and Berlin Declaration.

5.  UN Charter, Article 2 (6). By refusing to investigate Hamas’ 19 war crimes in the 2014 Gaza War, you turned a blind eye to Hamas’ war crimes (in collaboration with non-Member Palestinian Authority’s “acts of aggression” against Israel). Thus, you “willfully” violated this article by not taking steps to ensure that states which are not Members of the United Nations act in accordance with these Principles so far as may be necessary for the maintenance of international peace and security.”

6.  UN Charter, Article 2 (4). You “willfully” violated this article by not refraining UN General Assembly Members from their “threat[s]” against the sovereign “State of Israel. No UN Members have the right to threaten Israel, which France and other UN Member countries have done concerning Israel’s “territorial integrity or political independence” since 1948.

7.  UN Flag Code, 10. “Violation.” “Any violation of this Flag Code may be punished in accordance with the law of the country in which such violation takes place.” You can be “punished” for your many “willful” violations of the Flag Code in the U.S.

(NOTE: A discussion regarding a PLOT against Israel by the UN/VATICAN/PA to destroy the State of Israel’s “sovereignty” and national “homeland” by the “timing” of the “Palestinian” flag raising at the UN will be discussed later.)

OSLO ACCORD: Israel’s government should have annulled the unlawful disastrous Oslo Accord years ago, which brought a curse of death upon the House of Jacob/Israel. Yasser Arafat – the Father of Modern Terrorism, breached every promise/condition in this accord, which was not worth the toilet paper on which it was written!  Terrorist fatalities of Jewish “victims” escalated in Israel in two years – equal to fatalities in the previous ten years.

When you authorized the Nazi Arab “Palestinian” flag to be raised next to the UN flag on 9/30/15 reported worldwide, I believe THE UN OFFICIALLY ratified Abbas’ speech in the UN General Assembly that the PA was no longer bound by the Oslo Accord; therefore, any and all conditions connected to Oslo (including any and all other agreements), in particular, with respect to Judea/Samaria/Hebron, were also made null and void on that date.

Actually, it is irrelevant whether the “Palestinian” flag was unlawfully or lawfully raised. The intent of this flag raising event (in connection with Abbas’s speech), was to make the Oslo Accord null and void, which the UN “officially ratified” when the Nazi Arab “Palestinian” flag was raised next to the UN flag on 9/30/15.  Likewise, Israel’s “sovereignty” is also FREE from the bondage of the cursed Oslo Accord! 


Pursuant to Israel’s 1948 Declaration of Independence, the “right of the Jewish people to national rebirth in its own country was recognized in the Balfour Declaration,” and “re-affirmed in the Mandate of the League of Nations” . . . By their “historic connection” to Eretz Yisrael, the Jewish People have the “right” to “rebuild its National Home” – in “their own sovereign State.”

As the extraordinary Bible literate First Prime Minister of Israel, David Ben Gurion, emphatically declared below, in part:

Our right to the country –
the entire country –
exists as an eternal right,
and we shall not yield this historic right
until its full and complete redemption is realized."

Mr. Secretary-General, as you know, it is your duty and obligation to act in accordance with the UN Charter Article 1 (1) . . . “To maintain international peace and security”; and “to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace,”. . . Such “acts of aggression” include Hamas/Palestinian Authority “terrorist tunnels,” “terrorist rockets,” “terrorist music,” “terrorist videos,” and “terrorist dolls.”

Pursuant to the UN Charter, and Counter-Terrorism Resolutions 1373, 1624, and 1525, what “effective collective measures” have you taken (i) to prevent and remove Hamas “terror tunnels” “acts of aggression” threatening Israel’s civilian population and IDF with abductions/hostages, which you walked through (as shown in the picture); (ii) to prevent and remove “terrorist rockets” “acts of aggression” from all UN premises in Gaza (and Hebron); (iii) to prevent and remove Hamas music, and videos on Al-Aqsa TV indirect “acts of aggression” inciting “violent” anti-Semitic messages to kill Jews); (iii) to prevent and remove “terrorist dolls” “acts of aggression” from being shipped from the United Arab Emirates to Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA)? What have you done regarding resolutions 1624, 1525, and 1373 to criminalize, prevent, and monitor Hamas and PA “terrorist activities” threatening “international peace and security”?

Interestingly, in an 8/17/13 Algemeiner.com article, you admitted that anti-Israel “bias” and “discrimination” exists in the UN – all of which is equivalent to anti-Semitism. To be anti-Israel or anti-Semitic is one and the same. If someone hates Israel, they will also hate all Jews. When you attributed such “bias” and “discrimination” to the “Israeli-Palestinian” conflict instead of correctly saying it was an ARAB-ISRAELI conflict, however, you knowingly advanced anti-Israel/anti-Semitism.

Again, “Palestinian people” don’t exist. However, armed Nazi Arab Terrorists have existed even before Israel’s Declaration of Independence in 1948! You knew that this ARAB-ISRAELI “war” has gone on for decades; yet, you falsely portrayed Israel as the aggressor against “Palestinians” (who don’t exist).

NON-EXISTENT PALESTINIANS: No historical coinage or artifacts are attributed to “Palestinians,” and their speech, culture, and food is Arabic. “Palestinians” were invented for anti-Israel/anti-Zionist political purposes. Their goal is a one-state solution – by wiping Israel off the map!

Confirming that “Palestinian people” don’t exist is a statement below from Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) executive committee member, Zuheir Mohsen:

“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism. The existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.” (Quoted from Dutch newspaper, Trouw, 3/31/77: Wikiquote)

Former Prime Minister, Golda Meir, has also emphatically publicly stated: 

"There is no such thing as a Palestinian people...
It is not as if we came and threw them out and took their country.
They didn't exist." -- Golda Meir, statement to The Sunday Times, 15 June, 1969.

It is self-evident that “Palestinian” people have never existed. Therefore, the word “Palestinian” should be stricken from all UN General Assembly references in any speeches/documents/papers, etc. This deceptive word also implies that “Palestine” exists instead of the State of Israel. In fact, many anti-Israel/anti-Semitic UN Member countries have removed Israel from world atlases. For the UN to knowingly be COMPLICIT in this “FAKE PALESTINIAN” HOAX so Arabs can raise false territorial claims to Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva, and Jerusalem, etc., implicates your leadership in such fraudulent conspiracy also, in my view.

ISRAEL’S WORLD CONTRIBUTIONS: Through Abraham, the House of Jacob/Israel has blessed “all families of the earth” with brilliant contributions in science, innovations, technology, music, arts, literature, etc. Since 1908, there have been over 50 Nobel Prize winners in fields of physiology or medicine. The cell phone, computer operating systems/chips/voice mail technology used daily in all UN countries to communicate worldwide was also developed in Israel. (Gen.12:3) (See http://www.jinfo.org/Nobels_Medicine.html)

Foremost, Israel gave the Holy Bible as a FREE SPIRITUAL GIFT to the Gentile World. From Genesis to Revelation, the underlying Hebrew/Greek texts were written virtually entirely by Hebrew/Jewish prophets/priests/apostles, and have been translated into languages worldwide. The Ten Commandments in the Law of Moses have hung like monuments in courtrooms. Through the Bible, the Gentile World can learn of God’s merciful plan of salvation for all mankind through a Jewish Messiah of Israel. For all these FREE “spiritual gifts” that Abraham’s descendants have given to the Gentile World, the House of Jacob/Israel is rightfully called – GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE!

NAZI ARAB TERRORIST WORLD CONTRIBUTIONS: Instead of acknowledging Israel’s unsurpassed blessings to the world in the UN General Assembly, you have shown “favoritism” for “FAKE PALESTINIAN” HAMAS NAZI Arab TERRORISTS, who have cursed the whole world with one contribution – BLOOD BATHS! Yes, they are good in knowing how to launch thousands of rockets from Gaza/Hebron to kill innocent “victims” in Israeli civilian territory; how to blow themselves up in suicide bombings worldwide with their “victims”; and how to slaughter Israeli Jewish men, women, and children with hatchets, knives, and vehicle/bulldozer killings in Jerusalem! Such worthless cursed Blood Bath contributions these “evil” terrorists have given the whole world (including 9/11) – could fill 100,000 buckets of innocent shed blood!  Why have you coddled such uncivilized “evil” behavior, which no civilized nations in this 21st Century should have to tolerate?


