“He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.” (Deut. 32:4)

“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If you, . . . will do this, . . . you will change the earth.” ―William Faulkner (Source of address to the graduating class of University High School, Oxford, Mississippi, 1951: http//flavorwire.com/)

“If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both.” HoraceMann (Source of “Horace Mann” quote: Wikiquote)


HACKING HAS AFFECTED THIS WEB SITE! Stealing passwords, and altering information has become a favorite hobby today for those with “no moral conscience,” and who don’t know the difference between right from wrong. By the “preponderance of the evidence,” someone connected with the Royal Family (British Crown) had a “motive” to discredit Yakovi’s Part 1 Open Letter to Queen Elizabeth, which was originally published on March 3, 2016. The published date has been altered to falsely show April 3, 2016 although Part 2 of this open letter is dated March 30, 2016. Yakovi’s 2nd Open letter to Queen Liz Re “Smoking Gun” Cover ups, which was published on May 29, 2016, has also been altered to falsely show June 1, 2016 instead.

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"No Jew has the right to yield the rights of the Jewish People in Israel. No Jew has the authority to do so. No Jewish body has the authority to do so. Not even the entire Jewish People alive today has the right to yield any part of Israel. It is the right of the Jewish People over the generations, a right that under no conditions can be cancelled. Even if Jews during a specific period proclaim they are relinquishing this right, they have neither the power nor the authority to deny it to future generations. No concession of this type is binding or obligates the Jewish People. Our right to the country – the entire country – exists as an eternal right, and we shall not yield this historic right until its full and complete redemption is realized." Quoted from David Ben Gurion’s World Zionist Speech in Basel, Switzerland (1937); http://www.freeman.org/

Friday, June 1, 2018


"Because thou hast said, These two nations and these two countries 
shall be mine, and we will posses it; whereas the LORD [יהוה] was there:Therefore, as I live, saith the Lord GOD, I will even do according to thine anger, and according to thine envy which thou hast used out of thy hatred against them; and I will make myself known among them, when I have judged thee." 

(Ezekiel 35:10,11)

Dear Maj. Gen. Yoav "Poli" Mordechai,
Unlike my previous 1/12/17 Open Letter encouraging and praising the "God-fearing" IDF BRIG.-GEN. OFER WINTER, this Open Letter condemns you as an ungodly devious double-dealing Arab pro-Nazi Foe of Israel, who has knowingly committed traitorous high treasonous acts against the State of Israel with diabolical "pure deceit." As this Open Letter unfolds with a preponderance of evidence, and clear and convincing evidence, it should be self-evident to every reader that you have not brought any blessings to the State of Israel, the IDF, or the Jewish People, but a curse (anathema). Indeed, I believe the State of Israel's national security, defense, and military is in critical danger under your continued leadership as IDF Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) since January of 2014.

The Spirit of God has also revealed to me that your presence in Israel's government is as dangerous to Jewish People today as Haman (Amalek's descendant) was to Jews in Biblical history. Queen Esther exposed Haman's overt sinister plot to destroy all Jews in 127 provinces of Persia about 2,400 years ago. This Open Letter (in two parts) will expose your covert sinister plot to destroy the State of Israel in this 21st Century. How? By subverting and infiltrating Israel's government, national security, defense, and military with anti-Israel pro-Nazi Arab Muslim Palestinians. Why? So "Palestine" can become their "homeland" by wiping Israel of the map – with you leading the way! Incidentally, being anti-Israel is the same as being anti-Semitic. 


MAJ. GEN. MORDECHAI, let's discuss the many ways you have covertly helped destroy the House of Jacob/Israel from within and without, bit by bit, in collusion with your anti-Semitic anti-Israel Nazi Arab Muslim best buddy/partner HUSSEIN AL SHEIKH – a Fatah Nazi Arab Palestinian terrorist "cold-blooded" killer.

WHO AUTHORIZED YOU, as Head of COGAT since 2014, to illegally sign several documents on behalf of Israel in 2016/2017 (such as water and sewer deals) with HUSSEIN AL SHEIKH, who was Yasser Arafat's operative in the West Bank involved in the Bat-Mitzvah killing in Hadera in 2001? Unquestionably, you had access to Israel's Military Intelligence, National Security computer data bases, and classified information, e.g. Thus, you knew or should have known about his "terrorist activities" with Arafat. Why did you illegally sign documents on behalf of Israel with this terrorist "cold-blooded" killer?

Further, this information was revealed from captured documents obtained by the IDF during Operation Defensive Shield in 2002.  Jewish Virtual Library prepared a grave investigative report by Dani Naveh regarding such findings discussed earlier. The Palestinian Authority (PA) under Arafat supported, encouraged and "actively" operated a "body of terror" in which Arafat "and his close aides" [such as Hussein al Sheikh] were "directly responsible for the cold-blooded murder of Israeli citizens."

As "Head" of COGAT, was it not your duty to protect Jewish Israeli populations by checking his criminal background before illegally signing any documents with this terrorist killer on behalf of Israel? Was it not your duty to inform Israeli law enforcement regarding his involvement in the Bat-Mitzvah killing in Hadera in 2001 as revealed in Operation Defensive Shield captured documents? Was it not your duty to have Nazi Arab murderer, HUSSEIN AL SHEIKH – the PA Minister of Civil Affairs today, arrested for his known "terrorist activities" with Yasser Arafat in the "cold-blooded murder of Israeli citizens"? Why did you not have this cold-blooded killer prosecuted under Israel's 2016 Combatting Terrorism Law? 

"Operation Defensive Shield" (2002)


(Jewish Virtual Library Grave Investigative Report (Excerpts)
Re Operation Defensive Shield)  

From IDF captured documents during Operation Defensive Shield, Jewish Virtual Library (JVL) prepared a grave investigative report by Dani Naveh, Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, titled: "Palestinian Authority: The Involvement of Arafat & PA Officials in Terrorism against Israel." These documents are "decisive proof of the role of Arafat and the PA [Palestinian Authority] in the systematic, institutionalized and ongoing financial support of the Fatah/Tanzim/Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror infrastructures and activists."

"Tanzim" represents a militant faction of the Fatah Movement. There are many examples "for the direct and indirect assistance given to the terrorist organizations by the PA intelligence apparatuses," and from heads of the National Security Apparatus and Police security forces assisting terrorist organizations in the West Bank. Under Yasser Arafat, the PA supported, encouraged, and "actively" operated a "body of terror." Thus, Arafat and his "close aides are directly responsible for the cold-blooded murder of Israeli citizens." (Read full JVL report at: <www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-involvement-of-arafat-and-pa-officials-in-terrorism-against-israel>.

"Operation "Defensive Shield" (Hebrew: מבצע חומת מגן) Mivtzah Chomat Magen, literally 'Operation Defensive Wall,' was a large-scale military operation conducted by the Israel Defense Forces in 2002 during the course of the Second Intifada. It was the largest military operation in the West Bank since the 1967 Six-Day War. The stated goal of the operation was to stop terrorist attacks. The spark that gave rise to the action was the March 27 suicide bombing during Passover Seder at the Park Hotel in the Israeli resort city of Netanya; a Palestinian suicide bomber killed 30 mostly elderly vacationers. Operation Defensive Shield began on March 29, 2002, with an incursion into Ramallah placing Yasser Arafat under siege in his Ramallah compound," . . . (Wikipedia: Operation Defensive Shield)

A "document of the GIA [General Intelligence Apparatus] in Jenin demonstrates that the 'Fatah' and PA intelligence apparatuses maintain cross-organizational cooperation with the 'PIJ' [Palestinian Islamic Jihad] and 'Hamas.'" "This was expressed, inter alia [among other things], in a suicide attack in the Israeli city of Afula (27 November 2001) which was financed, . . . by funds that came from the "PIJ" secretary in Damascus (2 Israeli civilians were killed and 50 wounded in the attack; the "PIJ" and "Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades" claimed joint responsibility for the attack)." (See JVL report, Ibid.)

The IDF captured documents "prove unequivocally that the organization Fatah and the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades are one and the same and they cannot be separated." Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades is a "pseudonym for terrorist attacks carried out by Fatah" and a "terrorist apparatus," . . . Arafat and other senior officials, such as Marwan Barghouti, were leaders of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, and "financed its terror activities." "PA intelligence apparatuses personnel were involved in the procurement of arms, their transfer to the terrorist organizations (Fatah, PIJ and Hamas) and in one instance assisting in transferring arms from one area to another (using an ambulance)." (See JVL report, Ibid.)

Rafah Tunnel Smuggling

Arms smuggling has been accomplished by "underground tunnels in the Rafah area in the southern Gaza Strip." The PA also has contacts "with the 'axis of evil' states – IRAN and IRAQ, as well as with SAUDI ARABIA," and . . . "receives money, arms and moral support from these states." The PA obtained "anti-tank, anti-aircraft and artillery weapons" in a "continuing process in which an arms and ammunition arsenal had been amassed in violation of agreements concluded with Israel." (See JVL report, Ibid.) 

HUSSEIN AL SHEIKH was Yasser Arafat's senior Fatah official/terrorist operative in the West Bank in 2001 involved in the murder of many innocent Jews. In a letter, Al Sheikh requested $2,500 from Arafat (who financed terrorism) to pay three Fatah/Tanzim senior commanders "involved in many lethal attacks, including the killing attack in the Bat-Mitzva party in Hadera." His translated letter from Arabic to English follows below: 

"To the Fighting President,
 Brother Abu Amar, may the Lord protect you, Greetings,
I hereby request you to allocate financial aid in the sum of $2500 for the following brethren:
1. Ra'ed el Karmi 
(JVL Note: the former commander of a group in the/Tulkarm
 that masterminded the attack on the Bat-Mitzvah party in Hadera).
2. Amar Qadan 
(JVL Note: a senior activist of Presidential Security/Force 17 in Ramallah, 
involved in the activities of its operational cell). 

Thank you, your son, Hussein al Sheikh" (See JVL report, Ibid.)


MAJ. GEN. MORDECHAI, who gave you CARTE BLANCHE AUTHORITY (complete freedom) in Israel's government concerning precious natural water resources in Eretz Yisrael (affecting the entire population of millions of Jewish-Israeli residents in Israel) – to illegally sign a water agreement on 1/15/17 with Nazi Arab Fatah Palestinian terrorist, HUSSEIN AL SHEIKH, involved in the Bat-Mitzvah killing attack in Hadera in 2001? (1/15/17). "COGAT Signs Agreement with the Palestinian Authority to renew the Joint Water Committee." <www.cogat.mod.gov.il/en/Our_Activities/Pages/WaterAgreement25.1.17.aspx>
WHO AUTHORIZED YOU (i) to convene a Joint Water Committee with Israeli Head of the Water Authority, Mr. Moshe Garazi, and PA head of the Water Authority Mazen Jenim, apparently; and (ii) to illegally make an agreement with HUSSEIN AL SHEIKH (the same Nazi Arab PA terrorist involved in the Bat-Mitzvah killing attack in Hadera) regarding installation in Judea/Samaria and Gaza of new pipelines for water, sewage and treated wastewater systems, and sharing water reserves, including other infrastructural issues? It appears this water committee will also abstain "from assemblance on a regular basis for six years." (Ibid.)

Clearly, Israel's water authority employees were duped by your diabolical character of "pure deceit" into thinking infrastructures and water reserves necessary for the State of Israel's survival could never be attacked in six years by Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades (pseudonym for Fatah), or the PA/PLP/PLO/PIJ/HAMAS and other Islamic Jihad groups; or that such "good will" water gestures to the PA would change Nazi Arab Palestinian charters seeking Israel's destruction; or that terror tunnels would stop from being constructed; or that rocket attacks against Israel's civilian populations would be stopped – by this moronic water deal with Israel's die-hard arch-enemies? 

Still, how did a naive gullible incompetent Israeli employee rise to become Head of the Water Authority, who had no clue (i) that he was signing illegal water documents with a Nazi Arab PA/Fatah "cold-blooded" killer, HUSSEIN AL SHEIKH – Arafat's terrorist operative; or (ii) that the anti-Semitic/anti-Israel Palestinian Authority (PA) has never recognized the State of Israel's existence in its charters; or (iii) that Palestinian maps claim all territory as "Palestine" borders; or (iv) that Fatah and Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades are one and the same, and Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades is a "pseudonym for terrorist attacks carried out by Fatah." 


NOTE: The top combo picture shows you shaking Hussein al Sheikh's blood-stained hand involved in the Bat-Mitzvah killing of innocent Jews – transferred to your hand. The bottom picture shows how a cement pipe and wide rubber hose can be easily sabotaged by Israel's PA Nazi Arab Palestinian arch-enemies in Muslim Islamic Jihad groups.


Timeline of Events

April 2017:  About 3 months after COGAT signed the illegal water agreement on behalf of Israel with Nazi Arab Muslim PA/Fatah Palestinian terrorist killer, HUSSEIN AL SHEIKH, involved in the Bat-Mitzvah killing attack in Hadera in 2001, Arutz Sheva reported; "Arab Water Theft Leaves Jewish Farms High and Dry." "Water theft by Arabs in northern Jordan Valley area worsens, leaving Jewish farms with little or no water.” (4/25/17). Cohen, S., AS.)

May 2017:  About 4 months after COGAT's illegal stinky sewer water deal on behalf of Israel was signed with the same criminal, HUSSEIN AL SHEIKH, a river of sewage from the PA city of Ramallah flowed several miles reaching the City of Modiin within pre-1967 Israel. The PA created severe environmental pollution in Israel of foul odors, hazards of mosquitoes, and various related health problems. (3/14/18). "River of PA sewage flows through Samaria." Arutz Sheva.)

July 2017:  About 6 months after COGAT signed an illegal water agreement on behalf of Israel with the same criminal, HUSSEIN AL SHEIKH, Jerusalem Post reported; "Palestinians, Israeli Settlers Running Out of Water in West Bank.” "The problem is particularly acute in the Samaria region where people are receiving water from barrels rather than their faucet, including in the settlements of Yitzhar and Shavei Shomron.” Samaria Regional Counci head Yossi Dagan said, "It's scandalous. It's impossibe to accept that hundreds of families are drinking water out of bottles and barrels.” (7/19/17). Udasin, S. and Lazaroff, T., JP.) 

March 2018:  About 14 months after COGAT signed an illegal water agreement on behalf of Israel with the same criminal, HUSSEIN AL SHEIKH, Arutz Sheva reported; "River of PA sewage flows through Samaria." "Miles of sewage from Arab towns flows next to Trans-Binyamin Hwy" – near the newly built Arab City of Rawabi and Jewish community of Ateret. The Regavim coordinator in Judea and Samaria, Yishai Hamo, said: "We demand that the authorities ensure the restoration of the situation and restore the space. Authorities must also take criminal measures against those responsible for the pollution and obligate them to cover the cost of restoring the place." ("River of PA sewage" . . . Ibid.)

April 2018: About 15 months after COGAT signed an illegal water agreement on behalf of Israel with the same criminal, HUSSEIN AL SHEIKH, Arutz Sheva reported; "Civil Administration Halts Illegal Drilling.” A pirate drilling machine in Area C in Beit Ummar was confiscated. More than 100 meters had been drilled into the ground illegally. (4/26/18). Sones, M., AS.)


MAJ. GEN. MORDECHAI, who gave you CARTE BLANCHE AUTHORITY in Israel's government to issue "STATE OF PALESTINE" illegal passports on 4/20/16 with PA Minister of Civil Affairs, HUSSEIN AL SHEIKH, sitting next to you – the same Nazi Arab Palestinian Fatah killer with whom you illegally signed an Israeli water deal on 1/15/17 discussed earlier? To reiterate, he is the same terrorist criminal who sent a letter to Yasser Arafat requesting $2,500 to pay three Fatah/Tanzim senior commanders in the killing attack of the Bat-Mitzva party in Hadera in 2001. (See image of Al Sheikh's letter to Arafat hereinabove documented in a JVL investigative report from captured documents during Operation Defensive Shield). Read full JVL report at: <www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-involvement-of-arafat-and-pa-officials-in-terrorism-against-israel>. 

WHO AUTHORIZED HUSSEIN AL SHEIKH (Arafat's PA/FATAH Nazi Arab operative terrorist killer) – to be in charge of contact with Israel's government? Why didn't you have this murderer arrested for his  of the Jewish-Israeli civilian population? "Crimes against humanity are certain acts that are deliberately committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack or individual attack directed against any civilian or an identifiable part of a civilian population." (Wikipedia: Crimes against Humanity.)

As for the illegal "State of Palestine” PA passports, the "Israel Army Radio quoted an unnamed Israeli official who said that the [Palestinian Authority] announcement to move forward with the passport change was made without Israel’s approval." The U.S. does not recognize a "State of Palestine" reference either. (4/20/16). Tarnopolsky, N. "Palestinian Authority Again Announces Intent to Issue State of Palestine Passports." Online article at: IsraelandStuff.com.)