In fact, from a Biblical perspective, a generational curse of “violence” has been passed down in the Ishmaelite/Arab bloodline/genes for 4,000 years to this day (to be discussed later). Obviously, a Messiah born through such a cursed VIOLENT Ishmaelite/Arab lineage could never bring “salvation” to the world.

As for Israel suffering substantially less war casualties, praise be to God! The God of Abraham is the House of Jacob/Israel’s shield!  Anyone that touches Israel – touches the “apple [pupil]” of His eye!  (Zech. 2:8)

Indeed, the Law of Moses (Torah) and Tanakh/Old Testament warns all nations: “No weapon that is formed against ‘thee’ [Israel] shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the ‘Lord’ [יהוה], and their righteousness is of me, saith the ‘Lord’[יהוה]. (Isaiah 54:17)


Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, at a 6/21/04 UN public seminar in N.Y. with Eli Wiesel sharing the platform, you spoke about the Berlin Declaration and Shoah/Holocaust. As you said, in part, “all manifest-ations” of anti-Semitism,” and “all attacks motivated by anti-Semitism“ must be “condemned without reserve,” and that “international developments or political issues, including in Israel or elsewhere in the Middle East, never justify anti-Semitism as follows: 

“Let me remind you that the Declaration condemned without reserve
 all manifestations of anti-Semitism, and all other acts of intolerance,
incitement, harassment, or violence against persons or communities
 based on ethnic origin or religious belief, wherever they occur.
The Declaration also condemned all attacks motivated by anti-Semitism
or by any other forms of religious or racial hatred or intolerance,
including attacks against synagogues and other religious places,
sites and shrines. And it declared unambiguously that
 international developments or political issues,
including those in Israel or elsewhere
 in the Middle East, never justify anti-Semitism.”
“The Shoah, or Holocaust was the epitome of this evil.
Germany in the 1930s was a modern society, at the cutting
edge of human technical advance and cultural achievement.
Yet the Nazi regime that took power set out to
 exterminate Jews from the face of the earth.”
“The fight against anti-Semitism must be our fight.
And Jews everywhere must feel that the United Nations is their home too.”

Since your 2004 UN seminar speech, however, with two-faced cunning deception, you have coddled and shown “favoritism” for some of the – MOST “EVIL” NAZI ARAB BULLY ANTI-SEMITES IN THE MIDDLE EAST! Under your contemptible UN “watch,” anti-Semitism has mushroomed to such proportions that people have said: “United Nations Against Israel”!

At this seminar you said that Shoah/Holocaust was the “epitome of this evil,” and that the “Nazi regime that took power set out to exterminate Jews from the face of the earth.” Doesn’t Hamas have the same agenda to exterminate all Jews in Israel, which is equivalent to a potential Holocaust in Israel instead of Germany this time? Hasn’t Hamas boasted of being a nation that loves to drink Jewish blood, kill Jews, and also seeks the destruction of the “throne of Zion”? Is this not the “epitome of this evil” also? If so, why have you refused to investigate Hamas’ 19 war crimes in the 2014 Gaza War? (Note: The significance of the “throne of Zion” will be discussed later.)

What about Yasser Arafat’s Palestinian Liberation Org. (PLO)Nazi regime” of Nazi-saluting soldiers seeking to exterminate Jews in Israel?  Arafat publicly boasted: “Peace of us means the destruction of Israel”? Was not this “FAKE PALESTINIAN” NAZI ARAB “BULLY” TERRORIST the “epitome of this evil” also? You also knew, or should have known that Arafat’s mentor was Grand Mufti Amin Al Husseini, whose Hanzar division of Nazi-saluting Muslim Arabs participated in exterminating Jews in Hitler’s army. Is this not the “epitome of this evil” also?

You also knew, or should have known, that Abbas collaborated with Arafat’s PLO “NAZI REGIME” of Nazi Arab Terrorists seeking Israel’s destruction for decades. Like Arafat, Abbas is an expert in knowing how to create “terror” – even with “terrorist dolls”! Is this not the “epitome of this evil” also? (See Arafat-Abbas photo flashing the “V” (victory sign with their fingers; and “terrorist dolls.”)

U.S. Senators held Mahmoud Abbas personally responsible for inciting “Palestinian” “violence” against Israeli civilians in riots in Jerusalem and murderous “terror attacks” in 2014; and praised Hitler/Mufti Nazi Arab “terrorists” in a video – is this not the “epitome of this evil” seeking Israel’s destruction like in Shoah also?
About 3 months after your “Palestinian” flag raising ceremony at the UN on 9/30/15, Abbas’ shipment of 4,000 “terrorist dolls” from the UAE) with a keffiyah, a rock in the hand, and the words; “Jerusalem is ours,” and “Jerusalem we are coming” was intercepted at Haifa customs. Is this not the “epitome of this evil” also – for seeking the Jewish People’s destruction in Jerusalem like in Shoah?
In this 2004 seminar, you also repeated the Preamble to the Declaration of Human Rights and said: . . . “disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind” (concerning the Holocaust). What about “Palestinian” Nazi-saluting Arab Bully Terrorists showing utter “disregard and contempt for human rights” by their “barbarous acts” against innocent Jewish “victims” in Israel, and even their own Arab buddies by dragging their dead tortured bodies in Gaza streets on motorcycles? 

How about “Palestinian” “barbarous acts” of slaughtering a sleeping Jewish family in Itamar in 2011; and the Har Nof Jerusalem synagogue massacre in 2014 – which is just the tip of the iceberg!  (See pictures of Har Nof “barbarous acts.”)

Incredibly, you have irrationally/illogically concluded that they need “justice” instead!  What “justice”?  SO THEY can PURSUE their “evil” goal of “GREAT injustice”– by DRINkING JEWISH BLOOD, KILLING JEWS, AND WIPING ISRAEL OFF THE MAP?

“Palestinian” Nazi Arab parents: Nazi Arab parents raise babies to become “Bully Terrorists” by playing with “terrorist” dolls; by dressing them up in suicide bombing outfits; by raising children to do Nazi salutes as school graduates, and on streets; by allowing girls and boys to attend Hamas “terrorist” paramilitary summer camps; and by reading Mein Kampf. Are they not contemptible parents for raising Nazi-saluting Arab “Bully Terrorists” – from the crib to the grave? (See pictures of Baby “Bully Terrorists”.)

Having sat near a Holocaust survivor in this 2004 public seminar, how could you unconscionably authorize the raising of the Nazi Arab “Palestine” flag at the UN – with historical associations to Nazi-saluting Arabs inciting anti-Semitic “MANIFESTATIONS” of violence, terrorism, and murder for decades against UN Member Israel? Obviously, you have always been a secret “closet” anti-Israel/anti-Semite without a conscience to know the difference between right or wrong!
PURSUANT TO THE BERLIN DECLARATION discussed in your 2004 seminar, when have you publicly condemned all of the malicious anti-Semitic “MANIFESTATIONS” of “barbarous acts” of “Palestinian” and Hamas Nazi Arab Bully Terrorists, and also “Palestinian Nazi Arab parents teaching their babies and children to wipe Israel off the map – for whom you have shown “favoritism”?


To reiterate, a bipartisan group of 35 U.S. Senators (including Senators Boxer and Ayotte) condemned the UNHRC and its High Commissioner, Navi Pillay, for launching a “one-sided investigation” against Israel in the 2014 Gaza War. Apparently, you took over this investigation via a new board of inquiry.

Leading this investigation against Israel was Canadian Prof. William Schabas, whom you appointed, even though you knew his anti-Israel/anti-Semitic “MANIFESTATIONS” are legendary. Canadian Foreign Minister, John Baird, called this “new inquiry” against Israel a “sham.” (Boteach, S. (8/28/14). “Ban Ki-moon’s Israel-condemnation addiction.” Jerusalem Post.)

You knew, or should have known, that Schabas was an unwavering friend of former Iranian President Ahmadinejad, whose public ranting’s in news media have called for Israel to be wiped of the map! Yet, Schabas has defended Ahmadinejad by saying he was only a “provocative politician,” and the world should “stop ‘exaggerating’ his statements”!  By KNOWINGLY appointing Schabas WITH MALICIOUS ANTI-SEMITIC “MANIFESTATIONS” to investigate Israel, YOU “WILLFULY” violateD the Berlin Declaration! (Ibid.)

As a diversionary tactic from the “truth” of Hamas’ 19 war crimes, subsequently, you released an anti-Semitic report of over 200 pages, which you said was of “considerable interest.” To whom? Of course, to all your UN General Assembly anti-Israel/anti-Semitic friends, and other friends around the globe! In this report you blamed Israel in its self-defensive Gaza strikes resulting in civilian casualties – even though you knew Hamas had launched “terrorist” rockets from UN/UNRWA sites/premises against Israeli civilian populations.

UN COUNTER-TERRORISM COMMITTEES: After 9/11, the UN established a Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) by Security Council Resolution 1373 to help “prevent terrorist activities,” and to “criminalize various forms of terrorist actions.” In fact, as shown in the bottom picture of your two pictures on top of this letter, on 7/22/13, you administered the oath of office for Jean-Paul Laborde of France as the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) – to assist the CTC. There is no excuse, therefore, why you refused to investigate Hamas’ 19 Gaza War crimes having at your disposal competent people, whom you appointed for such responsibilities. (See http://www.un.org/en/terrorism/securitycouncil.shtml>; and <http://www.un.org/en/sc/ctc/aboutus.html#cted>)

In 2005, the UN Security Council adopted resolution 1624 condemning all acts of terrorism irrespective of their motivation, as well as the incitement to such acts. UN Member States are called to prohibit it by law, prevent such conduct, and deny safe haven to anyone . . . “with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct."

Pursuant to Security Council Resolutions 1373 & 1624, was it not your duty and obligation to investigate “all terrorist acts” (including 19 war crimes) committed by Hamas on UN sites/premises – after they shot their first “terrorist” rocket from Gaza directed at Israel’s civilian population stated below, in part?:

Hamas’ rocket attacks directed at Israel’s civilian population centers; Staging of Attacks From Residential Areas and Protected Sites: Use of Civilian Homes and Public Institutions as Bases of Operation; Booby-trapping of Civilian Areas; Blending in with Civilians and Use of Human Shields; Exploitation of Children – Hamas’ paramilitary summer camps for kids; Hostage-taking; Using the uniform of the enemy; Violence aimed at spreading terror among the civilian population; Targeting civilian objects, such as airports or nuclear power plants; and Attacking medical units, etc.

Additionally, what steps did you take to help UN Member (sovereign State of Israel) by criminalizing all Hamas “terrorist acts” above, as discussed below?
  • Criminalize the financing of terrorism;
  • Freeze without delay any funds related to persons involved in acts of terrorism;
  • Deny all forms of financial support for terrorist groups;
  • Suppress the provision of safe haven, sustenance or support for terrorists;
  • Share information with other governments on any groups practicing or planning terrorist acts;
  • Cooperate with other governments in the investigation, detection, arrest, extradition and prosecution of those involved in such acts; and
  • Criminalize active and passive assistance for terrorism in domestic law and bring violators to justice.
Indeed, I submit that you SHIELDED unjustifiable Hamas Nazi Arab “terrorist acts” after they shot their first “terrorist” rocket from Gaza into Israeli civilian populations so their acts would not be criminalized; and used an anti-Israel/anti-Semitic investigator (SCHABAS) to accomplish this goal. Instead of putting Hamas in the public “spot light,” you called Israel’s inherent “right to self-defense” by eliminating Hamas’ criminal activity at UN sites/premises in Gaza in 2014 – “reprehensible” and a “moral outrage.”

With a subtle forked tongue for public show, in my view, you bemoaned your “profound and continuing concern for the civilian population of the Gaza Strip and Israel, and their right to live in peace and security, free from the threat of violence and terrorism.” Is that so? Why have you consistently coddled and shown “favoritism” to some of the most “evil” Nazi Arab Bully Terrorist anti-Semites in the Middle East seeking Israel’s destruction, and refused to help Israel with UN Counter-Terrorism Security Council Resolutions in criminalizing Hamas’ violent “terrorist activities” – so there could be peace and security for Israeli civilians?

You knew that the consequences of civilian casualties in Gaza (and Israel) were the 100% fault of Hamas “terrorist activities”; yet, with cunning deception, you covered up this truth in your report by saying such incidents “occurred during the course of tragic conflicts in the Gaza Strip,” and “armed conflict.” What “tragic conflicts” and “armed conflict”?  


ANTI-ISRAEL/ANTI-SEMITIC UNRWA: Under your contemptible UN “watch,” both the UN General Assembly and United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) are infested with anti-Israel/anti-Semites – in “WILLFUL” VIOLATION OF THE BERLIN DECLARATION.
According to Arutz Sheva, twenty rockets were found in a vacant UNRWA school. Israel’s request to provide pictures of the rockets was denied. Instead of the UN destroying these rockets, incredibly, the UNRWA staff called Hamas to remove them! (Cohen, S., & Miskin, M. (7/20/14). “UNRWA Gives Rockets to Hamas.” Arutz Sheva.)

Despite July 2014 news headlines in Arutz Sheva, which read: “UNRWA Gives Rockets to Hamas,” cunningly, you SHIELDED such anti-Israel/anti-Semitic staff. Via your false “findings of the Secretary-General’s inquiry,” which were “fully consistent with the statements made by UNRWA” . . . you determined that they “did not hand any weapons over to Hamas.”
You also intentionally diminished the significance of the 20 “terrorist” rockets that could be launched against Israel again by calling them “weapons.” Guns are also “weapons.” By the preponderance of evidence, UNRWA staff did, in fact, hand these rockets over to Hamas “terrorists.” UNRWA staff has direct contact with Hamas “terrorists,” and you SHIELDED their wrongdoings with your false “findings.”

In SHIELDING UNRWA staff, you said that “United Nations premises are also ‘inviolable.’” Really? This unheard of English word I had to look up in the dictionary. Are you saying that in Hamas controlled Gaza (with whom UNRWA staff has direct contact), UN schools are impregnable and built like Fort Knox? If so, how did 20 Hamas “terrorist” rockets magically end up in a vacant UNRWA school – by Mrs. Santa Claus?

Clearly, the UNRWA is so infested with malicious anti-Israel/anti-Semites seeking Israel’s destruction, that they helped Hamas stash 20 “terrorist” rockets in this school. Therefore, why have you made these unsecured UN/UNRWA premises – your SACRED COWS?

From the Washington Post, and other news reports, you knew, or should have known, that Hamas rockets were launched from Gaza into Israeli civilian territory from UN funded schools, emergency shelters, hospitals, homes, and mosques; that Arab babies were sacrificed as human shields; and that Arab children were used as slave labor to build terror tunnels. You knew that such Hamas Nazi Arab “terrorist acts” were crimes against humanity and human rights.


Again, pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 1624, “incitement to commit acts of terrorism” is prohibited by law, and a “safe haven” should be denied to anyone regarding “credible and relevant information giving serious reasons . . . that they have been guilty of such conduct.” WHY HAVE YOU ALLOWED A “SAFE HAVEN” TO exist in the UNRWA for MALICIOUS anti-Semitic “PALESTINIAN” Nazi Arab Bully “terrorists” SEEKING TO KILL JEWS?
In official UNWATCH.ORG online reports, Ibrahim Ali, a resident of Hebron, who “identifies himself as an UNRWA employee on his Facebook page, “glorifies a gruesome series of terrorist attacks, including shootings and stabbings, of Israeli Jews.” In another report, Mahmoud Abu Zakari, “identified on his Facebook page as an UNRWA social worker, celebrated the stabbing of Israeli Jews on October 11th, by turning his profile picture into an image of a hooded youngster clutching a large knife, ready to strike.” You knew these malicious anti-Semitic “MANIFESTATIONS” violate the Berlin Declaration.