COGAT Aiding/Abetting Terrorism with "State of Palestine" PA Passports 

WHO AUTHORIZED YOU to aid and abet an "evil" PA/Fatah Nazi Arab Palestinian terrorist involved in the Bat-Mitzvah killing attack in Hadera in 2001 by issuing illegal "State of Palestine" passport travel documents under the guise of COGAT with him? To reiterate, you knew or should have known HUSSEIN AL SHEIKH was linked to Nazi Arab Arafat, the Fatah Movement, and Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades seeking the State of Israel's destruction thru terrorism. Thus, YOU are directly responsible for Nazi Arab terrorist infiltration of Israel at border crossings with PA "State of Palestine" passports. In fact, the online article by Tarnopolsky (Ibid), mentions . . . "rumors that the Rafah crossing between Gaza and Egypt will soon be reopened, allowing Palestinians in Gaza to travel abroad again after months of closure" – depending "entirely on their ability to acquire the necessary travel documents." The timing of your illegal 4/20/16 issuance of "State of Palestine" PA Passports with Hussein Al Sheikh is not coincidental with the timing of the 4/20/16 online article (Ibid) regarding the Rafah crossing reopening . . . if "necessary travel documents" were acquired (i. e., "State of Palestine" passports). 

Thus, YOU knowingly aided and abetted PA/Fatah terrorist killer, HUSSEIN AL SHEIKH (involved in the 2001 Bat-Mitzvah killing in Hadera), in issuing illegal passports so Nazi Arab Palestinian terrorism and arms smuggling at the Rafah crossing could continue with "necessary travel documents." Because Hussein Al Sheikh was Arafat's terrorist operative in captured documents obtained by the IDF during Operation Defensive Shield discussed earlier, he was familiar with the Rafah crossing. He knew this crossing was used for arms smuggling thru "underground tunnels in the Rafah area in the southern Gaza Strip." (See JVL report, Ibid.)

THE BOTTOM LINE: By aiding and abetting a PA/Fatah "terrorist" killer in issuing illegal "State of Palestine" passports so Nazi Arab Palestinian arms smuggling via the Rafah crossing could be made easier – YOU knowingly committed high treasonous acts against the State of Israel, in my view. 


MAJ. GEN. MORDECHAI, who gave you CARTE BLANCHE AUTHORITY in Israel's government to sign an Israeli-PA electricity deal with the same Nazi Arab Fatah terrorist, HUSSEIN AL SHEIKH, involved in the Bat-Mitzvah killing in Hadera in 2001? Who authorized you to take over not only Israel's precious natural water resources in Eretz Yisrael discussed hereinabove, but over Israel's electricity by transferring electric power to the PA? At any time Islamic Jihad terrorists can sabotage electricity necessary for Israel's economic survival, e.g., see PA Nazi Arab Fatah's sabotaged water and rivers of sewage destroying Israel's ecosystem discussed earlier. As Head of COGAT, because you have walked inside Hamas lighted terror tunnels, you know electricity is also being diverted to light up attack tunnels in Samaria/Judea! 

Because you orchestrated this electricity deal with Nazi Arab Fatah terrorist murderer PA Minister of Civil Affairs, HUSSEIN AL SHEIKH, a "cold-blooded" killer involved in the Bat-Mitzvah killing in Hadera in 2001, this so-called "deal" you signed as Head of COGAT was illegal from inception and void. Israel’s Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon and Ministry of Finance Director-General Shai Babad are also complicit in treason against Israel in this illegal "deal," in my view. They knew or should have known they were signing documents on behalf of Israel with an Arafat operative Fatah terrorist killer to take control of West Bank power lines infrastructure. (9/13/16). "Israel, PA Sign Deal on Massive Palestinian Electricity Bill." Times of Israel.)



MAJ. GEN. MORDECHAI, your pro-Nazi Arab presence in COGAT has incited a new wave of anti-Semitic Palestinian Nazi symbols and grafitti even hitting the Jerusalem Old City.  Instead of telling a Palestinian Nazi Arab store owner to remove an anti-Semitic sign in Aqabat Jaber, near Jericho (similar to anti-Semitic signs in Nazi Germany in the 1930s), that reads: "DOGS AND AMERICANS NOT ALLOWED TO ENTER," what did you do as IDF spokesman?  You publicly warned "residents" (Jewish settlers in Judea/Samaria) that such "Palestinian incitement is reminiscent of [those] dark days” in Germany by your despicable statement below: 

“Residents of Judea and Samaria: Do you
understand how serious this is? Wake up! This
is more proof that Palestinian incitement is
reminiscent of [those] dark days.”
(12/14/17). Baruch, U. "Dogs and Americans not Allowed." Arutz Sheva.)

Why did you attempt to instill fear in the hearts of Jewish settlers to "wake up" and get out of their Biblical Heartland, or suffer a Palestinian incited Holocaust "reminiscent" of Nazi Germany – the dark days? By your warning that the Palestinian Nazi Arab store owner's sign is "more proof" of anti-Semitic "incitement" near Jericho "reminiscent" of the Holocaust, obviously, you want this area free of all Jews. Why? So that, once again, Nazi Arab Muslim terrorists living near Ramallah can continue making it their headquarters with terrorist squads in Jenin, Qalqilya, and Nablus in the West Bank. (Read full JVL report, Ibid.) 

Your "Willful" Violation of Israel's 2016 Combatting Terrorism Law

By doing nothing about the sign "reminiscent” of the "dark days" in Nazi Germany, YOU "willfully" violated Israel's 2016 Combatting Terrorism Law regarding the "terrorist action" of a Palestinian Nazi Arab motivated anti-Semitic sign near Jericho . . . "driven by a political, religious, or ideological motive," and "carried out with the goal of instilling in the public fear or anxiety." This NAZI motivated sign is "a real threat to inflict severe harm on . . . a person's body or liberty" of any Jews or Americans stepping inside the store.

1943 Planned Nablus Concentration Camp

Yasser Arafat was mentored by his great-uncle (Amin al-Husseini aka Husayni), who planned a construction camp in Nablus in 1943 to implement the “Final Solution” by exterminating Jews in "Palestine." Al-Husseini actively supported the extermination of all Jews in Europe in the Holocaust, and headed the SS Nazi Arab Muslim Brotherhood troops in Hitler's Hanzar Division. From Berlin, he told his troops: “Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, History and Religion." . . . He organized riots and suicide squads using Nazi methodology, and was a close friend of Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS link. Co-founded by Amin Al-Husseini, the Arab League has declared all wars against the State of Israel in the 20th century (1948, 1956, 1967, 1973), and supported Intifadas. <www.tellthechildrenthetruth.com/amin_en.html>. Grand Mufti Al-Husseini was also the "founder" of the Palestinian National Movement. (Elpeleg, Z. The Grand Mufti : Haj Amin al-Hussaini, Founder of the Palestinian National Movement. London & Portland, or Frank Cass; 1993.)
Arafat (Al Husseini) – Kin to Amin (Al Husseini)
Arafat's birth name: Abd al-Rahman abd al-Bauf Arafat al-Qud al-Husseini was shortened to Yasser Arafat "to obscure his kinship with the notorious Nazi and ex-Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Muhammed Amin al-Husseini." (Sachar, H.M. "A History of Israel" (N.Y.: Knopf, 1976);  <http://www.eretzyisroel.org/~jkatz/arafatbio.html>. Walking in his great-uncle's footsteps, Nazi Arab Muslim anti-Semitic/anti-Israel Arafat (al-Husseini) was as "evil" as his kin and mentor Amin (al-Husseini). As shown in the B&W pictures, in 1974 Arafat attended Amin al-Husseini's funeral; and Arafat's Palestinian soldiers doing Nazi salutes. 

Yasser Arafat – the "Father of Modern Terrorism" – passed on his "evil" Palestinian Nazi Arab Muslim bloody torch of terrorism to destroy Israel to Nazi Arab PA President Mahmoud Abbas (aka Abu Mazen) residing in Ramallah today. In 2014, U.S. Senators held Abbas personally responsible for inciting “Palestinian” “violence” against Israeli civilians in riots in Jerusalem and murderous “terror attacks.” Like two peas in a pod, Arafat and Abbas flashed a Victory sign! 

Arafat wore an Arab keffiyeh, while Hitler-loving Fatah diplomat terrorist Abbas dresses in nice suits/shirts/ties. In fact, Arafat is Abbas's HERO! Notice in the picture how Abbas is standing to the left with Arafat's huge picture in the background. On Abbas' Facebook page (8/6/17), Arafat's picture is shown on the left. Abbas' Fatah movement (co-founded by Arafat in the 50s) in the Bethlehem branch glorifies terrorists. A grenade, crossed rifles, and PA map cover Israel. Indeed, the Nazi Arab Palestinian goal is a world map without Israel. To reiterate, Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades is a "pseudonym for terrorist attacks carried out by Fatah," and a "terrorist apparatus," . . .  (See JVL report, Ibid.)

Arafat "enabled the Fatah to become the dominant force 
leading the terrorism against Israel since the beginning of 2002." 

Arafat's headquarters in Ramallah became the "central command post for the terrorist activity and suicide bombing." He "initiated, planned and saw to the finest details of every action taken against Israel and Israelis." Under Arafat, the Palestinian Authority (PA) supported, encouraged, and actively operated a "body of terror." "Arafat and his close aides are directly responsible for the cold-blooded murder of Israeli citizens." "Arafat's headquarters took great pains in encouraging the Israeli Arab population to join the war of violence and terror against Israel." "Jenin became the 'haven of suicide bombers' in the West Bank, with other towns following its lead." (Read "clear-cut hard evidence" in the JVL investigative report from captured documents during 2002 Operation Defensive Shield at: <www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-involvement-of-arafat-and-pa-officials-in-terrorism-against-israel>).


Close to Jerusalem, Jericho controlled major routes into the land. Because the Israelites strategy into the Land of Canaan was thru Jericho, the importance of the Jericho area for the State of Israel as an entrance into Eretz Yisrael cannot be overstated. Yet, about 3 years after Operation Defensive Shield in 2002, Israeli troops dismantled a checkpoint and eased travel restrictions in a so-called informal truce with pro-Nazi Arab Palestinian terrorist murderers. Why? They need to be rooted out of Israel – not handed keys to the City of Jericho, which was the Israelite key entrance into the Land of Canaan. Now Jericho is the "key entrance" for anti-Semitic/anti-Israel Islamic Jihad terrorists annihilating Jews in the area. What "truce" can Israel's government possibly have with any such terrorist murderers – whose sole purpose on earth is to see the destruction of Israel? (3/16/05). "Israel Hands Over Jericho to Palestinians." Associated Press.)

Further, under your COGAT supervision since 2014, what have you done to keep the Jericho area from becoming a hotbed of anti-Semitic Nazi Arab Muslim terrorist activity in Israel? Obviously, nothing. In Dec. 2017, a Palestinian Nazi Arab store owner posted an anti-Semitic sign reading: "DOGS AND AMERICANS NOT ALLOWED TO ENTER" "reminiscent" of Nazi Germany by which you attempted to instill fear in Jewish settlers to get out of Judea/Samaria; and in the same month a Border Police officer was wounded in a stabbing attack near Ramallah by a terrorist "disguised as a "journalist." In Feb. 2018, an IDF force in a military vehicle on a "routine mission to repair a fence around a minefield in the Jordan Valley" hit an exploding mine. Seven soldiers were injured. (12/17/17). 'He underwent a baptism of fire'. Arutz Sheva.); (2/14/18). "Jericho: Soldiers injured from mine explosion." Arutz Sheva.) 

MAJ. GEN. MORDECHAI, why did you publicly foment the "terrorist action" of an anti-Semitic Palestinian Nazi Arab store owner's sign near Jericho against Jews/Americans instead of condemning it in the media? Clearly, you are one of Israel's greatest "FOES" sympathetic to Nazi Arab terrorists in the Biblical Heartland. 


Just like the "evil" YASSER ARAFAT (AL HUSSEINI) was a practicing Muslim worshipping al-ah, so do you worship this strange pagan Moon-god. Most significantly, your facial features (of eyes, nose, and lips) have a striking resemblance to Arafat's facial features beneath your picture at the top of this page, and other comparison pictures shown in this Open Letter.

In 2017, you revealed your true beliefs on Facebook as follows: "'The Koran our constitution and death for the sake of al-ah is our highest wish'" . . . Like Hamas, you have cynically deceived Israel's government with "pure deceit" by hiding your true ISLAMIC MUSLIM anti-Semitic/anti-Israel pro-Nazi Arab ideology for years. By your own words from your mouth, you have condemned yourself. (1/05/17). "Hamas Cynically Deceives the World." Arutz Sheva.)

The Children of Israel were forbidden to mention the name of any other gods, nor was it to be heard from out of the mouth. Even writing the full name of this strange god in this Open Letter would be chet (sin), I believe, for which I would have to make t'shuvah (repentance).

 . . . "and make no mention of the name of other gods,
neither let it be heard out of thy mouth." 
(Exodus 23:13 – Torah Law of Moses)

BY YOUR STRIKING RESEMBLANCE IN FACIAL FEATURES TO YASSER ARAFAT, the Spirit of God has also revealed to me as follows: (i) that you have a family-related kinship with Arafat and secretly met with him many times before his death in 2004; (ii) that you were mentored by your "evil" Nazi Arab Yasser Arafat kin in how to destroy Israel – just like Arafat was mentored by his "evil" great-uncle Nazi Arab Amin al-Husseini in how he destroyed Jews in the Final Solution; (iii) that Ishmael is the forefather of your Jetur and Arafat's Nabajoth Tribes (two of Ishmael's 12 tribal sons with his bloodline predestined by the Lord God to be a "wildman," whose hand [of violence] would be against every man, and every man's hand against him (Gen. 16:12); (iv) that you also have an Amalekite mingled bloodline, and Arafat had a mingled Midianite bloodline; (v) that by your intermingled bloodlines, covertly you have always been anti-Israel, and are the same as an anti-Semite; (vi) that just like Arafat had an ancestral "Lord of Midian" bloodline of overt "perpetual hatred" against the House of Jacob/Israel since ancient Biblical times (Num. 31:3), so do you have an ancestral intermingled bloodline of covert deep-seated hatred for the Children of Israel without a cause (sinat chinam). 

"The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be;
. . .and there is no new thing under the sun." 
(Ecclesiastes 1:9) 


"Hatred of Israel is in our genes and blood": In a revealing public interview on Arab TV made by a Syrian actress in 2008, Amal Arafa said: "We've been brought up to hate Israel. It's in our genes," . . . "and in my blood."  . . ."the Syrian upbringing we received and by which we lived – we've sucked it with the milk of our mothers."  . . ."it's in our genes, and we will pass this down for many more generations." This Syrian actress confirms that sinat chinam (hatred without a cause) against the House of Israel has been passed down in [Ishmaelite] Arab bloodlines and genes from generation to generation since infancy of sucking their mother's milk – from the crib to the grave! [Quotes from Syrian Arab actress, Amal 'Arafa, interview were aired on Al-Hiwar TV.] (10/4/08)."Hatred of Israel is in our Genes and Blood." MEMRI: Middle East Media Research Institute.)


Ishmael's Arab Biblical history originates as an illegitimate mamzer (bastard in Hebrew) from Abraham’s one-half Hebrew paternal, and Hagar’s one-half Egyptian maternal lineages. Hagar (Hājar) is an Arabic name. Ishmael was predestined to be a “wild man” (like an uncontrolled wild bucking donkey’s ass), whose hand would be against every man, and every man’s hand against him. (Gen. 16:12)

Thus, “violence” has been a generational curse in the Ishmaelite /Arab lineage and genetic characteristics for millenniums. Muhammad’s Ishmaelite Arab bloody Islamic sword of the Koran and al-lah affirms this truth. There can never be "peace" on earth with a bloodthirsty "evil" seed of pro-Nazi Arab Muslim BULLIES in this 21st Century – with hatred without a cause. 

Short of a miracle from God, sinat chinam (hatred without a cause), and violence in Ishmael's Arab "seed" against Israel cannot be removed from their bloodlines and genetic characteristics – any more than a leopard can change its spots. When an Islamic Muslim Jihadist Arab terrorist dies, e.g., 10 worse are born to take their place. Conversely, Abraham’s legitimate son, ISAAC [Ishmael’s half-brother, who was about 14 when Isaac was born], inherited a 100% blessed paternal/maternal Hebrew lineage of “PEACEFUL” inherent characteristics from both HEBREW parents, Abraham and Sarah. Thru Isaac, God created the House of Jacob/Israel, and the 12 Tribes of Israel. In God's [Biblical] "Master Plan" for mankind, a Mashiach (Messiah) of Israel was predestined to be born to bring salvation to the world. Logically, no Messiah for mankind could ever be born from Ishmael's Arab "seed" with a generational Biblical curse of violence manifesting in this 21st Century – from the crib to the grave! 