In Algemeiner.com on 8/24/15, the headline read: “Anti-Semitic Cartoons on UNRWA Facebook Page . . . Demand Action From Ban Ki-Moon.” An “outcry erupted” when anti-Semitic cartoons appeared on the UNRWA’s Facebook page outside of Damascus in a Palestinian Ramah school in the Jaramaneh refugee camp. These cartoon anti-Semitic “MANIFESTATIONS” were “reminiscent of Nazi propaganda pictures” . . . and incited anti-Semitic “Palestinian” car attacks against Israeli Jewish civilians, terrorism, and murder – in “WILLFUL” VIOLATION OF THE BERLIN DECLARATION.
Mr. Secretary-General, you knew about these UNRWA anti-Semitic cartoons on UNRWA’s Facebook page. Hillel Neuer, Exec. Dir. of U.N. Watch, sent you a letter demanding that . . . you take action immediately to remove the images, apply accountability to the highest levels of UNRWA, and apologize.”

Mr. Neuer also told you, emphatically: “The UN cannot demand more and more funding for UNRWA from the U.S. and others while this agency aids, abets and incites to terrorism, murder and anti-Semitism.”
In his letter, he also mentioned that your “board of inquiry” found that the UNRWA – “effectively turned a blind eye to Hamas rockets and other terrorist weapons being stored in its facilities.”

When did you ever publicly apologize to Israel’s government for condemning its “right to self-defense” in destroying Hamas’ “terrorist” rockets and weapons being stored in UN facilities/premises – which you preposterously said were “INVIOLABLE”?

UNBELIEVABLY, ABOUT ONE MONTH LATER after the Algemeiner.com headline above was published on 8/24/15 demanding “action” from you, you unconscionably authorized the Nazi Arab “Palestinian” flag to be raised on 9/30/15 – knowing its historical associations to Nazi-saluting Arabs inciting anti-Semitic “MANIFESTATIONS” of violence, terrorism, and murder against Israel for decades.

As for Mr. Neuer’s letter, what did you do about criminal incitement to commit terrorist acts on social media Facebook pages by about a dozen UNRWA staff?  Apparently, some were fired so they could continue their anti-Semitic criminal “terrorist acts” of incitement against Jews outside of the UNRWA!  Apparently, some received “remedial and disciplinary action, including suspension and loss of pay.”
Why did you allow some anti-Semitic UNRWA “terrorist” criminals inciting the murder of Jews to be let go – scot free, and keep some on the UN payroll? In “willful” violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1624, why did you provide a “SAFE HAVEN” for “Palestinian” Nazi Arab “terrorists” so they would not be prosecuted, or brought to justice, but remain – SAFE” in the arms of the UNRWA? (10/22/15). “UN Fires UNRWA Staff Over Antisemitic Social Media Posts.” <http://www.algemeiner.com/>)


In an 8/14/14 Algemeiner.com article by Joshua Levitt, for 90 minutes Jewish Leaders informed you of a list of Hamas’ 19 war crimes in Gaza discussed earlier, in part. This meeting with you included directors from The Simon Wiesenthal Center (Rabbis Marvin Hier and Abraham Cooper); the Anti-Defamation League (Abraham Foxman); the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (Malcolm Hoenlein); and B’nai Brith and Hadassah representatives.

In this 90 minute meeting, these Jewish Leaders discussed Navi Pillay’s “rabidly one-sided” condemnation of Israel creating a “toxic situation” for Israel. You knew she also refused to investigate Hamas’ human rights crimes – “including its own admission that 160 Palestinian children died building their terrorism tunnels” in Gaza. Again, a picture of you is shown walking through such a “terror tunnel.”  

Pursuant to the Berlin Declaration, when did you publicly condemn Navi Pillay’s malicious anti-Semitic “MANIFESTATIONS,” whom you appointed as High Commissioner of the UNHRC?

According to Algemeiner, Rabbi Cooper said you “refused to get involved with the travesty at the UN Human Rights Council.” Yes, indeed, by “willfully” violating UN Charter Article 101(3) to secure the “highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity” for UN staff, you appointed a rabid malicious anti-Semitic “travesty” to the UNHRC!  Regardless, was it not your duty and obligation to investigate Hamas’ 19 war crimes brought to your attention by the Jewish Leaders, which Navi Pillay refused to investigate?

Instead, you cunningly diverted the “spot light” from Hamas to shine on Israel; and appointed a legendary anti-Israel/anti-Semite, Schabas, in a new investigation in the 2014 Gaza War. The end result; Israel was unjustly condemned and compared in moral equivalence to Hamas! Isn’t that what you did?

These Jewish Leaders also urged you to “announce an official inquiry” into the use of UNRWA schools by Hamas, “to store and launch rockets.” They implored you not to allow the UNRWA to “supervise the billions in reconstruction funds expected for Gaza, “because of the “systematic hijacking of previous aid, cement, and building materials by Hamas to build an underground superhighway of terror” . . . Why did you allow such inexcusable breaches of Israel’s security to take place under your UN “watch” – in “willful” violation of the Article 1 (1) (Purposes) in the UN Charter?; “To maintain international peace and security” . . .

These Jewish Leaders also had the utmost concern that the UN General Assembly would “not be allowed to degenerate in an anti-Israel hate fest.” They told you that continued “demonization of Israel emanating from the halls of the United Nations will only contribute to anti-Semitism globally.”

Little did they know this was your intent, in my view. By refusing to get involved in the “travesty” of Hamas’ 19 war crimes in Gaza, which Pillay refused to investigate, you covered up the “truth” by publishing a “one-sided” (biased) report condemning Israel instead. Thus, you knowingly enabled and facilitated an anti-Semitic “hate fest” and the “demonization” of Israel – globally! Isn’t that what you did?

global HEADLINE news read: “Israel responsible for Gaza strikes on UN schools and shelters, inquiry finds”; “'The world stands disgraced' - Israeli shelling of school kills at least 15.”

Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, with you sitting at the top of the UN ladder, and the stench of malicious anti-Semitism reeking from top to bottom “halls of the United Nations” headquartered in New York, and the UNRWA headquartered in Gaza City, it can’t get any worse for Israel!

UNWATCH.ORG reported on 10/16/15, that about “ten different UN staffers” were using their “official positions . . . to incite Palestinian stabbing and shooting attacks against Israeli Jews, with one calling on Facebook to “stab Zionist dogs,” . . .

Pursuant to the Berlin Declaration, when have you publicly condemned (i) all UN staff using their “official positions” to further their malicious anti-Semitic “MANIFESTATIONS” of “Palestinian” “terrorist incitement” to stab/shoot/attack Israeli Jews; and (ii) all UN General Assembly members for their anti-Semitic “MANIFESTATIONS” of denying Israel the “right” to be represented in the UN with “equal rights” “based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members”?

When have you publicly told UN staff and UN General Assembly Members: “Under the Berlin Declaration, your anti-Semitic manifestations will not be tolerated in the UN!”

In an official statement, Israel’s former ambassador, Ron Prosor, had this to say about the UN:
"If anyone has ever doubted that the U.N. is biased against Israel, today we got further proof. Of the 193 member states in this institution, dozens slaughter innocent civilians and impose discriminatory laws that marginalize women and yet they all get a free pass. The Commission on the Status of Women itself includes some of the worst violators of human rights, as Iran and Sudan.” “This facade won't last long. With every condemnation of Israel, more and more people are becoming aware of the U.N.'s biased way of work. This, slowly but surely, [will] strip the U.N. from its legitimization.”

AMALEK’S DESCENDANTS IN THE UN?: Regarding  the issue of a “hate fest” against Israel, which Jewish Leaders discussed with you, from a Biblical perspective, this can be called “hatred without a cause” (sinat chinam in Hebrew) derived from sinai chinam שנאי חנם)). During King David’s reign in Israel, he wrote about such unjustified hatred against him in Psalms 69:4 (verse 5 in some Bibles).