Ishmaelite Arabs also intermingled their "seed" with Amalekites/ Edomites/Midianites/Philistines, etc., inheriting generational genetic characteristics of hatred without a cause against Israel also. They also hate the “Throne of Zion.”  The Tanakh/Old Testament foretold that the Messiah of Israel (Branch) would grow out of the stem/roots of Jesse – House of David –  the Royal House of Judah. Accordingly, the Messiah of Israel will destroy all "evil" unrighteousness in Israel’s Redemption. (Isaiah 11:1-5.) 

This apocalyptic event is a direct threat to the pagan strange Moon-god (al-lah), whom billions of Islamic Muslim Arabs worship worldwide today. This Moon-god never created one thing in this universe – not even a tiny crawling ant! The only thing this pagan Moon-god is good for, is to perpetually incite Muslim bloody (JIHAD) [i.e., "genocide"] against infidels and Jews, who don't believe in powerless al-lah!

Perpetual Arab-Israeli conflict over Eretz Yisrael since Israel's Independence in 1948: This conflict also involves Abraham’s Patriarchal blessings and birthright passed down to Isaac – not Ishmael. This God-given blessing to Abraham's Hebrew descend-ants included “all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession" that was sealed, if you will, in a Covenant of Circumcision (B’rit Milah) on the 8th day of Isaac’s birth. (Gen. 17:1-14) 

This irrevocable covenant was passed down from Hebrew Patriarch Abraham – to Hebrew Patriarch Isaac – to Hebrew Patriarch Jacob (whose name God changed to Yisrael/Israel. God also gave Ishmael (circumcised at 13) this blessing; he would be “fruitful” and beget 12 “princes,” who would become a “great nation.” (Gen. 17:20,25) 

Today there are billions of “fruitful” Ishmaelite Arabs in the "Great Nation" of the Arab World. The map shows that Arabs own/control 99% of the land in the Caliphate of countries – colored in yellow. Conversely, God gave to Abraham’s HEBREW descendants in the House of Jacob/Israel 1% of the Promised Land – colored in blue. The Koran confirms that the "Holy Land" belongs to the Jewish People by a divine mandate: “O my people (the Jews). Enter the Holy Land, which God has assigned unto you.” (Koran: 5:21). 

Today Ishmaelite/Arab Muslim dynasties such as Saudi Arabia/UAE/Qatar live decadent self-indulgent lifestyles.
Princes ride in extravagant gold plated /diamond studded vehicles costing millions. With gold flowing like water from their “gold oil faucets,” they could feed/house/clothe poor Arabs in the Middle East for 100 years – including so-called “Palestinians.” Yet, “evil” spirits of jealousy and greed against Isaac's descendants (the House of Jacob/Israel) makes these rich dynasties unsatisfied with 99% of land they own/control in the Middle East. Israel also prevents an Arab CALIPHATE. 

With Mein Kampf a best seller, the genocide of Jews and wiping "TINY" ISRAEL off the map is the pro-Nazi Arab Muslims obsession day and night – all of which amounts to sinat chinam (hatred without a cause). Quietly sponsoring terrorism against Israel, Saudi Arabia/UAE/Qatar supply ongoing weapons and arms to Hamas/Fatah/PA/PIJ, etc., to advance (tumultous) Jihad. Pro-Nazi Arab Muslims are experts in quiet and tumultous Jihad. Nazi salutes are made in streets and schools -- everywhere.

THE GOOD NEWS. The Almighty God (El Shaddai) will avenge Israel's ancient enemies originating from an "evil" "seed of violence" and perpetual hatred and jealousy and greed against the House of Jacob/Israel. These bloodlines (and genetic charac-teristics) exist in anti-Semitic/anti-Israel Palestinian Nazi Arab Muslims seeking Israel's destruction in this 21st Century just like in Biblical times. The "evil seed" of Philistines also exists in Palestinians today.

MAJ. GEN. MORDECHAI, our bloodlines (and genetic characteristics) determine the path we will take in life, whether for "good" or "evil." Your "evil" kin Nazi Arab Arafat is not only your "HERO," but also for your best friends/partners like Fatah/PA Hussein Al Sheikh involved in the "cold-blooded" 2001 Bat-Mitzvah killing in Hadera (with whom you illegally signed documents on behalf of Israel discussed earlier). Thus, you are all devoted to Arafat's "evil" legacy via the vile YASSER ARAFAT FOUNDATION (YAF) founded in 2008. (More on this in Open Letter – Part 2.) By your  "evil" figs (of deeds and actions) falling from your corrupt trees too rotten to be eaten, you and your best pro-Nazi/Arab friends/partners reveal your love for "evil" – and hatred for the "good." 

If the foregoing was not true, as Head of COGAT, you would done something to shut down the YAF a pro-Nazi/Arab Muslim foundation in Ramallah that glorifies terrorism under the 2016 Combatting Terrorism Law. This anti-Semitic/anti-Israel foundation is "driven by a political, religious, or ideological motive" to commemorate and preserve Nazi Arab Arafat's violent terrorist "great legacy" to destroy Israel. 

Arafat's Genocide "Intent" Similar to Hitler

You have covertly kept your hatred for Israel hidden by diabolical "pure deceit," but Arafat – your Nazi Arab kin, publicly expressed his hatred for Israel overtly by his intent to "destroy Israel." Similar to Hitler in his genocide "intent" to destroy millions of innocent Jews in the Holocaust, essentially, Arafat committed genocide of thousands of innocent Jewish-Israeli victims via suicide-bombings, e.g., in his "all-out war" to destroy Israel by his 1980 statement below: 
“Peace for us means the destruction of Israel. 
                We are preparing for an all-out war, 
 a war which will last for generations . . .  
We shall not rest until the day when we 
 return to our home, and until we destroy Israel.”
              (8/5/80) Quoted from The Times, UK, 
            Wikiquote: Yasser Araf at)

Your perpetual hatred against Israel hidden for years behind the "PALESTINIAN NAZI ARAB MUSLIM CURTAIN" has been pulled wide open to the light of day. Your dark covert intentions to destroy Israel by subverting and infiltrating Israel's government, national security, defense, and military with anti-Semitic/anti-Israel are now exposed in this Open Letter. Like Arafat, I assert that your "intent" has been the same "genocide" of Jews.

The Spirit of God has also revealed to me the following: (i) that by no mention of your paternal/maternal parents or wife's backgrounds in your Wikipedia Bio, your family's lineage is predominantly Arab – not of Hebrew/Jewish descent; (ii) that you are fluent in your "mother tongue" of Arabic spoken from childhood; (iii) that you infiltrated Israel's government when you were recruited into the IDF in 1982 as a soldier and officer in the 51st Battalion of the Golani; (iv) that you infiltrated Israel's national security system by studying politics and government in the National Security College (in Tel Aviv) according to your Bio; (v) that after Yasser Arafat became Chairman of the violent terrorist Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1969, the PLO was influential in recruiting you into the IDF in which you maintained a secret association with Arafat's terrorist operatives thru today; and (vi) that when the CA was transferred to the Palestinian National Authority (PA) in 1994, you already had your foot in the door making it possible for you to also infiltrate COGAT. Foremost, you have fraudulently posed as an IDF Israeli General using Hebrew names. With Yasser Arafat's same diabolical character of "pure deceit," you have hidden your true ISLAMIC MUSLIM anti-Semitic/anti-Israel pro-Nazi Arab ideology for years. 

Indeed, since the CA was taken over by the PA in 1994, pro-Nazi Arabs have infiltrated the CA and COGAT. These organizations are corrupted and infested today with anti-Israel /anti-Semitic Islamic Muslim Jihadists similar to the UNRWA organization, which shielded Hamas terrorists. In 2014, UNRWA gave rockets to Hamas found in an UN school. (7/20/14). Cohen, S. and Miskin, M. "UNRWA Gives Rockets to Hamas." Arutz Sheva.)


Ramadan Yom Kippur War

MAJ. GEN. MORDECHAI, you have studied Israel's history and know that the Yom Kippur War was fought during Ramadan from October 6 – 25, 1973.  A coalition of Arab states (including Egypt and Syria) launched a joint surprise attack on Israeli territories mostly in the Sinai and Golan Heights on this Most High Holy Day in Judaism. (Wikipedia: Yom Kippur War)

As an Arab worshipper of al-ah (the strange pagan Moon-god) discussed earlier, you also know Ramadan's ancient Muslim history is linked to "Jihad and martyrdom," and that RAMADAN IS "THE MONTH OF JIHAD." ("Ramadan – The Month Of Spirituality, Devotion, Jihad And Martyrdom." MEMRI - Middle East Media Research Institute (6/29/15).

In a September 2012 article published on the Muslim Brotherhood website titled: "Transform The Month Of Fasting [Ramadan] Into A Training Camp That Will Aid You In Jihad When The Time Comes," member Hussein Shehata, a lecturer at Al-Azhar University, praised Jihad waged by Muslims against their enemies around the world, i.e., against Jews ("descendants of apes and pigs"), Americans in Iraq, and Russians in Chechnya, etc.  Shehata also said "Ramadan is the month of victory for those who wage Jihad for al-ah." (Ibid.)

Shehata also discussed Jerusalem and fasting by saying: "We call upon those who fast, the Jihad fighters, to liberate Jerusalem: Oh fasting Muslim, know that your ultimate purpose is to answer [al-ah's] decree." "Know, oh fasting brother, that Jihad continues until the Day of Judgment, and that the Day of Judgment will not arrive until the Muslims fight the Jews, defeat them, and liberate Jerusalem." (Ibid.) 

MAJ. GEN. MORDECHAI, because you knew Ramadan is historically linked to Jihad and martyrdom, and Muslims want to "liberate Jerusalem" and "fight the Jews," can you answer the following questions: 

(1) WHO AUTHORIZED your unprecedented infiltration of hundreds of thousands of pro-Nazi Arab Muslims "from across the Middle East and abroad" to enter Jerusalem for alleged "prayer services" on the Temple Mount on Ramadan 2015 ("Month of Jihad and Martyrdom) that you coordinated with the PA – knowing that Hitler-loving PA President Mahmoud Abbas (Fatah diplomat terrorist dressed in nice suits/shirts/ties) has a history of praising and glorifying Jihad terror and violence against Jews and Israel? Obviously, this was a call for Palestinian Islamic Jihadist Muslims to "liberate Jerusalem."

(2) WHY HAS COGAT NEVER AUTHORIZED hundreds of thousands of Jewish People to ascend the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to "pray" on their ancient Biblical "Holy Land" given to them by the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob millenniums ago – in "willful" discrimination against the Jewish People's "right" to ascend their "holy site," and allowed Nazi Arab Palestinians to grab the Temple Mount for themselves?

(3) WHO AUTHORIZED YOUR 6/17/15 YOUTUBE PUBLISHED STATEMENT below around the world in which you called Ramadan ("Month of Jihad") – a "HOLIDAY," and extended your "best wishes to the Muslim people of Judea and Samaria and Gaza" for a "month of fasting" – knowing that "fasting" is required for Jihad victory? Obviously, you intentionally incited Jihad terrorist attacks against Jewish People during Ramadan 2015 starting a "Wave of Terror" thru 2017. Such "terror" against Jews began on the Temple Mount and East Jerusalem spreading to Judea and Samaria with a battle cry that "Al-Aqsa mosque is in danger." (Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC); Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs."Wave of Terror 2015 – 2017".)

Your 6/17/15 Ramadan Youtube published statement is translated in English below: 

         "I want to start this Ramadan Holiday season with extending my best wishes to the Muslim people of Judea and Samaria, the Gaza  strip, and around the world. I wish you days full of blessings in this month of mercy and reunions. As part of the steps being taken in regards to civil affairs to strengthen the local economies of Judea and Samaria and Gaza, I have personally instructed a series of steps that will benefit the citizens of their economies. We have decided to facilitate increased entry of Palestinians into Jerusalem for prayer services every Friday evening this month, in addition to coordinating a direct shuttle to the holy site.  For the same reason, we have also facilitated family visits from across the Middle East and abroad. All coordinated with the Palestinian Authority. I emphasize our commitment to the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip. Every day, hundreds of trucks loaded with construction materials and goods enter the Strip. I hope that Hamas will not try to exploit these steps in order to carry out more terrorist activities, and will not bring more misery to the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. As of today, over a million tons of construction materials have entered Gaza. They should be used for civilian purposes, not terrorist ones. Again, I want to wish you a blessed month of fasting."   

(4) WHO AUTHORIZED YOUR 6/17/15 RAMADAN YOUTUBE PUBLISHED STATEMENT above telling Muslims you "personally instructed a series of steps" to "benefit the citizens of their economies." How . . . by secretly meeting about three months later with die-hard Arafat pro-Nazi Arab anti-Semitic/anti-Israel terrorists (Hussein Al Sheikh – Fatah/PA terrorist killer discussed earlier, Fayyad, and Hamdallah) in Sept. of 2015? Why? . . . to build another new city for Palestinian Nazi Arabs under the false pretense it would stop the wave of terror in Samaria "actively incited by the PA"? By a preponderance of evidence, COGAT and the PA coordinated the 2015 Ramadan "Wave of Terror" together for the ultimate purpose of building a new city for Palestinian Nazi Arabs at Israel's expense. (More on this in Open Letter – Part 2.) 

(5)  WHO AUTHORIZED YOUR 6/17/15 RAMADAN YOUTUBE PUBLISHED STATEMENT above that "over a million tons of construction materials" had entered Gaza – knowing such materials would be used by Hamas for "terrorist" purposes? Why did you intentionally blab details throughout the Middle East of how many tons of construction materials had entered Gaza – giving the "GREEN LIGHT" for thousands of pro-Nazi Arab Muslims to illegally enter Israel during RAMADAN in June of 2015? I'll tell you why . . . so such materials could be used to start building a secret new Palestinian city in Samaria (ibid), and more Hamas "terror tunnels" in Gaza/Judea/Samaria to transfer weapons, explosives, and attack Jewish-Israeli civilian populations and IDF military. As Head of COGAT in coordination with the PA in Gaza, you knew about 95% of cement transferred into Gaza for so-called "humanitarian" aid to Palestinians was stolen by Hamas in the past, and nearly impossible to track once it crossed the border. (5/26/16) Qazvini, M. "Hamas Is Stealing 95% Of Cement Given To Palestinians For Humanitarian Aid." Daily Wire.)

In April of 2016, Israel halted cement deliveries to Gaza because of Hamas stealing – after you blabbed on Ramadan 2015 Youtube in the Middle East that thousands of tons of construction materials entered Gaza for so-called "humanitarian aid." Who is kidding whom?  With diabolical "pure deceit" under the guise of 2015 Ramadan ("Month of Jihad"), I assert that you knowingly assisted Hamas (and their pro-Nazi Arab Muslim partners) with "over a million tons of cement and materials" so they could continue building their "terror tunnels" day and night in Gaza. You knew Hamas would "exploit" these construction materials "in order to carry out more terrorist activities," which would not be used for "civilian purposes." (4/4/16) "Accusing Hamas of Pilfering, Israel Halts Cement Deliveries to Gaza." Haaretz.com.) 

In fact, "expert observers" such as Prof. Hillel Frisch from Bar Ilan University’s Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, have "conducted extensive research on the economic situation in Gaza," and a "humanitarian" crisis is actually a "hoax." (2/9/18). Leibowitz, S. "Gaza ‘humanitarian crisis’ actually a ‘hoax,’" . . . World Israel News.)

An article by Jay Shapiro stating that [anti-Semitic/anti-Israel] UNRWA is an enemy of Israel – is also absolutely correct. "UNRWA has used Palestinian refugees as a tool to delegitimize and defame Israel" and "destroy Israel." How? Thru "TERROR" under the guise of so-called "humanitarian aid." (3/22/18). Shapiro, J. "Know the enemy: Terror under the guise of humanitarian concern." Arutz Sheva.)

(6) WHO AUTHORIZED YOU TO MEET W/QATARI OFFICIAL SPONSORING TERRORISM about 3 months before Ramadan 2015, to approve a 1000-ton huge shipment of cement negotiated between the anti-Semitic/anti-Israel PA and Qatar for an alleged housing project in Gaza in which Qatar, undoubtedly, assisted Hamas? Why did you allow Qatar cement to pass into Israel via the Kerem Shalom border crossing knowing this Nazi Arab Muslim country is Israel's arch-enemy and there are no formal diplomatic relations? You knew or should have known, that Egypt had prevented Qatar from using the Rafah crossing (discussed earlier), because of a suicide attack in North Sinai killing about 30 Egyptian soldiers? (3/21/15). "Huge Qatari shipment of cement arrives in Gaza via Israel." <http://english.alwatanvoice.com>

As Head of COGAT, you also knew or should have known that Qatar provides financial support for Hamas that runs kids terrorist camps in Israel; and that Khaled Meshaal, the former Hamas leader, lives as a  “dear guest of Qatar.” Further, how is it that Israel destroyed a significant Hamas terror tunnel right under your nose at the Kerem Shalom crossing into Israel and Egypt in January 2018 regarding your so-called "humanitarian" aid? This attack tunnel, undoubtedly, built with Qatar cement was designed to smuggle terrorist weapons and terrorists extending into Egyptian territory. Qatar has funneled billions of dollars to other "internationally-designated extremist groups throughout the Middle East and North Africa, including al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), the Muslim Brotherhood, the Nusra Front, and the Taliban." (6/5/17). "Qatar, Money, and Terror." Counter Extremism Project. <https://www.counterextremism.com/content/qatar-money-and-terror>

As Head of COGAT, WHO AUTHORIZED YOU to have formal diplomatic relations with Qatar, Israel's arch-enemy that supports Hamas terrorists? Why did you have cement business with Mohammed Al-Emadi, the head of Qatar's Gaza reconstruction committee harboring Khaled Meshaal in Qatar? In 2018, the IDF destroyed about 5 Hamas terror attack tunnels violating Israeli sovereignty on your COGAT watch – right under your nose. With diabolical "pure deceit” by inferring you are against Hamas in the news media, indeed, you have knowingly committed treason against Israel by aiding and abetting Hamas terror tunnels built with Qatar cement. (3/18/18). Schnitzer, Y. "IDF Destroys 2 Terror Tunnels, Foils Hamas Efforts at Restoration." United with Israel.)

COGAT'S Pro-Nazi Arab Al-Jazeera Anti-American/Anti-Israel Connections

As Head of COGAT, WHO AUTHORIZED YOU to have pro-Nazi Arab connections with Al-Jazeera – knowing Israel is "the object of daily incitement by Al-Jazeera . . . including incitement to terror attacks"? (1/29/18). Carmon, Y. "Is Gaza In Need Of Qatar's Aid?" MEMRI.)

In fact, in March 2018, a "bipartisan group of US congressmen has asked the Justice Department to examine whether Al-Jazeera, a media organization based in Doha, operates as a foreign agent for Qatar in the United States." In a letter, the U.S. Congressmen referenced "reports that Al-Jazeera directed agents to pose as volunteers for US-based Jewish and Israel advocacy organizations in order to spy on their activities." (3/6/18). Wilner, M. "Congressmen ask Justice Dep't to weigh Al Jazeera as foreign agent." Jerusalem Post.) Have you not knowingly committed treason against Israel by aiding and abetting Qatar in "incitement to terror attacks” via your pro-Nazi connections with Al-Jazeera Qatar media? 

In October of 2017, US Jewish groups expressed alarm as an anti-Semitic Qatari candidate (Hamad Bin Abdulaziz Al-Kawari) launched his campaign to become UNESCO director-general at Qatar University. Al-Kawari has endorsed, encouraged, sponsored, and supported projects and programs "with blatant anti-Semitic content.” (11/11/17). Cohen, B. "US Jewish Groups Express Alarm as Antisemitism-Tainted Qatari Candidate Closes in on UNESCO Chief Post." The Algemeiner.) 

MAJ. GEN. MORDECHAI, you knew or should have known Qatar's Al-Jazeera media arm, and Qatar University makes this pro-Nazi Arab Muslim country one of Israel's greatest anti-Semitic arch-enemies. Thus, you committed treason by permitting Qatar officials to enter the State of Israel's soverignty at the Kerem Shalom crossing, and aided and abetted Hamas in building terror tunnels with Qatar cement in "willful" violation of Israel's 2016 Combatting Terrorism Law. This law prohibits; "perpetrating or intentionally promoting the perpetration of terrorist acts."

May 11, 2018 Kerem Shalom Arson: Palestinian arsonists set fire to Kerem Shalom Israel/Gaza crossing in a "pipeline through which Israel supplies gas and fuel to Gaza and a conveyor belt near the crossing, causing millions of shekels in damages." COGAT is responsible "for coordination and liason" with the PA. Because you speak fluent Arabic, why didn't you attempt to stop such severe gas and fuel pipeline damages to Israel during Palestinian riots on the Gaza border? (5/12/18). Kubovich Y., Khoury, J., Ben Zikri, A. "Israel Closes Gaza's Only Crossing for Goods After Palestinian Arson." Haaretz.com.)

(7) WHY DID YOU CHOOSE CONTROVERSIAL QALANDIA CROSSING W/ARAFAT MURAL for Ramadan 2015 as a military checkpoint between Ramallah and Qalandia refugee camp? You knew Arafat's mural shows a picture of an Arab carrying a machine gun on his shoulders with the words "FREE PALESTINE." As Head of COGAT and IDF spokesman, you also knew there were Palestinian clashes at this controversial military checkpoint with Israeli troops in 2011 (see combined bottom picture with Arafat mural). "This checkpoint is not located on a border, but between the Palestinian town Ramallah, Qalandia refugee camp, and the Palestinian town of ar-Ram. It separates Ramallah residents from southern Palestinian towns and the northern Palestinian neighbourhoods of Jerusalem." "Clogged traffic" . . . and pedestrians having to "walk 300 rubbish-strewn yards to get across" is perhaps why this checkpoint is called: "Hell on Earth." Further, why didn't you make sure before Ramadan 2015 – that Arafat's mural inciting terrorism was covered with paint to help prevent more terrorism in Israel as agitated young and old Muslims waited in long lines and heat to cross over? (5/2/02). "Hell on earth: Qalandia checkpoint"; Electronic Intifada. Camera.)

Obviously, you intentionally chose Qalandia crossing for Ramadan 2015 ("Month of Jihad" and Martyrdom) so Arafat's mural could continue inciting terrorism and hatred against Jews and Israel as Palestinian Muslims entered Jerusalem for prayer services on the Temple Mount. After all, Arafat (your Nazi Arab Muslim kin) is your "HERO"! 

(8) WHY DID YOU ADVANCE FALSE PROPAGANDA IN YOUR 6/17/15 RAMADAN YOUTUBE PUBLISHED STATEMENT above implying Hamas is the "bad guy" – knowing that the PA honors Amin al-Husseini, Hitler, and Arafat, and is just as "bad" as Hamas? As Head of COGAT, you also know that the PA and HAMAS share the same common goal; the destruction of the State of Israel and killing of Jews! Who's kidding whom? 

During the "Wave of Terror" (2015 – 2017), which YOU fomented by calling for a Muslim month of "fasting" on Ramadan 2015 ("Month of Jihad" and Martyrdom), about 6 months later Haifa customs seized about 4,000 Nazi Arab dolls inciting terrorism against Jews on 12/18/15. This shipment from the pro-Nazi Arab Muslim UAE country to the PA in Gaza was intended to incite Palestinian children to kill Jews. Mahmoud Abbas is the PA President who never received this intercepted shipment. Each terrorist doll bore the words "Jerusalem is ours" and "Jerusalem, we are coming"! These terrorist dolls wore the colors of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) flag with Arab keffiyeh masks covering their faces. A rock in their upraised hand was ready to be thrown at Jewish victims. (12/18/15). "Hotovely shows France the PA's 'terror dolls'." Arutz Sheva.)

1964:  The Arab League initiated the creation of the PLO, whose "stated goal was the 'liberation of Palestine' through armed struggle." Mahmoud Abbas was the PLO's Chairman. The ideology of the anti-Semitic/anti-Israel PLO [and PA] organizations are virtually the same in unity and purpose (i. e., the "restoration of the Palestinian homeland" thru armed struggle). (Wikipedia: Palestine Liberation Organization.) Therefore, it is irrelevant whether the PLO, PA, or HAMAS organizations representing Muslims instigate Islamic Jihad. Their common goal to destroy Israel and kill Jews will continue until – doomsday! Further, the FATAH (aka Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades) party is just as "evil" as the other Palestinian Nazi Arab Jihad terrorist groups. (See JVL report regarding Fatah, Ibid). 

1969: "Fatah founder Arafat was elected Chairman of the PLO in Cairo." "After Arafat's death, Abbas increasingly gained exclusive powers within both PLO and PA as well as in Fatah, until he had acquired the same power as previously Arafat." (See Wikipedia, Ibid.) Hitler-loving Nazi Arab Abbas has fooled many people in Israel's government as being "Mister Nice Guy" dressed in nice suits/shirts/ties; however, this diplomat terrorist has a history of glorifying terror and violence against Jews and Israel in his common goal of the 'liberation of Palestine' through armed struggle." Israel's intercepted shipment of terrorist dolls intended for the PA in 2015 (discussed hereinabove) is a good example why those thinking there can be "peace" with pro-Nazi Arab Palestinians – are living in an irrational delusional la-la land (dreamworld). Only in the Redemption of Israel will there ever be "peace" when all such "evil" Jihad Muslim terrorists will be destroyed!  

2018: ISRAELI POLICE PREVENTED MAHMOUD ABBAS' FATAH PARTY from holding an event in East Jerusalem honoring terrorists in April 2018 – "the mothers of shaheeds (martyrs) and those wounded while attacking Israelis." (4/5/18). "Fatah 'martyrs' conference broken up in Jerusalem." Arutz Sheva.)  

To reiterate, IDF captured documents in 2002 Operation Defensive Shield "prove unequivocally that the organization Fatah and the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades are one and the same and they cannot be separated."  Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades is a "pseudonym for terrorist attacks carried out by Fatah," and a "terrorist apparatus." (See JVL report, Ibid.)

As Head of COGAT responsible "for coordination and liason" with the PA (whose President is Mahmoud Abbas), you knew both the PA and Hamas have a history of inciting Palestinian terrorism to kill Jews (including in videos). Why have you done nothing to stop such "terrorist actions conducted by terrorist organizations or by individuals" in "willful" violation of Israel's 2016 Combatting Terrorism Law? 

Instead, thru false news propaganda disseminated by COGAT (including in your 6/17/15 Ramadan Youtube published statement hereinabove), you have implied the PA is the "good guy," and Hamas the "bad guy." Your "good guy" – "bad guy" images have been cunningly created to blindside Israel's government (including the IDF) into thinking it's OK to deal with the lesser of two evils. In other words, "Just give these Nazi Arab Muslim (BULLIES) what they want to shut them up so Israel can have 15 min. of quiet from terrorism!" Such spirits of nabal (stupidity/wickedness) will only serve to help wipe Israel off the map! The pro-Nazi Arab Muslims agenda is simple; killing Jews in genocide and the destruction of Israel to be replaced with "Palestine." As Head of COGAT, you know well this pro-Nazi Arab Muslim agenda – of which you are a part.

That's why Jewish spineless pacifists in Israel's government seeking diplomacy/diaglogue/more concessions (of sheer stupidity) with "PRO-NAZIS" have illogical irrational mindsets, and must be rooted out. These pacifists are UNFIT to lead the HOUSE OF JACOB/ISRAEL in these ominous End of Days (Acharit Hayamim) in which we are living. Such pacifists need to visit Yad Vashem to be shocked into 12 years of Holocaust reality ending in 1945 – only about 73 years ago. Courageous Joshuas/Gideons/ Maccabees must quickly rise up to methodically eradicate "NAZISM" from Eretz Yisrael and the State of Israel instead. 

Mein Kampf Distributed in East Jerusalem by PA

A majority of pro-Nazi Arab Palestinians have read Mein Kampf in Arabic and give allegiance to Hitler and his genocide of 6 million Jews in the Holocaust. In a Jewish Virtual Library article titled: Palestinian Anti-Semitism: Mein Kampf in East Jerusalem & the Palestinian Authority, an Arabic translation of Hitler's book was distributed by Al-Shurouq, a Ramallah based book distributor. Although previously banned in Israel, Mein Kampf has been distributed in East Jerusalem and territories controlled by the PA. This book is 6th on the Palestinian best-seller list. Bisan publishers in Lebanon first published this edition in 1963 and again in 1995. <www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/mein-kampf-in-east-jerusalem-and-the-pa>

What business does the House of Jacob/Israel have to do with any anti-Semitic/anti-Israel "NAZIS" in Eretz Yisrael? Where does it say in Israel's 1948 Declaration of Independence that Nazi Arabs have a "social" or "political" right to destroy the State of Israel thru "genocide" of Jews like in the Holocaust? If Israel's dee dee dum snoozing government leaders don't quickly wake up to see the Nazi Arabic handwriting on the Western Wall under your covert pro-Nazi Arab Palestinian COGAT leadership, there will be a Nazi Arab "State of Palestine" – from the river to the sea! 



MAJ. GEN. MORDECHAI, since you became Head of COGAT in Jan. 2014, you knew thousands of Gazan youth terrorists graduated from a Hamas military summer camp run during school vacation in August 2015. Palestinian "youth" terrorists participated in the "Wave of Terror" (2015 – 2017) because of your unprecedented infiltration of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Muslims for Ramadan ("Month of Jihad" and Martyrdom) in June 2015 on the Temple Mount.

As Head of COGAT in 2014, you also knew "Hamas opened the doors of the military camp in July, a year after the commencement of Operation Protective Edge, Israel's 50 day conflict with Gaza meant to root out terror infrastructure in the coastal territory" in 2014. The "children participating in the summer camp had been 'trained in military techniques and in firing live ammunition'." (8/6/15). "WATCH: Thousands of Gazan children graduate Hamas military summer camp." Jerusalem Post/Reuters.)

As Head of COGAT in 2014, you also knew in January 2015 (about 5 months before Ramadan in June 2015), that about 15,000 Palestinian Gazan teenagers graduated from weeklong training camps called the “Pioneers of Liberation”; that 15–21 youth "underwent military training for the armed wing of Hamas, Izaddin al Qassam, six months after Hamas and other Gaza terror groups fought a 50 day war against Israel" [in Operation Protective Edge]; that the "graduation ceremony in Gaza City was attended by senior Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, the former Gaza prime minister"; and that Hamas . . . this "Islamist terror group, which is committed to the destruction of Israel, took control of Gaza in 2007." Thousands of Palestinian youth learned "how to kidnap soldiers, use weapons, and infiltrate into Israel though tunnels" in Gaza. (1/31/15). Pileggi, T. "15,000 young Gazans complete Hamas terror training camps." Times of Israel.)

Thus, as Head of COGAT in 2014 "for coordination and liason" with the Palestinian Authority (PA), YOU are directly responsible for infiltrating Nazi Arab Palestinian HAMAS terror trained youth into Israel during Ramadan ("Month of Jihad") beginning on June 17, 2015. The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) reported a "series of attacks against Israelis" by Palestinian youth called to murder Jews during this "Wave of Terror" (2015–2017). However, apparently, the MFA failed to recognize the link between Palestinian Nazi Arab youths trained in Hamas terrorist camps and the murder of Jewish civilians/IDF/Police. (MFA.GOV: "Wave of Terror" (2015–2017.)


In 2015, the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC): Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA.Gov.) "Wave of Terror 2015 – 2017," and Israel Security Agency (ISA) reported Muslim terrorist attacks against Jews beginning on the Temple Mount, East Jerusalem, and spreading to Judea and Samaria. (See http://mfa.gov.il/MFA/ForeignPolicy/Terrorism/Palestinian/Pages/

NOTE: Some dates below regarding Ramadan (Jihad) "Wave of Terror" in Israel may have taken place either in 2015, 2016, or 2017 as follows: 

6/24/15: About one week after Ramadan began on 6/17/15, Israel cancelled Gaza entry permits for Ramadan because of rocket attacks by an Islamic State linked terror cells in Gaza. (6/24/15). Eisenbud, D.K. "Israel cancels Gazans’ entry permits for Ramadan following rocket attack." Jerusalem Post.)

7/14/15: TEMPLE MT.: Two on duty Israeli Border Police officers were shot and killed by terrorists during Ramadan.  Temple Mount was closed by police." (MFA.GOV, Ibid.)

7/21/15: NEVE TZUF-HALAMISH – Western Binyamin Region: 3 Israelis were murdered in their home as they sat at the Sabbath table. Yossi Salomon (70), his oldest daughter Chaya (46) and his son Elad (36) were stabbed to death. Yossi's wife, Tova, was stabbed in the back. After undergoing surgery, he was recovering in a Jerusalem hospital. Elad's wife managed to get their 5 small children to safety in an upstairs bedroom. The terrorist (19, from the nearby village Kaubar) was shot and wounded by a neighbor, an off-duty IDF soldier who rushed over when he heard screams. (Ibid.)

JULY 2015 RAMADAN WAVE OF TERROR CONT'D: HEBRON: Palestinian assailant from village north of Hebron stabbed and wounded 2 IDF soldiers southwest of Bethlehem. Soldiers shot the attacker. A shooting attack northeast of Hebron. 1 Israeli injured. In shooting attack on family driving south of Hebron, one was killed and three wounded. NEVE DANIEL: Palestinian car rammed into military vehicle near Bethlehem. 3 IDF soldiers injured. Assailant underwent emergency care. ARIEL: Attempted stabbing attack on IDF soldier outside of Ariel. Soldier shot and detained terrorist. ("Wave of Terror in Israel – Since October 2015." <https://www.idfblog.com/2016/09/18/live-updates-terror-strikes-israel/>

8/14/15: SHAKED – West of Jenin: Assailant stabbed an IDF soldier near the community of Shaked. The terrorist was apprehended. Soldier received medical treatment at scene. ARIEL: Assailants hurled rocks from a vehicle north east of Ariel on 8/24/15. One terrorist exited the vehicle and stabbed a soldier. Soldier shot the terrorist, who died. (MFA.GOV, Ibid.)