Sinat chinam is the same kind of “hatred without a cause” that Amalek had when he warred against the Children of Israel after their Exodus from Egypt; that Haman (Amalek’s descendant) had when he attempted to destroy all Jews in 127 provinces of Persia during Queen Esther’s reign; that Nazi Hitler had when he exterminated 6 million Jews in the Holocaust; that Iranian Ahmadinejad has in his desire to wipe Israel off the map; and that many UN General Assembly Members and UNRWA staff have. Accordingly, I submit that the UN overflows with Amalek’s descendants today!

Although the Amalekite nation no longer exists, their bloodline/genes still exist. Sitting in skirts, suits, shirts, and ties in comfortable seats in the General Assembly today, their Amalek characteristics in their lineage is revealed by their sinat chinam (hatred without a cause) against Israel. Although they can’t say so outright, UN and UNRWA descendants of Amalek are covertly seeking Israel’s destruction by condemning Israel – day and night. That’s one of their inherent “characteristics” also.

In collaboration with Amalekites are Ishmaelite/Arab descendants with a kinship going back 4,000 years in Biblical history. Consequently, the UN and UNRWA overflows with anti-Israel/anti-Semitic lineages – who can’t wait for “Palestine” to be “free” of the House of Jacob/Israel. Naturally, this means Israel’s annihilation! The picture of the T-shirt with these “Palestine” words confirms this “truth.”

Our bloodline/genes determine the path in life we will take – whether for “good” or “evil.” All people inherit their ancestral paternal/maternal characteristics in their lineages. A lineage with a characteristic of “hatred without a cause” is “evil” – not “good.”

The significant statement below made by a Syrian/Arab actress, Amal Arafa, affirms that sinat chinam is an inherent “evil” genetic characteristic in her bloodline/genes self-evident by her hatred against Israel suckled in her mother’s milk:

“We’ve been brought up to hate Israel. It’s in our genes…
Israel will continue to be a black, dark and murky spot in my memory,
in my genes, and in my blood.”
"We've sucked [a hatred of Israel] with the milk of our mothers."
(Ellis, Bob. (6/17/09). w.dakotavoice.com)

Frankly, by all your contemptible anti-Israel/anti-Semitic deeds and actions discussed in this open letter thus far, and your “favoritism” for “Palestinian” Nazi Arab Bully Terrorists, in my view, you have a “kinship” with Ishmaelite/Arabs and/or Amalekites in your bloodline/gene also – somewhere down the line. Certainly, the inherent genetic characteristic of sinat chinam (hatred without a cause) against the House of Jacob/Israel is the same characteristic they have – albeit it has been hidden in your cunning secret “closet.” This is why it is impossible for you to be fair and unbiased towards the State of Israel – ever!

ARAB-ISRAELI CONFLICT FROM A BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE: The Arab-Israeli conflict cannot be understood unless the story of Ishmael is understood concerning his birth and inherent genetic characteristics. Ishmael’s Arab history originates as an illegitimate mamzer (bastard in Hebrew) from Abraham’s one-half Hebrew paternal, and Hagar’s one-half Egyptian maternal lineages. “Hagar” (Hājar) is an Arabic name. 

Ishmael was predestined to be a “wild man” (like a donkey’s ass), whose hand would be against every man, and every man’s hand against him. In other words, “violence” has been a generational curse in the Ishmaelite/Arab lineage for millenniums. Muhammad’s bloody sword that created Islam affirms this truth. (Genesis 16:12)

Short of a miracle from God, the curse of sinat chinam “hatred” and “violence” in Ishmaelites/Arabs (and/or Amalekites) against Israel can never be removed from their bloodlines/genes – any more than a leopard can change its spots. As soon as one Bin Ladin is killed, e.g., 100 worse are born – worldwide.

As for Abraham’s legitimate son, Isaac (Ishmael’s one-half brother, who was about 14 when Isaac was born), he had a blessed 100% paternal/maternal Hebrew lineage of “peaceful” inherent characteristics from both Abraham and Sarah. Through Isaac, God created the House of Jacob/Israel, and the 12 Tribes of Israel.

The significance of why so many Ishmaelites/Arabs (and/or Amalekites) hate the “throne of Zion” is found in the Tanakh/Old Testament. Sacred Scriptures foretold that the Messiah of Israel (Branch) would grow out of the House of David – the stem of Jesse – the Royal House of Judah. In Israel’s Redemption, the Jewish Messiah will destroy all “evil” unrighteousness. This is a direct threat to Allah, whom billions of Muslim Arabs worship today in the Islamic religion. (Isaiah 11:1-5)
The intense Arab-Israeli conflict today is also directly related to Abraham’s Patriarchal blessings and birth right passed down to Isaac – not to Ishmael.  These God-given blessings included “all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession,” which was sealed, if you will, in a Covenant of Circumcision (B’rit Milah) on the 8th day of Isaac’s birth. This irrevocable covenant descends from Abraham – to Isaac – to Jacob/Israel. (Genesis 17:1-14)

These God-given blessings were not given to Ishmael, who was circumcised at 13. However, God did give Ishmael some blessings, in that, he was to be “fruitful” with 12 “princes,” and his Arab descendants would become a “great nation.” Today there are billions of “fruitful” Arabs worldwide, who own the massive “oil wealth” in the Middle East. (Gen. 17:20,25)

EVIL spirits of jealousy and greed: These key issues hereinabove give understanding as to “why” the “evil” spirits of jealousy and greed have also been passed down for generations as inherent characteristics in Ishmael’s Arab descendants (and/or Amalekites). This is self-evident in the consistent Arab-Israel conflict even before Israel’s independence in 1948. Accordingly, the underlying cause of this “hatred without a cause” (sinat chinam), with the effect of “violence” against Jacob/Israel (Isaac’s son) today – is directly linked to the Promised Land of Canaan that God gave to Abraham’s descendants in the House of Jacob/Israel; and Abraham’s Patriarchal blessings and birth right passed down to Isaac and Jacob/Israel.

THE QUR’AN SUPPORTS ISRAEL: Shaykh Abdul Hadi Palazzi, Secretary-General of the Italian Muslim Association (AMI), has a PhD in Islamic Sciences by decree of the Grand Mufti of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Israel exists by “divine right,” he has said. God gave the Land of Israel to the Children of Israel and ordered them to settle there. Before the End of Days, the Children of Israel will retake possession of the Land. This prophecy was fulfilled in 1948 when the State of Israel was born. (Sura 17:104; Sura 5:21)

Palazzi has also said: “Viewing the Jewish return to Israel as a Western invasion and Zionists as recent colonizers is new. It has no basis in authentic Islamic faith.” His interpretation of the Qur’an is even supported by Al Qaida!

Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, look at the picture of the “Arab World Map.” The great injustice that anti-Israel/anti-Semites in the UN General Assembly, and in the UNRWA, and YOU have perpetrated against Israel (in collaboration with envious greedy “Palestinian” Nazi Arab Bully Terrorists), is called a “land grab” for tiny, tiny, tiny Israel on the map! 

Plainly, the map shows about 99% of Middle Eastern land controlled by Arabs, and 1% of tiny land controlled by Israel. There is no justifiable reason for Ishmaelite/Arab dynasties with massive amounts of land, not to help their Arab “Palestinian” brethren become absorbed into Arab Middle Eastern countries. Because of “evil spirits” of envious greed and sinat chinam, however, Ishmaelite/Arabs (and/or Amalekites) will never be satisfied until Israel is wiped off the map and replaced with “Palestine”! The T-shirt picture with the words; “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free” confirms this “truth.”

Look at the pictures now of decadent self-indulgent lifestyles in Arab Muslim dynasties such as Saudi
Arabia/ UAE/Dubai. Princes ride in extravagant gold plated/diamond studded vehicles costing millions. With gold flowing like water from their “gold oil faucets,” they could feed/house/clothe poor Arabs in the Middle East for 100 years – including Arab “Palestinians”! 