9/13/15:  JERUSALEM: Alexander Levlovich (64) was killed on his way home from a Rosh Hashana dinner. He lost control of his vehicle after it was struck by rocks. Two passengers were injured. Another Israeli civilian was also injured by rock throwing (9/17/15). NABLUS: IDF soldier was injured by firebomb near Joseph’s Tomb (9/21/15). HEBRON: Attempted stabbing of IDF soldier in Hebron. (9/22/15). Assailant was apprehended. (Ibid.)

9/18/15: EFRAT – South of Jerusalem: A terrorist stabbed and wounded an IDF officer in Efrat. IDF Forces fired at assailant. Officer and terrorist were evacuated for medical treatment. ("Wave of Terror in Israel since October 2015." Ibid.)

9/26/15: HAR ADAR: Youssef Ottman (25), Or Arish (25) and St. Sgt. Solomon Gavriya (20), were murdered in shooting attack. The three, two civilian security guards and one border police officer, were on-duty. Terrorist held a work permit aroused their suspicions intending to carry out attacks on civilians in community. He opened fire killing the three and injured one other person. Terrorist was killed by security forces." (MFA.GOV. Ibid.)

10/1/15: SAMARIA: Eitam Henkin (officer in the elite Sayeret Matkal commando IDF unit), and his wife were shot to death in front of their horrified four young children by Palestinian Arab terrorists in Samaria. A burst of gunfire slammed into the car from two different firearms between Elon Moreh and Itamar. The Henkins (in their 30s) were driving past the Arab village of Beit Furik, when this "lethal drive-by terror attack" was made. The Henkins lived in the Jewish community of Neria, north of Ramallah. (10/1/15). "WAVE OF TERROR HITS JERUSALEM/BIBLICAL HEARTLAND: Israeli Parents Shot to Death in Palestinian Terror Attack." Jewish Press.)

10/3/15: OLD CITY: Rabbi Aharon Benita, 24, and Rabbi Nechemia Lavi 41, died at Jerusalem’s Shaarei Zedek Medical Center after attack son Saturday night by an Arab terrorist. A mother and baby were wounded. (10/3/15). Jewish Press.)

10/4/15: SUCCOT – Festival of Booths: Reuven Schmerling (70) from Elkana in Samaria was murdered. (MFA.GOV: Ibid.)

10/12/15: TEEN TERROR: A 13 year old Palestinian teenager viciously attacked two Israelis – one of them a 13 year old boy riding his bicycle. The Israeli boy was stabbed 15 times by the Palestinian boy and his cousin, and was "hospitalized in critical condition." Police shot the attackers. The Palestinian teenager was wounded, and cousin killed. (10/29/15). MFA.GOV: "Palestinian incitement and terrorism: Truth and lies."

10/28/15: GUSH ETZION: Woman was stabbed in the back outside Rami Levy supermarket in a rising terror wave in Judea. Arab terrorist arriving from Hebron in a taxi was apprehended. (10/28/15). Keifar, N. "IDF Prepares New War on Terror in Judea." Arutz Sheva.)

Oct. 2015 – RAMADAN TERROR CONT’D: JERUSALEM: Terrorist stabbed and wounded Moshe Malka (15) on his way to prayers at Western Wall. Terrorist was shot dead by security forces. Two terrorist from Jabel Mukaber Arab neighborhood boarded Egged bus in East Talpiot. One was armed with a gun, the other with a knife. Chaim Haviv, 78, and Alon Govberg, 51, were killed, and 15 were wounded. Richard Lakin (76) later died from shot in the head and stabbing in the chest. One terrorist was killed by police, and second apprehended. JERUSALEM – Foiled Bus Attack: Border Police boarded a bus full of passengers, and discovered a knife hidden under a seat. Knife owner held a young child in his arms to allay suspicion. NEAR DAMASCUS GATE: Arab (16) stabbed and wounded two elderly Jewish men in 60s on Shabbat morning. Terrorist also attacked Border Police, but was shot and killed. Palestinian (19) from Shuafat stabbed two police officers near Damascus Gate. Terrorist was shot and killed. Terrorist on bus stabbed soldier (19) and tried to grab his gun, but was shot and killed by police officer after a struggle. OLD CITY: Aharon Banita Bennet (22) was stabbed to death on the way to the Western Wall on Saturday evening near Lion's Gate. His wife and two  year old son were wounded. Rabbi Nehemia Lavi (father of seven) came to the aid of the Bennett family, but was attacked and stabbed to death. Police shot and killed the attacker. LION'S GATE: Palestinian woman (18) stabbed a Jewish man (36) in the Old City. The wounded victim shot and wounded the terrorist. JERUSALEM: A yeshiva student (25) was seriously injured and another man in stabbing attack near the light rail. Terrorist (19) was arrested. SHMUEL HANAVI ST.: Jewish boy (16) was beaten and stabbed. Attacker (18) from Hebron in West Bank was later apprehended by police. KIRYAT ARBA – Jewish town near Hebron: Man was seriously wounded in stabbing attack. Victim evacuated to Jerusalem hospital. Terrorist escaped.  AFULA – Town in Galilee: A soldier was wounded in stabbing attack. Terrorist was apprehended. MAALEH ADUMIM – Jerusalem Hwy.: Police officer was injured when pulling over a driver acting suspiciously. Female driver set off an explosive device. Gas canisters found in vehicle. Female terrorist was seriously wounded. PISGAT ZEEV – North Jerusalem: Two teen terrorists stabbed and seriously wounded a man (25) and critically wounded a boy (13) riding his bicycle. Police shot and killed one, and apprehended the second terrorist. MAKOR BARUCH religious neighborhood: Rabbi Yeshayahu Krishevsky (59) of Jerusalem was killed and five wounded. Terrorist was apprehended as a resident of the Jabel Mukaber neighborhood. He was an Israeli citizen, and an employee of Israeli phone company Bezeq. Terrorist used company car to commit the attack. RAANANA – Northeast of Tel Aviv: Two morning stabbing attacks, one hour apart: The first at a bus stop in which a man (32) was wounded. The attacker (22) from East Jerusalem was subdued by passersby until police arrived. The second attack was made by a construction worker at Beir Levinstein, who was arrested for wounding civilians. CENTRAL BUS STATION: Woman (72) was stabbed while waiting for bus. Terrorist was shot and killed. HEBRON ZAYIT JUNCTION – Near Kiryat Arba: Palestinian terrorist disguised as photo journalist stabbed IDF soldier, but was killed by second soldier. KALANDIYA CHECKPOINT – North of Jerualem): Terrorist attempted stabbing a police officer, and was shot in lower body. Terrorist also tried to stab a bomb squad officer, but was shot and killed. HEBRON – Three SEPARATE PALESTINIAN ATTACKS: (1) Terrorist attempted to stab a civilian walking back from morning prayers, but civilian shot and killed terrorist with his personal firearm. (2) Terrorist teen (16) stabbed and wounded a female Border Police officer, but was shot and killed. (3) Terrorist teen (18) from Hebron stabbed an IDF soldier at police checkpoint, but was critically wounded by second soldier. BEER SHEVA: IDF soldier Sgt. Omri Levy (19) was killed. 10 civilians and police officers were wounded when terrorist armed with a knife and a pistol entered the Central Bus Station. Terrorist grabbed the soldier's gun and started shooting. Police officers shot and killed the terrorist, who was an Israeli Arab (21) from Bedouin town of Hura. GUSH ETZION JUNCTION: Two civilians were wounded in car-ramming attack at bus stop junction. Terrorist also drew his knife, but was shot and killed. GUSH ETZION: IDF soldier injured in stabbing attack. Terrorist was shot on site. AL FAWAR JUNCTION – South of Hebron: Avraham Hasno (54) of Kiryat Arba was run over and killed by a truck after his vehicle was stoned. Earlier, an IDF officer was injured in stabbing attack in Hebron. BEIT UMMAR – North of Hebron: 5 soldiers injured after vehicle was stoned. Soldiers attempted to arrest stone-throwers and were rammed by a Palestinian car. The attacking driver was shot and seriously wounded. ADAM JUNCTION – North of Jerusalem: Female soldier critically wounded in stabbing attack. Terrorist was killed by IDF forces. OFRA – North of Jerusalem: Israeli policeman was injured in a car-ramming attack when driver crashed into a checkpoint, ignoring police warnings to stop. The driver fled. BET SHEMESH: Yeshiva student (18) injured in stabbing attack at bus stop near a synagogue. Two terrorists (21) from Hebron area armed with knives attempted to board school bus full of children. Terrorists were shot and killed by police. BEIT EL – North of Jerusalem: Israeli couple and three young children were wounded in a firebombing attack on their car. GILBOA – Jalama Crossing North of Jenin in West Bank: Young Palestinian (16) posing as a sweets vendor attempted to stab a security guard, but was shot and killed. ARIEL JUNCTION – Samaria: Israeli man (25) stabbed while waiting for ride. Terrorist fled scene, but was later apprehended. HEBRON: Female Arab teen terrorist (17) attempted to stab border policeman with knife. Officer shot terrorist, who later died of wounds. NORTH OF HEBRON: IDF soldier stabbed and seriously wounded. Terrorist shot on site. Attempted stabbing of IDF soldier outside Cave of the Patriarchs in afternoon was thwarted. Terrorist (19) was shot. METZAD – Gush Etzion: Man (58) wounded in stabbing attack after his car was stoned. BEIT HADASSAH NEIGHBORHOOD: Palestinian attempted to stab an IDF soldier, but was shot on site in Beit Hadassah neighborhood. Terrorist was shot. The same evening, shots were fired from a passing vehicle towards a bus stop near Jerusalem. FRENCH HILL – Jerusalem: One person injured in stabbing attack near light rail. Terrorist shot at the scene. TAPUACH JUNCTION – Samaria: Two terrorists on motorbike armed with knives attempted stabbing Border Police officers. One was killed, second was apprehended.

11/4/15: HALHOUL JUNCTION – North of Hebron): Three Border Policemen were wounded in car-ramming attack. Critically wounded St.-Sgt. Benjamin Yakubovich (19) of Kiryat Arba died. Terrorist was shot and killed by security forces.

11/13/15: ROUTE 60 NEAR OTNIEL – South of Hebron: Rabbi Ya'akov Litman, 40, and son Netanel, 18, were killed in a shooting attack while driving on Route 60. His wife and four other children in the vehicle were wounded by shrapnel and the resulting crash. A suspect was taken into custody.

11/19/15: GUSH ETZION: 3 people were killed when Palestinian terrorist opened fire with a sub-machine gun at cars in a traffic jam at the Alon Shvut junction south of Jerusalem. The victims: Ezra Schwartz (18) of Sharon, Massachusetts; Ya’akov Don (49) of Alon Shvut; and Shadi Arafa (40) of Hebron. Four others were wounded. Schwartz came to Israel as part of a 9 month program for volunteer work. The victims were handing out food to soldiers stationed in Gush Etzion when the attack took place. The terrorist was apprehended. 

Nov. 2015 – RAMADAN TERROR CONT’D: 3 Border Policemen were wounded in car-ramming attack. Earlier, a stabbing attack of IDF soldier was attempted during a violent riot. Terrorist was shot on site. GILBOA – Jalama Crossing – North of Jenin in West Bank: Two Palestinians attempted to stab a soldier at gas station adjacent to crossing point. One terrorist was shot, the second apprehended. NETANYA – North of Tel Aviv: A 71-year-old man seriously wounded in a stabbing attack. Terrorist was shot. RISHON LEZION – South of Tel Aviv: A Palestinian (19) from Hebron seriously wounded three people (including an 80-year-old woman) in a stabbing attack at a bus stop in center of city. The terrorist was apprehended. SHA’AR BINYAMIN – North of Jerusalem: Israeli injured in stabbing attack outside supermarket. HEBRON: Two teens (16) and (18) were injured, one seriously, in a shooting attack near Tomb of the Patriarchs. Two snipers were later arrested. Later, an Israeli soldier was severely injured in a shooting attack at Beit Anun junction North of Hebron. The terrorist (16) from village of Bani Naim was apprehended. Two terrorists stabbed and wounded a soldier, and were shot and killed. NORTH WEST BANK: Israeli man was seriously injured in stabbing attack in Palestinian village of Nabi Ilyas when he stopped to shop at a stall. TAPUAH JUNCTION – Samaria: 4 Israelis were seriously wounded in car-ramming terror attack at a hitchhiking stop. The attacker was shot and killed by security forces. A Palestinian rammed a car into security forces, wounding three IDF soldiers and Border Policeman who were at the junction assessing additional security measures to prevent terror attacks. The assailant was shot and apprehended. BEITAR ILLIT – South of Jerusalem: A civilian security guard was wounded in stabbing attack. The Palestinian woman terrorist was shot and wounded. PISGAT ZEEV NEIGHBORHOOD – Jerusalem: Two Palestinian youths (11 & 14) on their way home from school stabbed and wounded a security guard on Jerusalem light rail. The guard shot and wounded one attacker; the other was taken into custody. GUSH EZTION JUNCTION: Hadar Buchris (21)was fatally stabbed while waiting for a ride at a hitchhiking stop. IDF soldiers at the site shot and killed the terrorist. TEL AVIV: Two people were killed in stabbing attack during afternoon prayers in a Judaica store located in the Panorama building – South Tel Aviv. The terrorist, from Dura in the West Bank, was apprehended. The victims: Rabbi Aharon Yesayev, 32, of Holon and Reuven Aviram, 51, of Ramle. KFAR ADUMIM JUNCTION – East of Jerusalem): A Palestinian taxi driver attempted to ram his car into group of Israeli pedestrians. Failing to hit anyone, he got out of the taxi and attacked pedestrians with a knife. One man was wounded. The attacker was shot and killed. SAMARIA BRIGADE JUNCTION: Female Palestinian (16) from Nablus pulled out a knife and charged at a young Israeli woman waiting at a bus stop. The terrorist was spotted by a civilian driver, who ran into her with his car. Security forces at the site shot the terrorist, who died at the scene. ROUTE 443: IDF soldier Ziv Mizrahi (18) was killed in a stabbing attack at gas station on Hwy. between Jerusalem and Modi'in. A female officer and another woman were wounded. The attacker was shot and killed by security forces. NORTHERN SAMARIA: A teen (18) was wounded in a ramming attack near Shavei Shomron. Later, a Palestinian tried to stab soldiers at the Samaria Brigade Junction and was killed. JERUSALEM – Near Mahane Yehuda Market: Two female teen Palestinians (14 and 16) stabbed passersby on Jaffa Road with scissors wounding an elderly Palestinian man from Bethlehem. The assailants were shot and killed. OLD CITY: Border Police officer was stabbed near Damascus Gate. The assailant was shot and killed. AL-FAWAR JUNCTION – South of Hebron: IDF soldier was stabbed and seriously wounded. The terrorist (19), a student at the Palestine Technical College, was shot and killed. BEIT UMMAR: 6 soldiers were wounded when a Palestinian rammed his car into IDF troops at entrance to the Beit Ummar refugee camp, south of the Gush Etzion junction. 

Dec. 2015 – RAMADAN TERROR CONT’D :  GUSH ETZION JUNCTION: Palestinian (16) attempted a stabbing attack at a hitchhiking stop, which had been the site of 10 terrorist attacks. IDF forces shot and killed the assailant. An Israeli man was wounded from bullet shrapnel. HIZME CHECKPOINT – North of Jerusalem: An IDF soldier and a civilian were shot near the checkpoint. The terrorist was killed. JERUSALEM – Near Damascus Gate: An Israeli police officer was wounded in a stabbing attack. The terrorist approached a police car on Hanevi’im Street, and stabbed the officer, but was shot and killed. 11-14 people were injured in a vehicular ramming attack at a bus stop opposite Calatrava Bridge at entrance to Jerusalem. A 15-month-old baby and mother were seriously injured. The terrorist (21) residing in Hebron was shot and killed by security forces. JAFFA GATE – Jerusalem: Two people were killed and one wounded in a stabbing attack outside the main entrance to the Old City. Rabbi Reuven Birmajer (45) died of multiple stab wounds to the upper torso. The terrorists were shot and killed by Border Policemen on the scene. ROMEMA NEIGHBORHOOD – Jerusalem: 3 people were wounded in a car-ramming and stabbing attack. After hitting two people with his car, the terrorist exited the vehicle and stabbed a pedestrian, but was shot and killed by an IDF soldier. HEBRON: Two terrorists stabbed and wounded a soldier, but were shot and killed. An Israeli man was critically injured in a stabbing attack near the Tomb of the Patriarchs. The terrorist (21) was shot and killed. A terrorist stabbed a soldier and a civilian at a checkpoint by Beit Hadassah near Hebron. The soldier and civilian were wounded. The terrorist (cousin of terrorist who carried out stabbing attack near the Tomb of the Patriarchs on Dec. 7th) was shot and killed by security forces. Genady Kofman (41) was critically injured and died from a stabbing attack near the Tomb of the Patriarchs. Kofman as a father of two and resident of Kiryat Arba. ABUD – Northwest of Jerusalem: Palestinian stabbed an IDF soldier in the neck. The attacker was shot and killed. SAMARIA: A Jewish man was seriously injured and his wife when 23 bullets hit their car in a drive-by shooting attack on the road from Avney Hefetz. The suspected attackers fled to nearby Tulkarm. AFULA – Town in Galilee: Stabbing attack foiled when 3 Arab teens from Jenin were apprehended in possession of butcher knives. BENYAMIN REGION OF SAMARIA: Between Beit Aryeh community and Luban village a ramming attack injured 4 soldiers. The Hamas terrorist was apprehended after a search. HALHOUL JUNCTION – Near Kiryat Arba: A terrorist attempting to run over IDF soldiers was shot and killed. BEIT ARYEH – Luban: 3 Israelis were injured by a huge rock that crashed through the windshield of their car. QALANDIA CROSSING: Palestinian terrorists attempted to ram vehicle into security forces at Qalandia crossing, but were shot. RAANANA: A terrorist stabbed three people on a Saturday afternoon, one seriously. The terrorist attempted to enter a synagogue and a home before being apprehended by security forces. ARIEL – West Bank: 2 security guards were stabbed in an attack at an industrial park near Ariel. The terrorist was shot and killed by the guards. SILWAD –  Near Ofra in Benjamin Region:  Attempted ramming attack by Arab woman (40).  Driver was shot and killed on site. HAWARA – South of Nablus): A stabbing attack by two terrorists wounded a soldier. Terrorists (17 and 27) from Jenin were shot and killed by soldiers on site. 

Hitler-loving Nazi Arab PA President Mahmoud Abbas of the "evil" Fatah Party (aka Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades "terrorist apparatus" for Fatah) said that Palestinian terrorists targeting Israelis since Sept. 2015 in "genocide" was just a . . . "PEACEFUL UPRISING."


MAJ. GEN. MORDECHAI, from the foregoing list of terrorist attacks, YOU knew Ramadan 2015 ("Month of Jihad") had spilled buckets of innocent Jewish-Israeli civilian/Police/IDF blood creating a "Wave of Terror" in Israel. WHO AUTHORIZED YOU to also coordinate so-called "goodwill" gestures in 2016 so thousands of Gaza pro-Nazi Arab Muslims could continue their "Wave of Terror" in anti-Torah Muslim feasts such as Eid al-Adha for Friday prayers at Jerusalem's Dome of the Rock? Eid al-Adha falsely claims Abraham offered Ishmael as a sacrifice instead of Isaac continuing to incite Jihad "terror" in Israel. (5/9/16). "Liberman allows easing of restrictions for Muslim." Jerusalem Online News.)

Where does it say in Israel's 1948 Declaration of Independence that pro-Nazi Arab Muslims have a "social" or "political" right to kill Jews and destroy the State of Israel under the guise of their Eid al-Adha feast, or Ramadan ("Month of Jihad"), as "goodwill" gestures?  

What business does COGAT have to do with any anti-Semitic/anti-Israel pro-Nazi Arab Muslims in Eretz Yisrael defiling and polluting the land with innocent Jewish civilian/IDF/Police blood constituting crimes against humanity? To reiterate, such crimes are "certain acts that are deliberately committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack or individual attack directed against any civilian or an identifiable part of a civilian population." (Wikipedia: Crimes against humanity.) 

Jan. 2016:  TEL AVIV: In a major shooting attack at a pub on Dizengoff Street, two civilians were killed, Alon Bakal (26) the pub’s manager, and Shimon Ruimi (30). Eight were injured, two seriously. The terrorist (29), an Arab-Israeli citizen, from Arara village in northern Israel, was killed a week later during an attempt to apprehend him. Taxi driver Amin Shaaban (42) of Lod, was later shot and killed by the terrorist who carried out the shooting attack on Dizengoff Street. NEAR BEIT EL – Samaria: 3 IDF soldiers were wounded (two seriously) when a Palestinian terrorist opened fire at an IDF checkpoint near Beit El. The gunman was shot and killed by IDF forces at the scene. The shooter, Amjad Sakari (35) was a member of the Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces. ROUTE 443: A vehicle with Palestinian license plates attempted to bust through a checkpoint and ram IDF soldiers manning the post. The terrorist was shot and taken to hospital. JERUSALEM – Near Damascus Gate: A 17-year-old recent immigrant from the US was stabbed and wounded near the gate on Saturday afternoon while returning from the Western Wall. A Palestinian (16) from East Jerusalem turned himself in to the police. JERUSALEM: Attempted stabbing attack near National Police Headquarters. A passerby was wounded. Forces shot terrorist in the leg. When he continued to flee, they shot him again, and he was brought to hospital. JERUSALEM – Armon Hanatziv Neighborhood: Attempted stabbing attack. The attacker fled, and suspect was later apprehended. JERUSALEM – On Road to Gush Etzion: Shooting at passing cars, an Arab Israeli was lightly wounded. GIVAT ZE'EV – North of Jerusalem): Close to midnight, a man was seriously wounded when a terrorist stabbed him in the upper body at a gas station restaurant. The terrorist (18), identified as Obada Aziz Mustafa Abu Ras from the village of Bir Nabala, was apprehended at the scene. BEIT HORON – Between Jerusalem and Modi'in: Two terrorists infiltrated the community about 5 pm, and stabbed two women. A supermarket cashier stopped them from entering the busy store, blocking the entrance with a shopping cart. They were shot and killed by a security guard. Apparently, the terrorists (17 and 23) were planning a combined attack with knives and explosives, and three pipe bombs. Shlomit Krigman (24) of Shadmot Mehola in the Jordan Valley was fatally injured, and died of her wounds. A second victim was in moderate condition. DOLEV – Samaria: A terrorist gunman opened fire at a vehicle driving near the community, firing 6 bullets. TEKOA – South of Jerusalem): A 30-year-old pregnant woman was stabbed and moderately wounded by a 15-year-old assailant outside a clothing warehouse. The attacker was shot. SAMARIA: Attempted stabbing attack was foiled and the assailant shot and killed by security forces. OTNIEL – South Hebron Hills: Dafna Meir (38) mother of six, was stabbed to death outside her home. The teen terrorist (15) from Beit Amra, near Hebron, was apprehended in his home several days later. SOUTH HEBRON HILLS: Soldier wounded by gunfire during security check. HEBRON – Near Tomb of Patriarchs: Female soldier moderately wounded by sniper fire from Abu Snena neighborhood. The two snipers were later arrested. NEAR NABLUS: Terrorist attacked security forces with a glass bottle and a knife. An officer was wounded, and the terrorist killed. BEIT ANOUN – North of Kiryat Arba: Attempted stabbing attack foiled, assailant killed by security forces. BEIT ANOUN JUNCTION: Attempted stabbing attack foiled; 2 terrorists killed by security forces at Beit Anoun junction. Attempted stabbing attack foiled, assailant killed by security forces. GUSH ETZION JUNCTION: Attempted stabbing attack foiled; 3 assailants killed by security forces. GUSH ETZION: Stabbing attack – IDF soldier wounded. Terrorist shot and killed by forces on site. HWY. 79 – North Israel: Driver injured when his bus was stoned. 

Feb. 2016: MA'ALE ADUMIM: A security guard was critically wounded in an ax attack at a mall overnight. The terrorist escaped and was later arrested. BEIT EL CHECKPOINT – Ramallah area: A Palestinian teen was shot and killed as he tried to stab IDF soldiers. GUSH ETZION JUNCTION: Maj. (res.) Eliav Gelman died after being critically wounded by a bullet fired by IDF forces to neutralize a terrorist who was attemping to stab him. IDF soldiers shot and wounded math teacher (terrorist) in a Hebron area school. GUSH ETZION – Neve Daniel: A man was stabbed and wounded. The terrorist fled to nearby Nahalin village. Several suspects were arrested. JERUSALEM – OLD CITY: Police apprehended two men with pipe bombs and ammunition hidden in their bagel cart near Herod's Gate. JERUSALEM – Near Damascus Gate: An 18-year-old Palestinian man was arrested when he pulled out a knife and attempted to stab border policemen. Two Border Policemen were wounded in a stabbing attack. The terrorist (20) entered the gate and assaulted officers from behind. He was shot and killed. A young Palestinian woman was arrested following an attempted stabbing attack. When security forces approached the woman, who aroused their suspicion, she pulled out a large knife, and was taken into custody. A second knife was found in her possession. A group of police officers noticed a suspicious man with a bag in his hand. They approached him and instructed him to stop and put down his bag. He pulled out a homemade automatic rifle and aimed it at the officers, who shot him. A second terrorist with an automatic rifle shot at the police from another direction. Both terrorists were killed at the scene. 3 terrorists attacked Border Policemen at Damascus Gate after they were asked for identifica-tion. Border Police Cpl. Hadar Cohen, 19, was critically wounded in a stabbing attack and died in a hospital. A second policewoman was seriously wounded. The terrorists (who entered Israel illegally from the Jenin area) armed with guns, knives and explosives, were shot and killed at the scene. Police neutralized two pipe bombs. NOTE: IDF Captured documents during Operation Defensive Shield (2002) regarding Jenin: Fatah and PA intelligence apparatuses maintained cross-organizational cooperation with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas in Jenin. Syria supplied Hamas and Islamic Jihad with funding, "enabling them to found and operate the terrorist infrastructure in JENIN” – still a hotbed of Palestinian pro-Nazi Arab terrorists to this day. (Read full JVL report at: <www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-involvement-of-arafat-and-pa-officials-in-terrorism-against-israel>

FEB. 2016 RAMADAN WAVE OF TERROR CONT'D: TAPUAH JUNCTION – Samaria: A young Palestinian woman aroused suspicions of border policemen at the junction when she attempted to approach the area where Jews were waiting for rides. A large knife was found in her possession. The woman was arrested and taken in for questioning. She confessed that Palestinian social networks encourage violence against Jews influencing her decision to carry out an attack. SAL'IT – East of Kfar Saba: Attempted stabbing. Terrorist shot after infiltrating security fence. NEAR HEBRON: A 14-year-old Palestinian tried to open the door of a military vehicle and stab one soldier, but was arrested. HEBRON: A female Palestinian drew a knife in an attempted stabbing attack of a soldier near the Cave of the Patriarchs. She was shot and seriously injured. A woman stabbed a soldier near the tomb and then stabbed a Palestinian man (50) who tried to stop her. The soldier and the Palestinian man sustained injuries. The attacker was shot and killed by security forces. BITOT JUNCTION – Near Nablus: A 15-year-old terrorist was arrested when trying to stab a soldier. SILWAD – Northeast of Ramallah): A terrorist tried to run over IDF soldiers, but was shot and killed. SHA’AR BINYAMIN: Off-duty St.-Sgt. Tuvia Yanai Weissman was killed while trying to stop two Palestinian teenage terrorists from stabbing shoppers at a Rami Levy supermarket. Another person was wounded. The teen terrorists (14) from Beitunia near Ramallah were shot, with one killed, and the other wounded. TEKOA-HAR HOMA – Mazmoriya Checkpoint: A man ran toward a group of police officers at the checkpoint near Jerusalem’s Har Homa neighborhood with a knife. Another officer, watching the area through a security camera, saw the man charging with the knife and warned the officers, who shot and killed the terrorist. NEAR HINANIT – West of Jenin: Two Palestinian teens shot at an IDF patrol. Both were shot and killed. A gun and a knife were found in their possession. RAHAT – Bedouin city in South Israel: A woman (65) was stabbed and wounded at the market in Rahat. The terrorist fled. RAMLE: A security guard was stabbed by two teenage girls (13) outside a building in center of city that houses a mall, the central bus station, and government offices. The teens were taken into custody by police with knives in their possession. One was carrying a school backpack.

March 2016: JAFFA: Terrorists stabbed and killed one foreign national in Jaffa, and injured 9 in attacks. JERUSALEM: Isawiya Arab Neighborhood: A 15-year-old Palestinian girl approached a group of Border Police officers in the French Hill area, drew a knife and attempted to stab them. She was arrested. Two Palestinians opened fire on police officers and civilians near the light rail stop opposite Damascus Gate. A man (50) resident of East Jerusalem was seriously wounded. Both terrorists were shot and killed. Two Border Police were wounded, one critically, when a terrorist on a motorcycle opened fire with an automatic weapon on Salah a-Din Street near Damascus Gate. The terrorist was shot and killed. OLD CITY – Jerusalem: An Israeli man, stabbed by a Palestinian terrorist (19) was moderately wounded. The terrorist was arrested. A Palestinian woman approached Border Police officers on Hagai Street, drew a knife from her back, and attempted to stab them. The attacker was shot and killed. PETAH TIKVA: One Israeli was wounded in a terror stabbing. The victim removed the knife from his neck and killed his attacker. GUSH ETZION JUNCTION: An Israeli soldier was wounded when a Palestinian woman drove a vehicle directly into him. The driver was shot and killed. A large knife was found in the car. 3 Palestinians attacked IDF soldiers with knives. One terrorist was shot and killed, and the other two arrested. AL-AUJA – Jordan Valley: A police officer was stabbed and lightly injured while directing traffic on Route 90 following a tree collapse. The terrorist, a 14-year-old girl from a nearby village, was taken into custody. RAHELIM – Samaria: A shooting attack on a police car wounded the officer. ELI – North of Jerusalem: Around 6 a.m., two terrorists (17) waited outside a neighborhood house in Eli. When the man stepped out the door on his way to IDF reserve duty, one terrorist rushed in and attacked him with a knife and a wooden club wounding him. The man pushed the terrorist out and locked the door protecting his wife and 5 children inside the house. Local security forces killed the two terrorists. HAR BRAKHA – Samaria: Two terrorists stabbed and wounded two soldiers at a guard post before fleeing shortly after 7 pm. TEL RUMEIDA – Near Hebron: 2 Palestinians stabbed an IDF soldier who wounds. Both were shot and killed. ARIEL – Samaria: Female soldier was seriously wounded after being stabbed in the upper body by two terrorists at a bus stop outside Ariel. Both terrorists were shot and killed by security forces. ELIAS JUNCTION – Near Kiryat Arba: 2 Palestinians attempted a car-ramming attack, and also opened fire on civilians and soldiers standing in a nearby bus stop near entrance to Kiryat Arba. Both terrorists were killed by IDF soldiers. A soldier was wounded in the shooting. Shortly thereafter, another vehicular attack took place at the same stop. An IDF officer was wounded and two soldiers were injured by shrapnel. The terrorist was shot and killed. ROUTE 443 – Beit Horon: 2 IDF soldiers were wounded in a shooting incident Friday evening. An Arab driver who arrived at the checkpoint shot at the soldiers with a handgun and drove away. TEL AVIV: Taylor Force (an American student (29) visiting Israel with Vanderbilt University) was killed and 10 others wounded in a stabbing attack beginning near Jaffa port. The terrorist fled on foot along the Tel Aviv beach promenade, stabbing passersby and motorists before he was shot and killed by police. 

NOTE: Fatah and the Palestinian Authority celebrated the murder of Taylor Force. Fatah's official Facebook page on March 9, 2016 posted a drawing of a knife held over the PA map of "Palestine," which includes all Israel. This PA knife over the map of the State of Israel represents the GENOCIDE of all Jews in Israel. The translated Arabic text on arm and PA map shows Taylor Force's murderer: "The heroic Martyr (Shahid)." "Bashar Masalha."

Hamas Spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri also praised the attacks in Tel Aviv with these words: 

"Hamas congratulates the three heroic operations
 this evening, in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Jaffa, 
and considers this proof of the failure for all
 these theories to abort the Intifada, which will 
continue until the realization of its goals. 
Hamas celebrates the martyrs that have ascended
 through these operations, and confirms that 
their pure blood will, God willing, 
be the fuel for escalating the Intifada."

April 2016: JERUSALEM: Terrorist attacks caused 16 injuries. One civilian stabbed and injured in Rosh HaAyin. One border-police was injured in a firebomb attack in Isawiya. In the early evening, an explosion on a bus and  subsequent fire led to the injury of 21 people, including passengers on a passing bus and in a nearby car. Two of the injured were in serious condition. One victim, Eden Levy (16) suffered severe burns all over her body. She regained consciousness in the hospital. Doctors said her condition was stable. GUSH ETZION – Al-Arub: An Arab man attacked a group of soldiers with an axe hitting one soldier’s helmet without wounding him. The attacker was shot and killed. Two-three hours later, about 150 Palestinians from Al-Arub rioted; a soldier was injured lightly by a stone. HWY. 431 – Between Ramla-Nes Ziona: woman (24) was lightly injured by a stone thrown at her car. OLD CITY – Jerusalem Checkpoint: Two 12-year-old boys were arrested and questioned at a Gate. Three knives were found in one of the boys’ knapsack along with a goodbye letter to parents. ROSH HA-AYIN – Center of Country): An Arab woman (23) from Kfar Kassem attacked and wounded a young Israeli woman (30). Civilians in the vicinity subdued the attacker, who was arrested.