Instead, what do these Ishmaelite/Amalekite Arab Nazi Muslim “Bully Terrorist” dynasties do behind the scenes? Well-educated Sheikhs dressed in keffiyahs and long flowing white Arabian tunics smuggle arms, weapons of mass destruction, and rockets to Hamas Nazi Arab Bully Terrorists in Gaza and Hebron – and even “terrorist dolls” to destinations such as “Palestinian” (Diplomat Terrorist), Mahmoud Abbas – albeit 4,000 “terrorist dolls” were intercepted by Haifa customs. 

These Arab Muslim dynasties have chosen to feed/house/cloth perpetual Arab wars against Israel with their massive “oil wealth” – instead of making “peace” with Israel in their 1% of God-given land in the Middle East.

Accordingly, the one contribution all such Ishmaelite/ Amalekite Muslim Nazi Arab Bully Terrorists have given to the world and Israel are BLOOD BATHS – all because of their ENVIOUS GREED of “tiny” Israel. With underlying “evil” characteristics of sinat chinam and “violence” in their bloodline/genes, this is the reality of why they are constantly beating up on “tiny” Israel.

Meanwhile, anti-Israel/anti-Semitic Ishmaelite/Arab Nazi Bully Terrorists (with their Amalekite kinsmen) sit as UN/UNRWA members and hired staff. Day and night they devise ways of how to wipe Israel off the map!  Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, I despise all bullies – especially those that BULLY Israel from the UN BULLY PULPIT – demanding that Jewish settlers stop building in their God-given Biblical Heartland of Judea/Samaria!

Incidentally, when have you ever publicly condemned the brazen anti-Semitic “MANIFESTIONS” of Ishmaelite/Arab Muslim countries denying entry to anyone with an Israeli stamp on their passport – in “willful” violation of the Berlin Declaration?

Make no mistake. No anti-Israel/anti-Semitic attempts by YOU, the UN General Assembly, or the UNRWA, or by your “Fake Palestinian” or Hamas Nazi Arab Bully Terrorist “friends” (for whom you have shown “favoritism” and a bleeding heart), can stop the House of Jacob/Israel from settling their God-given PROMISED LAND. This “SPIRITUAL HOUSE” has a Biblical/historical/legal “right” to settle and rebuild Eretz Yisrael – their ancient “homeland.”

HOWARD GRIEF ON JEWISH SOVEREIGNTY: Howard Grief (deceased) was a distinguished legal authority in international law. He wrote a “treatise” on “Jewish Sovereignty Over the Land of Israel” in a 731 page book published in 2008 titled: The Legal Foundation and Borders of Israel Under International Law. This book provides a “comprehensive and systematic legal treatment of Jewish national and political rights to ALL of the Land of Israel.” None of your anti-Israel/anti-Semitic UN adopted resolutions regarding Israel’s territory override internationally recognized agreements written long before the UN Charter came into effect in October of 1945 after the Holocaust ended.

THE 2012 LEVY REPORT: Other eminent Israeli Supreme Court Justices have also concluded in an 89-page report; "Israelis have the legal right to settle in Judea and Samaria and the establishment of settlements cannot, in and of itself, be considered illegal." It appears this report can be brought up for approval at any time by the Ministerial Settlements Committee, or cabinet in Israel’s government.

Regarding the Biblical Heartland that Israel won on the battlefield in 1967 against all odds, this war has been called “Israel’s Six-Day Miracle War.” Your false repetitious mantra from your UN BULLY PULPIT saying Judea/Samaria is “occupied” has gotten old. Undoubtedly, David Ben Gurion would have told you to “TAKE A HIKE”!

Basically, that’s what he defiantly told Truman when he said: “Israel has been attacked by six Arab States . . .  “What Israel has won on the battlefield, it is determined not to yield at the [UN Security] Council table.” (Ben Gurion’s quotes obtained from The Ettinger Report:  Ettinger, Y. (11/15/13). “Ben Gurion’s Legacy: Defiance of US Pressure.” <http://bit.ly/18zPZvg>) 
The God-fearing David Ben-Gurion also said, "In Israel, in order to be a realist, you must believe in miracles." (Wikiquote.)

“FINGER OF GOD”: In the “6-Day Miracle War,” Maj. Gen. Ezer Weizmann (IDF Dir. of Operations), was asked by Mr. Levanon (father of a fallen pilot), “how he explains the fact that for 3 straight hours, Israel Air Force planes flew from one Egyptian airstrip to another destroying the enemy planes, yet the Egyptians did not radio ahead to inform their own forces of the oncoming Israeli attack? Weizmann (who later served as President of the State of Israel), was silent. “He then lifted his head and exclaimed, ‘The finger of G-d.’"   (See 5/14/07 article titled: “Miracles in the Six-Day War: Eyewitness Accounts.” Arutz Sheva.)

Following his blow-by-blow analysis, the military correspondent for the secular Haaretz Newspaper summed up the 6-Day War with the admission: ‘Even a non-religious person must admit this war was fought with help from heaven.’” As a German journalist summarized; “Nothing like this has happened in history. A force including a 1000 tanks, hundreds of artillery cannons, many rockets and fighter jets, and a hundred thousand soldiers armed from head to toe was destroyed in two days in an area covering hundreds of kilometers filled with reinforced outposts and installations. And this victory was carried out by a force that lost many soldiers and much equipment, positions, and vehicles. No military logic or natural cause can explain this monumental occurrence.” (Ibid.)

“The existence of Israel is an error which must be rectified.
This is our opportunity to wipe out the ‘ignominy’ [shame]
which has been with us since 1948.
Our goal is clear – to wipe Israel off the map.” - President Aref of Iraq

Categorically, there is no “occupied land” today won by Israel on the battlefield in 1967 against “violent” anti-Israel/anti-Semitic Nazi Arab Bully Terrorists seeking – to wipe Israel off the map! To this day, the God of Abraham is the House of Jacob/Israel’s SHIELD and “exceeding great reward”! The Almighty Hand of God will continue to protect Israel – like He did even in the 2014 Gaza war! (Gen. 15:1)

 As headlined in Jewish Telegraph (7/18/14), a Hamas “terrorist” complained: “THEIR GOD CHANGES THE PATH OF OUR ROCKETS IN MID-AIR” . . .

All of the ant-Israel/anti-Semitic “Palestinian” Nazi Arab Bully Terrorists in Gaza/Hebron, the UN General Assembly, and UNRWA should tremble! The “Holy” God of Israel has also caused hailstones and hornets to attack and kill Israel’s arch enemies. Overnight, an “angel of the “Lord” [יהוה] smote 185,000 in Sennacharib’s Assyrian army. In the morning, they were “dead corpses”! (Joshua 10:11; 24:12; 2 King 19:35,36)
For the ‘LORD’ [יהוה] your God is he that goeth with you,
to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.” (Deuteronomy 20:4, Torah)

A UN/VATICAN/PA PLOT TO DESTROY ISRAEL’S SOVEREIGNTY AND NATIONAL “HOMELAND”: A timeline prior to the raising of the “Palestine” flag at the UN on 9/30/15 follows below:

The top diagonal picture of Pope Francis hugging Mahmoud Abbas on the Temple Mount on 5/26/14 speaks a thousand words. The plot to destroy Israel’s sovereignty and national “homeland” originates with the “Holy See” (Roman Catholic Church); and is directly connected with progressive actions in the Vatican, e.g., with Pope Benedict’s ascension on the Temple Mount with Arab leaders on 5/12/09. Ultimately, the Holy See’s “highest religious trophy,” if you will, is to gain control over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Such progressive actions include private meetings and agreements with Arab leaders and organizations. Curiously, the pictures show that the Popes’ visits/meetings with Arabs seem to follow a pattern of taking place in the month of “May.”