May 2016: Terrorist attacks injured 12 Israelis – 4 civilians and 8 security personnel. TEL AVIV: An Arab from Salfit (17) stabbed a soldier with a screwdriver. The assailant was arrested. JERUSALEM: Arabs threw rocks at a city bus, smashing the windshield. No one on bus was bodily injured. Two women (82 and 86) were injured in a stabbing attack on the Armon Hanatziv promenade. A group of elderly women were going for a walk when they were attacked by two young masked Arabs, who fled the scene. CHECKPOINT NORTH OF JERUSALEM: Female Arab terrorist attempted to stab Border Guard police officers, but was shot and killed. HAWARA – Samaria: Molotov cocktail thrown at bus passing through the village. Back end of the bus caught fire, but no injuries reported. Hwy. 443 – Between Jerusalem and Modiin: Stones were thrown at a bus causing damage but no bodily injuries to passengers. GUSH ETZION: Shots were fired at a passenger bus with no injuries, but sustained damage. SHUAFAT – Jerusalem: A young Arab (16) acting in a suspicious manner was arrested in possession of a knife and admitted his intention to carry out a stabbing attack. HIZMA – Near Jerusalem: IDF officer was seriously wounded and a soldier wounded by pipe bombs that exploded while IDF forces were on patrol in the area just north of Jerusalem. The IDF found 5 more pipe bombs and estimate that a large terrorist attack was foiled. NEAR DOLEV – Northwest of Jerusalem: 3 IDF soldiers were injured, one critically, in a ramming attack in the Benyamin region. The attacker was shot and killed by IDF forces at the site. OLD CITY – Jerusalem: A man (60) was stabbed and injured. The attacker fled and was later apprehended. GUSH ETZION – Near Efrat: Palestinians threw rocks at a vehicle in which a woman and three children were traveling. Two were injured, including a young child.

June 2016: 5 Israelis were killed and 21 injured. TEL AVIV: A terrorist shooting on June 8th left four dead and 15 wounded. HEBRON – Kiryat Arba: Israeli teenager was stabbed to death on June 30th in Kiryat Arba, Hebron, and another civilian was injured. Two civilians were injured in car-ramming attack June 24th near Kiryat Arba. ISAWIYA – North Jerusalem: Security forces member injured in firebomb attack June 29th. NETANYA: 2 Israelis were wounded in a stabbing attack near the market. An armed civilian at the site shot and killed the terrorist (40) from Tulkarm. 

KIRYAT ARBA: A 13-year-old teen was stabbed to death in her bed by a Palestinian (17) from a nearby village. A civilian guard (31) responding to the attack suffered multiple stab wounds and was accidentally shot by other guards, who shot and killed the attacker. NEAR KIRYAT ARBA: A female Palestinian driver rammed into a car at a hitch-hiking stop, lightly injuring two Israelis. A soldier at the scene shot and killed attacker TEMPLE MOUNT: Rioting by young masked Muslims continued, despite the government decision to forbid non-Muslims from visiting the Temple Mount. A woman (73) praying at the Western Wall below the Temple Mount was injured by a stone. Riots took place again by Arabs who congregated overnight in Al-Aqsa mosque, and prepared rocks and fireworks and other objects to throw at security forces in the morning. Rioting continued after non-Muslim visitors were removed from the Mount. Five Arabs were arrested, including a minor. Masked Arabs threw stones at police officers on Temple Mount to ensure visits during the Ramadan fast would be able to take place. One Israeli police officer and two Waqf guards were injured. Five Muslim rioters from West Bank and abroad (outside of Israel) were arrested. ABOUD BYPASS ROAD – Benjamin Region: Molotov cocktail was thrown at an Israeli car. Woman driver was not hurt but vehicle was damaged. Security forces traced footsteps of two suspects leading in the direction of nearby village Dir Abu Mashal. ROUTE 443 – Between Jerusalem and Modiin: Palestinian terrorists threw stones at cars traveling on Route 443, a major artery between Jerusalem and the center of the country. One terrorist was killed, one injured and several arrested by security forces. BENJAMIN REGION – North of Jerusalem: A boy was slightly injured by a stone thrown in the Shaar Benyamin commercial/industrial center. PSAGOT – Benjamin Region Samaria: Petrol bombs (reportedly over 20) were thrown at the settlement; no injuries. JERUSALEM: Four petrol bombs were thrown at a house on Meir Nakar Street from the direction of Jabel Mukaber Arab community. Slight damage to the house. Four Palestinians from Hebron in Israel illegally, were arrested for questioning. TEL AVIV: Serious shooting attack. 4 were murdered and 17 wounded. Two Palestinian men dressed in suits and ties were sitting at the popular café Max Brenner near the Sarona Market complex. Suddenly, they pulled out machine guns and started shooting. The terrorists, two cousins from Yatta in the West Bank, were arrested by police who quickly arrived at the scene. One, who refused to give himself up, was shot and wounded by a security guard. ROUTE 465 – Benjamin Region Samaria: Shooting attack – a lone terrorist shone a flashlight on cars coming around a sharp curve in the road, and shot at them. No one was injured. ROAD 437 – approaching Jerusalem: Massive stone-throwing at bus resulted in injury to the driver and damage to bus. NABLUS – Joseph's Tomb: 2 terrorists threw Molotov cocktails at Jewish worshippers. Security forces shot and seriously wounded one attacker, who was taken for medical treatment. NEAR EINAV COMMUNITY: Female Arab attempted to stab a soldier. Soldiers shot and killed her. ROUTE 443 – Maccabim: A driver whose car was stoned lost control and hit a guardrail. Driver was injured.

July 2016: JERUSALEM – JUDEA/SAMARIA: 316 terrorist attacks. One person murdered and 17 injured; 6 stabbing (or attempted stabbings); 6 shootings; 1 ramming; 8 pipe/roadside bombs; 231 stone-throwing attacks; 51 petrol bombs (Molotov cocktails). HAWARA – Samaria: A terrorist who got out of his car at the checkpoint and attempted to stab soldiers was shot and killed. QALANDIA CHECKPOINT: Female Palestinian (18) ran at soldiers at the checkpoint and refused orders to halt. She was shot in the legs and wounded. A knife was found in her bag. GUSH ETZION-HEBRON Hwy. – Route 60: A Palestinian terrorist stabbed two soldiers, wounding them. One soldier shot the terrorist, who died of his wounds in a hospital. JERUSALEM: A Palestinian standing by a light rail stop in the center of town aroused the suspicions of a security guard, who found several pipe bombs and knives in the Palestinian’s bag. The guard detained the Palestinian and called the police, who cleared the area of civilians and neutralized the bombs. TEKOA JUNCTION – Tekoa-Efrat road: Shooting attack on an Israeli car. An Israeli man (30) was wounded. His wife and 5 children were not hurt. NEAR ARIEL: A Palestinian teen (17) tried to stab two soldiers. She was shot and wounded and taken to hospital for treatment. 
GUSH ETZION – Route 60: A man was killed and wife seriously wounded in a drive-by shooting in which the car ran off the road and turned over. Two of their children (13 & 15) who were in the car (out of 10 children) were injured. HEBRON – Cave of the Patriarchs: A Palestinian woman tried to stab a female Border Police officer during a security check, but was shot by another officer on the scene. The attacker (in her 20s) from Bani Naim village died of her wounds.

Aug. 2016: 414 terrorist attacks. 5 stabbing (including attempts); 3 shootings; 9 pipe/roadside bombs; 339 stone-throwing attacks; 34 Molotov cocktails. JERUSALEM – Mount of Olives: Jewish teen (about 18) was stabbed and wounded while visiting Mt. of Olives cemetery. The terrorist was arrested. An Israeli riding in a bus was lightly injured by a stone thrown at the bus. NABLUS – Joseph's Tomb: A soldier guarding Jewish worshippers at Joseph’s Tomb was shot by fire coming from Balata refugee camp. GILAD – Samaria: A soldier was stabbed and lightly wounded while chasing a Palestinian stone-thrower. The attacker was killed. SHAKED – Samaria: Female Palestinian got out of her car and stabbed and wounded a female soldier. The attacker was arrested.

Sept. 2016: 480 terrorist attacks. 14 stabbings (including attempts); 3 shootings; 1 ramming attack, 11 roadside bombs/grenades; 365 stone-throwing attacks, 63 Molotov cocktails. HEBRON: Terrorist stabbed soldier. Attacker was shot. In another incident, a soldier stabbed. Terrorist was shot and killed. On a Sabbath during a routine check, a terrorist stabbed and wounded a soldier. Soldiers on site shot and killed terrorist. KIRYAT ARBA: Two assailants rammed a vehicle into a civilian bus stop by Kiryat Arba. 3 civilians were wounded. Israeli forces responded with shots. Another car ramming attack at entrance to town. One attacker was killed and a second (female) wounded. Two Israeli teens were injured. QALANDIA CROSSING: Stabbing attack on a security force, who was seriously injured. One of the security forces was moderately to seriously injured. The terrorist (28) was killed. BANI NAIM – Near Kiryat Arba industrial zone: Palestinian (16) attempted to stab a soldier and was shot and killed. DAHAISHA REFUGEE CAMP – Near Bethlehem: 2 soldiers were injured by petrol bombs thrown by Palestinians. Hebron: 2 Palestinians (17-20) attempted to stab soldiers at a Border Police roadblock. The two terrorists were shot; one died on site; the other died in hospital. JERUSALEM – Flower Gate: 2 police officers were stabbed by terrorist (20s) resident of East Jerusalem. One wounded officer (45) shot the terrorist, who was seriously wounded. The other female officer (38) was critically wounded in the neck and in intensive care. EFRAT: A terrorist stabbed an officer (30) who was wounded. The terrorist was shot and wounded. Both wounded were taken to Hadassa Ein Karen Medical Center in Jerusalem. ITAMAR – Samaria: Female Palestinian aroused suspicion and was arrested. She was armed with a knife admitted to planning an attack. JERUSALEM – Damascus Gate: A Jordanian citizen (28) attacked Israel Police officers with a knife. The officers shot and killed the terrorist. His body was transferred to Jordan. OLD CITY – Jerusalem: A female Palestinian (24) aroused suspicions of security forces and was arrested. A knife was found in her bag. She stated that she had planned to attack police officers. She was indicted 3 previous times for similar actions near Hebron.

Oct 2016: 410 terrorist attacks. 6 stabbings (including attempted); 10 shootings; 1 ramming attack, 10 roadside bombs/grenades; 265 stone-throwing attacks, 71 Molotov cocktails. BEIT UMMAR – Near Hebron: Ramming attack injured 3 Border Police officers. Officers shot and killed the terrorist (23) from Beit Ummar). OFRA – Benjamin region: A Palestinian attempted to run over soldiers, exited his car and tried to stab them. The soldiers shot and wounded the terrorist, who was taken to Hadassah Hospital. GUSH ETZION – Migdal Oz: Two young Palestinians (8 years old) carrying knives were apprehended. They admitted having been sent to perpetrate a terrorist attack. TAPUAH JUNCTION: A female Palestinian (19) acting suspiciously refused to halt when Border Police officers called to her and fired warning shots in the air. When she drew a knife and attempted to stab the officers, she was shot and killed. JERUSALEM: Two people were murdered in a triple shooting attack from a moving car; Yosef Kirma (29), a police officer, and woman, Levana Melihi (60). The terrorist shot at people waiting at a light rail stop in northern Jerusalem seriously wounding a woman. Continuing his moving attack, he shot and wounded a woman inside her car. Near Sheikh Jarrah he stopped his car and shot at police officers pursuing on motorcycles wounding Kirma and another officer. Border police shot and killed the attacker. Kirma and Melihi died in a hospital. Twelve others were treated; three remained in hospital. The terrorist, who had Hamas connections, had been repeatedly arrested for security offenses. He posted a hate speech against Jews and against Israel on his Facebook page. BEIT EL – Focus Checkpoint: 3 IDF soldiers were wounded in shooting attack, two seriously. The terrorist, a member of PA security forces, was shot dead by soldiers. Hints of the shooter’s plans were found in his Facebook posts. 

Nov. 2016: 423 terrorist attacks. 5 stabbings (including attempts); 2 shootings; 12 roadside bombs/grenades; 346 stone-throwing attacks; 41 Molotov cocktails. SHUAFAT – Jerusalem: During a routine check of a minibus, a teen terrorist (16) pulled a knife and tried to stab an officer. In the struggle, the attacker was killed. HIZMA CHECKPOINT – Arab town at north entrance to Jerusalem: Five Molotov cocktails were thrown at a bus. RACHEL’S TOMB: Arabs threw stones and a pipe bomb at IDF forces. OFRA BASE – Benjamin Region: Shots were fired from a passing car; one soldier was wounded. OFRA – Benjamin Region: A terrorist attempted to stab soldiers at a roadside bus stop to provide security. He was shot and killed. 

Dec. 2016: 258 terrorist attacks. 6 stabbings (including attempts); 8 shootings; 1 ramming attack, 5 roadside bombs/grenades; 199 stone-throwing attacks, 27 Molotov cocktails. BEIT EL – Benjamin Region: Terrorists fired shots from a vehicle and fled towards Ramallah. No injuries. OLD CITY – Jerusalem: Security forces thwarted a stabbing attack by an Arab woman (35) from East Jerusalem. OFRA – Benjamin Region: 6 Molotov cocktails were thrown at cars; no EFRAT – Gush Etzion: Man (50) was stabbed and injured. The terrorist escaped. NABLUS – Balata camp: A soldier was shot and wounded in leg. Two suspects were arrested. OLD CITY – Jerusalem: Resident of West Bank in Israel without a permit stabbed 2 border police officers and a 13-year-old boy wounding them. One officers shot and killed the terrorist.
QALANDIA CHECKPOINT: A car headed rapidly towards security forces was stopped. The female driver exited the car and approached IDF forces with a knife in her hand calling “Allahu akbar.” The terrorist (in 30’s) from East Jerusalem) was arrested. TAPUAH JUNCTION – Samaria: A young terrorist (18) aroused the suspicion of Border Police. He did not heed their calls to stop, and tried to attack them with a knife, but was shot and killed.

MAJ. GEN. MORDECHAI, from the foregoing list of terrorist attacks, you knew 2015 and 2016 Ramadan ("Months of Jihad") had already spilled buckets of innocent blood of Jewish-Israeli civilians/Police/IDF creating a "Wave of Terror" in Israel. Why did you arrange for the IDF, Jerusalem Police, Border Police, etc., to spend, undoubtedly, hundreds of thousands of Shekels from hard-working Israeli taxpayers to pay for weeks of extra security preparations for Ramadan – so more innocent blood could be spilled in Israel? 

WHO AUTHORIZED YOU to coordinate a so-called "goodwill" gesture with the PA for 250,000 pro-Nazi Arab Muslims to pray on the Temple Mt. for Ramadan 2017 – which Israel revoked after a deadly attack on young border Police Officer (Hadas Malka) in the Old City in Jerusalem, who was stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist in Jerusalem? 

Jan. 2017: COCHAV YAKOV – Binyamin Region: Terrorist attempted car-ramming attack against people waiting at bus stop, which was thwarted by metal posts. The driver (18) from Qalandia held a knife, but did not exit vehicle. Terrorist was shot and killed by soldiers at the bus stop. The attacker was the cousin of the terrorist who murdered Shlomit Kriegman exactly one year ago. JERUSALEM – Armon Hanatziv neighbourhood: Truck driven by terrorist (from nearby Jabel Mukaber neighborhood) left the road, accelerated  speed, and ran over group of young people that exited a bus at Armon Hanatziv promenade. 4 young people in their 20s were killed with over 11 injured. Soldiers and a civilian bystander shot and killed the driver (28), who turned around and backed up to run over victims again that were taken to a hospital.

February 2017:  ADAM – Binyamin Region: Car-ramming attack. 2 police officers and civilian security guard were wounded when a Palestinian woman drove her vehicle into a police car and a guard post outside the Adam community. Terrorist confessed the attack was deliberate (according to Times of Israel).

March 2017: OLD CITY – Jerusalem: Terrorist entered the guard post at Lions' Gate, and attacked and wounded two border police officers with a knife. During a struggle, one officer shot and killed the terrorist (25) from Jabel Muqaber. This is the 9th terrorist from Jabel Muqaber caught committing terrorist attack since the wave of attacks in October 2015. 