A.    Mr. Secretary-General, as shown in the picture of Pope Francis shaking your hand on 5/9/15, you made a special trip to meet with the Pope in a private meeting in Rome. Because the Vatican is a non-Member of the UN, the Pope abused his power by calling this unlawful meeting with you; and in conspiracy with the Pope, you abused your power in the “performance” of your duties. You “willfully” violated Article 100 (1)(2), in the Charter, which states below:
“In the performance of their duties the Secretary-General and the staff shall not seek or receive instruction from any government or from any other ‘authority’ [the Pope] external to the ‘Organization’ [UN]. They shall refrain from any action which might reflect on their position as international officials responsible only to the Organization.”Each Member of the United Nations undertakes to respect the exclusively international character of the responsibilities of the Secretary-General and the staff and not to seek to influence them in the discharge of their responsibilities.”
You knew the Vatican was an Observer, not a UN Member; yet, you did not “refrain” from actions that would “reflect” on your “position as international officials responsible only to the Organization.” By your unlawful trip to Rome, you did “seek” and did “receive instruction” from another “authority” (the Pope) “external to the Organization.” Accordingly, in “willful” violation of the UN Charter, you allowed Pope Francis to unlawfully influence you, and UN General Assembly decisions and resolutions.

About seven (7) days after you met with Pope Francis, Mahmoud Abbas also met with Pope Francis. Therefore, the preponderance of evidence shows that you agreed to, subsequently; fly both the Vatican and Palestinian flags at the UN in September of 2015. These unlawful flag flying acts in September of 2015 (in collusion with the Pope) were “willful” violations of the Flag Code and Charter because neither the Vatican nor Palestinian Authority are UN Members. Whether the UN General Assembly “overwhelmingly” approved a “Palestinian” initiated resolution so observer (Vatican/Palestinian) flags could be raised in the UN is irrelevant. By “willfully” violating the UN Flag Code and Charter, any and all resolutions that the UN General Assembly adopted – are null and void. You cannot “willfully” breach regulations and mandates in the Flag Code and Charter, and supersede your own UN “resolutions” to suit your fancy! Otherwise, the Flag Code and Charter become null and void.

Although the conspiracy against UN Member (Israel) originated with Pope Francis, you should never have made an unlawful trip to Rome, or agreed to PLOT against UN Member (State off Israel). It is self-evident, therefore, that you are complicit in such conspiracy of raising a “Palestinian” flag with historical associations to Nazi-saluting Arabs inciting anti-Semitic “MANIFESTATIONS” of violence, terrorism, and murder against Israel’s sovereignty for decades. By your agreement with the Pope to raise the “Palestinian” flag, you “willfully” violated the Berlin Declaration; UN Flag Code, and Article 1 (1) (Purposes) of the UN Charter as follows:
“To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace”. . .
A Nazi Arab “Palestinian” flag does not “maintain international peace and security.” By your unlawful trip to Rome, you also “willfully” violated Article 2 (6) of the UN Charter by not ensuring that the Vatican non-Member acted “in accordance” with the “Principles” of the UN as follows:
The Organization shall ensure that states which are not Members of the United Nations act in accordance with these Principles so far as may be necessary for the maintenance of international peace and security.”

B.    As shown in the pictures, Mahmoud Abbas met with Pope Francis on 5/16/15 in a private meeting (7 days after your private meeting with the Pope), about one year after Pope Benedict hugged Abbas on the Temple Mount. Pope Francis called Abbas an “Angel of Peace,” and presented him with a medallion representing the “angel of peace” . . . “destroying the bad spirit of war.” The Holy See agreed to “a final formulation of an agreement [treaty] with the Palestinians including the use of the term ‘Palestinian State’ signed by Abbas. This “treaty defined the Catholic Church’s activities in areas controlled by the Palestinians.” Right after Abbas’ visit, two so-called “Palestinian” Arab nuns that lived in the 19th century, were “made saints” at a Vatican ceremony.”

By the Roman Catholic Church’s malevolent false religious propaganda to make these nuns “saints,” Pope Francis cunningly set the stage to create a “Palestinian” people, who don’t exist!  Subsequently, in conspiracy with the Pope (whom you met on 5/9/15), you, Bank Ki-Moon, unlawfully authorized the Nazi Arab “Palestinian” flag to be raised at the UN on 9/30/15. These nuns were Arabs! (“Francis meets with PA chief after Holy See’s decision to acknowledge Palestinian state angers Jerusalem.” http://www.timesofisrael.com/;  (See picture of Abbas with Pope)

Regarding the “bad spirit of war,” this “evil spirit” has never left Abbas’ “Palestinian” Nazi Arab Bully Terrorist PA organization, nor from Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh – Abbas’  criminal terrorist conspirator. Their goal has always been the same – the destruction of Israel.

C.    The Vatican perfectly timed Pope Francis’ visit to America beginning on 9/22/15. Three days later, Voice of America.com (with contributing UN reporter, Margaret Besheer), reported; Vatican Raises Flag at UN for Pope's Visit 9/25/15.” The Vatican flag was unlawfully “raised for the first time at the United Nations on Friday, shortly after 6:00 am, ahead of Pope Francis' visit to the world body” – in “willful” violation of the UN Flag Code, and UN Charter (discussed earlier). This event was broadcast on UN WEB TV worldwide: <http://webtv.un.org/watch/pope-francis-visits-the-united-nations/4495002201001> (See picture of Pope Francis with Ban Ki-Moon at the UN)
D.    Five days after the Vatican flag was unlawfully raised at the UN for the first time on 9/25/15, the Nazi Arab “Palestinian” flag with historical associations to Nazi-saluting Arabs and “MANIFESTATIONS” of “violence” and “terrorist acts” against Israel was unlawfully raised next to the UN flag on 9/30/15 – in “willful” violation of the Berlin Declaration, the UN Flag Code, and UN Charter (discussed earlier). (See picture of Mahmoud Abbas with Ban Ki-Moon at the UN.)

when you, Ban ki-moon, unlawfully raised the “Palestinian” flag next to the UN flag on september 30, 2015, THE UN OFFICIALLY RATIFIED MAHMOUD Abbas’ speech THAT the PA was no longer bound by the Oslo Accord. Neither is Israel bound by Oslo as of that date! THIS WAS AN UNEXPECTED BLESSING FROM THE “HOLY” GOD OF ISRAEL UPON THE HOUSE OF JACOB/ISRAEL!

It is self-evident that the UN/VATICAN/PA plotted against UN Member (State of Israel) to destroy Israel’s “sovereignty,” and “homeland” by unlawfully raising the Nazi Arab “Palestinian” flag at the UN on 9/30/15. Again, the notion that “Palestine” represents a “country,” and that “Palestinian” people exist – IS A HOAX! “Palestinians” are Arab Jordanians, Syrians, Lebanese, etc.

The historical anti-Semitic legacy of the Roman Catholic Church goes back to the 4th Century, when anti-Semitic Roman Emperor Constantine enacted a Sunday Law in 321 A.D. By this act, Jewish People, who lit candles on Friday night Shabbat/Sabbath, were identified and singled out for persecution. This anti-Semitism is deeply rooted for about 1700 years, and can never be eradicated from the Vatican or Church members – no matter what forked tongue speeches Popes have made, or superficial Vatican documents they have written renouncing anti-Semitism. In communication with some Catholics I have met along the way in the U.S., if the word “Jewish” is mentioned, the next thing I have heard is: “Oh, the Jews crucified Jesus”!

The anti-Semitic deeds and actions of Pope Francis are obvious by his affinity for Pro-Arab Muslims, e.g., when he hugged Mahmoud Abbas on the Temple Mount as shown in the picture. For religious/political purposes, he also fabricated the creation of “Palestinian” people when he made two Arab nuns in the 19th Century “saints” (as discussed earlier). He also conspired with Ban Ki-Moon to raise a Nazi Arab “Palestinian” flag at the UN on 9/30/15. Hence, Pope Francis revealed the malevolent PLOT of the Vatican. The Vatican’s devious purpose FOR creating “Palestine” and “Palestinian” people – is to gain control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem!