April 2017: RACHEL'S TOMB: Israeli officer was wounded by Palestinians throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at holy site. NABLUS: Attempted stabbings by a Palestinian (17) and his cousin (21) the next day. The terrorists were shot and wounded by security forces. QALANDIA CHECKPOINT: Arab woman (41) (from Duma near Nablus) stabbed and wounded female guard at checkpoint, and was shot and arrested. TEL AVIV: 4 Israelis were stabbed and wounded. Terrorist (18) from Nablus was arrested. GUSH ETZION JUNCTION: Car-ramming attack in which Israeli (70) was injured. Terrorist was shot and killed by security forces. JERUSALEM: British exchange student (21), Hannah Bladon, was stabbed and killed by Arab passenger on the light rail. Terrorist (57) from Ras elAmud), was arrested. OFRA – Binyamin Region: Car-ramming attack on Route 60. Sgt. Elchai Taharlev (20) from Talmon was killed, another soldier injured. Terrorist from Silwad was arrested. OLD CITY – Jerusalem: A Palestinian (17) stabbed and wounded two Jewish pedestrians on Sabbath afternoon and fled. Border police officers gave chase. Terrorist stabbed one, but was shot and killed. 

May 2017: QALANDIA CHECKPOINT: Girl (14) from Jalazun camp was arrested trying to pass thru lane for vehicles. She was carrying a knife claiming her intention was to perpetrate an attack as revenge for the incident at Damascus Gate in a May 7th incident at Damascus Gate. A Palestinian teen (16) attempted to stab police officers, but was shot and killed. At least 10 Israelis have been wounded at or near Damascus Gate. OLD CITY: On May 13th, an Israeli police officer was wounded in a stabbing attack. The officer shot and killed the terrorist (a Jordanian man (57) who had arrived in Israel on a tourist visa a few days earlier). A Jordanian citizen was involved in a similar terrorist attack in Sept. 2016 at Damascus Gate.

June 2017: OLD CITY – Jerusalem: Young Border Police officer Hadas Malka (23) was stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist at the Damascus Gate. The attacker was shot to death by police at the site. This attack was apparently coordinated with the attack at Zedekiah's Cave near Damascus Gate. Two Palestinians shot at passersby. In the combined attacks, 34 people were wounded, including a Border Police officer. The attackers were shot and killed. Police suspect the three terrorists from villages in the West Bank took advantage of the relaxed travel restrictions during the Muslim month of Ramadan to enter Israel. MEVO DOTAN – Samaria: A female terrorist stabbed and wounded a soldier. The attacker was shot and later died in hospital.

July 2017: TEMPLE MOUNT – Jerusalem: 2 Temple Mt. Israeli Border Police officers on-duty were shot and killed by terrorists: 3 armed terrorists entered the compound early Friday morning. After being discovered by police officers, they tried to escape into a mosque. In the exchange of fire between the terrorists and police officers, Haiel Stawi (30) and Kamil Shnaan (22) were fatally wounded. A medic was also wounded. The terrorists (from Umm el-Fahm) were shot and killed. The Temple Mount was closed by police. 

NOTE: Before the last 7/21/17 Friday Muslim prayers on Ramadan ("Month of Jihad"), Palestinian Cleric Sheikh Nadhal Siam, called for al-lah to enable “us” to slaughter Americans and Europeans. His speech on 7/6/17 – before Ramadan ended on 7/21/17, was made at the mosque inside the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The Koran sanctions slaughter and violence against Jews. After Ramadan ended, Palestinians clashed with police.  (7/6/17). "Palestinian Cleric in Jerusalem: al-lah enable us to genocide the Americans and Europeans." EU Times.)

July 21, 2017: PALESTINIAN RAMADAN CLASHES: Palestinian Muslims and police clashed near Lions' Gate following the noon prayer on Friday after rioters started throwing stones at Israeli security forces. Muslim worshipers also clashed with police forces in Salah a-Din street, Ras al-Amoud, a-Tour and Wadi Joz. At least three Palestinians were killed. Clashes were also reported at the Qalandia checkpoint, in Bethlehem, Tulkaram, Jericho and Hebron in the West Bank. Police used water cannons to disperse rioters. Inside the Old City, worshipers gathered after the Friday prayer to protest. Near the Gate of the Council (Bab al-Majlis), Muslims next to Bab al-Majlis chanted: "Khaibar you Jews, Mohammad's are will return." Seconds later stun grenades were shot and the rioters dispersed. About 10 people were arrested in Jerusalem, and 17 in  West Bank following the clashes. About 400 Muslims attended the prayer next to the Gate of the Tribes (Bab al-Asbat), where violence was sparked earlier in the week. Before the prayer, the leader called on Muslims to be patient. He said “the Jews, that are occupying Palestine, are on their way to hell." (7/21/17). Shaham, U. "Clashes in Jerusalem following [Ramadan] noon prayer." Jerusalem Post.) 

Aug. 2017: 3 stabbings/attempted stabbings; 7 roadside bombs/grenades; 128 stone-throwing attacks; 23 Molotov cocktails; 1 shooting.

Sept. 2017: 1 stabbing/attempted stabbing; 5 roadside bombs/grenades; 135 stone-throwing attacks; 27 Molotov cocktails; 1 shooting. NOTE: The foregoing Ramadan 2015 – 2017 "Wave of Terror" list is only partial. The cold-blooded Palestinian pro-Nazi Arab Muslim attacks and murder of Jews has not been unabated. 





MAJ. GEN. MORDECHAI, I also assert that your devious double-dealing "intent" (under the COGAT/CA cloak of your mantle covering) has been to rapidly create a PALESTINIAN PRO-NAZI ARAB MUSLIM MAJORITY in Israel. By COGAT'S intentional flooding of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian pro-Nazi Arab Muslims into Israel on Ramadan ("Months of Jihad", Fasting, and Martyrdom); and your so-called "civil and humanitarian policy in Judea & Samaria/Gaza" of flooding Israel with hundreds of thousands of permits to enter on a daily/monthly/yearly basis, the State of Israel will soon be under majority Nazi Arab Islamic Muslim Jihadist terrorist control in the "State of Palestine" – God forbid! 

WHO AUTHORIZED YOU to turn over applications/permit approvals for requests to enter Israel to the the anti-Semitic/anti-Israel PA Civil Committee in Gaza – knowing that you best buddy/partner anti-Semitic/anti-Israel Fatah Nazi Arab Palestinian terrorist, HUSSEIN AL SHEIKH, is PA Minister of Civil Affairs? He is the same "evil" terrorist involved in the Bat-Mitzvah killing in Hadera in 2001 discussed earlier, with whom you illegally signed water/sewage/electric deals on behalf of Israel, and also helped issue illegal "State of Palestine" passports with this "cold-blooded" killer! (http://www.cogat.mod.gov.il/en/Gaza/Pages/permitandlicensecenter.aspx)


WHO AUTHORIZED YOU TO ALLOW PRO-NAZI ARAB PERMITS TO BE ISSUED (i) for 84,194 Palestinians to enter Israel in one day on Oct. 16, 2017, apparently? <https://twitter.com/hashtag/JSDailyActivity?src=hash>; (ii) for 79,347 Palestinians to enter Israel on Dec. 21, 2017? <https://twitter.com/cogat_israel/status/943814601220722688/photo/1>; and (iii) for about 400,000 Palestinians to enter Israel from Jan. 9 2018 – May 24, 2018 (as shown in the Google image below) -- excluding 84,194 permits issued on 10/16/17, and 79,347 on 12/21/17? 

As shown on the Google image above, was it COINCIDENCE that COGAT allowed about 165,000 Palestinians to enter Israel thru Kerem Shalom crossing on May 8 & 9, 2018 (during riots regarding Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's Capital on May 14, 2018); and that arsonists set fire to a gas pipe at Kerem Shalom Israel/Gaza crossing on May 11, 2018?  

Nay, I assert that YOU covertly conspired with your best buddy/partner terrorist killer Hussein Al Sheikh – PA Minister of Civil Affairs), so ID documents of about 165,000 Palestinians entering Israel on May 8 & 9, 2018 would be destroyed by the arson fire two days later on May 11, 2018.  Hundreds of thousands additional COGAT authorized documents/records of Gazan Palestinians entering Jerusalem/Judea & Samaria/Israel from about Oct. 16, 2017 – May 24, 2018 may also have been deliberately destroyed. NOTE: On 5/24/18, I captured the Google online image above for this Open Letter. 

In other words, what certified accounting or proof can COGAT provide Israel's government and IDF that thousands of pro-Nazi Arab PA/FATAH/HAMAS and other Islamic Muslim Jihadists did not enter Jerusalem/Judea/Samaria/Israel illegally at the Kerem Shalom Israel/Gaza crossing from about October 2017 before the arson fire on May 11, 2018?; or that illegal "State of Palestine" passports that COGAT issued with terrorist "cold-blooded" killer HUSSEIN AL SHEIKH (Ibid), were not used to infiltrate thousands of terrorists into Israel at Kerem Shalom crossing before the arson fire on May 11, 2018? Terrorists can discretely hide in cells in East Jerusalem, Muslim Quarter, Old City, Ramallah, Jenin, Nablus – or anywhere in Israel. 

COGAT 's Circumvention of Israel's High Security Walls/Fences

Further, I assert that you circumvented Israel's pre-emptive high security walls/fences intended to keep out terrorists out of Israel. How? By simply infiltrating Jerusalem/Judea & Samaria/Israel with hundreds of thousands of young and old anti-Semitic/anti-Israel Palestinian pro-Nazi Arab Muslims from Gaza on a daily/monthly/ yearly basis with permits. Such Palestinians passed thru Kerem Shalom crossing until 5/11/18, when arson fire destroyed the crossing. 

It's also possible the illegal "State of Palestine" passports (COGAT helped issue with HUSSEIN AL SHEIKH discussed earlier) incorporated fake ID information in these permits approved by the anti-Semitic/anti-Israel PA Civil Committee in Gaza – which may have been destroyed in the 5/11/18 arson fire also. To reiterate, HUSSEIN AL SHEIKH is your anti-Semitic/anti-Israel best buddy/partner PA Minister of Civil Affairs – the same Fatah Nazi Arab Palestinian terrorist killer involved in the Bat-Mitzvah killing attack in Hadera in 2001.

Israel's Government Blindsided

MAJ. GEN. MORDECHAI, clearly, Israel's government/Knesset/ IDF has been blindsided by your covert destruction of the State of Israel from within and without – bit by bit – under the guise of COGAT. The damage you have done to the State of Israel's military intelligence, national security and defense as a pro-Nazi Arab terrorist sympathizer may be irreparable. With your access to Israel's military intelligence, national security, and secret codes /passwords in computers, etc., possible cyber attacks may also have been involved. It is no secret that dozens of monthly cyber attacks occurred in Israel. 

By COGAT's intentional flooding of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian pro-Nazi Arab Muslims into Israel on Ramadan ("Months of Jihad", Fasting, and Martyrdom); and your so-called "civil and humanitarian policy in Judea & Samaria/Gaza" of flooding Israel with hundreds of thousands of Muslims with permits to enter on a daily/monthly/yearly basis, the State of Israel will rapidly be under Islamic Muslim Jihadist majority terrorist control. Your goal to create a Palestinian pro-Nazi Arab Muslim "State of Palestine" – is becoming a reality.

As Head of COGAT, why have you committed many "high treason" traitorous acts against the State of Israel, crimes against humanity, and been complicit in genocide? Well, as Nazi Arab Yasser Arafat's kin with a bloodline (and genetic characteristics) of generational hatred without a cause against Israel and Jews, pro-Nazi Arab Muslim sympathizers are also experts in genocide! AFTER ALL, THE KORAN IS YOUR "CONSTITUTION" AND "DEATH FOR THE SAKE OF AL-AH" IS YOUR "HIGHEST WISH"!


MAJ. GEN. MORDECHAI, by the foregoing preponderance of evidence, and clear and convincing evidence of your high treasonous acts against the State of Israel, crimes against humanity, and genocide complicity; (i)YOU aided and abetted HAMAS with cement from Qatar by colluding with Israel's arch-enemy in allowing terror tunnels to be built right under your nose at the Kerem Shalom, which the IDF destroyed; (ii) YOU illegally signed documents on behalf of Israel with PA Nazi Arab Muslim Fatah terrorist killer Arafat operative, HUSSEIN AL SHEIKH, involved in the Bat-Mitzvah killing attack in Hadera in 2001; (iii) YOU enabled PA pro-Nazi Arabs to sabotage Israel's precious natural water resources in Eretz Yisrael destroying the ecosystem with rivers of sewage; and to sabotage Israel's infrastructure of necessary electric power by transferring it to the PA by signing illegal documents on behalf of Israel with the same terrorist killer; (iv) YOU illegally signed "State of Palestine" Passports with HUSSEIN AL SHEIKH (the same PA Nazi Arab Muslim Fatah terrorist killer) to help hundreds of thousands of pro-Nazi Arab Islamic Jihadists infiltrate Israel via the Kerem Shalom crossing up to 5/11/18, and make arms smuggling easier at the Rafah crossing with passports; (v) YOU "willfully" violated Israel's 2016 Combatting Terrorism Law by not having HUSSEIN AL SHEIKH arrested, and illegally signed documents with this criminal on behalf of Israel instead; (vi) YOU intentionally fomented hatred and terror against Jews and Israel at Qalandia checkpoint showing Nazi Arab Arafat's picture on a wall mural, and a picture of an Arab carrying a machine gun on his shoulders with the words "FREE PALESTINE" – instead of covering this wall mural with paint before Ramadan; and (vii) YOU intentionally fomented a "Wave of Terror" in Israel beginning in Ramadan June 2015 ("Months of Jihad," Fasting, Martyrdom) – by spilling buckets of innocent Jewish civilian/IDF/Police blood in Eretz Yisrael in 2015, 2016, 2017 constituting crimes of high treasonous/traitorous acts, crimes against humanity, and genocide. 

HIGH TREASON is a crime against "one's nation or sovereign." "A person who commits treason is known in law as a traitor." "Oran's Dictionary of the Law (1983) defines treason as a "citizen's actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injure the [parent nation]". As Head of COGAT, you have assisted pro-Nazi Arab Muslim Palestinian Islamic Jihadists "make war against, or seriously injure" the State of Israel with an unabated "Wave of Terror" beginning on Ramadan in June 2015. "It is also often considered treason to attempt or conspire to overthrow the government," . . . (Wikipedia: Treason.) 

In this case, COGAT is complicit with the PA/Fatah/Hamas (and other Islamist Jihadist terrorist groups) in their "attempt" to wipe the State of Israel off the map and replace it with the "State of Palestine." Fatah's 3/9/16 Facebook page showing a drawing of a knife held over the PA map of "Palestine," which includes all Israel, is prima facie proof of their Muslim Islamic Jihadist terrorist "intent" to overthrow the State of Israel.

CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY are "certain acts that are deliberately committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack or individual attack directed against any civilian or an identifiable part of a civilian population." As Head of COGAT, you were complicit in widespread crimes against "an identifiable part of a civilian population" of Jews in the State of Israel in 2015, 2016, 2017 that is unabated. How? You knowingly coordinated Muslim Ramadan ("The Months of Jihad") with PA pro-Nazi Arab Palestinian terrorists by authorizing permits at crossings, so Jews in Jerusalem, East Jerusalem, Judea/Samaria, and Israel could be attacked and killed.

GENOCIDE is defined by the United Nations Genocide Convention established in 1948 as "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group".  A close look at the drawing (above) posted on Fatah's Facebook page on 3/9/16 shows a knife held over the PA map of "Palestine," which includes all Israel. The PA knife over the map of Israel constitutes GENOCIDE "with intent to destroy" Jewish-Israeli civilians in the State of Israel – "in whole or in part" –equivalent to Hitler's "FINAL SOLUTION." As Head of COGAT, you are complicit in the genocide of hundreds of Jewish-Israeli civilians on Ramadan by intentionally fomenting a "Wave of Terror" in 2015, 2016, and 2017. How? By knowingly authorizing Muslim Ramadan ("Months of Jihad and Martyrdom) in Israel. (Wikipedia: Genocide.) 

Palestinian Pro-Nazi Arab Muslim Terrorist "Genocide" Cause and Effect

MAJ. GEN. MORDECHAI, in different words, YOU have intentionally advanced a Palestinian pro-Nazi Arab Muslim "terrorist" cause – with an effect of "genocide" of Jewish-Israeli civilians via an unabated Ramadan "Wave of Terror" in 2015, 2016, and 2017. 

By your ungodly devious double-dealing diabolical presence of "pure deceit" in Israel's government, how have your traitorous high treasonous acts against the State of Israel, crimes against humanity, and genocide of Jewish-Israeli civilians benefited the House of Jacob/Israel? Instead, as a sympathizing pro-Nazi Arab Head of COGAT since 2014, you made sure Palestinian pro-Nazi Arab Muslim Islamic Jihad terrorist goals to attack and kill Jews in crimes against humanity, and genocide were benefited. Clearly, your presence in Israel's government has been a curse (anathema) for the House of Jacob/Israel!