As published in a Trumpet.com article, Morton Klein, President of Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) warned that the Vatican’s endorsement of Palestinian statehood is a sign of the resurgence of “the historical Catholic enmity towards Jews.” Michael Freund, former Deputy Communications Director in the Prime Minister’s office, also said in the Jerusalem Post. “[G]iven its sordid history of anti-Semitism, book-burnings, forced conversions and Inquisitions, the Catholic Church should think a hundred times over before daring to step on Israel’s toes,” he wrote. “If anything, the pope should be down on his knees pleading for forgiveness from the Jewish people and atonement from the Creator for what the Vatican has wrought over the centuries.” (MacDonald, B. (August 2015.) “Why is the Pope Provoking War in Israel?” <www.thetrumpet.com/article>) 

From a Law of Moses (Torah) perspective, Israel was created to be a “holy nation” of people – not to be “reckoned” among heathen Gentile nations. Since May of 1949 when the sovereign State of Israel was finally admitted into the UN membership, it has suffered great anti-Israel/anti-Semitic “woes” of unjust condemnation and sinat chinam (hatred without a cause) – especially under the present Secretary-General’s “watch” – for taking “A Place Among the Nations” with many spiritually unclean Gentile nations!

Considering the Roman Catholic Church’s powerful stranglehold on the UN since about 1964 when it unlawfully became a Permanent Observer – even though this “RELIGIOUS ROMAN EMPIRE” does not qualify for such membership in the UN; and the Vatican’s unlawful influence on the UN General Assembly; and the Vatican’s unlawful conspiracy with the UN to create a Nazi-saluting Arab “Palestine” state with Nazi-saluting Arab “Palestinian” people (who don’t exist); and the Vatican’s determination to control the Jerusalem Temple Mount; there is no rational/logical reason why the State of Israel should continue getting “BEAT UP” by anti-Israel/anti-Semitic UN Secretary-Generals, UN General Assembly Members, and UNRWA staff BULLIES – including the POPE! Yet, the UN Charter does not provide for withdrawal by its Member states. (Ex. 19:6; Num. 23:9)

However, there may be the international “principle” of rebus sic stantibus (in these circumstances), to help Israel withdraw from the UN when a “material breach” exists. Certainly, from all the facts and evidence discussed herein this open letter, there should be plenty of causes of action for such “material” breaches.

Additionally, “[i]n 1997 legislation H.R.1146 was introduced in the United States House of Representatives by Congressman Ron Paul of Texas under the label "American Sovereignty Restoration Act". In addition to withdrawal, the bill also proposed expelling the United Nations Headquarters from its territory within the City of New York and no longer providing the large plurality of funds which the US contributes to the UN annually.” Accordingly, Israel’s withdrawal from the UN is possible, in my view. (Wikipedia: United States withdrawal from the United Nations”)

Incredibly, as reported by Associated Press in an interview on 12/28/15, you admitted your “real passion” by saying: “I have spent real passion ... and most of my time and energy on this issue” – climate change.  Yes, it is self-evident that most of your “time and energy” in the UN has been focused on debunked global warming – not on investigating Hamas’ 19 war crimes in the 2014 Gaza War, or other vital issues today such as combating, criminalizing, and preventing worldwide terrorism!

This is what Nobel Prize winner, Physicist, Dr. Ivar Giaever, had to say about your “real passion”:

      “I say this to Obama: Excuse me, Mr. President, but you’re wrong. Dead wrong”; [it’s] a “new religion.” “We have to stop wasting huge, I mean huge amounts of money on global warming.” (See http://www.climatedepot.
com; and <http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jul/7/nobel-physicist-obama-dead-wrong-global-warming/?page=all>)

Consequently, the irreparable harm you have done to all civilized UN nations by not “maintaining international peace and security,” and not preventing and removing uncivilized Nazi Arab “Palestinian” (Hamas) terrorist “threats to the peace” – is incalculable. You must be held accountable for your failure, REFUSAL, and dereliction of duty in not taking “effective collective measures” to criminalize anti-Semitic “MANIFESTATIONS” of “terrorist acts” against Israel – in “willful” violation of the Berlin Declaration, UN Charter, and UN Security Council Counter-Terrorism resolutions.

Your “real passion” for climate change has resulted in the needless shed blood of countless Jewish “victims” in Israeli populations during your term as UN Secretary-General. By coddling violent Hamas/PA Nazi Arab Bully Terrorist groups in Gaza (and Hebron) instead of helping to bring them to justice, bereaved families of such “victims,” never received any justice regarding crimes against humanity and human rights violations. Therefore, I urge you to promptly resign before your term ends, apparently, on December 31, 2016.

Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, there is no kind word I will give you. You have unjustly raised your anti-Semitic “tongue” in condemning Israel for its inherent legal “right of self-defense” against “armed attacks” by Hamas/PA/PLO/HEZBULLAH violent terrorists – seeking Israel’s destruction. Therefore, pursuant to scriptural authority in Isaiah 54:17, I hereby condemn you for all your contemptible “evil” deeds and actions against the House of Jacob/Israel. Because this “SPIRITUAL house” has blessed “all families of the earth” in countless ways, may all the curses of Abraham be upon your head for not blessing Israel! (Gen.12:3)

May you resign in disgrace for your abuse of power against UN Member (sovereign State of Israel) during your term. May your PLOT with Pope Francis and Mahmoud Abbas to destroy Israel’s sovereignty and the Jewish People’s national “homeland” be remembered in history books – forever!  May the smirk on your face, when you unlawfully raised the Nazi Arab “Palestinian” flag in the UN, be wiped off your face when you read this open letter online!

Most egregiously, in the UN 2004 public seminar discussed earlier, you shared the platform with Elie Wiesel (a Holocaust survivor). You spoke about anti-Semitism, Berlin Declaration, and Shoah. Yet, with two-faced cunning deception, you turned around and BETRAYED the Jewish People’s “trust” in you by showing “favoritism” for some of the most “evil” Nazi Arab Bully Terrorist anti-Semites in the Middle East seeking Israel’s destruction. Publicly proclaiming you were a “man of integrity,” you conned many Jewish People into believing this lie.

Actually, your participation in the 2004 public seminar with Elie Wiesel may have been arranged for one purpose only; to pretentiously show that you were fair, just, and compassionate towards Jewish People so they would support your ambitious campaign of becoming Secretary-General of the United Nations. May you regret the day you started coveting this job – a job that will remember your infamous Ban Ki-Moon name and face in history books – forever!

 “Israel is without question the most amazing, the most admirable country the world has ever seen. Despite its only being a little more than fifty years old, despite a population of just over five million, despite having to be at war footing for almost its entire life, despite having absorbed more immigrants in relation to its population that any country in history, its accomplishments in almost any area of human activity are unsurpassed.” (Quoted from Flame: Facts and Logic <http://factsandlogic.org/archive/outstanding_accomp_pr.html>

Am Yisrael Chai!
Ora Yakovi

(Ora Yakovi is a writer/author and student of the Bible for many years. She is the daughter of Holocaust survivors. The surnames of her parents and her birth surname are listed in Yad Vashem archives in Jerusalem.)

P.S. On a personal note with some “spiritual food” for thought, no matter if we are Jewish, or Gentile, or whatever our nationality, creed, race, or color of skin, basically, there are two groups of people on this planet. We either stand on the side of the Children of Light (aka Children of the Kingdom of God), or the Children of Darkness (aka Children of the Wicked One (HaSatan). We are recognized by the “fruits” of our deeds and actions falling from our tree. A corrupt tree cannot produce “good” fruit, and a good tree cannot produce “evil” fruit. By all of your contemptible anti-Israel/anti-Semitic “evil” deeds and actions against the House of Jacob/Israel, and sinat chinam “hatred without a cause,” on which side of the fence do you think you stand?

Because the Creator of this universe gave to each of us the breath of life so we could become a living breathing creature, our “soul” (nephesh) belongs to Elohim (God). Accordingly, every soul will stand before Him in Judgment someday. Without “repentance” (making t’shuvah for our sins against God), where do you think your soul will end up . . . in Olam Haba (World to Come), or Sheol (Hell)?

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